Nordic Bound
Page 21
Stepan collapsed on the settee next to Justin and proudly stroked his wilting cock. Then he swallowed half a glass of fiery vodka, and Sabrina was stunned to see his penis pulse once, then again, and then slowly rise until it stood proudly from his groin once more. He rose from the settee, and as the two rough males closed in on her she gazed at Justin from her position over the table and smiled faintly. The nights in Russia were very long.
Chapter 13
‘No roubles!’ shouted David. ‘Platinum – only platinum.’ He dropped another nugget into a pouch beneath his shirt and opened the door to the miner. ‘Just platinum!’ he hollered again, above the clamouring heads of the milling men wanting entrance to the latest attraction in Norilsk.
Entrance, of course, was the operative word. It didn’t take long for rumours to spread of new and freshly available girls. You just had to tell the hotel manager, borrow a room from him and promise him a cut of the takings.
‘What’s the act?’ asked one very well spoken Russian. His clean and smart appearance indicated he was not one of the miners.
‘Oh, it’s no act,’ David answered. ‘This is the real thing.’
The man craned his neck over David’s shoulder to glimpse some girls carrying trays of drinks. They were topless and were enjoying extra wages from the hotel manager. Some men were also enjoying mouthfuls of lovely Russian breasts as the girls handed out the drinks. David had one night to make as much platinum as he could. Tonight nothing was off the menu, no act too low, no instinct too base.
The man scanned quickly and caught sight of Teena, who was totally naked except for her knee length suede boots and her amber jewellery. She was lying against an upturned table with her shoulders on the carpet, her bottom in the air and her legs folded down to touch the floor in front of her shoulders. In that position her sex was facing a row of men. She was holding herself open in the most lewd manner and the men were trying to lodge small nuggets of platinum in her vagina. It made a change from dropping worthless roubles into gaming machines; on them you just won more useless roubles. If you hit the slot here you got to see the other gorgeous Lapp suck the nugget from her sister and bring it to your mouth with a deep kiss that tasted of sex. If you missed though, your nugget stayed on the floor to be picked up by Mishka. She also held a sealskin whip, which she used to keep the men behind an imaginary line she had drawn on the carpet.
‘How much?’ asked the eager Russian at the door.
‘Half ounce of platinum,’ David answered.
The man seemed to slump with disappointment. ‘I’ve only got roubles,’ he answered. ‘I’m not a miner. I’m on leave from the Kurevka hydro plant. Can’t I pay with roubles?’
David shook his head and turned the man away. A moment later he saw him bargaining for some platinum with a miner.
When all who wanted in were in David closed the door and joined the throng. Teena had moved on to her party trick of bending her back even further until she could point her vagina down over the neck of a beer bottle. In that position she was almost able to kiss her own mound. Once the neck of the bottle was nice and deep inside her she clenched and picked it up. Then she lifted the bottle and with her legs pointing towards the ceiling emptied it into herself. The miners watched mesmerised, then roared with pleasure as Teena pushed out the bottle with a vicious squeeze of her powerful muscles. The bottle was quickly followed by several golden fountains of beer that squirted into the air and sprayed the audience. All the men went wild and made desperate attempts to get some of the foam into their mouths. They then took it upon themselves to spray Teena with a shower of platinum.
Kneeling on a makeshift bar was Mishka, who had left her sibling to do her party piece. She had a long red tapered candle sticking out of her bottom, which men were using to light their smokes. Unknown to them she was also clenching a bottle opener inside her sex. Amazed miners were buying beers by the dozen so one of the barmaids could open their bottle in the most bizarre manner, and then they could taste the girl as they drank.
David was also happy to see that one of the hired girls was already down on her knees with a prick in her mouth. He had let in more men than he’d intended and was worried that the girls would have trouble catering for them all. Now that the barmaids were obviously enjoying the whole scene and getting involved, he looked forward to a great night of getting rich.
A few hundred miles outside Norilsk Sabrina and Justin were in trouble. The Opel had begun to make worrying noises a hundred miles earlier, but they were in the middle of nowhere and had no choice but to head for the nearest centre of population.
And that was, purely by chance, for Norilsk.
The car had grown steadily worse until it let out a metallic bark and ground to a halt.
Justin slammed the bonnet back down and jumped into the car with Sabrina, who immediately threw several large blankets over him. ‘If God wanted to give the world an enema, he’d stick the pipe in this fucking country,’ he grumbled.
Sabrina winced and shifted her bottom playfully. ‘Don’t talk about having things shoved up your bottom after what you three did to me in Berezovo,’ she smiled.
Justin pulled the blanket up to his chin to maintain as much heat as he could. ‘At least it kept you warm,’ he replied.
She snuggled into him and began to fondle his penis. ‘It still is,’ she said.
Justin reclined his seat and watched as the windscreen whitened over with the falling snow, and Sabrina ducked under the blankets and suckled on his swelling cock. It made them both warm and she knew that if she kept on sucking Justin would soon make some snow of his own.
It had taken far too long to organise, but the Sikorksy finally arrived to pick up Captain Vasili Leskov. He was several days behind his prey, but he knew they were somewhere in central Siberia. He had sent a contingent of soldiers in pursuit, but they had lost them on the ice of the Obskaya Guba bight. It was up to him to find them and exact vengeance for the murder of Major Sergei Bokov and the slight the westerners had brought to Russia. He gave the thumbs up to the pilot and a flurry of excited snow signalled their departure north.
Everything was bright and totally white in the Opel when Justin and Sabrina awoke.
‘We must have slept through a snowstorm,’ said Justin unnecessarily. He tried his door, but it wouldn’t budge. Sabrina’s side was the same.
‘We’re trapped,’ she announced, a hint of panic in her voice. ‘What are we going to do?’
Justin didn’t honestly know, but he tried to remain calm and reassuring. In his head he was trying to work out what was going on outside. ‘Let’s wait awhile,’ he said. ‘The sun might thin it out.’
‘But what if it’s still snowing?’ she suggested. ‘Things may be getting worse.’
He knew she was right, but the simple matter was they were trapped and it was down to nature to blow or melt the snow away.
Sabrina started trying to wind down the window, but Justin reached out and stopped her. ‘What are you doing?’ he challenged.
‘I’m trying to get us out of here,’ she said.
‘But we don’t know how deep it is,’ he said.
‘Then we better make a start.’ She had regained some composure now she’d decided on a course of action. ‘Can’t you feel it?’ she added.
‘Feel what?’
‘The heat. It’s warm in here and we’re covered in snow.’
‘I think it’s supposed to be,’ Justin told her. ‘I’ve read about people caught in avalanches. They reckon it keeps them warm. You must have seen films when farmers pull sheep out from snowdrifts.’
‘We’re not sheep,’ she snapped. ‘Look, we don’t know how long the car has been under the snow. It might be hot because we are running out of air.’
The moment she said that Justin’s lungs tightened and he began to take conscious control of his breathing. Slowly he took away his
restraining hand while he considered what she had said. ‘You’re right,’ he eventually acknowledged. ‘What have we got to lose?’
The window didn’t budge until Justin reached across and pressed the flats of his hands to the glass. It finally lowered and left a pure sheet of compressed snow in its place.
‘Ready?’ Sabrina asked.
Justin nodded and she punched into the wall of white, and immediately a huge fall of icy snow fell into the car and she gasped at the cold. It fell into the footwell and onto her lap, and then more dropped through the open window and the car began to fill up.
‘Close the window!’ Justin shouted. It was jammed, and Sabrina’s cold fingers began to find it difficult to grip the winder handle. Justin panicked and tried it himself. It was no use. Another fall of snow and Sabrina screamed that she was cold. Panic gripped Justin: options raced through his mind. Even if they got the window closed they would be sitting in melting snow with their air running out. If they carried on trying to tunnel they might bring in more snow. They had no choice. Unable to make much headway on Sabrina’s side he opened his own window. More snow came in and he climbed onto his seat and began to dig frantically. Then came more powdery, cold and unforgiving snow. It pushed him back into the car. Sabrina wasn’t moving. The snow was up to her middle. He climbed into the back of the car and tried again. The same result. He cowered in the one remaining clear corner, his chest tightening. Was the air fading…?
The white snow gave way to spiralling blackness.
There was noise; he heard it. And smells… food!
Justin wasn’t dead. He could smile but he couldn’t move, and his eyes remained closed. He faded again, for how long he couldn’t know, but the next sense to return was touch. He felt them. Someone was laying next him. They were naked! He was naked!
His eyes opened to reveal a picture of loveliness; a girl with long perfectly straight and jet-black hair. She returned his smile and cuddled into him. He remained perfectly stiff – in every way. The girl lifted a leg to wrap around him and it brushed his erect penis. She noticed it and looked at him with that smile again. Justin was mortified. What was happening to him? He lay there quietly studying the heavy tarpaulin ceiling and praying that his erection would subside. Oh no, he thought to himself, her hand had just touched him. He noted with relief that there was no intent; the girl was getting up.
‘Shh,’ she hushed, and held up a finger to her lips. ‘Just rest.’
She could speak English. She climbed out from beneath the furs and displayed a perfectly formed physique. She was in her mid-twenties with a nipped waist, small but wonderfully shaped breasts and a thick mat of hair between her legs, and she clearly wasn’t embarrassed about nudity.
Though he didn’t move his head Justin followed her athletic form with his eyes as she left him. In his attempt to keep sight of her he saw a mound a few feet away. Then he noticed the motion; they were moving. As clarity returned to his head he realised they were in some sort of covered wagon. He could feel the warmth of a fire, though he couldn’t see one. Something moved in the opposite mound. It was a person, a young boy of about fifteen. The boy smiled – everyone seemed to smile. He lifted his head and Justin could see an unconscious Sabrina lying beside him. She was on her back, but alive. Someone else was with her and the boy. On the far side an older woman raised herself up. It was the girl’s mother, that was obvious.
The girl returned with a mug of soup. She helped him up onto his elbows and held the mug to his mouth. The soup was hot and he could feel the life-giving warmth racing through his body. He had so many questions, but they would have to wait until he had finished.
‘Where am I?’ he eventually asked.
‘We are Komi,’ the girl answered. ‘I am Irena and this is my mother and brother.’ Justin smiled in acknowledgement. Smiling was becoming contagious. ‘And that is my father.’ She pointed to the front of the wagon and Justin saw a weather-beaten face, also smiling.
‘How did you find us?’
‘We passed you. You were like a huge snowball by the side of the road. We dug you out.’
‘Thank God you did,’ Justin said sincerely. ‘I thought we were dead.’
‘Almost,’ Irena confirmed. ‘Your friend is still asleep. She is very ill.’
‘Is she going to be all right?’
‘I think so. My mother is very good. She has seen people in the snow before. We are trying to get her warm.’
Justin flopped back down, exhausted. ‘How long have we been here?’ he asked weakly.
‘Two days. We are going to Norilsk. You can get help there.’
Justin didn’t hear the reply – he was already asleep again.
By the time they arrived in Norilsk Sabrina had come round. She had taken some soup, and although she was weak she refused to seek help. They simply couldn’t run the risk of alerting the authorities. Irena was confused, but accepted her decision. She was further confused at the offer of money for rescuing them.
‘It is Komi hospitality,’ she told them. ‘We did not do it for money.’
‘I know,’ Sabrina said. ‘But it would make us feel better.’
‘Where we come from,’ Justin added, ‘no one would help.’
Irena, who was talking on behalf of the family, was resolute. ‘We have all we want,’ she said.
Justin and Sabrina looked at the stark wagon they had been living in for the last three days. It was listing to one side and in need of repair. Irena saw them looking and knew what was going through their minds.
‘Westerners; you want cars and homes. We are trying to build a better place for our people, so that people can have nice things and still live together.’
‘I hope it works,’ said Justin.
Irena was still firm, she had a mind to match her body. ‘It will,’ she answered. ‘My family run a school for our children. That is why I speak such good English. We are showing our children what man can do, both good and bad. We are here to see the council for ethnic people. To get them to support us.’
Sabrina held out the money again. ‘Well take this,’ she pleaded. ‘You can buy some things for your school. Do some of the things you’re talking about.’
Irena considered what they were saying and accepted the money. ‘You are very kind,’ she said, and kissed them both, then climbed back onto the wagon and added, ‘Will you be all right?’
‘We’ll find a hotel and rest,’ answered Sabrina.
The father shook the reins from inside the wagon and it trundled its way along Norilsk main street, and Sabrina and Justin turned and went in search of a hotel.
There were plenty of them in the town and they all looked similar. They signed in and ordered a bottle of vodka without even going to their room, and then they sat by the fire to take stock of their experiences. Sabrina seemed particularly anxious to get as near to the heat as possible.
‘I will never forget that cold again,’ she told Justin. ‘I was so numb.’
‘We were so lucky,’ added Justin, throwing another log on the fire. ‘Imagine if they hadn’t come along, at that exact time, on that particular road.’
‘There is only one road,’ Sabrina pointed out.
‘Still,’ Justin added, ‘what if?’
They fell quiet then, enjoying their drinks and good fortune.
‘So what do we do now?’ Justin asked, after a few minutes of contemplating. ‘Press on?’
For the first time in this whole adventure Sabrina wavered. ‘We’ve lost several days on him.’ She refilled her glass and added in exasperation, ‘I never knew how big this country is. Are they still going east? David’s a clever bastard; he could double back, drop south and head for somewhere warmer.’ She rubbed her legs vigorously. ‘And who could blame him.’
The sound of heavy boots on the bare pine floor drew Justin’s attention and he looked into the win
dow at the reflection of the wearer.
‘Fucking hell,’ he whispered. ‘Get down.’
Sabrina immediately dropped in her seat and fought a desperate urge to see who Justin was so afraid of. It was then she saw the reflection for herself – the green uniform, the brass buttons and braid, the glinting insignia on the cap. It was Captain Vasili Leskov.
Fortunately for Sabrina and Justin the chairs they were in were both facing away from the reception counter. Nonetheless, they both pulled their legs up under their chins to make it look like no one was in them. Then they waited.
The conversation between the captain and the hotel manager began quietly enough. Within a few moments, though, it was clear that all was not well. Vasili shouted; the manager shouted back. Vasili shouted louder and the manager was suddenly subdued. Then the conversation resumed in a more civil tone until Vasili shouted once more, spun on his heels and marched out of the room.
The manager waited until the soldier was well clear and then spat in his direction and released a verbal torrent. You didn’t have to be a translator to realise he wasn’t wishing him a good day. When he had calmed down he began violently polishing the counter, the first time he had ever done so. As he rubbed away at the dull wood he noticed the strange sight of his two guests quietly returning their feet to the floor.
‘Well, well,’ said Sabrina quietly. ‘The tide of destiny.’
‘Doctor Zhivago, you know,’ said Sabrina. ‘Why would Vasili be here if David wasn’t somewhere near.’
‘Nowhere is near in this country,’ Justin reminded her.