Tara Zenyora : and the Seven-Jeweled Lighthouse

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Tara Zenyora : and the Seven-Jeweled Lighthouse Page 24

by Samantha B. Adra

  Yes, suffering is part and parcel of life. What is my suffering? Hmm… I suffer when Mayreen passed away…I suffer when I encounter an irresponsible man…I suffer when I cannot find the Qibaota to return home…I suffer when I know my daddy’s health fails him…

  “The Eightfold Path is the path toward achieving Enlightenment. What are the Eightfold Paths? They are Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Samadhi.”

  Tara instinctively caressed the eight-spoked boat wheel Prince Chen had given her so that she could enter the ocean to the Dragon Library. I’m the captain of my life. I’m the navigator of my destiny. I can definitely find the Qibaota.

  “What is Right View?

  “Right View means the correct view of Emptiness, Dependent Origination, and the Buddha-nature.

  “Emptiness means the Universe and all living beings are not the creation of an almighty being. There is no divine ruler in the Universe; but there are immeasurable Enlightened Beings who have crossed over to the Light of Nirvana.

  “Dependent Origination means the Twelve-linked Law of Cause and Effect as the fundamental mechanism of a conditioned world of Samsara characterized by impermanence, suffering, and non-self. The Universe appears due to the complex interconnectedness of causes and conditions; it is a collective manifestation of the mind, speech, and actions of all beings.

  “All living beings have the Buddha-nature; therefore, all living beings are inherently empowered to enter the Light of Nirvana and attain Supreme Perfect Enlightenment.”

  “Now, let us recite the vow of Right View: I vow to anchor my mind upon the right view of Emptiness, Dependent Origination, and the Buddha-nature for the awakening of all beings.

  Ah...I see. Emptiness is not complete nothingness; it doesn’t mean nothing exists at all. A nihilistic view of emptiness that is contrary to common sense is not what the Buddha teaches.

  “What is Right Resolve?

  “Right Resolve means Bodhicitta, the aspiration for attaining Buddhahood. It also means making a vow to protect, uphold, preserve, and transmit the True Dharma for the peace, happiness, and awakening of all living beings.

  “Now, let us recite the vow of Right Resolve: I vow to anchor my mind upon the right resolve of aspiring for Buddhahood and transmitting the True Dharma.

  Is generating an intention of Enlightenment the first step to attaining Enlightenment?

  “What is Right Speech?

  Right Speech means refraining from irresponsible speech that involves lying, slander, defamation, duplicity, harsh speech, complaints, condemnation, criticism, and meaningless babble.

  “In other words, it is speaking words of praise to give due recognition, words of comfort to give hope, words of affirmation to encourage people, words of tactfulness to give respect, words of empathy to give compassion, words of wisdom to give the Dharma gift of Enlightenment.

  “Now, let us recite the vow of Right Speech: I vow to speak the wisdom of Truth with empathy, tactfulness, and compassion.

  Oh dear…am I being too harsh toward Prince Chen sometimes?

  “What is Right Conduct?

  “Right Conduct means refraining from doing the Ten Evil acts and practicing the Ten Virtuous Acts. In other words, it means:

  “1. Do not take life; but protect the lives of all beings

  “2. Do not steal; but give generously

  “3. Do not engage in sexual misconduct; but respect relational boundaries

  “4. Do not deceive; but speak the Truth

  “5. Do not slander; but give words of praise and encouragement

  “6. Do not speak harsh words; but speak gently and kindly

  “7. Do not engage in meaningless babble; but speak wisely and tactfully

  “8. Do not be greedy; but always be generous and magnanimous

  “9. Do not be angry; but always abide in patience and compassion

  “10. Do not embrace misguided views; but uphold the Right View

  “Now, let us recite the vow of Right Conduct: I vow to uphold the right conduct of practicing the Ten Virtuous Acts for the happiness of all.

  The negative Balancing Scale I had taught me that just being virtuous is not enough; I must not cling between the two extremes of good and evil, right and wrong, love and hatred…

  “What is Right Livelihood?

  “Right Livelihood means engaging in a profession that respects the lives of other beings in accordance with the laws and regulations of a country. It also means living in alignment with your life purpose, maximizing your talents and unleashing your True Self to create the greatest value for all living beings.

  “Now, let us recite the vow of Right Livelihood: I vow to engage in a vocation that unleashes my highest potential for the greatest good of all.

  What’s my livelihood now? Prince Chen’s wife? I’m not living to my highest potential!

  “What is Right Effort?

  Right Effort means diligence, enthusiasm, determination, and persistence in achieving goals. It means the power, the driving force, and the energy to take concrete actions toward realizing dreams and aspirations.

  “Now, let us recite the vow of Right Effort: I vow to be assiduous, passionate, and resilient in my determination to accomplish the aspiration of Enlightenment.

  Yes, that’s me! I’m passionate, diligent, and resilient...

  “What is Right Mindfulness?

  Right Mindfulness means having keen insight and awareness of the present moment. It also means being conscious of the true nature of the ever-changing moment-to-moment of life experiences that are conditioned by the six senses and the five aggregates.

  “Now, let us recite the vow of Right Mindfulness: I vow to anchor upon mindfulness of the Buddha-nature at this present moment.

  But my mind always wanders off …I need to strengthen my mindfulness…

  “What is Right Samadhi?

  “Right Samadhi means single-pointed focus and concentration during meditation. Achieving samadhi is the way to spiritual transcendence beyond the boundaries and limitations of a conditioned world.

  “There are various types of samadhis such as the Samadhi of Revelation of All Forms, Samadhi of the Sanctuary of Immeasurable Meanings, Samadhi of Understanding Languages of All Living Beings, Samadhi of the Dharma of Lotus, and the Diamond Samadhi.

  “Now, let us recite the vow of Right Samadhi: I vow to anchor upon the Diamond Samadhi of the Perfection of Transcendent Wisdom.”

  How can I focus if Prince Chen always seduces me?

  “Before we end the discourse of Eightfold Path, follow me in the recitation of the Three Refuges in Qibaota to transfer the merits to all living beings toward Enlightenment:

  “I take refuge in Qi, may all living beings be empowered with transformational leadership in the Qibaota community.

  “I take refuge in Bao, may all living beings enter deeply into the repository of sutras and attain wisdom as vast as the ocean.

  “I take refuge in Ta, may all living beings transmit the wisdom of Qibaota widely and enter the Light of Nirvana.

  The Dragon King, the Dragon Queen, and their princes and immediate family members followed Venerable Wenshu in the recitation.

  After the ceremony had ended, Dragon King and Dragon Queen led all the sixteen princes and their immediate families to the beach to pay respects to their ancestors. Donning full-white winter Hanfus, all of them held a stalk of the crystal willow from the Dragon Flower Tree with their pressed palms and offered the merits of enlightenment for the repose of the ancestral souls, saying:

  “May the Love of the Dragon Flower and the Light of Lotus deliver you to the shore of Nirvana.”

  After the prayer, the crystal willow was placed in the lotus water lantern to be released into the ocean. Soon, the spirits of the dragon kings’ ancestors appeared in the sky, bestowing blessings and protection upon their descendants.

  Tara, who participated in the imperial Dragon Me
morial Ceremony with Prince Chen, experienced a profound sense of gratitude, connection, and liberation as she gained deeper awareness and understanding of the nature of life and her own self. How I wish all living beings do not have to suffer the pain of life and death in the eternal cycles of life…It seems that Great Nirvana is the only Way of spiritual liberation…If only everyone could awaken the Qibaota within them…

  In the evening, many dragon-human communities went to the ocean to pay respects to the spirits of the ancestors by releasing the lotus water lantern into the ocean. It was a magnificent sight to behold as the entire ocean was filled with floating lotus lanterns of rainbow colors.

  “Rest in peace, Virginia and Mayreen. May the light of lotus guide you to the shore of Nirvana,” murmured Tara with a heavy heart as she placed a white lotus water lantern onto the ocean. Although Tara was clothed in a winter suit consisting of a thick hooded cloak and mittens, she could still feel the intimating chilly wind biting her skin.

  Prince Chen patted her back to encourage her. “With the lotus lantern, they will be guided to the peace and bliss of Nirvana. It’s time to release the grief in your heart in the ocean as well.”

  Patrick, Auntie Siew Lan, Uncle Yong, Roshni, Geetha, Balakrishnan, Rashid, Kai Wen, and Jun Yang, were also there to release the lotus water lanterns in memory of their loved ones.

  Two days after the Dragon Memorial Day, Balakrishnan and Kai Wen passed away due to the dragon spell cast by the servants in the palace. The fact that the dragon world was not safe for her friends and relatives was reinforced in Tara’s mind. She was reminded that she could not afford to lose them to the many hidden perils in the dragon world.

  On the same day, Tara received news of her father falling in the washroom, knocking his forehead on the floor and breaking his kneecap. He was now recuperating at the servants’ quarters after the dragon physicians had examined him.

  “Daddy, how are you doing? Is your kneecap still painful?” asked Tara with a worried voice. It pained her to see that her father’s head was wrapped in a white bandage.

  “Sweetie, I think we need to go back to the human world soon,” said Patrick, his voice was weak.

  “Yes, daddy, I will bring you back home soon. But in the meantime, let the dragon physicians do their best to help you in your healing process.”

  “I’m skeptical of them. I’ve high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and yet they can’t even diagnose that, let alone heal me. I don’t trust the medical skills of the dragon species. They’re a bunch of charlatans!”

  “Daddy, it’s important for you to trust them and let them help you before we go back home. You need time to heal, isn’t it?” said Tara, caressing his father’s patched and wrinkled hands.

  “The dragon people treat us like outcasts. How can I stay here any longer?” grumbled Patrick with a frown. “Besides, there are no cures for the dragon curses. Kai Wen and Balakrishnan died because of the incurable dragon curses. If we were to stay here any longer, who knows when we will be the next target?”

  Tara was silent; what her father said was true. She remembered that the only reason she survived the dragon curse was because Prince Chen sacrificed his dragon scales in exchange for the Cintamani Pearl. Bringing her family back home was still the only option to liberate them from the perils of living in the dragon world.

  Qibaota, please look for me. I’m desperate now. Tara closed her eyes and secretly prayed in her heart.



  Prince Chen and Tara had received notification from the Dragon Egg Fertility Center regarding the conception of their first child, a dragon baby girl, due by autumn next year. They were invited to visit the dragon baby girl at the Dragon Egg Fertility Center, which was shifted from land to the bottom of the ocean to prevent dragon baby theft from the Garuda.

  “Winter is cold and distressing, it’s a season of disease and epidemics. I’m still struggling to get over the death of Mayreen, Virginia, Balakrishnan, and Kai Wen,” said Tara. “Shall we go somewhere that is always summer?”

  “Let’s go to the beach, it’s the only place in the dragon world that enjoys eternal summer. Maybe before we go to the beach, let’s visit our baby daughter at the Dragon Egg Fertility Center first.”

  “Sounds like a good plan.”

  The Dragon Egg Fertility Center had many half-oblong and white semi-circle buildings stacked upon each other. The interior of the fertility center resembled the ultra-modern space design.

  One of the dragon egg consultants, dressed in a white space suit, brought them to a level that was reserved exclusively for the imperial dragon family.

  “I am Zara, the Imperial Dragon Egg Consultant. Welcome to Dragon Egg Fertility Center! Prince Ao Chen and Prince Zenyora, please follow me. I will bring you to view your baby soon,” said Zara, a tall and slim dragon lady who exuded professionalism. She directed them to a private room that required special security access; Prince Chen and Tara had to get their pupils scanned before entry.

  The interior of the room was spacious and the design was exactly like that of a spacious hotel room, equipped with a king-sized double bed, a bedside table, a sofa, a desk and chair, a kitchenette, and a washroom. Everything was white, except for the cinnabar painting of the Dragon Flower Tree and Qibaota. The red painting was hung on the wall where the king-sized bed was placed. There were three round windows where sea creatures could be seen swimming around. The only thing that was missing was a television. Instead of television, a huge glass panel displayed the oval, transparent dragon egg with a plate underneath it that read, ‘Dragon Baby of Prince Ao Chen and Princess Zenyora.’

  “Wow, the fertility center is impressive! The dragon babies’ incubation shells are safely placed inside a cozy hotel room. I guess the hotel room is for couples to spend their vacation just to admire their babies?” said Tara, appreciating the space-like interior designs with admiration.

  “You’re partially right. Couples who are unsuccessful in conceiving their babies through Dragon Love Gesture may try their babies here at the fertility center. Many female dragons do not generate sufficient spiritual energy to reach the minimum energy threshold required to conceive a baby. Therefore, the fertility center, equipped with the high-powered energy generated from the Cinnabar Crystal will be able to assist couples in the conception of their babies.”

  “Oh I see. Now I know that dragons, not just humans, face fertility issues as well. It’s not easy to have babies nowadays, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but I’m glad that you are my ever-fertile, ever-productive Goddess of Fertility. Shall we have at least nine children together?” said Prince Chen, holding her hands and gazing at her green eyes lovingly.

  Blushed with coyness, Tara chuckled, “Nine children is too ambitious a dream; three or four are enough for me.”

  “There is no contraception here in the dragon world. So it’s not for you to decide anyway,” laughed Prince Chen.

  Tara and Prince Chen stood in front of the glass panel, admiring their baby daughter.

  “How tiny it is! The shape of the baby is not yet formed,” exclaimed Tara, squinting at the tiny ball.

  “It takes time, darling. By next autumn, you will become a mother. Are you excited?” Prince Chen was enthusiastic about starting a family with Tara.

  Tara was silent; suddenly it seemed like a veil of gloom engulfed her. It suddenly dawned upon her what the marriage and the baby meant to her. She had no intention of getting ensnared this way, and yet, there she was. Prince Chen is the shackle, and the baby is the manacle; I’m stuck here forever in the dragon world.

  “Are you alright? You look tired and distracted,” said Prince Chen, wrapping his arm around her willowy waist. “Is there anything bothering you? Would you like to rest a while?”

  Tara didn’t answer; she was too preoccupied with her thoughts to pay attention to what he said.

  “How about we go to the beach to enjoy some sunshine and c
hase away the winter blues?” said Prince Chen, trying to lift her mood.

  “Yes, I think that would make me feel better. Let’s go,” Tara said as she quickly made her way out of the viewing room.

  The beach was indeed a summer paradise. The blazing sun, the white sandy beaches, the glittering sapphire blue sea, and the flying albatross squawking in the sky made Tara’s heart fill with joy and hope again.

  “Shall we go fly a kite?” Tara suggested.

  “Sure! What kind of kite design would you prefer?”

  “A butterfly kite.”

  “Here you go,” said Prince Chen, conjuring up the turquoise-and-pink butterfly kite and handing it to her.

  As Tara released the kite into the sky, she remembered her childhood memories of flying a butterfly kite with her parents at Batu Ferringhi beach in Penang, Malaysia.

  Prince Chen cast a spell to make the wind blow stronger so that the kite would fly higher. Then he stood behind Tara and held her hand, guiding her with tugging the string of the kite in a rhythmic movement to make it fly higher up.

  “You enjoy flying kites?” asked Prince Chen, noticing Tara’s smile and happiness.

  “Yeah, it reminds me of my happy childhood back in Malaysia. I hope to be like the kite, flying so freely in the sky,” said Tara, her memories drifting back to the early days.

  “You’ll be the kite, and I’ll be the string to support you,” Prince Chen said, caressing her hands which were holding the kite spool.

  “Are you sure you are supporting me, and not tying me down? I already feel trapped with that string attached to it.”

  “A kite will always have a string attached to it. There is no way you can escape that. It’s the reality of life.” He moved his head closer to her face.

  “What if I’m sick of the string? May I cut it off?”

  “How can you be sick of the string which helps you to fly in the sky? Without that string, you’ll be lost forever, unable to go back home.” Prince Chen could not resist wrapping his arm around her mid-torso and giving her a peck on her cheek.


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