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Stolen Innocence: A Hotwife Novella

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by Lexi Archer

  Stolen Innocence

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, July 2015

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  Table of Contents

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  What's A Hotwife?

  1: Waiting

  2: No Bet

  3: Obsession

  4: Sneaking Away

  5: What's He Doing Here?

  6: Morality Patrol

  7: Carried Away

  8: Lies and Truths

  9: Second Patrol

  10: New Horizons

  More from Lexi Archer

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  Hi! Lexi here with an offer for eagle-eyed readers! It's pretty simple. I use voice transcription software to dictate the first draft of my books and during transcription sometimes it inserts the wrong word or adds an extra word or article that doesn't belong.

  I go over my drafts a couple of times and try to fix all those errors, but I know some slip through. So here's my offer to you:

  If you think you've spotted an error in this story whether it's a misspelled word or an extra word tossed in where it shouldn't be let me know! Send an email with any errors you've spotted and their location in the book to If you're the first person to spot the error then as a thank you I'll send you a free copy of the next story I release!

  I get to correct an annoying error and you get a free story. Everybody wins!

  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  1: Waiting

  "So where is Diana anyways?"

  I bristled at the question. Partly because I was annoyed that I was at this party with all the old gang and my fiancée wasn't here, and partly because of who the question was coming from. Ben. A guy I could never stand to begin with, and who I particularly couldn't stand when he started asking about Diana.

  The asshole.

  "How long have you been coming to these gatherings Ben? You know she can't stay out late because of her dad."

  Ben shrugged and looked down at his cards. The excuse for getting together and getting drunk tonight was poker. Some people got into their drink a little faster than others though. Like asshole over there grinning at me.

  There were guys and girls. It wasn't exactly a guy's night. More people from our small group of friends getting together to hang out. The real party would come on the weekend, but we were all in college, it was the summer with nothing better to do, and so why not get together during the week as well? There was no better time to do that sort of thing, after all.

  Ben shrugged as he inspected his cards and then he looked back up to me and grinned. There was absolutely no support from anywhere else on the table. Everyone else was silent. I'd noticed that when Ben and I started arguing the room usually went silent, and it drove me nuts.

  "That's weird," he said. "I would've figured since she's a college woman now she might make her own decisions."

  He put a couple of chips into the center of the table and then looked up one more time. What he'd already said was bad enough, but if I knew Ben at all then there was another shoe that was about to drop.

  "Then again I hear she's still making most of the decisions when it comes to important stuff like that," he said. He pulled his hands back from his chips. "Raise."

  There was a sharp intake of breath around the table. Everybody was suddenly looking down at their own cards, and I knew they weren't suddenly interested in what they'd been dealt. No, they were all looking down because everybody knew exactly what Ben was talking about. It was one of the open secrets of my relationship with Diana. Open because we'd gotten into very public fights about it on a couple of occasions.

  Diana was absolutely gorgeous. She was beautiful in every way. She had a killer body, and a gorgeous girl next-door face that looked so sweet and innocent. Probably because she was sweet and very innocent in every sense of the word.

  One of the drawbacks of dating a pastor's daughter was that girls in this town tended to subscribe to two schools of morality: waiting for marriage, or going absolutely wild early on in the truest country girl stereotype. I lived in a place that was decidedly conservative and very 1950s in its values system despite being so close to a university town that you could practically call this place a suburb if not for the cornfields in between.

  Unfortunately for me my beautiful girl next-door fiancée was definitely more of the waiting-for-marriage type, much to my frustration. We'd gotten engaged last year during our freshman year and were planning on getting married in a year or two as long as we were both on track for graduating.

  I looked down at my cards and then back up to Ben. "You can go fuck yourself."

  He held up his hands and suddenly had an innocent look on his face as though he meant no offense at all. Like there was any chance he didn't mean to offend.

  "Sorry man! I didn't realize that was still a sore spot," he said.

  I glanced over to my friend David, but he was staring down at his cards just as assiduously as everybody else in the room. Sure he looked a little embarrassed. His cheeks were rosy red, but he wasn't doing anything to stop it. Some friend. He was the whole reason Ben was here in the first place. Something about trying to pick up on some of Ben's womanizing ways, getting tips from him with the women. I rolled my eyes. No help was coming from him.

  Like I said. Some friend. It made me wonder why I still came to these things sometimes. No one could stand Ben when we were all going to school together, and I was the only one who seemed to remember that.

  "I know exactly what you were talking about Ben," I said. "And my original assertion stands. You can go fuck yourself!"

  Others at the table were looking back and forth, and all of them looked very uncomfortable. With anyone else having this conversation it would've been obvious it was some good-natured fun. That it was just friends having fun at each other's exp
ense. Taking the piss, as they said on the other side of the pond in a phrase that I thought should be more popular over here.

  Only everybody at the table knew that wasn't the case with me and Ben. No, everybody here was familiar with how we felt about each other. We each hated and loathed one another, absolutely and completely. As much as two people could hate each other.

  Right now I wanted nothing more than to launch myself across the table and show him exactly what I thought of that stupid smirk on his face, but I didn't. No, I didn't want to rock the boat. I was tempted to go out to my car and get a baseball bat I had sitting in my trunk for the past couple of years and give him an idea of how I felt about that smirk on his face after everyone left, but that wouldn't be a good idea either. I was old enough now that an assault charge would stick in adult court, and that definitely wasn't worth it. Particularly when we were all going back to school in the fall and he would be going to a university a couple of hours away where he wasn't my problem for another blessed two semesters. Christmas break and spring break when we were all forced to come back home notwithstanding.

  Well, when some of us were forced to come back home. Some people, like Diana for instance, were stuck at home no matter what. I figured that was part of the reason why her innocence, and mine too for that matter, were still so well preserved. Almost as though someone had taken our virginity and put it in Amber to be preserved for millions of sexually frustrating years.

  Sure I lived in a dorm, but with roommates and distractions and Diana's father setting rules about when she had to be home that only went so far.

  Damn it. Just thinking about it was starting to tick me off. Not just Ben, but Diana as well. I'd figured when we got engaged that would be enough for her. That would open the floodgates. She was willing to do other stuff, almost everything up to but not including actually fucking, and it drove me wild that we could do everything up to but not including the fucking. The way she lawyered morality like that was annoying even if I benefited, and that was the source of some of those aforementioned arguments that made my little problem with my future wife so obvious to everybody in our group of friends.

  No, I needed to push down those feelings. The last thing I needed was another blowup. And so I took a deep breath. I forced myself to concentrate on anything but my anger at Ben and how it was suddenly translating into very real anger towards my fiancée, which wasn't entirely fair.

  I shouldn't get mad at her for sticking to her deeply held beliefs, even if those deeply held beliefs were keeping me from getting laid in a frustrating way.

  "Diana has strong beliefs, and I respect that," I said.

  Ben shook his head and chuckled. "Yeah, I guess I can respect that…"

  I thought that would be the end of it. Already I could see people starting to shuffle their cards around again, but his next muttered reply was just loud enough to be heard by everybody at the table.

  "A real man would have tapped that years ago…"

  I stood and my cards went flying. The chips in front of me went flying, not that I gave a damn. It's not like we were playing a high-stakes game here or anything like that. No, it was strictly penny-ante. I could throw that away in the name of getting pissed off.

  "Really man? Fuck you!"

  I took a step forward before my thigh bumped against the table stopping me and causing the entire table to rattle. Several stacks of chips went falling down. There must've been something in my eyes, I certainly knew I felt like murdering somebody, somebody very specific, because Ben flinched back away from me, losing his balance and sprawling on the floor with a crash that was even louder than the noise I'd made when I stood up. I smiled as I saw him crashing to the ground. Good. I hoped the asshole hit his head and busted it open or something.

  I looked around at the rest of the table. To everybody here who was supposed to be my friend, but none of them had jumped to my defense or to Diana's for that matter. Fuck all of them. I wasn't in a mood to hang out with friends like that. I couldn't wait until summer was over and I could go back to hanging out with people I'd met at college and I was no longer forced to socialize with the same assholes I'd known for most of my life because that was the only social life to be found in this one stoplight town. Unless you were into cow tipping.

  Although even cow tipping wasn't really an option. If you ever saw a cow, how heavy the damn things were, you'd get an appreciation for how impossible tipping one over was. Almost as difficult as trying to tip over Ben's mom. It was too bad nobody else at the table was in on my inner monologue to hear that burn.

  "I'm out of here," I said. "You assholes enjoy your game."

  I stormed to the front door. I knew exactly where it was since I'd been coming to David's house for years. I made sure to give it a good slam, only I didn't actually hear it connecting with the doorframe. I turned around and saw Ben standing there in the doorway. He had a worried look on his face.

  "What do you want?" I asked.

  2: No Bet

  "Hey man," he said. "You don't have to leave just because of me. I thought we were joking around, having a good time."

  "If your idea of joking around and having a good time is insulting my girlfriend or implying I'm not man enough for her then you have a fucking weird idea of a good time," I said.

  There was heat in my voice, and I was happy to see Ben take a step back again. He was in good shape, he'd always spent plenty of time in the gym, but I'd also been taking advantage of my time at school and the free gym there to get in the best shape of my life. I wasn't sure if I could take him, but I was sure I could definitely do some damage if I wanted to. I might not win, but I'd make him regret winning.

  "You're right man," Ben said. "I'm sorry. I guess with Diana I just…"

  "You just what? You don't know her. You don't know anything about our relationship."

  He shook his head and laughed. "What if I told you I just wanted to help you out? That I was worried for you man? I assume you still haven't sealed the deal?"

  I fought back the urge to laugh, and then I decided fuck it. That was worth a good laugh if anything ever was. He was just looking out for me? What kind of wacky tobaccy had he smoked before he came over?

  "Whether or not any deals have been sealed, as you so eloquently put it, is none of your god damn business!"

  "I'm just saying," Ben said.

  He took a seat on the front steps and I found myself imagining how much fun it would be to bash his head against that front step. It was made of concrete, and I knew from first-hand experience just how painful it could be when you slammed against the thing at high speed. I wondered how much damage could be done if my fist was doing the slamming.

  "I've seen plenty of girls like Diana while I was off at school," he said. "Well, you know what it's like around here. I dated plenty of girls like Diana back before we graduated and went off to college. A girl like that wants it even if she's playing hard to get!"

  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, and I suppose all it takes is a player like you to get her in the sack?"

  He shrugged. "I'm not trying to brag here man, but it's happened often enough that I know it's true."

  I rolled my eyes again. "Yeah, you wouldn't have a chance in hell with Diana. Trust me, I know."

  And I figured I did know. After all, who would know better how difficult it was to get in Diana's pants than the man who'd been dating her for years? I'd been barking up that tree for a long time now, and I was the man she loved. I put a ring on her finger. We were going to get married, and it was going to be such a sweet and fucking amazing wedding night when it finally came. When I finally came inside my gorgeous fiancée rather than in her mouth or on her body.

  Not that I minded any of that stuff, it was just difficult not to think of it as a consolation prize when the real thing was so frustratingly off-limits.

  Ben locked eyes with me and he suddenly had a strange look on his face. A smile spread, though it wasn't the asshole grin I'd seen when he was sitting at the ta
ble doing his best to get me riled up. No, there was something different about this grin. Something unsettling. Something I definitely didn't like.

  "No way," I said. "There's not a chance in hell."

  "Fine," he said. "It's a bet!"

  I blinked. "What the hell are you talking about?"

  Of course I knew exactly what he was talking about, it's just that I couldn't believe he was actually serious. I knew he was a first rate asshole, but I didn't think he would take things that far. Still, the twisted logic that got him to thinking I'd just made a bet was easy enough to see. A bet on whether or not a guy like him could get into her pants. Yeah, I'm sure he'd love it if he actually managed to win that bet.

  It was ridiculous. Like I would ever make a bet like that. And yet at the same time there was a part of me that was suddenly intrigued. I felt like my body was betraying me, but it was obvious from the stirring down below that I was getting one hell of a raging hard on at the idea of this asshole hitting on my woman.

  Now what kind of fucked up thought was that? I'd never even thought of her getting with another guy, and now this asshole player who considered every woman he'd gotten with to be just another notch on his bed post talked about making my fiancée one of those notches and I was getting a hard on? What the fuck?

  In the moment I figured my embarrassingly aroused stated was maybe just a byproduct of the fact that any thought of Diana getting sexy was enough to make my cock absolutely rock hard. It just appeared that my desire to see Diana getting down and dirty was so deep-seated, was so ingrained in my erotic imagination, that even the thought of her fucking another man was enough to get me hard.

  At least that's what I told myself. I tried to ignore that my hard on was more immediate and more painful than any other hard on I'd ever had before in my life. I was sure that was just a weird coincidence. Maybe it was a byproduct of me being so pissed off in the first place while we were having this argument. Anger and arousal mixing together to make me hotter and harder than I'd ever been before.


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