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Saving His Princess

Page 3

by Elisa Leigh

  I walk to the fridge and pull out the bacon and the fixings to make a cheese omelet. I might not know how to cook much, but I can do eggs and meat.

  Chapter Six


  I love bacon. Like I really love it. I’m stuffed after eating the yummy breakfast Vince made us. He refused to let me help him and told me my only job was to sit and be beautiful. I watched him cook and listened to him tell me about how his mom cooks for him, and it always made him feel better. I can tell by how he talks about her that she means a great deal to him. After finishing off my coffee, I take our plates and walk to the sink, setting our dishes down.

  When I grab the sponge and turn on the water, I feel Vince come up behind me. He turns off the water and grabs my hand. Kissing my neck, he whispers “Stop.”

  I turn my head and look at him, confused. “Did I do something wrong?”

  He turns me around with his hands on my hips. With the sponge still in my hand, I stare up at him wondering what is going on. He looks down at the sponge, glaring at it. When he grabs it, throwing it in the sink behind me, I can’t help but laugh.

  I stop laughing when I look up and notice how he’s looking at me. “Princess, I’m going to make this as clear as I can. I want you to think of my home as your home. You are not here to do the dishes or the laundry. Don’t ever feel like you have to do anything. Now, tell me you understand.”

  “I understand Vince,” I say before standing on my tiptoes and kissing him softly on the cheek. “Thank you.” I know what he’s trying to say. He wants me to know I don’t have to live like a slave anymore and it means more than he knows.

  “Let’s go take a walk. We can do these later.” He says, gripping my hips with his strong hands.

  The way he’s touching me feels so good. I’ve never had a man affect me in such a way, and it’s driving me crazy. I was just rescued from being enslaved, I’ve got nothing I can call mine, and I’m beginning to wonder if I’m in this country illegally. Even after all that, all I can think about are his thumbs slowly rubbing circles on my hips.

  “Uhh… a walk? It’s snowing outside.” I say looking down at my borrowed clothes.

  He looks behind me out the window. “It is snowing, isn’t it?” He says in awe, and a big smile spreads across his day-old scruff. “Come on, I’ve got an extra coat and boots you can wear. They’re mine so they’ll be too big, but they’ll be good enough for now.”

  Before I can tell him no, he runs upstairs to his room and is back a few minutes later with two pairs of socks, a huge thick coat, and boots. “Here Princess put these on, and I’ll be right back.”

  I sit down to put on both pairs of socks, and he’s back, kneeling in front of me. When he slides his huge black boot on my foot and starts to tie them tight, my eyes blur with tears.

  He looks up when he’s finished tying the second boot and frowns. “Why are you crying?” He asks before wiping my tears from my cheeks with the pad of his thumbs.

  “Happy tears.” I choke out and paste a smile on my face. He doesn’t need to know he’s the first person to show me genuine kindness in far too many years.

  He stands, fully dressed to go outside, and reaches out his hand to help me up. “Let’s go.”

  He leads us out the sliding glass door onto his back porch. From there he walks us out to his backyard that is covered in snow. We walk around, hand in hand as he points out a fox and deer that run across his property.

  Growing up in Russia, these cold temperatures don’t bother me as much as he may think. I should probably tell Vince, but the warmth of his hand is too good to pull away from. He’s laced his fingers with mine, and every once in a while, he’ll brush his thumb across my wrist and sparks of electricity will shoot through my body. He stops and pulls his hand away from mine and crouches down, gathering snow into a ball.

  I watch his every movement falling in love with the way he walks and talks, the way he moves, and the little ways he makes me feel cared for. It’s been twenty-four hours, and I know it’s completely crazy to be having these feelings, but I know Vince is essential to me and his presence in my life is imperative just like breathing.

  “What are you doing?”

  He smiles up at me mischievously, and I know he’s about to do something. “Have you ever built a snowman?”

  “When I was a little girl, the nuns would let us play in the snow a few times a year. Until the year Andrey got sick with pneumonia. They didn’t let us go out after that. It’s been many years since I’ve played in the snow.”

  His smile fades, and he stands up, dropping the snowball, he walks toward me. I wish I would have never said anything. Oh, how I wish I had beautiful stories to tell him, to keep that smile on his face. “Did you live in an orphanage Princess?”

  I nod. “It wasn’t awful. The nuns were strict, but they took care of us. They made sure we had enough to eat and went to school with clean clothes and the things we needed.”

  “Do you know what happened to your parents?”

  I push my hands into the pockets of the jacket and shrug my shoulders. “Niet. No, I was dropped off as a baby. Nothing is known about my parents. Who they are or why they didn’t want me. It’s okay, I’m sure there are many reasons they couldn’t keep me. I’ve had many years to be okay with it.”

  He brushes my hair out of my face and tangles his fingers in it, pulling lightly, so I’m looking at him. “I don’t know how anyone could ever give you up, Princess. I know I sure as hell won’t ever be able to.”

  Why does he keep saying these things to me? Each time he does, he adds fire to the flame that’s growing inside me. How could we ever be anything? I’m probably going to be locked away and then deported within the next couple of days. By next week I’ll be back in Russia having lost a year of my life to a naive decision.

  “I swear I can read your thoughts as they float across your mind. No matter what happens, I’ll take care of it, okay Lana?”

  “You can’t promise me that. You don’t know what’s going to happen.”

  “I know that you’re mine. I know that I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep you. You’ll figure out real fast I’m a stubborn asshole and I don’t play well when others try and take what’s mine. Lana, I promise you, there will never come a day when you don’t see my face and feel me next to you. This is new, but I know you’re feeling the same things I am.” He rasps.

  He leans down and seals his mouth with mine. Sliding his tongue along my lips, I open, wanting to taste him. He tastes like bacon and coffee and something darker. There’s a part of him that’s wild and untamed, and I want so bad for him to show me.

  I get so wrapped up in him devouring my mouth, my heart, my soul, I barely register the incessant ringing. He pulls back, eyes glazed over, and bites his bottom lip. The ringing starts up again, and we both look down at the phone in his pocket. He snatches it up but keeps his eyes locked on mine.


  I watch as he listens to the person on the other end of the call. His look goes from raw need to one of determination.

  “Yeah, we’ll be there in about an hour.”

  He hangs up and dials another number. “Hey Rock, could you get Chelsea to bring a few changes of clothes for Lana. Yeah, we’ll be at Spanky’s in an hour. Thanks, man.”

  He shoves his phone back into his pocket and stares at me a moment before saying anything. “We have to go. You need to talk to someone.”

  “I… Today? I thought I’d get at least one day Vince. Please, I’m not ready to go. Just until tomorrow.” Fear sets in and I panic. I know what he said, but all I can think about is men in ICE jackets coming and taking me away.

  Holding my face in his palms, he lifts my face toward his. “Easy love. Just talking, then we come right back home, my home. I’ll be with you the whole time. No one is taking you anywhere Princess. You good with that?”

  “Yes. I’m good with that.”

  “You’re so goddamn brave.” He says before
kissing me fast then leading us back to the house.

  Chapter Seven


  She’s been away for me for all of ten minutes, and I’m starting to twitch. I know she’s with Chelsea and Emersen, changing into the clothes Chelsea brought for her, but I need her. I need her next to me, so I know she’s safe. I would have taken the clothes and walked into the bathroom with her myself if it weren’t for the Lady Posse demanding I stay here. I don’t know what it is about those women, but they seem to get whatever the hell they want. They have a way of stringing our balls up tight and getting us to do whatever they say.

  I’m barely listening to Rock and Pres asking Triton questions about what he found out when Emersen and Chelsea come walking in. I’m about to ask where Lana is when she walks in behind them wearing skintight jeans and a sweater that hangs off one of her shoulders. She can’t be wearing a bra with it, and it makes me crazy knowing others will see her without one. I march up to her, grab her hand and walk her out of the Steel Daggers meeting room.

  “What the hell are you wearing? Why don’t you have a bra on?”

  My princess transforms in front of my eyes from a scared beautiful flower to a flaming temptress. “I’m sorry, I must not have heard you right.”

  Getting up in her face I lean down, so we’re on the same level. “You heard me. Now tell me why you aren’t wearing one.”

  I back up when she starts going off on me in Russian. I fold my arms and wait her out, leaning against the opposite wall in the hallway. When she finally settles down, she takes a deep breath and speaks to me in English. “The only bra I had was uncomfortable. The girls told me it was okay if I didn’t wear one. I didn’t think it would bother you if I didn’t.”

  Walking to her I lean down and kiss her exposed shoulder. “I don’t like other men seeing your beautiful skin. I’m sorry Princess. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. You’re so fucking beautiful. I don’t want anyone looking at you, thinking they could have you.”

  Licking her lips, she takes a minute to respond. “I don’t want anyone else, Vince.”

  I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. “Thank Christ,” I say on an exhale and kiss the top of her head.

  “You ready girly?” Emersen says, sticking her head out of the door. As soon as she sees us her smile widens.

  “Come on love, let’s get this over with so we can get home.” I take her hand, and we walk back into the room.

  Pres, Rock, and Triton are seated at the long wooden table with Chelsea and Emersen next to their men. I pull out my chair and have Lana sit down, while I stand behind her. We aren’t into many formalities in the Steel Daggers, but there are certain rules we follow. The officers have specific seats at the table when there’s church. Putting Lana in my place says a lot to the men seated here today. I want everyone to know she’s mine and is part of the Steel Daggers now.

  “Triton tell us what you know.” Pres starts.

  I clutch Lana’s shoulders, massaging her tense muscles, while Triton begins.

  “From what I’ve found out so far, Lana is from a town in Moscow. Around the time she should have gone off to University, she applied for a Student Visa in America. The paperwork was never completed, but she wasn’t seen or heard from shortly after that. There were around ten women who went missing at around the same time. Their families investigated it, saying their daughters were supposed to be going to America, but they never heard from them after they left. Does this sound right Svetlana?”

  “Please call me Lana. But yes, it sounds like what happened to me. An American, Will Adams was a teacher at my school for a semester and told me about a scholarship opportunity in America. He helped me fill out all the paperwork and get transportation secured for my travels. Once I arrived at the meeting place though, things changed. Another man was there, and he said I’d meet Will at the airport. I never made it there. Fifteen girls, including me, were drugged and transported by a private plane. When we got to America, we were taken to a warehouse…”

  Fuck this is bad. I knew it was going to be, but hearing it come out of her mouth is far worse than I expected. I’m ready to tear every single one of them apart, but I don’t know where they are or who to start with. The more I think about what I’m going to do to them the more furious I get.

  I feel her soft hand caressing one of mine, and her sweetness undoes me. She’s been through hell, yet she’s offering me comfort. I lean down and kiss the top of her head and inhale her sweet scent. She calms me in a way that I’ve never been. I don’t care that my brothers are witnessing me go soft for a woman.

  “The thing is, she isn’t supposed to be in this country. The minute we contact someone, they’ll know something’s up and come sniffing around. I don’t know much about ICE, but from what I’ve seen on the news saying something might not be the best move.”

  “She’s not going anywhere!” I say through clenched teeth.

  “And we aren’t trying to get rid of her Prince. We’re figuring out the best possible route to get her to stay here and not be ripped away from you.” Triton explains.

  “There’s someone I can talk to in the DA’s office. He might be able to get me some information on how we can go about this.” Pres offers.

  “Why can’t you just explain the situation? There has to be immunity for cases like this, right?” Emersen speaks up.

  Triton sighs and rubs his hands over his face, then looks up at her. “You’d think so, but you can’t ever tell how it’s going to go. They could put her in a cell until the whole case is looked into. It could be months until she’s released or sent back to Russia.”

  “Damn Lana, that’s fucked up,” Chelsea says, squeezing Lana’s hand in hers.

  “Nobody says anything. The only people who know are in this room, and of course Rash, Jester, and Holly. As far as anyone needs to know this Prince’s woman.” Pres announces.

  The light bulb flashes, the best fucking idea I’ve ever had is screaming to get out. Will it work? Is this all we need to do to make sure she stays here? I look up at Pres, and he knows what I’m about to say before it comes out of my mouth. Of course, he does, he’s my best friend and has been for years. He smirks and shakes his head like he can’t believe what I’m about to do.

  “Lana and I are getting married,” I say, pulling Lana out of my seat, so she’s standing in front of me. She looks scared and confused, but god do I hope she’s at least a little excited. This is where we were headed eventually anyway, why not speed up the future?

  I drop to my knee and grab her left hand in mine. Everyone has gone quiet and is staring at what’s about to go down. I almost can’t believe it myself. “Lana…” I look up to her, and she helps me out “Ivanov.”

  “Lana Ivanov, I know we just met, and this is going to sound fucking crazy. I need you to know the moment I saw you I knew I’d be down on my knee asking you what I’m about to, eventually.”

  She’s got her bottom lip pulled into her mouth and is staring down at me, eyes locked on mine. I find the courage I need to continue this crazy fucking question. A question I’ve never been surer of in my life yet scared of the answer.

  “Will you marry me? I promise to care for you and give you everything you’ve ever desired. I promise to make you happy and treat you like the Princess you are.”

  “O moy Bog,” she whispers.

  “Help me out, Lana.”

  She smiles a breathtaking smile. “I said ‘oh my god!’”

  “Is that a good o moy bog?” I ask, butchering the Russian part. When she laughs, I know it’s going to be okay.

  Nodding, she hugs me around my neck, peppering kisses all over my face. “Da, Vince. Yes, I’ll marry you. If you’re sure, this is what you want.”

  “Love, this is the only thing I’ve wanted in a long time. I couldn’t bear it if someone came and took you away from me. Now they’ll have a lot harder time of it.”

  I pull her to sit on my knee and then kiss her softly. “Tha
nk you, love.”

  “I should be thanking you, Vince.”

  “No, this is all selfish on my part.”

  “So, when are you getting married? We could do it this weekend.” Emersen suggests from beside us.

  “No. We do this immediately. Triton, figure out whatever you need to and get us a marriage license ASAP. I want it signed and dated for tonight.”

  “You know I’d do anything for you, but I don’t think that’s something even I can make happen.”

  “I’ll make a call. Give me an hour.” Pres says, standing behind Emersen.

  Chapter Eight


  I don’t know how Pres did it, but he got us a marriage license, dated today, with my name on it and everything. Every time I think about the hundreds of ways tonight could go wrong I push it out of my head. I’m diving into this head first, no matter the consequences.

  I was left alone for a while in what I’ve learned is the Steel Dagger MC’s underground clubhouse. Most people wouldn’t know, but there’s a whole floor beneath the restaurant with rooms, a kitchen, and what looks like a living room. It looks just like a house with a lot of extra rooms. Triton and another guy named Carter have been only a few feet from me since Vince, and the girls left. I’m getting antsy, and I just want to go home.

  Eventually, Chelsea and Emersen walk in with a ton of bags.

  “Look what we got?” Emersen says smiling wide holding up a lot of bags.

  I have no idea what she’s talking about, so I shrug and wait the eternally happy woman out.

  “Follow us,” Chelsea says and leads us down a long hall of rooms. All the way at the end of the hall, next to the room that says President, is another that says Vice President. Emersen takes out a key and unlocks the door and walks in.

  “This is Prince’s room. If he ever needs to stay at the club, this is where he stays.” Chelsea says, walking in behind me and putting the bags she is holding on the bed. I look around at the room and it reminds me a lot of his house, it even smells like him.


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