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Napoleon Bonaparte

Page 106

by Alan Schom

  Finally, in perhaps one of the most ironic twists of fate, a direct result of Napoleon’s having destroyed the hundreds of Germanic states belonging to the Holy Roman Empire, and reunifying them along with Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, and the rest, was the facilitation and stimulation of German nationalism and unification under Bismarck’s guiding hand later in the century, leading to Prussia’s successful invasion and occupation of France.

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  Appendix One – Napoleon’s Marshals

  1Pierre-François-Charles Augereau, 1757-1816, duke of Castiglione

  2Jean-Baptiste-Jules Bernadotte, 1763-1844, prince of Pontecorvo

  3Louis-Alexandre Berthier, 1753-1815 (suicide, Bamberg, Bavaria), prince of Neuchâtel, prince of Wagram

  4Jean-Baptiste Bessières, 1768-1813 (Lützen), duke of Istria

  5Guillaume-Marie-Anne Brune, 1763-1815 (murdered by French mob)

  6Louis-Nicolas Davout, 1770-1823, duke of Auerstädt, prince of Eckmühl

  7Laurent Gouvion St.-Cyr, 1764-1830, count

  8Emmanuel de Grouchy, 1766-1847, count

  9Jean-Baptiste Jourdan, 1762-1833

  10François-Etienne-Christophe Kellermann, 1735-1820, duke of Valmy

  11Jean Lannes, 1769-1809 (Aspern), prince of Sievers, duke of Montebello

  12François-Joseph Lefebvre, 1755-1820, duke of Danzig

  13Etienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre Macdonald, 1765-1840, duke of Taranto

  14Auguste-Frédéric-Louis Viesse de Marmont, 1774-1852, duke of Ragusa

  15André Masséna, 1758-1817, duke of Rivoli, prince of Essling

  16Bon-Adrien Jannot de Moncey, 1754-1842, duke of Conigliano

  17Adolphe-Edouard-Casimir-Joseph Mortier, 1768-1835, duke of Treviso

  18Joachim Murat, 1768-1815 (executed, Italy), grand duke of Berg and of Cleves, king of Naples

  19Michel Ney, 1769-1815 (executed, Paris), duke of Elchingen, prince of La Moskowa

  20Nicolas-Charles Oudinot, 1767-1847, count, duke of Reggio

  21Cathérine-Dominique de Perignon, 1754-1818, count

  22Joseph-Antoine Poniatowski, 1763-1813 (Leipzig), prince of the Holy Roman Empire

  23Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier, 1742-1819, count

  24Jean de Dieu Soult, 1769-1851, duke of Dalmatia

  25Louis-Gabriel Suchet, 1770-1826, count, duke of Albufera

  26Claude-Victor Perrin, called Victor, 1764-1841, duke of Bellune

  Appendix Two – Medical Notes

  Three phases of Napoleon’s medical history appear to predominate:

  1. The arsenic poisoning by Montholon has been clearly established by Ben Weider and his Swedish scientist colleague, the late Dr. Sten Forshufvud, through an exhaustive series of modern tests executed by (among others) the Harwell Nuclear Research Laboratory, London; and the FBI on August 28, 1995 0n a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy procedure). Their findings appear in The Assassination at St. Helena Revisited (New York: John Wiley, 1995).

  2. Napoleon’s epileptic attacks continued throughout his adult life, but were for the most part successfully hushed up by Josephine and Duroc. I have recorded a few such instances to indicate their gravity.

  3. From a psychiatric viewpoint, all my medical friends confirm that Bonaparte — like so many dictatorial rulers — would according to the U.K. Mental Health Act of 1983 be described as a psychopath, a term that includes in its definition:

  a. Failure to make loving relationships

  b. A propensity toward highly impulsive, irrational actions

  c. Lack of sense of guilt or sensitivity for own actions

  d. Failure to learn from adverse experiences

  The combination of all four traits is reflected by the various kidnappings, murders, lies, and wars he perpetrated to the very end.

  Napoleon was also very paranoid long before coming to power, even as a child. Indeed, in addition to having servants first taste all food and drink presented, when General Thiébault, his loyal new military governor of a recently confiscated Rhineland state, sent him several thousand bottles of choice wines he had just seized, Napoleon wrote back angrily adominishing him for wanting to poison him and ordered every bottle broken.

  Bonaparte was of course also sadomasochistic, as is evident time and again throughout this book, for example resulting in his unrelenting “vengeance” against those who “betrayed” him, whether Elizabeth Patterson (whom he vigorously persecuted in her private life, through his agents, till the end of his reign); his outrageous attempt to destroy the Bourriennes; or his attacks on Constant, Pozzo di Borgo, and numerous others down to a humble German bookseller/printer, and even his own brother Lucien.



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