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Pleasure Train (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Christelle Mirin

  They had invited her along on a scenic train ride they had booked, and though it didn’t sound all that exciting to her, she figured what the heck. At least it would get her on a personal level with them outside of the café, in the real world.

  She approached the tiny train station, surprised to see it looked like something from a movie set. The train sat beside it, hugged up to the platform at the front of the period-style building, the engine rumbling low. It was a streamlined silver passenger train, straight out of the forties.

  Willow passed by the engine, amazed at the size of it, and wondered why she hadn’t noticed it before. Even though she’d been there six months, she hadn’t seen everything the town had to offer. The scenic train had been hidden behind one of the large hotels, and the only way she had managed to find it was by the directions Jack had written down on a napkin at the café yesterday.

  She walked up the wooden steps to the platform that was attached to the front of the building and headed straight for the front door. Stepping through the door that announced her arrival with a loud creak, Willow was blasted with a wave of heat. She untied the scarf she had woven around her neck. “Hello?” The place looked like a souvenir shop, but she didn’t see anyone at the cash register to the left of the front door.

  “Did I hear someone come in?” a female voice asked from the back of the tiny store.

  “Yes,” Willow answered, cutting through the shelves that contained coffee mugs, shot glasses, and miniature train replicas as she made her way toward the voice. “I’m here to take a ride on the train.”

  “I’m in the back. Come on to the ticket window.”

  Coming to the end of the long shelf, she saw a small window cut into the wall. It was open, with a ledge at the bottom front and a pleasant, gray-haired woman smiling at her from the other side.

  “You must be Willow,” the woman said.

  Willow placed one hand, palm down, on the protruding ledge. “How in the world do you know my name?”

  “The boys told me you would be coming along on this trip.” She reached below the window and came up with a rectangular piece of paper about four inches long. “Here’s your ticket, although I don’t know why you need one.”

  Willow took the slip of paper she handed through the window and shoved it in the pocket of her coat. She reached into her purse which was slung over her shoulder, digging for her wallet. “What do I owe you?”

  “Oh nothing, hon. Your passage has already been paid for.”

  Willow looked up. “Who?”

  “The boys, of course.” The woman smoothed back her hair, a wistful look in her eyes. “Those boys are really something. Well behaved, polite, and neat.” She pointed a finger at Willow. “We never have to pick up after them like we do for all the others. Never have found even a gum wrapper left on the train after they ride.” She nodded seriously.

  Willow reached into her coat pocket, fingering the smooth slip of paper that was the ticket. “Do they…ride the train often?” This was really strange. The woman acted like the three men rode the train every day or something. And it was obvious the lady had a major crush on them.

  “Why, Jack, Josh, and Mikey ride every Saturday morning.” The woman’s pale-blue eyes were wide with what looked like awe. “They book the whole train from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon.” She leaned forward through the window and crooked a finger at Willow, beckoning her to come closer. “The usual round-trip lasts two hours, but the boys like to park it at the end of the line for a couple of hours then make the return trip.”

  “Why do they do that?” Curiosity was nipping at her like a little dog.

  “I’m not sure why. Maybe they like to relax that way or talk business. All I know is this will be their fourth Saturday in a row and they’ve already booked the next four.” She clasped her hands together and straightened, grinning. Willow could tell that she must have been pretty when she was young. Her grin sparkled, lighting up her face. “All I know,” she continued, “is George and I are happy to have them. We don’t get that many tourists this time of year, and besides, we like the boys.”

  “George is your husband?”

  She nodded. “Goodness, I forgot. My name is Grace. George is my husband, and he’s also the engineer. He likes taking the boys. All they ask is that he doesn’t come into the last three cars while they’re on board. Suits him fine. When they do their two-hour stop, George gets his morning nap.” Grace tilted her head. “You’re the first person they’ve ever invited to go along.”

  Willow adjusted her purse strap on her shoulder. Yesterday, after she had told Sue about meeting the three men today, Sue had acted concerned. She had told Willow that maybe it wasn’t a good idea to meet all three of them at once after all. A girl had to be careful these days. Willow had shrugged it off. What could possibly happen in Forever? Jack, Josh, and Mikey came into the café every day, so it wasn’t like they were strangers. And, if the truth be told, Willow could use a little excitement in her life. Wasn’t that why she had left Kenny? And it wasn’t as if she were riding a train that wasn’t going to come back to its starting point. Still, she should be a little careful. Okay, this is different, but I’ll go along for the ride and see what happens. “Guess I’d better step outside and wait for them,” she said, turning away from the window.

  “Oh, dear, I guess I should have told you.”

  “Told me what?” She stopped and looked back over her shoulder.

  “They’re waiting for you. They’re already on board.”

  “I’d better get a move on then.” Willow smiled and gave her a wave then headed for the door.

  Hurrying across the platform, she approached an open door on the first car behind the engine. When she reached up to grab the handrail just inside the door so she could climb the three steps into the car, a hand appeared, reaching for her from inside the car. She hesitated for a moment then shrugged and grabbed the proffered hand up.

  “Whoa!” she yelped when she was almost pulled off her feet. She skipped the middle step and was suddenly inside the car.

  “Sorry,” Josh said, flashing a quick smile, releasing his hold on her.

  Willow reached out and placed her hand on his bicep, squeezing. “Got a lot of muscle there, Josh. You should warn me when you feel like using it.” Oh, how she wanted to leave her hand on the bulging bicep. It was so tight, she could almost feel his blood pulsing just beneath the skin. Letting her gaze roam from his bicep to his chest before meeting his eyes, she thanked the stars for the thin, white, formfitting T-shirt he wore and no jacket in sight.

  “I’ll try to give you a heads-up next time.” He took her hand from where it still rested on his upper arm and guided her toward a bench seat just across from the stairs. “Have a seat while we get underway.”

  Willow looked into his intense green eyes, and a shiver ran up her spine. She swallowed. The thought of him using some of that barely controlled strength while manhandling her made her throat tighten and her blood heat. She sat down and pulled her scarf completely off then shrugged out of her coat. “Wow, it just got really hot in here.”

  Josh was leaning down into the stairway reaching for the door. He glanced over his shoulder at her comment then turned back to the business of securing the door.

  Did he just grin? Willow clasped her hands together in her lap and waited for him to give her a hint of what she should do next.

  The door secured, he came back up the steps and stood in front of her. He was so big he seemed to fill the small space. He reached behind her and grabbed the receiver to a phone she hadn’t realized was there on the wall until then. He punched a button on the phone base and waited, still leaning over her.

  Willow took the opportunity to look him over. She liked his blond buzz cut and the way it accented his squinty, intense eyes and solid, square jaw. Somewhere in his late twenties, he was tan, a nice toasty color, and she caught a glimpse of some ink on his left shoulder peeking from the edge of his shirt sleeve.
His stomach looked rock hard, and the front of his jeans seemed well weighted. This man was the whole package, and she wouldn’t mind unwrapping it.

  “Door’s shut. We’re ready,” he said into the receiver then hung up.

  When he straightened, she caught a whiff of his cologne. It was warm and spicy. She breathed him in deep.

  “We’ll be leaving the station now. I’m so glad you could come with us.” He held out his hand. “Come with me, and we’ll join the others.”

  Willow picked up her coat and scarf, throwing them over her arm, then snagged her purse. Taking his hand, she stood. The sound of the engine grew from a low rumble to a growl.

  Josh tucked her hand around his arm. “It would be a good idea if you held on while we make our way to the observation car.”

  She looked down the length of the car they were currently in. There was a row of bench seats on either side, lined up evenly with the windows, with a center aisle leading to a metal door at the back. It sort of reminded her of a bus except it was decorated with an art deco feel, distinct lines with crisp, curved edges, and there were overhead storage bins lining both sides above the seats. The main color throughout was a silvery-gray, but the seats had been redone in a blazing-red vinyl, which gave the car some “pop.”

  “I think I can make it on my own down the aisle.” She looked up at him. “But it is sort of nice hanging onto your arm.” She gave his arm a squeeze, still amazed at how solid this man felt.

  He looked down at her. “I like it, too.” His expression was neutral, but in his eyes was a glimmer. Could it be attraction?

  Willow decided to continue holding his arm and even pressed up a bit closer as they moved down the aisle with her just a step behind. The train lurched suddenly, catching her off guard. She grabbed a hold of one of the seat backs, tightening her grip on Josh.

  “Wow, a little jerky there,” she said then let out a giggle. Glancing at the windows, she noticed they were beginning to move. “Wait a minute, how long do we travel backwards?” As she followed Josh, she held his arm tightly, feeling the vibration of their movement beneath her feet.

  “The train will go backwards all the way to the end of the scenic portion then we’ll stop.”

  They were at the end of the car by the door. The train moved slightly faster, putting her a little off balance with its rocking motion. The sound was louder there.

  Josh hesitated by the door, his hand resting on the handle. “After we spend some time at the end of the line,” he continued, “the train will go forward all the way back to the station.”

  There was something about the thought of being aboard a train stopped on the tracks for any length of time that gave her the willies. “Why do you stay at the end of the line for a while instead of coming right back?”

  “We’ll explain soon. Let’s continue on. It’ll be easier to talk in the observation car. It’s farther from the engine, so it’s a lot quieter.”

  She nodded. “Okay, I’m ready.” She gripped his arm with both hands, her coat still slung over one arm. She’d never been on a train before, not to mention one as old as this, and she wasn’t quite sure what was going to happen when he opened that door and they crossed to the next car.

  Josh pushed down the handle and pulled open the door.

  Instantly the sound was amplified, even though the connection between the two cars was enclosed by an accordion-like sleeve that encased the passage. Josh stepped out onto the metal flooring, pulling her along with him.

  Willow stepped next to him and let go of his arm so that she could plaster herself against his chest, her fingers clutching the material of his shirt. When she looked down, she could see flashes of the railroad ties beneath them as the train jostled over the tracks.

  Josh pulled the door of the first car closed behind them.

  The train lurched to the side, beginning to lean as it must have started going around a curve. Willow almost lost her footing when two strong arms wrapped around her and she was lifted off her feet.

  Josh held her tightly to him, his gaze boring into her own.


  Then his mouth was on hers, crushing her lips beneath his assault. Willow closed her eyes, heat infusing her whole body. She parted her lips, her fingers digging into his chest where her arms were trapped in his embrace. Josh thrust his tongue into the wetness of her mouth, dueling with hers. He tasted of cinnamon, a liquid heat. She moaned, sucking at his tongue.

  The sounds of clanging and creaking, metal against metal, engulfed them as the train rattled along, jostling them against each other.

  Josh slid one large hand down and cupped her ass, pressing her tighter against him.

  Willow sucked in a breath, breaking free from his hungry mouth for an instant. She locked eyes with him, the bulge in his jeans pressing hotly against her pelvis. She wanted him. It had been so long since…Her nerve endings were raw, every touch sending signals straight to her core.

  She knew right then she was going to enjoy this train ride.

  Chapter Three

  Josh managed to get both of them into the next car safely. Willow followed him through that car, hoping for a repeat performance when they entered the passageway again. That car was a dining car, painted yellow and orange with booths lining one wall. Along the other wall was a long counter and bar area where passengers could purchase snacks and drinks. There was no one behind the bar to serve them even though the shelves were stocked with single-serving-size bags of chips and candy bars. Then she remembered what the lady at the station said about how the boys didn’t want anyone to enter the last three cars of the train while they were aboard.

  “I’m assuming if we get hungry, this is where we can grab a bite,” Willow said, trying to break the silence between them. Josh hadn’t said a thing since he’d kissed her.

  He stopped suddenly, almost causing her to ram into him. “Are you hungry?” he asked, looking down at her.

  The expression on his face was almost comical. Eyebrows raised, he was wide-eyed and looked like he had forgotten to ask her something very important and had just realized it. His concern was touching. Willow shook her head. “No, not at the moment. Maybe later?”

  He let out a breath and smiled. “If you need anything, just let me know.”

  “I will.” She gave his bicep a squeeze.

  He turned and began heading for the door that led to the next car.

  Again, as they passed through the partition between the cars, Willow was thrown into Josh. Thrown wasn’t the truth to it. Willow had only been jostled a little, but she wasn’t going to give up the chance to press up against that hard body again. This time she was prepared. One arm free when he wrapped his arms around her waist, she snaked her arm over his shoulder and cupped the back of his head, pulling him down into a hot, wet kiss.

  Josh groaned into her mouth as she shifted her pelvis against his groin.

  Willow gasped when his hand found her breast, squeezing it through her clothes. She pulled away from his lips and met his gaze, her hand brushing over his short-cropped hair. “I am really beginning to like trains,” she said, speaking loud enough that he could hear her over the squeal of the wheels spinning on the tracks.

  With a crooked grin, he moved his hand from her breast to her ass. “We just might be able to show you how enjoyable a train ride can be.” Then he gave her a quick kiss on the lips and guided her toward the door and into the next car.

  Willow felt heat begin to flare in her pussy, travelling up her spine. What had he meant when he said “we?” Did he mean all three of them? The comment definitely had sexual overtones. Just thinking about the three men made her nipples tighten, and she fought the urge to let out a tiny moan. She was already turned on, but—could she trust these guys? What are you thinking, she chided herself. They wouldn’t dare do anything to her that she didn’t want to do. Not only would Grace and George, the owners of the train, know it if something happened to her, Willow would make sure everyone in town knew. />
  They moved quickly through that car. It was another passenger car, exactly like the one behind the engine where she had boarded the train.

  Josh pulled her through the passageway between cars without stopping, and they entered the last car of the train. This was the observation car. It was laid out differently than the others. Willow had to take two steps up, then there was a landing. Another small set of stairs led down from the landing, and she could see booths along the side of the car from where she was standing.

  Another short stairway led upward to her left, and she could see a wide expanse of windows above. “Is the whole roof of the car glass?” she asked, excitement filling her.

  “Yes, and it’s great. The glass is curved, and you can see for yourself.” He stepped to the right. “After you.” He took her coat and scarf from her, draping them over his arm. “Hold on to the handrail. Hate to have you fall.”

  She grabbed the brass handrail and was immediately glad she did when the car shifted. Letting out a laugh, she started up the stairs. “This is almost like being on a boat, what with it moving all the time.”

  “Yeah, isn’t it great?” Mikey asked from above.

  Willow smiled, coming to the top of the stairs and stepping up onto the observation-deck floor. “It’s going to take a little getting used to.” She turned to Jack. “Hey.”

  “Hey to you,” he said. Jack was leaning back against what looked like a ledge in the center of the car with his feet kicked up on a bench seat that ran from the ledge to the staircase. His glasses were perched on top of his head, pushing his hair back from his face, and his normal white button-down shirt was unbuttoned halfway to his waist with his sleeves rolled up. This was not the nerdy Jack she was used to. This Jack was hot enough for a romance novel or a perfume ad in a glossy magazine.

  Mikey was just as mouthwatering. He was standing up, one elbow parked on the ledge, his eyes sparkling. “Come on in. Have a seat,” Mikey said, waving his hand toward the bench seat beside him.


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