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This Time Around

Page 9

by Davies,Amy

  I make Penny scream my name twice before I let her have her shower and get ready for work. I leave with her and head home and get ready for work myself.

  Cars don’t fix themselves you know.


  It has been three days since I spent the night with Bambi at her house. Three days since I have been able to see her. But today- today that ends. Today we are all going to the local pool. The whole group. Knox and me. Penny and Connie. Rachel. Adrian, Claire and their kids. And Penny said that her sister and brother-in-law might pop down with the kids. I am packing up the cool-box filled with food and drinks for Knox and me and everyone if they want to eat what I have brought. We seem to be having a heat wave at the moment and it is fucking roasting outside. I make sure that I pack a hat for Knox and the sunscreen.

  “Kid, let’s go. The girls are waiting for us to pick them up,” I shout up the stairs. I snatch my baseball cap up from the kitchen table and place it on my head backwards. I know Penny likes it like that. I hear Knox before I see him, he is like a baby elephant around the house. The wooden floors throughout don’t help. Adrian helped me find this house when I first agreed to come on board as a partner in his garage. We settled on a three bedroom church conversion house. It is beautiful. I have land that goes all the way around. I have a drive that can fit two maybe three cars. There is a small brick wall that surrounds the property and then we have a cast iron fence on top of that, which comes in handy when we let Ramsey out to do his business.

  Ramsey is the French Bulldog that I got for Knox when my Grandpa passed away, it helped him cope by taking his mind of the loss some. Knox comes running down the hall as fast has his little legs will carry him. This boy is my world and if things plan out the way I want them to, we will add two amazing ladies to our lives

  “I’m ready, Dad. Let’s go.” He walks towards the door and stops. “Dad?”

  “Yeah, kid?”

  “I like Penny and Connie. Connie told me that I will be her little brother if you and her mum get married. Is that true?” I see the hopefulness in his face.

  “Yeah, Knox, that’s true. Is that okay with you?” I ask, kneeling down to his height.

  “Yes. Connie is cool, and she helped me with my maths homework in school before we broke up for the summer.”

  “Groovy, kid. So how about we get going and spend the day with these two beautiful girls, huh?” I stand and pick the cool-box up and head for the door. Knox follows behind me and climbs into the back seat when I open the door. He hates sitting on his booster seat but it is the law. Once Knox is strapped in I place the cool-box in the boot of my car. My pride and joy; my Jeep Renegade. I bought it when we first arrived here. It suits me and my lifestyle. I climb into the driver seat and start the car. I look back at Knox who is practically bouncing in his seat.

  “You ready, kid?” I ask, smiling at him.

  “Yeah Dad. Let’s just go already,” he shouts back. I laugh at him and pull out of the driveway.

  “Music Dad.”

  “Okay.” I turn the radio on and music plays around the car, it is some pop crap that he loves listening to. He sings to the music, very out of tune I may add. I laugh along with his singing and in no time we are at Bambi’s house. I see Connie doing cartwheels in the garden. I smile to myself watching her. Her long legs fly over her body as she does them over and over again. I know deep down that I really need to talk to Penny about Connie’s dad but shit, things keep getting in the way. I have lost count how many times I have tried to ask her and either I chicken out or something pops up and the simple question never gets asked.

  “Stay here, kid,” I say to Knox, as I open the car door and climb out.

  I walk towards Connie as she continues to do cartwheels, not caring about the world around her. God, what I would give to feel like that again. The freedom. The fearless feeling of being an adult sucks sometimes but looking at Connie being carefree, makes me realise that being an adult is fucking great at times. She spins on her landing and she faces me. A huge smile crosses her face when she sees me standing there. I walk towards her and she runs to me.

  “Hey, Liam. Mum is just packing the food to take with us. Is Knox in the car?”

  “He is. Do you wanna go and join him and I will go in and help your Mum out?” I ask her.

  “Okay,” she says, and darts off towards my car. I watch her until she climbs into my car. I see her and Knox talk in the back seat.

  I turn towards the house and walk in. Hearing Penny talking to herself, ticking things off her list for today, makes me smile. I walk through the house and into the kitchen. Leaning against the door frame I cross my ankles and watch her flit around the kitchen. She resembles a chicken running around with no head. I chuckle to myself. God, I love this woman. Holy shit, where did that come from? A thought that would normally send a man running for the hills. But me; fuck it feels good. I know that I have a big smile on my face and it is Penny Miller who put it there. She is wearing a strapless dress that stops just short of her knees. It is a green colour and has some pattern in black.

  She bends down to get something from the bottom of the freezer, and I take my chance to get my hands on her without the kids around. I stride across the kitchen and grab her hips and pull her against my body.

  “Haaaaaaa,” she screams. She turns and sees me. “Jesus Christ, Liam. You scared the ever loving shit out of me.” She places her hand over her chest, trying to calm her breathing. I wrap my arms around her from behind and keep her flush to me. I love how she fits perfect to me. I lean my head forward and kiss her bare shoulder.

  “Sorry, Baby. But you bending over can make any man go crazy with need.” I spin her around to face me and take her lips in a deep kiss. My tongue delves into her mouth and plays with hers. She tastes like strawberries. I run my hands down her back and cup her arse pulling her against my hard-on, making her gasp. With her mouth open I deepen the kiss even more but I know in my head that I should stop. I break the kiss and lean my forehead against hers, our breaths mixing together.

  “Babe, we need to stop or we won’t get to the pool, and we will have two very pissed off kids.” I push down on my dick in my shorts but it does nothing. Penny chuckles and I cock an eyebrow at her. “You think this is funny?”

  “Yeah, I do actually. Nice to see the effect I have on you, babe.” She winks at me. She turns and bends to pick the ice packs that she dropped when I startled her. “Let me just put these in the cool-bag and we can go.” I watch as she does this and I walk over to the table and pick up the bag. I follow her out of the house and head to the car while she locks up Hetch in the garden next door. Penny says that he stays there sometimes when she is out for long periods of time; Mrs. Thomas likes to have the dog for company. Shit, that dog is the size of a person anyway. Big fucker.

  Both Penny and me climb into the car and listen to Knox and Connie talking a mile a minute about what they are going to do at the pool.

  “Mum, did you remember to pack the strawberries?” Before Bambi can answer I chime in as I drive towards the pool.

  “She did, if she didn’t eat them all,” I wink at Bambi.

  “And how do you know she was eating them? Oh never mind. Do not answer that question,” Connie replies. Bambi goes bright red and I burst out laughing. I look in the rear view mirror and see Connie whispering in Knox’s ear, I can only imagine she is explaining how I know that Bambi ate some of the strawberries.

  We arrive at the pool in no time and we all pile out of the car. I see Adrian and Claire by the side of the pool, a large area with picnic blankets laid out. They have camping chairs placed around. Harry and Jorja are sitting down munching on crisps. There is a group of people that I don’t know sitting with them. I take hold of Bambi’s hand and walk towards the group. Knox and Connie run off towards them. When we get to the group Bambi lets my hand go and walks towards a woman who looks just like her. I feel the loss of her hand and feel like a fucking girl to noti
ce it. The woman looks at me over Bambi’s shoulder as they hug.

  “So this is the infamous Liam Bradley. Nice to meet you, Liam. I’m Darla, Penny’s older sister.” I take the hand she has offered.

  “Nice to meet you, Darla. The boy in the red swim shorts is my son Knox.” I point to Knox who is playing in the shallow part of the pool with two little boys and Adrian's boy Harry.

  “And that’s Justin and Calvin our boys, who Knox is playing with. The guy that is standing there watching them like a hawk is my husband Matt.” Matt must hear his name because he turns and walks towards us. He is fucking build like a brick shit house.

  “Hey, what’s up, man?” he asks, and offers his hand to shake.

  “Not much, just enjoying the weather while is lasts. Nice being here with my girl and my kids. A tad scary meeting some of her family for the first time, but I’m good. It had to happen sometime.” I shrug my shoulders and glance over to where Knox and Connie are playing in the water. Matt looks at me with a huge smile on his face, before he turns and walks over to the water. I see Bambi is looking at me with tears in her eyes.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “You said ‘My kids,’” she whispers. Closing the gap between us, I take her face in my hands and I lay a gentle kiss on her lips. I pull back and look in her eyes.

  “I didn’t notice I said that, but Connie is a part of you and you are mine, which means she is mine also.”

  “Bloody hell, Liam. Why do you have to go and say something like that here?” She chuckles through the tears. I use my thumb to wipe them again and lean in to kiss her again.

  “Okay, enough of the PDA. Let’s get this family day started,” Adrian pipes in.

  “Babe, let’s sit. The kids are fine. Try and relax.” I kiss her temple and help her to sit on the picnic blankets, she sits between my legs and leans back against me. I remove my t-shirt and Bambi shivers when her skin touches mine. Leaning forward I kiss her head again and smile to myself.

  All of the kids splash each other in the pool and their laughter fills the pool area. It amazes me how the other kids in Penny’s life take to Knox, like they have known him their whole short life. That to me says a lot about their upbringing. Adrian and Claire are relaxing in the chairs, while Darla and Matt are lying on the blankets spread out in front of us. Everyone is happy and enjoying their time off work and the sun. It is perfect timing this weekend for me to get some information on Connie’s father and how Bambi has been the last ten years. Bambi doesn’t work weekends and this weekend, Knox is away with school camp until Monday. I get to spend the whole weekend with the girls. It will be great for us, I think. Knox chases Connie and Jorja around the pool with a bucket of water, and they are screaming at the top of their lungs. I kiss the top of Bambi’s head and she sits up a little and turns to face me, taking my lips in seconds. Taking me by surprise. I grip the back of her head and deepen our kiss, I make sure to keep my hands where they are, considering we are in a public place with a shit load of kids playing around us. Bambi lays her hand on my leg and slides her hand up my thigh under my swim shorts. I leave her head and stop her hand. I feel her smile against my mouth.

  “Tease,” I say, against her mouth.

  “You love it,” she says, pulling back just enough so that what I say to her next, only she can hear.

  “I do love it. I love your touch. Your smell. The feel of your silkiness wrapped around my dick. The way you pant when I am sliding in and out of you.”

  She gasps at my words and I laugh at her and lay down on the blanket, leaving her sitting there staring me, her mouth forming a perfect ‘O’.

  That look doesn’t do shit all for my chubby dick.

  Bring on the weekend.


  I stare down at Liam as he lies on his back, his perfect abs scream to me to touch them. Any decent woman would, hell I would if we wasn’t by the pool. I cannot believe the words that just came out of his mouth. I am no prude, but Jesus Christ he had my core pulsing; which so isn't the right time or place right now. His tattoos stand out against his tanned skin. The sun making a thin layer of sweat on his skin, making him look sexier. My body pulses with desire and I know that I have to stop before I jump him here and now. I pat his thigh and he lifts his head in acknowledgment.

  “Yeah, babe?”

  “I am going to get some ice cream. Be right back,” I say, climbing to my feet, using his thighs as leverage. God, this man is freaking hot. I am one lucky girl to have snatched him up;

  “Okay, babe,” he says, leaning back on his elbows. I can’t see his eyes because he has shades on. Sexy bastard.

  “Hey, guys. I’m going to get some ice cream do you want anything?” I ask the group. They all give their answers and I walk around the pool, keeping an eye on the kids as I go. I smile as I watch them all play together. No-one is being left out, they are happy. 'Happy kids, happy parents’ my dad says. I see Knox waving at me and I return it. It is uncanny how much he looks like Liam. A true mini-me moment.

  Standing in the line for my ice cream, I watch all the families laugh and enjoy the day together. There is a small group of younger people, one couple are hugging and kissing. It is sweet; young love. Adrian breaks my line of sight as he walks over to the men’s toilets. He sees me watching him and salutes me. Oh shit what is he up to now? I order mine and Darla’s ice cream and walk back to the group. I notice that all the men are gone, strange. Or is it? I hand Darla her ice lolly and take the seat next to Claire.

  “What are they up to?”

  “No clue,” Claire answers. Bugger.

  “Adrian just stood up and motioned for the lads to follow. You know what they can get like.”

  I shake my head and look back over to where the kids are still happily playing in the pool. Connie and Jorja are dancing under the big flower that is sprinkling water down on everyone.

  “So how are things with you and the roadie?” Darla asks.

  “Things are good. We are enjoying each other at the moment.” I look away from the girls smug faces.

  “Enjoying each other. Is that what we are calling it these days?” Rachel pips in from behind me. About time she arrived.

  “Girl, what took you so long? We have been here for ages.”

  “Bitch, it takes time to make me look this good,” she winks at me. Rachel has always been beautiful and sexy, and that is why she always gets the men she wants. She is wearing a long maxi skirt and a short crop top. The string of her bikini top can be seen around her neck. She flicks off her sandals and sits in the empty camping chair.

  I reach into the cool-bag and pull out a can of Sprite. It is warm and I am thirsty as hell. Taking out a can and a small bag of chopped fruit I hear a roar of laughter from kids around the pool

  “Oh my fucking, God. What the hell?” I hear Rachel yell.

  “Language, Rach,” I admonish her.

  “Girly. LOOK!” She points over to the other side of the pool. I follow her line of sight and see what everyone is laughing about. Everyone is standing, still laughing and pointing as Adrian leads Liam and Matt around the pool. I cover my mouth with my hand out of shock or a way to control my laugh.

  The three of them are walking around the pool, each with a rubber ring around their middles. They are all wearing bright pink arm-bands and goggles covering their eyes. Big black flippers are on their feet, making them walk funny, but by God are they trying to look cool. Adrian has a sun hat on his head and is like the proud leader of the pack. A giggle leaves my throat, but a full blown laugh slips out right after it. I can no longer contain the laughter. I stand to try and get air into my lungs from laughing so hard. My stomach muscles are clenching and threatening to rip me in half if I keep laughing. I wrap my arms around my middle, trying to hold myself together. Claire has covered her face with Adrian's t-shirt that he abandoned earlier. Rachel is taking photos along with everyone else.

  “I knew he was up to something. He sa
luted me when he saw me earlier,” I say between gasps. I suck in a deep breath forcing much needed air into my lungs.

  “I have no clue where the hell you two found that man, I love. He is bloody crazy but he is my crazy,” Claire says.

  “We never found him, he found us and we couldn’t shake him. So we decided to take pity on the boy and keep him around,” Rachel says, without stopping the footage she is now filming.

  The three guys walk around and stop in front us, each have tattoos. Liam wearing the most ink. Their muscles make them look ridiculous with the kids rubber accessories on them. All of our kids come running over laughing and screaming at their dads. Connie and Knox come and stand by me and I place a hand on each of their shoulders.

  “Umm, Dad, why?” That is all Knox says, with the tilt of the head.

  “Because we wanted to,” is all Adrian says.

  “Because you wanted to? That’s lame and you know it,” Connie chimes in.

  “Maybe a lame excuse but it’s the only excuse. Plus, we are rocking this look. It is the Dad’s in pool wear look. Do you think I look hot, Bambi?” Liam says.

  “I plead the fifth, on this,” I state, with a smile.

  Liam struts towards me the best he can while trying to look sexy with the flippers on his feet flapping against the floor. I giggle. He comes so close that the rubber ring sticks into my stomach. My eyes follow the path from the rubber ring up his body, taking in his perfectly sculpted abs, his defined pecs. God, even his collar bones look sexy. Hell who am I kidding? Every inch of Liam Bradley is sexy. He lifts his hand and traces my bare shoulder with his finger, causing shivers to cover my body even in this heat. My mouth goes dry and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Damn it, why does he have to be so bloody sexy.


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