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Finding Us (True Love) (Volume 2)

Page 9

by Harper Bentley

  As we kissed, she started moving her hips, rubbing herself back and forth over my cock, making me grow rock hard for her. Sweet Jesus, I wanted her. But I needed this to be her decision. So struggling somewhat to keep my cool, I let her lead, finding it hard as hell to restrain myself. But for her, I would.

  My hands went to her hips as I helped her slide over me, thrusting my hips up when I rocked her toward me. Holy God, I wanted to be inside her. My fingers dug tighter into her hips as I moved her faster, glancing down and watching where we met, but when I heard her breath catch, I looked up at her and had never seen anything more beautiful.

  “Jag… oh, my God, you’re gonna make me come,” she moaned, her face flushed with color, her eyes half-lidded. Fucking stunning.

  She pushed down harder against me as I continued moving her, our mock lovemaking driving me insane. Her fingers clamped down on my shoulders and I knew she was close.

  “Don’t… stop…” she uttered with another moan.

  Never. Her wish was my frickin’ command at that point. And as I watched her climax overtake her, her eyes glowing down at me in an almost pained ecstasy before she threw her head back and cried out, the muscles of her body locking up as the sensations swept through her, I knew I’d been given a gift. I’d not only received her forgiveness, but she’d just bared herself to me, right to her very soul, there in that moment. And now I wanted to give her everything.

  I stood and carried her to her room, her head resting on my shoulder, her breath coming in soft, quick bursts, tickling my neck, her arms laced languidly around it. She’d come hard, but I wanted to give her more, wanted her to know that I was right there with her.

  I lay her on the bed, chuckling at how relaxed she was, her body blissed out from her orgasm. I smiled down at her. “You okay?”

  She smiled shyly back, nodding slowly, her eyes glittering up at me. Gorgeous.

  “Baby, I’m gonna make you feel even better. You okay with that?” I asked as I slowly undressed her then myself.

  She nodded languorously as she watched me, her eyes sparking with lust when she saw me standing at the foot of her bed naked. I crawled onto the bed then, covering her body with mine, coming down to take her lips in a searing hot kiss.

  When I pulled away from her, she whispered, “I love you.”

  And that was all I needed. She was back. We were back. Thank the fucking lord.

  “Forever and a day, baby,” I mumbled as I eased myself down onto her, sliding a hand under her hips then entered her slowly.

  I moved inside her, keeping the same slow pace, as our eyes stayed fixed on each other’s. This wasn’t like last time, heated and frantic, my wanting to prove a point to her, that being that we belonged together. This was about showing her that she meant everything to me, that I didn’t want to live without her. Wouldn’t live without her.

  I leaned down and touched my lips to hers. “Love you, El,” I breathed out, pulling back to look down at her, so beautiful, her thick, auburn hair spread out over the pillow, her skin glowing from her recent climax.

  “Love you too, Jag,” she whispered as she wrapped her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck, pulling me in closer for another hot kiss. Then she pushed against me, rolling us so that she was on top of me.

  Damn. Kill me now. I was still trying to let her be in charge, but, God, I was about to come undone at not being able to take her the way I wanted.

  She smirked down at me knowing this was rough on me, knowing that I thought I was a badass, alpha male who was always in charge when it came to sex. Jesus.

  “You okay?” she asked, repeating my earlier words, a wicked grin on her face.

  It was all I could do to keep from flipping her over and giving it to her hard and rough. Fuck.

  I nodded and smiled back up at her with effort.

  She rose up on her knees, almost sliding me out of her then glided back down slowly, taking all of me as her eyes closed, her mouth opening slightly, her head falling back to where her hair touched the tops of my thighs behind her. God. So fucking perfect.

  “Jag,” she whispered, bringing her head back up to look down at me, a dreamy look in her eyes as I felt her core clench my cock, the beginnings of another orgasm starting to claim her.

  With a wicked half grin of my own, I slid a hand to her clit and circled my thumb over it, making her gasp.

  “Fuck yeah, babe. Want you to come for me,” I said, moving my thumb faster, my other hand clenched around her thigh.

  She stopped her up and down movement and ground down hard on me, her hands landing on my abdomen before her climax slammed through her as she cried out my name. And at that, I was done being subservient. I turned us over in a flash, finished with her being in charge and began moving faster in her, filling her completely with every plunge I made.

  “Love fucking you,” I rasped as I pounded inside her, stretching her leg up and holding it against my shoulder, until I felt myself beginning to peak, speeding up my thrusts until I buried myself to the root deep inside her with a loud groan. I let her leg down before lowering myself to rest on top of her then enfolding her in my arms, turned us to the side, my face against her neck, enveloped in her hair, her smell, just her.

  We lay there breathing heavily together, her arms around my neck where she sifted her hands through my hair while I left soft kisses on her neck. Swear to God, I could’ve lain there forever with her, not letting the moment end.

  She finally pulled back and looked at me, a smile forming on her face before she started laughing so hard, she could barely catch her breath.

  Uh. Not something a man wants to have happen after he’s just made love to his woman.

  I looked at her, eyebrow raised wondering what the hell was so funny.

  “It’s just…” She gulped for air not being able to get any because she was cracking up so much.

  I came up on my elbow, looking at her in amusement then I frowned. God, I hoped that sentence didn’t end with “…you’re not as good as my other lover.” Christ.

  “What?” I asked, growing a little impatient… and concerned.

  She finally caught her breath and rolling over on her back, her belly still moving with her chuckles, she said, “It’s just that, well, Jeremy’s gay, so you didn’t have to worry about that. But also that we’ve wasted so much time worrying about stupid stuff when we could’ve been doing this all along.” She turned and looked at me with a smile that made her entire face gleam.

  I angled down to kiss the side of her mouth then put a hand to her chin turning her to face me, kissing her full on. I moved my hand down between her breasts, over her stomach, then down between her legs making her breath hitch.

  “Already?” she asked, eyes wide.

  “Damn straight,” I growled.

  Then we proceeded in not wasting any more time than we already had.

  Chapter 11

  Sitting on my knees on the bed, El wrapped around me, her face buried in my neck, I pumped up inside of her as I held her hips, moving her down on me, getting inside her so deep, she gasped each time I entered her.

  “Could fuck you all night long, baby,” I whispered in her ear. “Love your pussy, so tight and wet. Love burying my cock inside you so deep. You love my cock inside you, don’t you?”

  I felt her shiver against me. Our bodies were covered in sweat, as we’d been at this for a while, our foreplay having involved my making her come two times with my mouth already.

  After the second time we’d gone at it, which had eventually ended up with us in the shower, we’d fallen asleep for a couple hours, but she’d woken me with her mouth on my cock, and now here we were.

  “Yes, Jag, I love it,” she said, her voice husky with lust. She pulled back then, her eyes heavy lidded in the early morning light coming through the curtains of her bedroom, and looked at me so seductively as she bit her bottom lip, moving her hand down to touch herself, which made me groan.

  God, she made me crazy for h

  “Jesus,” I growled as I began moving inside her faster, pulling her down on me harder as I thrust up, burying myself to the hilt.

  She came just before I did, and I fell back onto the bed in exhaustion, her on top of me feeling the same.

  “I love you,” she murmured into my neck.

  “Forever and a day, baby,” I mumbled back and we fell asleep just as we were.

  “I’ll call you tonight, okay?” I said into El’s hair as I kissed the side of her head.

  It was two days later and I had to fly back to LA. It was the week of Thanksgiving, but for some ungodly reason, they’d decided to shoot the last part of the commercial on Monday and Tuesday. Dirk had called giving me the details.

  The first full day I’d been at El’s, we’d pretty much lazed around her apartment, watching movies and even taking time to eat between our lovemaking bouts. We’d laughed because we’d viewed nourishment as a second choice to having sex, which was way fine by me. Who needed food when we could be doing that?

  The second day I’d been there, she’d had to work. While she was gone, I’d gone to my parents’ to visit, but headed back to her place a few hours later to meet the IKEA guy who was delivering a chair just like the one she’d left at my place in LA. I’d ordered it after she’d left for work that morning and had to pay a bit more to get it delivered that quickly, but I was a frickin’ millionaire, so what did it matter, especially when it came to her.

  When she came in the door that night, she was exhausted. I’m sure it was from our sexual marathon, but she didn’t seem to be too upset over it. And when she’d seen the chair, well, let’s just say the marathon continued.

  I’d brought some burgers back from a place in town that was similar to In-N-Out, which she loved, and had gotten root beer floats, another favorite, for us too. When I’d left her in bed to go to the kitchen to warm it all up for her, surprising her by bringing the burgers and floats to her in bed, which made her squeal in delight, the marathon had almost resumed when she jumped on me, pulling me down on top of her. I’d chuckled at the indecision on her face, and had had to laugh when she’d eventually pushed me off of her, sitting up to dig into the food. She was just too damned cute.

  Before leaving, I’d told her about the shoot, that I had to “kiss” Alessandra, but that it was really just a brushing of the lips, just so she’d be prepared when the damned thing aired. I knew she was having a tough time keeping herself composed after I told her, because she nearly bit her lip in two to keep from saying something rude. I informed her that it was the last commercial and I’d never work with the bitch again. That seemed to satisfy her a bit, but I could tell she was still pissed, and I told her I totally understood, apologizing to her for the whole ordeal. By the time I left, she’d come to terms with it, still a little miffed, but dealing.

  I also told her I’d be back Wednesday and hoped to spend the next two weeks with her. I’d have to get back to LA afterward to train some before returning for Christmas, but at least we were getting to see each other.

  By the end of the day Monday, I’d had it. We’d had to film another bedroom scene, and Alessandra had tried her tricks again, and I was now annoyed beyond belief. It was almost humorous (almost) because I swear to God I was being sexually harassed. And if I’d said anything about it, every man on the set would’ve laughed and said I was a fucking pussy for complaining about having a beautiful woman trying to get into my pants. I even had to laugh about it at some point because it was just ridiculous.

  That night, I’d gone home, eaten then called El. She’d wanted to know how filming went, and I told her everything. She’d laughed, saying she was glad it was almost over. Then we’d had our first session of phone sex, which was fucking awesome. I didn’t know if she’d be too shy, but when we got going, she’d made me come so hard it’d almost been like she was there. I couldn’t have been any more pleased with this new development our relationship had taken, perv that I was.

  Tuesday was the last day I’d ever have to film anything with Alessandra, much less spend time with her, and I was ecstatic to get it over with.

  We’d gone out to the beach where they’d staged a wedding (we’d already shot the bit where I’d gotten down on one knee and proposed to her). I was in a tux with the pant legs rolled up and barefooted, and she was in some skintight designer gown thing that looked like it had a mermaid tale attached to it. It also barely covered her tits. And she’d been giddy as hell that we were getting “married.” Jesus. I could not wait to get this shit over with.

  On a break, I went to one of the trailers and called El to check in.

  “Hey, babe. What’re you doing?”

  “Studying. What else do I ever do other than work?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “It’ll be worth it in the end when you’re making the big bucks,” I replied, chuckling with her.

  We talked for a bit more, I even told her I was on set, which I could tell set her teeth on edge, but she was a good sport about it.

  When I heard someone come in, I knew it was time to get back out there. “Gotta run, baby. I love you. Forever and a day,” I said, smiling when she told me she loved me too, and we hung up.

  I turned to see Alessandra standing behind me, looking at me with a scowl, arms crossed over her chest (that was falling out of her dress), fingers drumming on one of her arms.

  “And just who was that?” she asked.

  “None of your business.” At her scowl, I couldn’t help but rub it in a little. “But if you must know, it was Ellen.”

  The look of shock on her face was so worth my sharing my business.

  “You’re back together?” she said, her look now turning to one of distaste.

  “Yes,” I said as I walked by to go out the door.

  She grabbed me by the upper arm stopping me. “Jag, you can’t be serious about that… that girl!”

  I reached a hand over, taking her hand off my arm and continued out the door, clenching my fucking teeth because what I wanted to say to her would’ve melted the skin right off her face. But I decided she wasn’t worth my attention, so I continued walking to the set to get this over with.

  She yelled after me, and I turned to see her running toward me looking like a damned penguin in the tight dress. I couldn’t help but bark out a laugh as I kept walking.

  “Jag!” she hollered as she got closer.

  I stopped and turned, more than bothered with her. “What?” I asked, taking a deep breath so as not to say anything hateful.

  She finally caught up to me and put a hand on my arm again. “Are you really back with her?” She looked so disappointed that I frowned.

  “Yes, we’re back together. Why?”

  She looked up at me, also frowning. “Well, I just thought that, well, we’ve been so good together, I thought that you and I were going to give it a shot.”

  I huffed out a laugh. “Really? Are you crazy? What would even make you think that we were heading in that direction?” I truly wanted to know because I knew I hadn’t given her any signs whatsoever that I wanted to be with her.

  She chuckled. “Jag. You may think I’m delusional, but don’t think I haven’t seen the way you look at me. Even now I can tell you’re having a tough time not looking at my breasts.”

  Well, she was kind of right. I mean, Jesus, her tits were all but jumping out of that goddamned dress. Any hot-blooded male would have to be blind not to want to check them out.

  I know, I know. I’m a dick. Yeah, yeah.

  I chuckled right back at her as I shook my head, keeping my eyes averted from her décolletage. “First of all, I don’t look at you in any way, Alessandra. And second, your tits are practically staring me in the fucking face, so I can’t help but notice them.”

  She grinned and rubbed her hand up and down my arm. “See? That’s all you had to admit. I knew you had a thing for me.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh again. This chick was freakin’ hilarious. Then I nodded an
d twisted my mouth.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You’re right.”

  Her eyes sparkled in triumph at that. “I am?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “You’re right. I do think you’re delusional.” Then I walked away still laughing.

  On my way back to the condo, I couldn’t help but want to throw a party in honor of the trio of commercials finally coming to an end. I called Logan and we made plans to meet at Casey’s to have a drink. He said he’d call a couple of the other guys and we’d make a party out of it. Well, there you go. Party realized.

  I went home and showered, called El then headed out. When I got to the bar, several of the guys had shown and we commenced our drinking. Baxter had even shown telling me the wife had let him off the leash for the night, which made me snort. I told him that I was sure Amanda was probably enjoying her time away from him, which made him punch me in the arm.

  “Hey! Pitching arm, dumbass!” I said, rubbing where he’d hit, feigning anger.

  “Oh, yeah. You forget I’m a southpaw. Gotta protect yourself better, asswipe,” he said, acting as if he’d hit me again making me twist my shoulder away from him making him laugh. “Things going okay?” he then asked seriously.

  I’d called him the day El had been at work to tell him we’d gotten back together. He’d told me he was happy for us and Amanda had even gotten on the phone and given me a congratulations.

  “They’re great. Better than great, man. Thanks for all the advice. Even though I didn’t use any of it,” I mumbled, shooting him an eye roll and he burst out laughing.

  “Well, doesn’t work with all chicks, but it did with mine, so that’s all that matters.”


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