Harper's Fate
Page 38
‘Kate!’ He turns me around, viewing my nakedness.
‘I didn’t want to get pasta sauce on my dress.’
‘Pasta sauce…. You said you cooked for Barney?’
‘I made him dinner.’ A look of concern appears in Luke’s eyes. ‘Barney is gay, remember? He’s more interested in your arse than mine. Besides, he has seen most of me.’
Frustration makes Luke run his hands through his hair.
‘I would rather he didn’t see any of you.’
‘Just because he’s seen my arse, it doesn’t make him straight.’
‘Honestly, I don’t want to think about Barney. I would rather lie you across that table, mainly for my own selfish needs.’ He reaches around my waist and unties the apron bow.
‘As tempting as your offer is, your party is missing its host.’
‘Fair point.’
We arrive back at the palace – and so does my anxiety. However, a firm grip on my hands tells me why I’m here, and for whom. If this is officially my home, can I kick the super-bitch out on her sorry arse? Hell, yes.
‘I want to get changed.’ I need a moment to myself.
‘I’ll come with you,’ Luke says.
‘No, I’m fine. Take this dough and put it in the fridge.’ I give him a kiss and the ball of dough, and begin to climb the stairs. I turn to see him watching every step I take. ‘Luke, thank you for coming to get me.’
‘I told you I would never let you go.’
I kick my shoes off and unzip my dress, which has spent more time on the floor than on my body. I fall on the bed and close my eyes, going over the last hour. I know I need to be rational, a trait that is always so easy for me to call upon – not. Fuck is what comes into my head – fuck, he had a fiancée.
I change my mindset – and my outfit. Faded denim shorts and Luke’s white Hackett shirt, which I tie at the front and roll the sleeves up. I opt for tan wedges to complete my relaxed outfit, which also echoes my thoughts: his house, my house, I shall wear what I want.
As I approach the sweeping staircase, I notice Luke sitting on the bottom step.
‘Are you lurking? I’ve warned you about that bad habit.’
He looks up and takes in my new outfit.
‘Do you feel better? I see you are wearing one of my shirts, I do hope this means my impertinent Kate is now here.’
‘It can be arranged, you know – she’s never far away.’ I laugh.
Luke grips my waist and dips me, nibbling at my neck, making me laugh. He pulls me up to standing, ensuring we remain close. He kisses me, sealing his feelings. I respond instantly, as I always do. My need for him is strong tonight as my heart is torn over the unwanted information I received. I place my hands in his hair, not letting him move. Luke pulls away and looks at me, his eyes confirming his desire.
‘I think we should return to the party. My guests are going to wonder where I am. Now you have changed, there may be some raised eyebrows.’
I laugh. ‘Oh well, your reputation will be upheld… sex god.’
Luke holds my hand as we enter the garden. He collects two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter. Nice and chilled, just what I need; however, seeing the super-bitch again is not what I need. Luke notices my stance alter; he also notices Alexis watching us. Unexpectedly, he takes a fork from a nearby table and clinks his glass, ensuring he commands silence from his guests. The DJ turns down the music.
‘Can I have your attention?’ Holy fuck, he could have warned me. I try to take a step back, yet he has a firm hold of my hand. ‘I would just like to thank you all for coming. As you know, this party normally marks the end of the summer. Thank you to all those who have given generously to the Help the Heroes charity – and those who have not, please leave.’ I look at this confident man, full of bravado, as the guests laugh at his humorous delivery. ‘For those of you who have not met the beautiful woman standing beside me, allow me to introduce my girlfriend, and the woman who’s just agreed to move in with me, Kate Harper. Yes, I agree with you all – she needs a medal for putting up with me. I will do my best, as I have no intention of letting her go.’ Oh my God. I want to die. There are far too many eyes on me. Just to add to the attention, Luke kisses me – not a peck, but a full-on lip-smacking embrace. He pulls away and looks at me with a Sutton special smile.
‘Was that for my benefit or yours?’ I whisper in his ear.
‘For me, baby; people now know where I stand. If they want to piss you off, then they will have me to deal with. Kate, people don’t fuck with me, and especially not where you’re concerned. I have warned you about my need to protect you.’
‘Protection – is that from Alexis?’
‘Yes. Now shall we mingle?’
Luke understands I have no desire to mingle. We instantly head for familiar company –Luke’s employees.
‘Quite a speech.’ Stella looks at Luke and then at me, understanding why he said what he did. ‘Kate, come and sit with us. Luke, get Kate a drink.’
To my amazement, Luke does what he’s told. Maybe Stella should move in with us.
I sit chatting with the palace staff, but from the corner of my eye I notice Luke talking to Alexis. I’m not sure ‘talking’ is accurate – his finger is pointing in her face. Her stomping off leads me to believe they were not chatting as friends.
Luke arrives at my side. Stella moves slightly, allowing him to sit next to me. He places his arm around the back of the sofa.
‘Luke, do you know how lucky you are? These people here would do anything for you – anything.’ I reach towards his lips and kiss him. ‘Especially me.’
I wake up for no reason and reach for my phone – it’s two thirty. I have been asleep for a couple of hours. Luke’s arm is wrapped tightly around my waist. I wait for sleep to return. It’s no good. After ten minutes have passed, I quietly get up and head for the kitchen to make French toast and hot raspberries.
Standing in the kitchen, I dip the bread in the egg mixture and gently place it in a hot pan with a piece of butter. I simmer the raspberries in a saucepan, allowing the fruit to soften. The first slice ready for a dusting of icing sugar on both sides, I dip it in the hot raspberries. Oh my God; it’s the best taste in the world.
‘Would you care to share?’
I turn to see Luke at the entrance of the kitchen, wearing his short joggers.
‘Sorry, did I wake you?’ I say, with hot French toast in my mouth. ‘Come here – you have to try this.’
He walks towards me as I dip the bread in the hot raspberries and place it in his mouth. ‘Well? Good, isn’t it? This is my de-stressing food.’
‘Hmmm.’ Luke nods, lost in a world of de-stressing sugar-coated food.
‘Sit – I’ll give you some more.’ I serve Luke the fresh batch of French toast. Watching him dip the toast into the hot raspberries, I feel I have revealed another part of myself tonight.
‘De-stressing food,’ he says, his eyes locked to mine, searching for the truth.
‘When I can’t sleep, usually something is on my mind, this is what I eat. Usually because I need an excuse to eat extra calories.’ I smile at him as I take another bite and serve him up another slice. ‘I thought I was being quiet. Sorry.’
‘I did hear a noise. I predicted the kitchen had been invaded by someone.’ He looks at me. ‘Are you OK?’
‘I’m fine. I haven’t eaten all day; that’s probably why I woke up.’
‘You know I can read you.’
My eyes widen. ‘I’m fine. Now, eat up – don’t let it go cold.’
We sit together until there is nothing left to eat. Luke pulls me close, locking me between his legs, one hand in my hair, the other sliding up my short silk nightdress.
‘I have a better idea of how to de-stress you.’ He flashes his Sutton smile. ‘I’m going to take you to bed, no
t to fuck you but to make love to you.’
Feeling warm and settled, I reluctantly open my eyes.
‘At last! I thought you were going to sleep all morning.’ Luke pushes the hair away from my face and leans towards my lips.
An aroma hits me. As well as the intoxicating Sutton scent, I can smell coffee. It comes a close second.
‘Morning.’ I roll onto my back, still snug, not wanting to get out of bed. ‘What’s the time?’
‘Time you were awake. I have been extremely busy.’ His smile is dazzling; clearly he’s been patiently waiting for me to wake and play. ‘I went for a run and stopped at the bakers.’
I sit up, pulling the sheet around my naked body. ‘I thought I could smell something good.’ I give my sex god the smile he deserves.
‘I aim to please.’ Luke gets up and throws me my silk nightdress.
‘Thank you.’
I notice a large mug of coffee sitting on my nightstand. There is a tray on the end of the bed with hot croissants and preserves, accompanied with a stack of tabloid newspapers.
‘Are you trying to portray us as a normal couple?’ This proves to me that on occasion he does listen to my request.
‘I can’t perform miracles; however, newspapers in bed on a Sunday is achievable.’
I scan through the papers, happier to read the supplements than the news. Eating breakfast while leaning against Luke, the silence relaxes us both.
‘So what’s the plan for today?’ I tilt my head to examine my sex god’s face while he reads stocks and shares. ‘Luke, are you listening to me?’ There is no response; it would seem that I’ve lost him to the world of finance.
‘Sorry.’ He looks down at my face.
I laugh. ‘You’re supposed to hang on to every word I say.’
‘Is that so?’ He plants a quick kiss on the top of my head.
‘What’s the plan for today?’
‘My parents’ anniversary party, which starts at six o’clock. Incidentally, I want to speak to you about the event.’ He rids himself of the newspapers and wraps his arms around me. ‘I know Alexis will be there. Our fathers went to school together and they’re still friends, so they attend many of my parents’ functions. We don’t have to go.’
I look at him.
‘Luke, I would never ask you to do that. Besides, there’s no way I will let her see that she bothers me.’ I straddle him. ‘But thanks for the offer.’
He cups my naked arse.
‘You’re welcome. So, tell me, just how grateful are you?’
Afterwards, I lie in the bath alone. Luke is downstairs in his office, which gives me some time with my own thoughts. However, the thought of just having had hot morning sex puts a satisfied smile on my face and lays to rest the feelings I had yesterday, and the image of Luke on one knee. Shit – for the first time ever my memory uses its ability to store information – what a treat…
I skim the rails of clothes in my closet, but nothing grabs my attention. Commando it is, then. I move to Luke’s section and pull out a Jones navy suit and pale blue shirt, which reminds me that I have a navy dress that will match his suit perfectly – in my old house.
The house is silent; a welcome silence. The event planners will begin the task of disassembling the garden tomorrow. I amble into the kitchen, feeling hungry and in need of a fridge moment. Cheese on toast and a mug of tea for two – perfect.
My arms full, I head to Luke’s office. Instantly I’m met with the sound of shouting; not his usual rant, this has conviction behind it. I push the door open and see Luke yelling at the TV screen. He looks at me as I enter, keeping one eye on the ball.
‘I made cheese on toast.’ I pass Luke his plate and tea.
‘Thanks, baby.’ He speaks with his eyes firmly on the plasma screen. ‘Jesus, ref, are you kidding me?’ He shakes his head disapprovingly.
I look at the screen, not having a clue about rugby, except they all look incredibly muddy.
‘Are you a rugby boy?’ His passion for the sport is evident.
‘Yes. Ref… Jesus Christ, what’s in your eyes?’ he shouts. I can’t help but laugh at his temper that is aimed at the plasma screen, and nowhere else. He notices my face. ‘Not a fan, Kate?’
‘I don’t understand the game; I just see lots of men jumping on each other, and mud. Although some of the men do look hot.’ I look at the screen more intently; maybe rugby does have something to offer the female audience.
Luke raises his brows. ‘Is that so?’
‘Yes, so if you have a passion for rugby maybe we should go and watch a match. You can explain the rules to me.’ Oh, how I like to push a Sutton button every now and then.
‘I can’t have your eyes wandering.’
‘Do you play?’ This shows how little I know about the man who controls my world.
‘Declan and I played for our school and a local club. My parents took us every weekend, probably just to burn off our energy.’
‘Probably – two boisterous Suttons boys. What about now?’
‘I don’t have the time.’
I look at the screen. ‘Who’s playing? Not that I know, but is it your team?’
‘The Sutton family support Harlequins,’ he points to the screen, ‘the men wearing the multi-coloured tops.’
‘Oh. Well, I’m glad you don’t play any more, I couldn’t watch you get hurt. Although I can see you playing, looking hot, rolling in mud.’ He tilts his head to one side and smiles.
We both continue to eat while I try to work out the game. Luke makes an attempt to introduce me to the rules – no chance; they are lost in translation. All I heard was ‘thighs’ and ‘mud’…
‘Luke, can we stop at Harry’s? I want to collect a dress for tonight.’
‘Of course.’ Once again, he speaks to me with one eye on the rugby ball.
‘Also, I thought you could wear your navy suit; it will match the navy dress I want to wear.’
He laughs. ‘And you have the bare-faced front to call me controlling.’ He shakes his head and gives me a kiss.
Back at Harry’s, standing in my old room feels bizarre and – more importantly – it does feel like my old room. I retrieve the navy dress, having worn it previously to a friend’s wedding. It looks simple and feminine, a plain strapless dress, and reasonably short. Note to self: do not bend over. With the added height from my navy peep-toe shoes, I’m ready for a Sutton gathering. Checking I look refined enough for such an occasion, I decide to pin my hair up in a low messy bun, allowing tendrils to fall around my face.
I join Luke in the lounge.
He looks at me, assessing my outfit; something he does every time we go out.
‘Honestly? I’m not sure I should be taking you out.’
‘You approve?’ I smile and place my arms around Luke’s neck.
‘Yes, I do. I would approve more if I was removing the dress and laying you on our bed.’
‘Luke Sutton, you have a one-track mind. Now what shall I do with the filthy thoughts lurking in your head?’
‘I’m sure you’ll think of something; you’re quite resourceful.’
Luke has decided to drive tonight: apparently he wanted to take his baby for a spin – no reference to me, but to his Aston Martin DBS.
‘Do you think your mum will like the picture frame – and, more importantly, the picture?’ I have printed a picture of Livy and Edward from the ball in Venice.
‘Yes, Kate, but I told you that it wasn’t necessary to bring a gift – I send them flowers every year. However, Mum will appreciate the gesture.’
‘OK, it’s just that…’
‘I don’t understand why you’re so nervous. You have met my parents.’
‘Yeah, I know, but I wasn’t living with you then. Maybe they thin
k, like the others, it’s too soon, and I’m after your money.’
He tenderly places his hand on my bare thigh. ‘I don’t give a shit what people think. My mum and dad are pleased for me – for us.’ He glances across at me, wearing a look of honesty.
‘I hear you, but… with all your money, maybe she thinks that I’m—’
‘Enough! She doesn’t think of you in that way. Besides, she knows I am a good judge of character. You may be a loose cannon, but I know you’re not interested in my money.’ He flashes me a cheeky grin.
I shake my head. ‘Loose cannon? That’s rich coming from you; you’re like a bloody torpedo.’ We both laugh, but maybe there’s some truth to the metaphors.
We pull up to the palatial Sutton family home in the north of London – Moor Park. I’ve been here before with Kiki; we attended her father’s friend’s party a few houses away. The house itself is not as large as Luke’s, but nonetheless it’s stunning. The driveway is already full of an array of expensive cars, Luke’s car being one of many.
Luke takes my hand. ‘Ready?’
I nod. ‘Yes.’ No.
We enter the hallway, where I hand my gift to a member of staff, and in return I receive a glass of champagne. I like their exchange service here.
We make our way through a large room that leads into the garden. I am in awe of another splendid Sutton home. The decor is very different to Luke’s house, but the grandness of the home mirrors it perfectly. Without doubt, I’m surrounded by wealth… worlds apart – again. Livy comes bounding towards us.
‘Kate,’ she pulls me close to her. ‘So good to see you again.’ She releases me and takes hold of my hands. ‘Now then, young lady, I know we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other. I’m thrilled you’ve moved in with Luke. Please put your reservations to one side – you, my darling, will be fine.’
Wow. Luke must speak to his mum more than I realised.
‘Thank you, Livy, that means a lot to me, and happy anniversary.’
She releases my hands and gently touches my cheek. ‘Thank you, Kate.’ Her eyes shine, confirming her approval of my relationship with her son.