Tara Zenyora : and the Seven-Jeweled Lighthouse

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Tara Zenyora : and the Seven-Jeweled Lighthouse Page 25

by Samantha B. Adra

  The phrase “go back home” caught Tara’s attention. Perhaps he is right; I still need that silly string to go back home.

  After flying the kite for a while, Tara played with the sand by building the Seven-jeweled Lighthouse. Oh Qibaota, where are you? You are my Savior, my Light, my Hope of deliverance for my loved ones. Please lead me to you, Qibaota.

  Having spent the entire afternoon at the beach, Prince Chen summoned Singha to help set up a Mongolian Ger by the beachside to spend the summer night with Tara.

  Inside the Mongolian Ger, there was a king-sized bed, a chunky hand-painted chest, a love seat, and a round table with two chairs. Both Tara and Prince Chen put on the traditional Mongolian outfits to match the feel and ambience of the Mongolian Ger.

  Tara decided to broach the sensitive subject of returning home to the human world with Prince Chen. “Is it convenient for me to speak to you now?”

  “Sure darling. You seemed moody this morning and I was sure something was troubling you.”

  “I wish to seek the Qibaota to take all my loved ones back to the human world.”

  Prince Chen felt his heart sink to the bottom of his gut. Not this again. “Darling, I know going back to the human world has always been your goal but now is not the right time for you to do so. My father has already made an announcement of the Imperial Wedding Ceremony to be held in spring next year. Everyone in the entire dragon kingdom knows about it. Wedding invitations have also been sent to all the Dragon Kings in the eight directions. Moreover, you will become a mother as our first baby will be born soon. The baby needs the love and care of a mother, doesn’t it? Even if you seek the Dragon King’s approval to go back home, he will turn you down. Perhaps you can wait a few more years for better conditions before you consider going back?”

  “My father is ill and he is wheelchair-bound now. He refused to let the dragon physicians treat his illness. I hope to bring him back home for medical treatment. The passing of my loved one due to pestilence and curses worries me. If they were to stay any longer, their lives will be at risk too. The medicines and potions here are mostly suitable for dragons, not humans. Once they’re sick, they have no medicine to resort to. I’m worried about their wellbeing and it pains me to see them die one by one.”

  “Do you know that even if you successfully defeat the demons to gain access to Qibaota, there is no guarantee that those who choose Samsara will return home safely? Remember you told me they sank in the ocean. If they were to go back, they would return back to the ocean. There is a high risk of drowning because no one will be there to bring them to the shore, unless the Dragon King agrees to dispatch a rescue team to help them.”

  Yes, Prince Chen is right.

  “Can we request an audience with the Dragon King to see if he agrees to help them?” asked Tara.

  “I surmise my father may approve to let all of them go back home with the exception of you; you will have to stay with me.”

  “No. I have to go back as well; no one is going to look after my dad if I am not around. The Jipz killed my half-sister..…,” said Tara in a melancholic tone.

  “Let’s seek an audience with my father tomorrow. If my Father agrees to send your loved ones back, it’s already the greatest blessing for them,” Prince Chen promised her. In his heart, he was secretly hoping that somehow Tara would give up the idea of returning home to the human realm.



  The next day, Prince Chen and Tara requested an audience with the Dragon King Sagara at the Imperial Crystal Palace.

  After the formal greetings, Prince Chen began to speak, “Father King, with the passing of her loved ones due to pestilence and dragon mischief, Princess Zenyora is concerned about the health and safety of her remaining family and friends. She would like to request for your approval to send her loved ones back home to the human world.”

  Having pondered upon Prince Chen’s request, the Dragon King said, “I grant permission for all of Princess Zenyora’s remaining family and friends to go back to the human world. I will dispatch a Sea Creature Rescue Team to send them back home in a fortnight.”

  “Thank you, Father King,” said Prince Chen with a relief. He nudged Tara to remind her to express gratitude quickly.

  Instead of expressing gratitude, Princess Zenyora beseeched the Dragon King, “Father King, my father Patrick is old and ill, and my half-sister who would have looked after him had passed on due to the pestilence. May I humbly request the approval of Your Majesty to allow me to go back home together with my father so that I could fulfill my filial piety to him?”

  The Dragon King frowned in disapproval. “Princess Zenyora, you are now my Emeritus Daughter, and you are already engaged to my son, Prince Ao Chen. Formal wedding preparations are already underway for the Imperial Wedding Ceremony to be held next spring. Wedding invitations have also been sent to all the Dragon Kings. Moreover, you are going to have a daughter soon and become a mother. You shall stay here with Prince Ao Chen. The rest are permitted to go back home.”

  Tara felt a sharp pain in her heart as if the Jipz had just attacked her. Prince Chen was right. The Dragon King will never approve of my leaving. Seeing no point in imploring the Dragon King, she silently acquiesced and retreated.

  Tara was exceptionally quiet the entire day. She could not stop thinking about what the Dragon King had said to her.

  Prince Chen and Tara were seated on the intricately carved wooden grand bed in the bed chamber of the Sapphire Palace, ready for bed. Placing his arm around her waist with one hand and holding her hands with his other hand, he said, “Darling, you have been unusually quiet. Thinking about going home?”

  “When I agreed to marry you, you knew that I have always wanted to go back to the human world, am I right? You agreed to support my decision to go back home too, didn’t you? My father is ill and I cannot afford to let him stay here any longer. I must take him back to seek medical treatment immediately,” said Tara desperately.

  “Getting permission from the Dragon King for your loved ones to go back home is already a great blessing that he has bestowed upon you. Do you know that it’s uncommon for my father to make an exception to release the captives? It’s the easiest path for your family and friends to go back as you don’t have to look for Qibaota or fight any demons; my father will send his rescue team to bring them back safely. Darling, please accept that this is the best possible arrangement.”

  “I feel increasingly stifled and suffocated living in the palace; the palace has become a prison for me. Every morning, I’ve to pay respect to Mother Queen and socialize with the rest of the consorts who don’t seem to regard me highly just because I’m a human,” said Tara despondently. “The Queen has just reminded me not to dance in the palace. Apparently, my every action is closely monitored by her team of secret agents, even within your palace. She also keeps reminding me that my role is to please you well, fulfill your every need, and give birth to as many babies as possible. She encouraged me to have more sons, as opposed to daughters, to carry on the dragon lineage.”

  “You know what? I just realized that I didn’t just marry you; I married all of your family members and relatives. I’ve to manage their varying expectations and put on a fake smile just to appear happy and please them. It’s just so depressing. I’ve never felt so disempowered in my life. It’s hard to imagine how I can continue living in this palace prison forever.” Tara missed the independence that she enjoyed back in the human world.

  Prince Chen listened attentively to Tara’s concerns and understood her feelings. “Try to see the positives in the midst of it all. You still have me. You know I love you wholeheartedly and I will protect you. I’m sure one day you’ll get used to the way of life here and slowly learn to enjoy it. Just take your time, take it easy. There is no hurry.”

  Tara sighed as there was no point trying to get him to understand her perspective. Prince Chen who could not stop thinking about what Tara had said. He knew the palac
e, with its strict rules and traditions, might not be suited for her personality in the long run.

  As Tara’s family and friends were scheduled to be sent back to the human world shortly, a Farewell Party was held in the Main Hall of the Emerald Palace in the evening. Prince Chen and Tara, donning purple-white Imperial Hanfu, were seated on the stage. All her loved ones were seated facing each other on the left and right of the Main Hall, reserving the middle space for dance performances. The Imperial Chef prepared delectable dinner cuisines to serve her family and friends while they watched the dance performance.

  After the Imperial Dance Troupes had finished their first performance, Tara said, “The performance was splendid, the same goes for the dinner. I hope you all are enjoying the Farewell Party.”

  “We’re going back home soon. You need to take good care of yourself while we’re not here to accompany you anymore. We’ll miss you a lot,” said Auntie Siew Lan, tears welling up in her eyes. “May you have a blissful matrimonial life with Prince Chen. He is the only person whom you can rely upon to look after you when we’re not around.”

  “Thank you Auntie Siew Lan for having faith in me. I will dote on Tara and lavish her with everything she desires,” said Prince Chen with his usual trademark grin.

  “I’ll miss you all too, Auntie Siew Lan. Please take good care of yourself,” said Tara, her eyes were already misty with tears. Thinking that she would be all alone in the dragon world soon made her heart ache deeply.

  “I made a wooden jewelry box for you as a parting gift. You can keep your jewelry or any other valuables inside the box. Hope you like it,” said Uncle Yong, showing her a wooden jewelry box with two intricately-carved dragons playing with a pearl.

  Prince Chen signaled an imperial servant to help pass the jewelry box to Tara.

  “Thank you so much, Uncle Yong. This box is so exquisite; you must have spent a tremendous amount of time making it. I’m touched by your effort,” said Tara, her heart was overwhelmed with emotion when she touched the lovely jewelry box. “Do you have any plans when you return home? What do you all plan to do?”

  “Well, I plan to retire from yacht navigation and set up a food stall selling nasi bryani,” said Rashid with a wry smile. “Of course, I’ll cherish my wife and five children even more than before once I’m back home.”

  “Auntie Siew Lan and I’ve decided to donate portions of our savings to support the charitable works of the Tzu Chi Foundation,” said Uncle Yong. “Life is ephemeral; it’s important to dedicate our lives to the greater good of humanity.”

  “Roshni, how about you?” asked Tara.

  “I’m deeply grateful to have my daughter Geetha with me. However, my husband, Chandran, and my youngest daughter, Anita, are still missing. I’ll spend more time in Bhakti worship in the Sri Mariamman Temple. I’ll always keep them in my prayers,” Roshni replied, tears streaming down her face.

  “Jun Yang, do you have any plan back home?”

  “I don’t have any concrete plans. The only thing I’d wanted to do is to spend more time with my parents. I miss them dearly,” said Jun Yang. “I may join Fo Guang Shan monastery as an ordained monk.”

  “Daddy, you’ll be all alone back home. Auntie Siew Lan has agreed to help me look after you since I won’t be able to be there for you. I’m so sorry for not being able to accompany you back home and look after your health,” said Tara, gazing at her daddy.

  “Sweetie, just forget about the past. You’re already doing the best you can. Don’t worry too much about me, I know how to take care of myself,” said Patrick. “I’m getting old and my health is failing me. I’ll probably spend more time in contemplation and prayer to Mother Mary as a way to atone for my past transgressions. When I realized how much I loved your late mother; it was too late. Thinking back, it was foolish of me not to cherish her when she was around.”

  Tara wanted to embrace her daddy immediately but she could not because the Farewell Party was an official event. She needed to sit on the stage and maintain her composure and grace as Princess Zenyora.

  “Mommy loved you deeply, that’s why she told me not to hold a grudge against you. It was difficult for me initially, but I’m glad that I’ve finally let go of the past. It feels liberating to forgive you and forgive myself.”

  Before the end of the Farewell Party, Tara instructed the imperial servants to help distribute a boat wheel pendant necklace as a farewell gift for all of them. She wanted to personally help each of them put on the navigational wheel pendant but she could not, owing to her position as the Emeritus Princess.

  “I commissioned the Imperial Gold Smith to craft a special navigational wheel pendant with a white pearl inlaid into its middle center as a farewell gift for all of you. I hope you’ll like it. Please don’t forget me, I will miss you all.”

  Having an afternoon farewell get-together made Tara understand how important it was to cherish all the people with whom she had crossed paths.

  Life is impermanence; death is the only constant. She finally realized that True Love is the relinquishment of expectations, judgements, grudges, hatred, and resentment. True Love is freedom from all suffering.



  The next day, after the morning custom of paying respect to the Dragon Queen, she decided to ride on her phoenix to Cloud Nine for a catch-up with Bo.

  When she arrived at Prince Chen’s humble abode, she saw Bo seated in meditation on the daybed in the living room. He knew Tara was coming to visit him. The moment Tara entered the abode, Bo opened his eyes. “Tara, I’ve been waiting for you for quite some time.”

  “You knew I was coming?” asked Tara with a smile. Bo nodded. She went to join him for some afternoon tea.

  “How have you been? It has been so long since we last saw each other. I’ve noticed that you’ve shrunk your giant height,” said Tara, gazing at him with subtle adoration. “Tell me more about how you managed to find the Celestial Mountain Snow Lotus.”

  “I adjusted my height to suit the situation here. Harvesting the Snow Lotus was by no means easy. Growing on the cliff of Mount Sumeru, the Snow Lotus is invisible in broad daylight but shimmers brightly in the middle of the night.”

  “Wow, that seems like a magical plant,” said Tara. “What does it look like?”

  “The Snow Lotus is shaped like a seven-leveled pagoda. You’re right to say that it’s a magical plant for it moves on its own and knows how to counter and repel magical spells. All my spells were rendered futile, and I wasn’t able to use my spells to harvest it.”

  “Then how did you manage to get the Snow Lotus eventually?”

  “I met an elderly celestial man riding on a white crane. Aware of my predicament, he helped me harvest the Snow Lotus. After the Snow Lotus was harvested, it had to be processed to get the elixir. He invited me to his home in Trayastrimsa Heaven for afternoon tea and a Go chess game. I agreed. We parted ways when the elixir was ready. After going to the Purple Bamboo Grove and seeing that you were no longer there, I came to look for you at the Dragon Palace.”

  “Thanks so much for taking the trouble to get the elixir of the Snow Lotus for me, I’m indebted to you,” said Tara. “You know, Bo, I hope to go return to the human world. My daddy is ill and I want to accompany him back for medical treatment. The Dragon King has agreed to take all of my families and friends back, but he has decreed that I have to stay here with Prince Chen and my baby daughter.” Tara was feeling disappointed at not having the same opportunity of going back home.

  “Don’t worry too much; just go with the flow of life. If you’re meant to go back home, you will,” said Bo. “I’m your brother; I will always protect you and lend you a helping hand when needed.”

  “Yes, you’re right,” said Tara, feeling encouraged by Bo’s words. The term “brother” still touched a nerve, although she was married. “I’m fortunate to have you as my brother and my confidant.”

  After an afternoon tete-a-tete with B
o, Tara went back to the Sapphire Palace.



  It didn’t take long for tongues to wag and gossip to spread: it was inappropriate for Princess Zenyora to ride on a phoenix. The Dragon Queen summoned Tara for a sharp castigation.

  After the formal greetings, Tara knelt on the floor, her two hands placed on top of each other on her thigh.

  “Princess Zenyora, I heard you rode on a phoenix to go to Cloud Nine?” said the Dragon Queen with a sharp condescending tone, taking a sip of her dragon tea.

  “Yes, Mother Queen,” said Tara dejectedly. She lowered her head, not daring to look into the glowering eyes of the Dragon Queen.

  “Did you know that, as a princess and a principal consort, it is against the palace rules to ride on a phoenix? Are you aware how grave the consequences are for violating the rule?”

  “No, Mother Queen.”

  “Safety and security for my consorts is my priority. If you get yourself into trouble or get hurt, I will be answerable to the Dragon King. I would have hoped that you would be aware of your changed status now but let me repeat it to you. You are no longer a human captive; you are Princess Zenyora, Emeritus Princess of Dragon King Sagara, and you are also the principal consort of my youngest son, Prince Ao Chen. Therefore, I expect you to carry yourself with respect and dignity by adhering strictly to the palace rules, customs and traditions. It is important for you to maintain a good reputation for yourself and set a good role model for other consorts.”

  “Yes, Mother Queen.”

  “Besides, as a principal consort, you are going to lead a team of four concubines in the future. Your every action, word, and behavior counts. How do you lead them effectively if you do not behave appropriately as a principal consort? If you wish for your team of concubines to look up to you with respect and authority, you will need to carry yourself with grace and dignity befitting a principal consort. Do you hear me?” admonished the Dragon Queen severely.


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