The Sentinels: The First and Second
Page 7
'Thank you Gray. I just hope it works.' Jo said.
'Me too Jo, it'll be nice to have everyone see you, not just me and now Harry. Jo can I ask you a question?' Grayson said
'Shoot.' Jo said simply
'Why did you never tell me my Mom could see you?' Grayson asked Jo quietly.
'You Mom asked me not to tell you, I think she wanted something for herself. I couldn't refuse her request, especially since I understand the need to have something for oneself. As a Mother, you give everything for your children; so it's nice to have something just for you. Sorry honey, but your Mom deserves it,' Jo said, linking her arm through his and standing next to him looking down at her children.
She must miss them immensely; he needed to tell her something before he couldn't say it anymore. Grayson spoke, his gaze never leaving the chanting group in front of them.
'Jo, I've always wanted to tell you something; you know how you say that you were saved by me?' Grayson asked.
'Yes,' Jo said
'I think it's the other way around, I think you saved me. I don't know what would have been of me, had I not had you there all this time. I think you were stuck in that limbo because you are my savior; that's why you only saw my light. I think your purpose in life is to be a savior, no matter where you are. You say my Mom could see you, I think that was so because she needed you to save her as well. She stopped seeing you about a year ago when everything started to go well for her. I was never your beacon, you were the lighthouse where I took residence, and you let me lean on you and housed my soul until I was ready to shine on my own. If it weren't for you, I really think I wouldn't be here.' he said the last words as he looked down at her.
Her face, which looked up at him, looked shocked, tears were welling up inside of them, they filled her eyes and spilled over; she stood there silently crying, then she turned and silently hugged him. She didn't say a word, but held onto him for dear life; he hugged her back the same way, then he whispered to her as he hugged her back.
'Thank you Jo, for everything you have ever done for me. I will always do my best to be there for you the same way,'
She started bawling then; crying into his chest; she cried like this for a few minutes, he said nothing just held her until she was ready to let go.
His time was almost up; he could feel the familiar pull, like a tether that linked him to his body; normally he lasted longer though. Hmmm, he'd only been at it for about twenty minutes, normally he lasted a good three to four hours, sometimes more. Maybe he was just too exhausted.
'Jo I'm getting pulled back to my body, I guess I overexerted myself today,'
Jo looked up with fear in her eyes.
'No Gray, even if you are tired you wouldn't get pulled back to your body this soon. Are you sure you're being pulled, where?' Jo asked concerned.
'In the direction of my body and Harry's, OW!'
It was tugging him now; this had never happened, he was being pulled as if someone was forcefully dragging him and it hurt! It wasn't supposed to hurt, was it?
'Jo it has never hurt before; is this normal?' Grayson asked.
He was flying through the air now, Jo right behind him, following him. What was going on? Another tug came harder than before. Something clamped around his waist, it felt like two big giant hands had gone around his waist, wrapping painfully around him and pulling him back with so much force it took his breath away, yet he didn't have breath right now.
'Jo I think my time is up for good this time, I don't think I'll make it back to my body this time. Something is holding me by the waist and pulling me hard, feels like two big giant hands have me by the waist; it really hurts. I'm sorry Jo, maybe Harry can pull you out all the way; I hope he can. I think this is goodbye for good, I can't breathe anymore, it feels like I'm dying, sorry Jo,' Grayson said sadly, stretching his hand out to her as he was dragged back unwillingly.
Jo was calling out his name repeatedly, and then he was gone, into a thick grayish white swirling fog. Grayson looked around at the fog.
Where am I?
Then Grayson lost consciousness.
Something soft was touching Grayson's lips, licking them, and then kissing them again. MMMM... it felt good somehow, delicate, and it made him want to bury his face in this softness. It tasted good though, like honey and berries. Grayson opened his mouth, he wanted more; this taste was delicious. He felt something lick the inside of his cheek then tease his tongue and run along his teeth. The sweet taste on it as well. Grayson sucked it; mmmm... what was this? It was addicting, he was going to have to get the recipe.
Grayson heard his name.
Who was calling?
No not his Mom, then maybe Jo?
"Is that you Jo?"
No, Jo's voice was different, more girly this voice was deeper, only two other's called him Gray, his Mom, who he was positive was not speaking, and Harry. That was impossible though, Harry had left him a little over two years ago, left him because he couldn't love him the right way, but if he'd only given Grayson time he may have been able to learn how to love him that way.
The voice chuckled. Maybe if he called out to Harry he would come back and be his friend again, even if he had to learn to love him in that way. All Grayson wanted was Harry, in any way or form was fine, but Harry didn't want him anymore, in any way. He'd abandoned him, left him as his Father had, though it wasn't his fault, he'd died of a heart attack. Although if he was honest with himself, he knew it wasn't really Harry's fault either, Grayson had hurt him.
Graaaaayyyyyyyyyyy I love you
The voice was very peaceful and soothing, teasing and taunting him. Oh, that honey and berry taste was back. MMMMMMMMMMM, it was so good; he sucked on the nectar again, opening his mouth wider to get as much as he could; he wanted more. He reached with his hands to grasp the nectar. Oh, he'd caught it, but it felt funny; what was he holding? Was he holding shoulders? Yes, they were shoulders, along with strong arms, a strong back, thin waist, almost delicate, but also strong.
Grayson pulled the waist toward him so the nectar wouldn't get away. Whom was he holding? Grayson sniffed; would he smell the honey berry nectar as well? No, it smelled like Harry.
"Harry!? Harry, Harry, Harry!! Please don't go! Don't leave me again. I can't seem to find my way out, but please wait for me, wait for me to love you right; please don't leave me again. I don't want to be alone any more, please wait for me."
Gray, I won't leave you, I'll be waiting for you always
He felt a soft hand cup his face and tasted the sweet nectar again. Why couldn't he find Harry? Why couldn't he get out? The voice sounded so far away; where was he?
Gray you need to wake up now
He was asleep? Well, why couldn't he just wake up? Grayson tried to wake up but he couldn't even move. He tried moving his hands, his feet, his legs, his arms, but nothing responded. What was wrong; why had he been able to move a second ago but not now? He needed to hurry, Harry would leave if he didn't hurry, even if he said he'd wait, nothing lasted forever, there was no always; he'd learned that the hard way. He needed to hurry,
"Harry, don't go! I just have to find my way out, wait for me. Don't leave, Harry!"
Gray, I'm right here, holding you, touching you, feel me, wake up, wake up
Grayson tried to move, but it wasn't working.
"JO! JO! JO!" Grayson yelled
"Jo! Where are you? Help me? I can't get out!!! I can't move. I don't know why. Jo help me!"
Grayson heard the tears in his voice; he hadn't cried since he was 7 years old, and his Father had died.
"JO? JO!! JO!! JO!!!! Where are you? Am I dead? Are you dead? Jo? Please Jo, don't be dead. Let me be dead instead; don't take JO! JO, JO, JO, don't be dead!!!! Don't leave me!!"
Grayson was out right crying now. Why was everyone leaving him? The only one he had left was his Mom, but would she be there if he
called? Maybe not, she worked so hard for him that she worked herself sick sometimes, and even then, she would go into work. He needed to find a way out so that he would be there for her when she got home. No one else was there to call for; he was alone, completely alone. This was as good as death; it is so lonely here.
Gray, you are not alone, Jo is fine, I can see her right now. Sheila, Phoebe, Eric, Matt, all these people are standing around you right now. And I am holding you Gray, Harry is holding you, feel me, I'm not letting go Grayson Phillips so wake up!!
The soothing voice became angry; he said he was Harry, but how was he supposed to know it really was Harry? Why would Harry be there?
“I'm sorry Harry, if it's really you, I'm sorry. I do love you but I think my love means something different than yours does, I love you completely, all of you for you, I can't live without you, I am lonely and lost without you, sorry to have hurt you. I don't think I am getting out of here though; I can't even feel my body, my limbs, I try to move but I can't feel them to move them. Why could I move before but not now, and why can I only hear you?”
Gray I'm sorry but this is going to hurt, please bear with it, I love you Gray
The nectar taste came back and Grayson opened his mouth, letting the nectar taste into his mouth. Suddenly, a pain so severe, worse than anything Jo had ever put him through, slammed into him; it seemed like it was coming from all sides and there was no escape. Why was he suffering through this pain, was he being punished? What had he done wrong?
"JO, JO, JO, JO! Oh, thank god Jo, I was so scared!"
Grayson looked up and saw Jo floating above him.
Hey handsome, whatcha doing down there; how'd you even get down there Gray?
Grayson didn't understand her question, down where? Where was down there?
"I don't understand Jo, where am I?"
Grayson you are in the limbo I was in before you helped me out
Wait did that mean that Jo had come through to the physical plain?
"Jo do you have an actual body now?"
No not yet, I think that you and Harry started the ritual to pull me out a bit early and the energy being gathered by my three children and Matt was not completely gathered, so there is a lack of energy. Gray I know you said you didn't want to have sex with me, but there appears to be no other way; Harry is on the physical plain and I am borrowing his body right now. Grayson I am sorry for the pain, but it's going to get worse. I never planned on you having to go through this, but because you are in the limbo you have actually entered a time portal, your body somehow activated it. You appear to be like me, a natural time traveler, one that does not need a device for the portal to be opened, but because of that, to pull you out, I have to link myself to you. You linked yourself inadvertently to Harry somehow, probably when you made love, or if you kissed him in your astral form that could have done it. Grayson, when we pull you out, you will feel everything and know everything the other person has ever felt and known. That includes the time that has accumulated since I entered the time portal all that time ago. It will all compress and hit you at once; Harry and I will feel the same, only it will come from you. In other words, you will feel all the pain, pleasure, ecstasy, knowledge, everything both Harry and I have felt, done, and know. However, with me, you will feel the timelessness, the ages I have been alive, and the time in the limbo I experienced; Grayson, you're going to feel a lot of pain, more than anything you have ever felt, more than you may feel now.
Jo finished speaking. What was he supposed to do; there was no way around it.
“Jo, doesn't that mean that you will feel everything Harry and I have felt and known until now; won't the exchange be equal? Will Harry also feel and know what you do; will he be hurt too? I don't want him hurt Jo, can't we do something so he doesn't hurt?”
Grayson asked Jo but Jo's voice wasn't the one that answered; Grayson heard Harry's bodiless voice instead.
Gray, right now is not the time to worry about that, we need to get you and Jo to safety, she has gone back into the limbo to bring you back, you cannot leave her in there; by any means, bring her back, ok?
Harry's voice was commanding.
"Ok Harry, I will do as Jo and you say, but I still can't move; what should I do?"
Jo spoke again, lowering herself to where Grayson was.
You don't need to do anything, we will do what needs to be done, you just have to love us, feel everything and let it all flow into you. Accept the love that is given; accept it all or this won't work, ok Gray?
There really was no other choice.
"Ok Jo, I accept everything you both give me, I will make love to both of you, and I will do whatever needs to be done to save you."
Grayson said quietly. Jo leaned in and kissed him; the nectar that he had tasted earlier returned but there was something else in it, the taste of sweet oranges and a smell of orange blossoms. It was intoxicating, this combination of nectar, so the nectar must have been a kiss. It must have been Harry's kiss. Oh! Harry was kissing him!
This was such a weird feeling, having Jo kiss him, but feeling Harry kiss him at the same time. He felt both their hands, touching him and felt their lips kissing him everywhere but he could not move to touch them; one of them licked him and nibbled his neck. Well the one doing all the touching was technically Harry, but still Jo was moving his body, either way it felt fantastic, he could feel his body responding.
Then he saw Jo sitting on him, moving her hips and grinding against him, and he could feel himself get even harder, then he heard her gasp. He really wanted to be able to move and touch them, hold them, grab them. All at once, as if his wish had been granted, the feeling of his arms returned to him.
He moved his fingers; they were griping something. What was he holding? Bone; he felt around a little, they were hips; he was holding Harry's hips. So Harry was also on top of him; he pulled him down and heard Jo and Harry gasp loudly and moan. Yes, he understood now, he was making love to Harry, and Jo was inside of Harry, participating and feeling through Harry, what Grayson did to Harry.
This was driving him crazy, this feeling of ecstasy and the lack of movement. He felt himself being touched and stimulated; and there was the feeling of sliding in and out. Harry was being rough; he could see Jo bouncing on him; they needed more stimulation.
This was taking too long; he felt the ecstasy of it all but he was still fighting it. He cleared his mind and thought, Jo is not my Mother, Jo is not my sister, she is just Jo. She is a girl that I love and hold dear to me. He let everything go, letting himself flow with everything; feel, feel, feel, he told himself, just feel.
He wanted all of his body to move; he needed all of his body to move, he wanted and needed to feel everything. He willed his body to move as much as possible; he felt his legs move, his back, his shoulders, his neck, his feet, all of him came back, but he still couldn't see his body; he could feel it though and that was enough. Ok now for the tricky part, he looked at Jo's face, she was lost in the passion; it must feel good for her too.
Well he might as well do it right.
He grabbed a hold of Harry's/Jo's hips and thrust up, Jo's back arched and she cried out for more, and Grayson felt the pleasure coursing through his body. There we go, now I feel more in control. I can do this, he told himself. He flipped Harry and Jo onto their back and slid in again, feeling the surrounding tightness. He felt the soft skin under him, lifting Jo's legs and wrapping them around his waist, he thrust deeper into them repeatedly as he felt Jo and Harry contract around him; this felt amazing! It was so slippery, so hot, and so fantastic; they were squeezing him and sucking on him; it was driving him crazy!
He thrust harder and drew back, getting on his haunches, and memories flooded his mind of him doing this with Harry earlier. How could he have forgotten? Putting his questions aside, he pulled Harry's and Jo's soft smooth warm legs with him, propping Harry/Jo a little higher on his waist with their legs resting o
n his thighs and he thrust up hitting Harry's sweet spot. He saw Jo's back arch and felt Harry do the same thing.
Harder, faster, MORE!!!!
Jo and Harry cried out; Grayson complied, thrusting upward each time and hitting that marvelously sensitive spot, he could feel them squeezing all around him and he was about to come. Jo and Harry were calling out in unison with every thrust; she and Harry were almost there too.
MORE, MORE, MORE, Don't stop, OH GOD I'M COMING!!!!! HARDER!!!!!!!!!!
Jo/Harry grabbed onto Grayson's legs, pulling him in deeper. Oh god, they were clamping down so tightly on him; he was going to come!
Grayson's cry of ecstasy was echoed by both of them as he thrust harder and faster, until he felt himself explode inside, throbbing violently; he felt Harry come again and saw as Jo did.
Grayson was still hard, and he kept moving; he wanted to make them come again, wanted to feel the orgasm roll through both of them. All of a sudden, all three came again at once, an orgasm so intense it seemed that they were all sharing it. Grayson could actually feel each individual orgasm and they were all pounding into him. His whole body felt undulating waves of pure roiling ecstasy, pleasure, heaven!!!!! He arched his back as he held onto both Jo and Harry.
Chapter Six
Grayson felt the change, it was sudden, and it felt like the utter silent calm before the storm. Something was pulling him again, like before but there was something different about it this time, he was actually traveling toward a huge blindingly bright light. He clung onto Jo, not letting go, wrapping his arms tightly around her small frame and curling her into him, trying as much as possible to protect her. Though he realized she was probably better suited to protect him since she'd been through this herself. Yet, he did it instinctually, knowing that Harry and Jo were connected and Harry could not protect the way Jo could.