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Harper's Fate

Page 33

by F. C. Clark

  ‘Your mouth is like a sewer. Luke deserves better and you know it.’

  ‘Do you always talk to people like this?’ My hands tighten. Too late – my finger points to her face. ‘If you fucking talk to me like that again, I swear to God I will knock you on your sorry arse.’

  I swiftly step aside and begin to walk away, mentally counting backwards from a hundred.

  ‘It won’t last. I’m never wrong,’ she bellows.

  Ninety-nine – fuck, this is hard. Ninety-eight… I refuse to look back. Ninety-seven… I muster all the self-control I can call upon. Fuck, I could count from a million backwards and still want to bitch slap her to fucking China.

  I need to find Luke. Mark my territory.

  Then I see him talking, and he clocks me at the very same point. My eyes give away the tell-tale signs of pain, and he moves towards me.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ He holds my shoulders.

  ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck… Did you know the fucking super-bitch is here?’ I shake my head in anguish.

  ‘That’s a lot of fucks – I would rather you didn’t say that in a room with far too many people watching us.’

  ‘I don’t give a—’

  ‘Ah – careful, I just warned you.’

  I bite the inside of my mouth.

  ‘No. I haven’t seen Alexis.’

  ‘Please don’t say her name, ever.’

  ‘Kate, don’t let her get to you.’

  Is he that delusional?

  ‘Actually, for your information, if you play your cards right, she’s going to hang around like a bad fucking smell, to pick up the pieces when we’re no longer together.’ I defensively fold my arms. ‘That’s the last fuck – I promise. Other than that one too.’

  Luke begins to laugh.

  ‘It’s not bloody funny.’

  ‘Kate, you amuse me. Let’s clarify some points. Firstly, I have no intention of letting you go: you signed an agreement on my dick.’

  I smile, knowing he’s trying to lighten my mood.

  ‘Secondly, no one can touch what we have.’ I appreciate his sincere words. ‘I told you I’m possessive – do you think I would allow you to leave?’

  His effort to pacify me is not enough. I hold out my hand.

  ‘Kate.’ His brow quirks.

  ‘Don’t speak, just take my hand, OK?’

  He does as I ask, which allows me to drag him along behind me. The roles have been briefly reversed.

  We reach the bathroom area. I head straight for the men’s, and push Luke in first.

  ‘Is it empty?’

  He looks at me, gauging what I may be up to.

  ‘Just look… Please, indulge me. I’m raging and ready to explode.’ He disappears and instantly returns.

  ‘Yes,’ he says.


  I enter first and move to a vacant cubicle. Luke follows close behind. I push his back to the door and secure the lock. The area is small, but the space is sufficient for my plan.

  ‘Kate.’ The Sutton smile appears – as if I need any encouragement.

  I lose the will to speak as my hands go straight to his trousers.

  ‘Looks like you’re pleased to be here too.’

  ‘Anywhere with you.’

  I know he wants to kiss me, but this is about my need to control what belongs to me, not my need for self-gratification… Fuck, that’s a shame.

  I free his erection, which stands to attention. Luke’s dick is far more amenable than the rest of him.

  My hand begins to work up and down the length of his shaft. I maintain a firm grip, changing my speed until he is panting.

  ‘This works both ways. You’re mine,’ I say.

  His breathing alters and so do his eyes. Dark and wanton meets dark and territorial.

  He reaches for my breast, but I don’t want the attention. I pull away as he glances at me.

  ‘This isn’t about me. Please, if you start I won’t be able to cope.’

  Before he has a choice, I sink to my knees and take his erection into my mouth. A small groan escapes Luke’s throat. I know the warm wet feeling around his hardness is tantalisingly good. I begin to slide up and down his shaft, taking in his firmness as far as possible. My hand and mouth work in unison. Every now and then I slow the pace and gently lick the head of his dick, then resume sucking him. His breathing quickens, an indication of his desire.

  ‘Jesus, Kate.’

  He holds my head, creating a rhythm. I move away from his touch – this is my show, my rhythm and my control. I taste droplets of pre-cum on my tongue; I ease the pressure and speed. How long can I hold him in this state of desire?

  ‘Fuck, Kate, suck harder and don’t slow down.’

  I would ask him to beg, but my mouth is fall!

  Hearing someone enter the bathroom doesn’t stop me. I listen. We’re alone once more, I think it’s time to increase the pressure for the finale. Sucking harder, I take him deeper. Finally, he begins to pant.

  ‘Kate, if you don’t want me to come in your mouth, let me go.’

  The first of the warm fluid spits in my mouth, swirling against my palate. I pump harder as Luke offloads his desire. Having received every drop, I gently caress his erection before releasing my hold.

  I look up to see a surprised but extremely happy Luke. He takes my hands, helping me to stand.

  ‘Honestly. That was unexpected.’

  My eyes fall to Luke’s semi-erection, which is covered in red lipstick. I can’t help but laugh. Job done.

  ‘I defy any woman to go near your dick when it looks like that.’

  ‘Have you marked your territory?’ Luke collects some tissue and cleans himself – but the lipstick remains. ‘Jesus – does this wash off?’

  ‘I don’t know; it did say it was long-lasting.’

  ‘Tell me, was that for my benefit or yours?’ He puts himself back together, looking as shit-hot as when he arrived.

  ‘Mine. She makes me mad.’

  He turns my back to the door. His arms link around my waist, pressing his hardness between my legs.

  ‘I would love to take you right now, but cubicles are not my thing, although I will see them in a different light now. As for Alexis, if this is the result of her making you angry, then maybe she should move in with us.’ He laughs. I don’t.

  ‘I have three words for you: bollocks and chopping board.’ I place my hand around his neck. ‘I do have a confession.’ I purse my lips, slightly embarrassed. ‘I’ve never swallowed before. I mean, obviously I’ve given blow-jobs but—’

  ‘Whoa,’ he gripes.

  ‘I know you don’t want to think about me doing that – likewise… Besides, it wasn’t as bad as I thought. Actually, I would be happy to do it again.’

  ‘No, you’re right – I don’t want to think about it unless it involves my dick in your mouth.’ Once again he seems at a loss with my lack of refinement. ‘Christ, you need to switch your filter on.’ He kisses the tip of my nose.

  ‘We should get back to the party. I need to retouch my lipstick, as you’re wearing most of it.’

  We manage to escape the men’s toilets without being seen. I head to the ladies’ room and reapply my lipstick and remove my jacket to reveal my backless shirt.

  I return to the party. From a distance I can see Luke checking out my shirt. Leaving his conversation at the bar, he walks towards me and passes me a cold glass of white wine – just what I need.

  ‘Thank you.’ I grin impishly.

  ‘Are you pushing my buttons?’

  ‘I take it you like my shirt.’

  He leans closer to my ear. ‘You look hot. It appears that you’re trying to make me hard.’ He places a hand at the nape of my neck, running his index finger across my jaw; a minimal touch with maximum results. ‘
I’d like to take you home and fuck you.’

  His words shatter my equilibrium into microscopic fragments.

  ‘Then why don’t you? Aren’t you yet completely satisfied, Mr S?’ I drink my wine, hoping he’s up for the challenge.

  ‘Kate Harper, you are trouble.’

  I can’t help but scan the sea of eyes that are subtly absorbing Luke’s movements.

  ‘Everyone is looking at you.’

  ‘Yes, that’s because I’m their boss, and you have drawn attention to yourself as you always do.’ He stands close enough for me to move my leg in between his. ‘We need to leave; you have needs.’

  * * *

  The black door opens and I step through to the hallway and move towards the stairs. Luke meets me at the first step. One hand cups my arse while the other flattens across my shirt, crimping my nipple between his fingers.

  ‘God, your arse looks good in these jeans.’

  My hand moves to the swelling in his trousers.

  ‘And your arse looks good too.’ I chuckle.

  ‘Argh – my impertinent Kate is with me. I need to put something in your mouth.’

  ‘Bringing you to your knees is my new weakness.’

  ‘Fucking good blow job.’

  ‘I aim to please.’

  His mouth meets mine – and my mobile phone vibrates. I reluctantly retrieve it from my bag while Luke nibbles my neck. I look at the caller ID – it’s Kiki.


  ‘Kate.’ Her shaky voice whispers my name.

  ‘Kiki, what’s wrong?’ Realising that my tone has altered, Luke stops kissing me.

  ‘I’m in some guy’s apartment and we were going to have sex.’ She sniffles. ‘I’ve changed my mind and he’s drunk. I’m scared.’ She begins to cry.

  ‘Has he hurt you?’

  ‘No, I’m just scared.’ Nothing fazes Kiki, which makes me worry.

  ‘OK. Calm down. Where are you?’

  ‘He lives in the apartment block next to Sarah’s – flat twenty-two, Wellington House.’ I repeat the address so Luke can hear. He moves to the door and disappears.

  ‘Stay in the bathroom. If you’re scared, call the police.’ I walk to the front door. ‘I’ll call you when we’re nearly there – just stall him. Don’t leave the bathroom, do you understand me?’

  ‘Yes… sorry.’

  ‘Don’t be; hang tight.’

  Luke holds the door to the Bentley open. Max is seated at the steering wheel with the engine ticking over. I slide into the rear passenger seat as Luke follows.

  ‘Max has the address.’

  ‘Thank you… Shit, I knew this would happen.’

  ‘Is she OK?’ Luke looks at me and takes my hand.

  ‘She’s just scared. Jesus, Luke, I’ve told her.’

  ‘It won’t take long, Kate,’ Max says.

  ‘Sorry… Crap.’ I look out of the window. ‘She was going to have sex with some guy and changed her mind.’ I shake my head at the thought of her being alone and frightened. ‘She makes me so angry – I tell her not to go home with men she doesn’t know.’

  ‘We’ll be there soon.’ I look at Luke and I know he’s trying to reassure me.

  ‘If anything happens to her…’ I can’t finish my sentence; the words are trapped at the back of my throat. ‘Sorry for dragging you into this.’ I look down at my hands clasped on my lap.

  Luke turns my face to look at him. ‘You said you came with baggage. I know how it feels, needing to protect someone.’ Of course he understands. Ollie is his Kiki.

  He pulls me closer to him, putting his arm around my shoulders. I can’t take my eyes off the road. I recognise Sarah’s flat. We must be close. I lean forward, reading the names of buildings. Wellington House.

  ‘It’s there, Max.’ I point to the name high on the side of the flats.

  ‘I see it.’ Max pulls up outside the building.

  I dial Kiki’s number, and she answers instantly. ‘We’re here – I’m coming in.’

  Her crying is all I can hear. ‘OK.’

  I lean to exit the car. Luke grips my arm. ‘Wait here.’ He gives me a stern stare.

  ‘No. I’m coming with you.’ His words evaporate in the air.

  ‘Kate, I don’t want you near this man.’

  I exit the car before he has a chance to restrain me any further. He runs round the car to arrive at my side within seconds.

  ‘I’m warning you, get in the car.’

  ‘I’m not sitting in the bloody car – and don’t tell me what to do.’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, you’re really pushing my buttons. Get in the fucking car – now.’ He looks menacing.

  ‘No!’ I shout as I slip straight past him, heading for the front door. My fingers run down the long line of numbers and find apartment twenty-two. I press the button.

  ‘Yeah.’ A male voice echoes over the intercom

  ‘I’m here to collect Kiki Marlow. I suggest you open the door.’ My temper is frayed, which began the moment the super-bitch spoke to me.

  ‘Who the fuck are you?’ he responds.

  Luke moves me out of the way. ‘If you don’t open the door I will break it down and then I will break your fucking legs.’ His wrath is directed towards me.

  The door unlocks and we bolt up to the second floor and apartment twenty-two. Luke bangs on the door, which opens on the latch. Max uses his shoulder to release the latch.

  ‘What the fuck?’

  I bolt past the men.

  ‘Kiki?’ I shout. I notice a closed door. ‘Kiki!’

  It opens slightly.

  ‘Kate.’ She rushes out into my arms.

  I hold her close. ‘Look at me. Are you OK?’ I hold her face. ‘Did he hurt you?’

  ‘No,’ she whispers.

  I place my arm around her shoulders. ‘Let’s go.’

  I walk towards what is left of the front door. Max stands in front of the man, who is looking surprised – and scared.

  Luke looks at me. I nod – a gesture for us to leave.

  ‘Kiki, you’re a fucking nutter, do you hear me? Don’t you fucking come near me again.’ The one-night stand candidate seems to be having a bad evening.

  I walk past him, keeping Kiki close to my body. He shakes his head.

  ‘Don’t look at her, you arsehole.’ I see red.

  ‘Fuck off, you stupid bitch, you’re as fucked up as your mate.’ Oh dear, does he not know that my boyfriend has a short fuse when it comes to me?

  Luke has him pinned up against the wall by his neck. ‘Watch your mouth, or I will shut it for you, permanently. Do I make myself clear?’

  The man nods. He can’t speak; he can just about breathe. Witnessing Luke and his raging temper all in the name of protecting me, I understand what Ollie was referring to. Maybe it’s not me who needs protecting from Luke, but others.

  Luke and Max help me get Kiki in the car. Luke joins Max in the front.

  ‘Kate, I’m sorry.’ Kiki begins to cry.

  ‘Hey it’s all right, shh. I promised that I would always be here for you, no matter what.’ I push her hair away from her damp face.

  She nods as tears cascade down her already streaked cheeks.

  ‘Are you sure he didn’t hurt you?’

  ‘No. I met him at a bar…’ Tears hinder her ability to speak.

  ‘Shhh – it’s OK.’ I pull her to my chest.

  She takes a deep breath. ‘He asked me back to his place for a drink and sex.’

  ‘Jesus, Kiki. One-night stands are dangerous – you know that.’ Silence hangs in the car. No doubt Luke and Max are forming their own opinion of Kiki. ‘I’m so mad at you. How many times have I told you? You’re so stubborn.’ Luke turns in the front seat, raising his brows. ‘I don’t think so, Sutton. This
is not the same thing, so don’t look at me like that. I’m not in the mood for it.’

  ‘You may not be in the mood for it, Kate, but you never listen.’ He fires his words at me.

  ‘Are we seriously going to have this discussion?’ How dare he? I turn to Kiki. ‘So what happened?’

  ‘I agreed to a shag, but he wanted anal. I just wasn’t in the mood for it.’ I notice Max look across at Luke. This is new terrain for him – maybe not for Luke, but definitely for Max.

  ‘So you said no to anal or sex?’ I need to know what triggered her meltdown.

  ‘Anal first, then I didn’t want sex at all. He was pissed so I thought I would give him a blow job. But he said I was a prick-tease… and he started shouting at me. That’s when I ran to the bathroom and called you.’ She bursts into tears.

  ‘You’re OK, I have you.’ She burrows her head deep into my neck. ‘Stay with us tonight, OK?’ Luke gazes across at me with a heartfelt expression. Our anger towards each other has momentarily faded.

  The Bentley draws up in front of the large black door. Kiki’s relentless crying has broken down to sobs that make her body shake. Max opens Kiki’s door and lifts her out of the car.

  ‘Max, take Kiki to the spare room,’ Luke commands.

  Max nods, and Kiki hangs around his neck, looking childlike.

  I follow them up the stairs, as does Luke. Max sits Kiki on the bed and I disappear into the en suite to run her a bath. Luke follows.

  ‘This is new territory for me. What can I do to help?’ I know he and Max are a little lost among the commotion this evening – I’m positive the palace is rarely home to drama.

  I turn to face him. ‘I’m sorry about all this.’ I reach towards him, placing a gentle kiss on his lips; something I’ve needed to do all night. ‘Can you get Kiki a strong drink – brandy or whisky maybe? Whatever you think?’

  ‘Of course.’

  With the disappearance of Luke and Max, I remove my jacket and jeans and begin to help Kiki undress. She is floppy, like a rag doll. I eventually succeed and help her get into the bath. The warm fragranced water laps round her shoulders, stopping her shaking.


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