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by Christina Chavis

  Mason: A Storm Reaper’s MC book 1

  Can love truly conquer it all?

  Christina Chavis

  Mason: A Storm Reaper’s MC

  Copyright © 2019 by Christina Chavis

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations em- bodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organiza- tions, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.





































  Chapter 1


  I always heard stories about this happening. I've seen it in movies. I just never thought it would happen to girls like me. I've always been a cautious person and never taken drinks or food from people I didn't know personally. That was the advice my mom had given me the first time I told her I was going to go to a party with my friends.

  Being in the small town of Delway, North Carolina, where there is a total of 203 people, you wouldn't think this would happen here. Everyone knows everyone. And you most certainly wouldn't have thought it would be someone close to you; or that the victim would turn out to be you.

  I'm sitting here with Steven waiting on my boyfriend Mason to arrive. As Mason's best friend, he's supposed to be looking out for me. Until tonight I've never really had a problem being around him. He was an asshole to everyone, but he was always kind to me. A few weeks ago, after Steven walked in on me naked with Mason, everything started to change. I'd see him staring at me a lot more.

  The moment I walked in the house tonight, he said, "Here baby, drink this. It'll help loosen you up so you can relax. This is a party. Who doesn't drink at a party?" He knows I don't drink, and I kept refusing the beer, and he'd finally gotten up to get me the soda I'd been asking for, for over an hour. I was beyond thirsty, and when he came back, I drank over half of the drink before taking my next breath. Not long after, I started feeling light-headed and really warm.

  The smell of beer, sweat, and perfume whirling around the room had my stomach churning with disgust. Rising from the couch, I stumbled and almost knocked over a couple, making out next to us. After righting myself, I started towards the bathroom. Before I could walk off, Steven reaches out and grabs my arm. Looking back, I ask, "What?" He gets up and leans so close that if I hadn't turned my head, he would've kissed me. He whispers, "Where are you going? Maybe I can help." Snatching my arm away, I tell him, "I don't need someone to hold my hand to go to the bathroom."

  Turning on legs that felt like lead weights were strapped to them, I made my way to the bathroom. The line to the one downstairs was long. Deciding to go upstairs to find one with fewer people, I practically hugged the railing, trying to make my way up them without falling on my face. The bathroom in the master bedroom was empty, so I went in and splashed some water on my face. The water helped a little, but not by much. I felt like I was standing in a sauna.

  It was getting harder to focus, and my arms were getting heavier. I figured since no one had come in this room, it would be safe to just lay down for a minute. I was sure that when Mason finally arrived, he'd come looking for me. I don't think I was lying on the bed for five minutes before I heard the door open. I tried to get up, but it was like my body was nothing but dead weight.

  A dark figure leaned over me, and when I was finally able to focus, I realized it was Steven. I thought he was coming to check on me, but it seemed he had other ideas. He says, "I can't stop seeing your perfect body in my head. Your breast and that ass. I just needed a taste, and you'll forget this happened after I'm done with you, and no one will ever know. I promise, baby. You won't even remember." My head was fogging over again, and I was having a hard time understanding what he was saying. When I finally did, I knew I was in a world of trouble, and I was powerless to prevent it.

  He grabbed my arms and yanked them above my head, using his other hand to tear the panties from my body. All the while, I felt trapped and frozen in my own body. My shirt was unbuttoned and yanked off me before being tossed to the floor. He stood up and removed his shoes before he started getting himself undressed. Looking down at me, he says, "God, you are beautiful. If only you were mine."

  It was as if I could hear every tooth of his zipper as he pulled it down. When he finally climbed back on to me, I felt the tears running down the sides of my face into my hairline. He used one hand to yank down the cups to my bra and the other to spread my legs before he slammed into me with such a force that I ended up biting my tongue. I could taste blood in my mouth, and all I could do was cry and silently scream. I prayed that someone would come in and save me.

  I was praying so hard that I almost didn't hear the door open. Steven was ramming in and out of me and grunting so loud that he didn't hear the door, but I did. I managed to lift my head enough to see that Mason had walked in. I could see the hurt look on his face as he took in the scene before him. I guess he didn't realize that I didn't want to be there either because he shook his head, turned around, and walked right back out the door.

  With one last ram and a loud groan, Steven emptied himself deep inside me and got up to get dressed. Leaning down, he whisper's, "I hope that was as good for you as it was for me, baby." Then he kissed my forehead and walked out without looking back. I could feel his cum dripping out of me while I laid there. I closed my eyes and hoped the drug would wear off soon. I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know, someone was throwing my clothes at me yelling, "You have to leave before my parents get home!"

  Sluggishly, I was able to move my limbs to the point where I could get myself dressed. I was able to catch a ride home with a girl from the party. I didn't have to worry about my parents being up as I got back, they would've gone to bed hours ago. I crept up the stairs and into my bedroom. Closing the door quietly, I walked into the bathroom, tearing off clothes as I went. I turned on the shower, then slid to the floor and cried.

  After I finally stopped crying, I throw my clothes in the trash and turn off the shower. Going to my dresser, I pull out a long-sleeve shirt and jogging pants and get dressed. Sitting on my bed, I'm afraid to close my eyes because all I can see is Steven on top of me or the look of hurt that showed on Mason's face as he walked into that room, took in the scene, and then walked away. I cried silent tears as I thought of how I was going to try to explain what happened to Mason when I saw him again.

  I stayed up until my parents woke the next morning before I finally went downstairs to tell them about what happened last night. I sat at the table in front of them and recounted the events that took place at the party. My mom cried, and my father looked like he
was ready to murder someone. His face got redder the farther I got into telling them what happened. I had no idea I still had enough water in my body to cry, but it seems I thought wrong. After I finished, they hugged me, and we headed to the car.

  It wasn't a long drive to the hospital from where we stayed. But the Thirty-minute trip felt like forever. The closer we got, my nerves became even more frazzled. After checking in at the front desk, I was taken to a room where they proceeded to do a rape kit and draw blood. The police were called, and I gave them my statement.

  With me washed and already wearing different clothes, there wasn't much they could do. I told the doctors and the police that I still had the clothes I wore at home in my bathroom trashcan. A police car was sent there along with my dad to retrieve them. While that was happening, the doctors continued with my examination. With Steven not wearing a condom and my blood being tested and coming back positive for the date-rape drug, Rohypnol. I pretty much had enough evidence to have him charged with rape.

  After going through all the tests and answering all the questions, I was finally able to leave. When we got home, I told my parents I needed to see Mason so I could explain what had happened and that I would be back. On the way there, I kept going over how to tell him that his best friend that he'd grown up with all his life had raped me. It was bound to be a disaster, but there was no way around it. I just didn't imagine I would be the one destroyed in the process of everything that had already happened.

  Pulling up to his house, I see what looks to be a party; I was hoping to talk to him alone. There are so many cars, I have to park near the street and walk up the long driveway. A few people are standing by their vehicles as I make my way up the drive. I can feel their eyes on me as I pass. I have no idea why, but it was starting to worry me. I felt like I had the words "Rape Victim" stamped on my forehead and had to fight the urge to wipe it.

  I really don't want to be at another party after the night I had, but I needed to talk to him about what he saw last night. So, I sucked in a breath, opened the front door, and walked in. It didn't take long for me to start getting funny looks as I navigated my way through the partygoers to find Mason. I don't have to look far because I see him on the couch sitting beside Steven. And sitting on Mason's lap was his ex-girlfriend, Izzy.

  I slowed as I approached where they all sat. Steven noticed me first and tapped Mason on the shoulder. I could see the smirk on Steven's face as Mason turned to look at me with the coldest look I'd ever seen on his handsome face. It made my stomach twist in knots because I knew Steven got to him before I could tell him the truth about what happened. Instead of saying anything to me, he turned his head back to Izzy, ignoring me. I could fill my eyes, starting to sting again.

  It was starting to get quiet in the room since you could practically feel the hostility pouring off Mason. Looking around, I lowered my voice and asked, "Mason, can we go somewhere and talk?" He lifted Izzy off his lap and placed her on the couch before getting up. I was waiting for him to pass so we could have some privacy, but he just stood there, glaring at me. There was so much hatred in his eyes that I was sure that if looks could kill, I'd been dead where I stood. I couldn't help but flinch when I looked into his eyes.

  "We have nothing to talk about. You're nothing but a cheating bitch that went behind my back and seduced my best friend into fucking you. There's no telling how many of my other friends you've tried to fuck. You've probably slept with the whole football team for all I know. I never want to see your face again. Now, get the hell out of my house!"

  I'm not sure when the tears started. Maybe when Mason called me a cheating bitch. I also realized I had wrapped my arms around my middle like it would protect me from the vile things that were coming out of his mouth. I could see Izzy laughing and Steven smirking just over his shoulder. I turned to leave but stopped and looked back in time to see Mason sit, and Izzy climb back on his lap. I had nothing left to lose, so I turned back around and faced him, ready to tell the truth about what happened.

  No doubt someone was filming my humiliation for everyone to see later. I'm sure I won't be going back to school after this anyways. Taking a deep breath, I looked into Mason's expressionless face and told my side of the story he didn't even bother to hear out. I told him that his best friend raped me last night. I also mentioned how he walked in, then turned and walked right back out the door, not looking back.

  Then I turned to a paled faced Steven and told him when he raped me, he didn't use a condom. I told him my parents took me to the hospital and the police. So, they have a sperm sample, my clothing, and blood work showing that I was drugged. I watched as his face turned even paler as he started looking around the room as everyone was staring at him in horror. I could see Mason's mask slip as he listened to what I was saying.

  With one last sad look at Mason, I said, "Your right about one thing, I won't be anywhere near you, and you won't be seeing me again. I turned on my heel and left the house that had gotten so quiet you could hear only my shoes squeak across the floor as I hurried to leave. As I walked down the driveway, I decided to see if my parents would let me go and stay with my Aunt Emma, who lived in San Diego, California.

  It didn't take long for Steven to get what he deserved. He was arrested about two hours after leaving the party. We only had about a week and a half left in the school year anyway, so I was able to do all my exams a week ahead, and I wouldn't have to be here for graduation. A piece of paper could be mailed to me later. I was ready to put this town, the people in it, and my broken heart in the past and never think about it ever again.



  10 years later

  I didn't think i would ever come back here, and if it weren't for my mother's death, I would have never stepped foot in Delway again. The place has changed a lot. It seems to have grown since I left. I even passed what looked like a Motorcycle Club on the way into town. I remember my mom telling me that there had been one to move into town a few years back.

  Apparently, they had liked the little town so much that they decide to stay. They've been buying up old buildings and opening up new shops all over Delway. Which turned out to be a good idea judging by all the cars, motorcycles, and what looks to be new homes I've passed since crossing the county line. It was like the whole town had gotten a complete makeover. Everything looked shiny and new, which told me that this motorcycle club took great pride in their businesses.

  I was beyond tired. I'd been driving for the past six hours trying to get here. I would only stop to get gas. Not wanting to lag around, I would use my credit card, so I didn't have to go inside and wait in line to pay. I'd be damned if these people and the nightmares I still had, were going to keep me from attending my mother's funeral. Nothing was stopping me from getting here.

  Ever since finding out that she had died, this guilt inside has been eating away at me. After everything that happened, I left and never looked back. I'd been screening their calls just to avoid any talk about visiting for the past ten years. Being their only child, I know it was hard for them not to see or talk to me every day like we use too. We were so close, and I ran away from not only this town but from them also.

  When my Dad called to tell me she'd passed away, I'd let it go to voicemail instead of answering it. I'd listen to the message and called him right back. It broke my heart to have to listen to my Dad asked me if I was going to come to her funeral. I'd broke down crying and asking him to forgive me for not being there. Telling him, I was sorry for not being the daughter that they deserved.

  We stayed on the phone for hours just going over everything that happened in both our lives in the past ten years. Hearing Dad talk about mom hurt, not only me but him too. I could hear the strain in his voice like it took great effort for him to get the words out. He told me that they didn't blame me for not wanting to come back there. That they just wished I would have picked up the phone every once in a while, and let them know how my life was going.

Before we hung up, I asked him how mom died. It broke my heart, hearing the details. She had been killed in a hit and run. They had hit her car from the side, and her car flipped. Since my mom absolutely hated seatbelts, she wasn't wearing one and was pinned under the vehicle when it stopped flipping.

  Instead of helping, whoever hit her left and didn't bother stopping to help her. I could feel tears running down my cheeks as Dad explained what happened. I promised him I would get the next flight out and rent a car to be there in time for the funeral. I also promised I would spend a few weeks with him.

  The moment I got off the phone, I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about going home. I wanted to pick up the phone, call Dad back, and tell him I changed my mind. I wanted to crawl under a rock and stay there. Never to come out again.

  The therapist I started seeing after I had moved in with my aunt has been trying to get me to go back to Delway for years, telling me I had to face my fears if I genuinely wanted to be free of them. So, the following day, I'd called to book a two-hour session instead of the normal one-hour. Then I spent the rest of the day drowning my fears in alcohol. Hoping that I got up the next morning in time to get to my appointment.

  I made it through the therapy session and with the confidence that I'd be able to get on the plane and return to my hometown. Riding through town now, I remember all the good times I had with my family and friends. All the people I left without saying goodbye to. I find myself wondering if any of them still live in town now. Wondering if they would like to get together and hang out since it's a bright and beautiful day.

  I slow down at the stoplight as it turns red, and Joan Jett and the Blackhearts song "I Love Rock N' Roll starts blasting through my speakers. I might be twenty-six now, but I'm not afraid to admit that I watched Crossroads with Britney Spears and sang into my hairbrush. So, I do what any respectable girl in my shoes would do. I turn it up louder, grab my brush from the passenger seat, and start singing along.


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