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Worth Billions (Worth It Series, #1)

Page 14

by Timms, Lexy

  But he stormed up to the porch and unlocked the door before barging inside.

  I stood there in the open doorway and listened as the bags slammed onto the kitchen counter. I wanted to know what was wrong so I could help him, but I didn’t want to taint the little bit of time we had left. I understood wanting to leave it in the past, but I couldn’t help but wonder if I would become his past. If he would one day shove me to the back of his mind and refuse to acknowledge my existence in his life at one point. Would he still think about me? When he left me to work at the diner while he traveled back to wherever ‘home’ was for him, would he spare a thought for me at all?

  Or would my memory cause him the same kind of pain he’d experienced in the grocery store?

  I didn’t know. What I did know, however, was that I didn’t want to be a regret. I didn’t want to be a sore spot in his life. I walked into the house and shut the door, then made my way to my room without offering to help Gray with the groceries.

  Because something told me he wanted to be alone.

  Which meant I was alone.

  Maybe it would’ve been better had he simply left.

  Chapter 23


  I stood at the stove preparing dinner while Michelle frolicked in the bath. I heard her humming down the hallway and it forced a grin to slide across my cheeks. Things had been tense last night between us. I knew she knew something was wrong. But after spending some silent time in her presence while she read a book in the library, I began to loosen up. She had that effect on me. A calming effect I couldn’t resist. That my body was helpless against. I enjoyed it, and as I turned the filet mignons and seared them on all sides, I found myself looking forward to our date.

  I cooked up the crab legs to perfection before steaming the broccoli, then I went to change my clothes. I pulled out a pair of dark-wash jeans and paired it with a black button-front shirt. Casual, but nice enough for the food I was making for us. The smells lingered in the air as I heard the water draining through the house from Michelle’s tub, and I knew in a matter of minutes, our dinner date would begin.

  I walked outside to the porch and made sure things were clean and nice before double checking that I had the food on warm.

  The doorbell rang and I furrowed my brow. Who in the world was at Anton’s front door? I walked through the house and opened the door, prepared to shoo away whoever was bothering me moments before our dinner date. But instead of a person, I found an empty space of air.

  Until I dropped my eyes and saw a box sitting on the porch.

  I picked the heavy box up in my hands and read the label. ‘Next Day Shipping’. I looked at the address and furrowed my brow deep as I kicked the door closed. Something had been sent from my vineyard.

  “What have you done now, Maria?” I murmured to myself.

  “Grayson? Is everything okay?” Michelle called out.

  “Everything’s fine. I can’t wait to see you for dinner, though,” I said.

  Her soft giggle filled the air and it stopped me in my tracks. The hold that woman had on me was incredulous, and it never ceased to tug a grin across my face. I walked back into the kitchen and quickly opened the box and found six beautiful bottles of a wine that wasn’t supposed to roll out for a couple more weeks.

  I plucked the note from the side of the box and quickly opened it up.

  I recognized Maria’s handwriting instantly.


  When I went to check on the vineyard, something in my gut called to me. It led me all the way to this newest vintage, and the feeling multiplied. All I could think about was giving it a try, so I stole a small sip for myself. And the taste was so rich and so incredibly inspiring that I had to call the winemaker. This is, without a doubt, the best vintage this vineyard has ever produced, and it wouldn’t have been caught had it not been for my gut.

  I pulled out one of the bottles of wine and looked at it. Then, my eyes fell back to the note.

  I’ve watched you mature over the years, Grayson. Like the vines of your vineyard. I’ve watched you heal and grow and improve, just like your skills and your knowledge of your grapes. I am so proud of you, and so very excited for the future you have lying ahead of you. What I want you to know, however, is the lesson behind your best vintage. Two more weeks and it would have been ruined. It would have tasted like all the other wines you’ve produced. My gut guided me, and you need to lets yours do the same.

  I set the bottle down onto the kitchen counter before I leaned against it, a smile dragging across my face.

  Keep yourself open, Grayson. Do not allow this world to rob you of the joy and the pleasures you’ve created for yourself. Remain open to opportunities and make meaningful connections in your life. Because you need that more than you think you do. These grapes? They won’t provide you with comfort. Your room? It won’t provide you with conversation. Your mansion? It won’t provide you with love and support. But people can, and they will. If you let them in far enough.

  I closed my eyes and conjured Anton’s presence. The two of them would have gotten along greatly. Maybe in another lifetime, the two of them might have even hit it off.

  I clenched my jaw to keep it from quivering before I opened my eyes again.

  You leave the hounds to me. I’ll make sure your company goes far. But these wines and this vineyard and myself? We can only take you so far, Grayson. Follow your gut. Listen to what it’s telling you. Don’t let anyone or anything else guide you, including myself.

  “Yeah. That’ll go over well,” I murmured.

  Enjoy your time, and enjoy the wine. I believe this will be the vintage that puts you on the map, Mr. Grayson MacDonald.


  Your Savior, Maria Lopez

  I threw my head back and laughed at her signature. Maria always did have to get a jab in there. I said that to her once. Once, in all the years she worked for me, and she never let me live it down. I set the note back in the box and started opening drawers, looking around for Anton’s wine opener.

  And when I found it, I uncorked the bottle on the counter to let it breathe.

  The aromas that filtered through the kitchen left me speechless. It smelled wonderful. I wanted to tip it up to my lips to taste it, but not before it was aerated properly. I could already tell Maria was right, though. This would be our best vintage by far. I opened cabinets and drawers until I found Anton’s glass decanter, then I washed it, dried it, and poured the wine into it. I let it set on the counter and rest as I prepared our plates, setting the filet mignons within the forest of crab legs.

  “Oh my gosh, something smells phenomenal in here.”

  I turned around at the sound of Michelle’s voice and she stopped me in my tracks. Her beautiful red hair was carefully styled on top of her head, with a few wispy curls framing her face. She had carefully-planned makeup on her face, accenting her round green eyes and her pouty crimson lips. Those lips, dripping with the tainted lust on them I couldn’t get out of my head, bled into a beautiful dress that fluttered gracefully over her body. I had no doubt it was the nicest piece of clothing she owned, and it suited her well. It framed her curves, but didn’t cling to them. And the way the sleeves fell off her shoulders made my veins bulge.

  I found it hard to breathe.

  “Not good?” she asked.

  My eyes whipped up to hers as I snickered.

  “Not good at all,” I said. “But perfect.”

  Her cheeks blushed and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I picked up the plates and showed her the dinner I had made and her eyes widened. Then I propped the plates against my arm and reached for the decanter filled with the luscious red wine.

  “Do you need help?” Michelle asked.

  “Just follow me,” I said.

  I led her out onto the porch and put everything down onto the table. Then I pulled her chair out and ushered her to sit down. She slipped into the chair, her legs splaying across the seat, and it was hard for me to take my eyes
off those thighs of hers. I filled her wine glass before I filled mine own, then made my way to my seat as the sun began to set.

  “To great dinners and great company,” I said, as I held up my glass.

  “Here here,” she said.

  “You look wonderful tonight.”

  “You clean up pretty nicely yourself,” she said playfully. “And this food looks delicious.”

  “Well, hopefully it tastes just as good.”

  I watched her put the wine glass to her lips. One sip turned into two, and two turned into three. She put the glass down and held her hand underneath her chin and I chuckled as a dribble trickled down her skin. She reached for her napkin and quickly dabbed at it, her cheeks flushing an even deeper shade.

  “I have no idea where you got that wine, but it’s not from around here,” she said.

  “Do you like it?” I asked.

  “It’s incredible. It’s one of the best wines I’ve ever had. Though that’s not saying much. Usually the wines I buy have screwed-on caps.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” I said.

  I wasn’t just glad she liked it. I was elated she liked it. She tore through two glasses of it before she finished her broccoli. I watched her carefully, cutting into my filet mignon as she took her first bite of the crab legs.

  Watching her eyes roll into the back of her head brought me so much pride.

  “You really have to teach me how to cook,” she said.

  “I don’t know. That pasta dish you made was pretty good,” I said.

  “But this is an entirely different level. Are you a chef or something?”

  “Or something.”

  “I don’t know what you actually do, but you need to stop it and open a restaurant.”

  “Then maybe I’ll take you up on that offer,” I said with a grin. “More wine?”

  “Mmm, yes please,” she said, humming.

  She moaned and groaned over the steak and the sounds were becoming very distracting in the most enjoyable way. She licked her lips whenever the juiciness of the filet got to be too much and my cock wanted to bust out of my jeans. I gripped my silverware tightly, my eyes taking the time to study her. To take her all in.

  Fuck me, I was glad I’d stayed.

  “This is really good,” Michelle said. “Thank you so much.”

  “Only the best for the best,” I said.

  Her eyes flickered up to mine before a small smile crossed her cheeks.

  “I’m glad you decided to stay,” Michelle said.

  “I am, too.”

  “Because otherwise I would’ve missed having my own personal in-house chef.”

  “Well I’m glad something about me would have been missed.”

  “I would’ve missed more than that,” she said. “But food always comes first here.”

  “Then what else would you have missed?” I asked.

  I slid my foot to rest against hers underneath the table.

  “I would’ve missed your smile,” she said. “And your eyes.”

  “Oh really?” I asked as I inched my toe up her ankle.

  “Mhm. I would’ve also missed the way you storm through the house when you’re upset.”

  My foot stopped its journey.”

  “Or the way you stroke my hair like I’m a puppy when you’re drunk,” she said with a grin.

  “Okay, I get it,” I said. “Grayson’s funny when he’s emotional.”

  “Oh, oh, oh. And I can never forget the way you snore after you pass out. It really lulled me to sleep that night.”

  Her giggles took over the entire backyard as I sat into my chair and sucked at my teeth.

  “All right. I see the game you’re playing,” I said. “Want to know what I would’ve missed about you?”

  “Give it your best shot.”

  “I would’ve missed the way your stomach growls whenever you drink your coffee in the morning because you never want to admit you’re hungry.”

  “Everyone’s stomach growls,” she said with a shrug.

  “I would’ve also missed the way you fart in your sleep.”

  “I do not!” she exclaimed.

  “Clearly you’ve never had yourself videotaped while you sleep. I should do it one time and show you. The orchestra in there really is a treat.”

  Her mouth dropped open as her entire face flushed.

  “I would’ve also missed the way you let me pin you down like the first time we met.”

  My foot slid back towards hers underneath the table.

  “Or the way you gasp whenever my hand falls to the dip in your back.”

  I held her gaze as my toe inched back up her ankle.

  “Or the way you moan whenever you eat my food,” I said as I leaned forward.

  She swallowed thickly as my hand crept to hers on the table. I offered my palm to her and her eyes dropped, debating on whether or not she should take it. Her eyes crawled back up to me as she lifted her hand from her lap, sliding her beautiful, delicate skin along my palm.

  I closed my fingers around her hand and brought it to my lips, kissing it and reveling in the way the hair on her arms stood on end.

  “I’d also miss the way you turn on the faucet in the bathroom when you go to—”

  “And that’s enough of that,” she said.

  I chuckled as she moved away from me, but I could tell I had an effect on her. The redness in her neck didn’t go away and the smile strewn across her features wouldn’t die down. She crossed her leg over her knee and placed her hands back into her lap, her head shaking as she bit down onto her lower lip.

  But as she gazed out over the setting sun as it disappeared beyond the trees, I watched it set in her eyes. Because no other sight in the world was as beautiful as her watching the sunset.

  Chapter 24


  As I sat there looking out at the sunset, I was painfully aware of the fact that Grayson was staring me down. I was also painfully aware of the heat rushing through my body. I’d never been on a date like this—well, ever. The guys in my hometown back in North Dakota thought taking a woman through the drive up window at a fast food restaurant before driving to a make-out point counted as a date. And that was only if the woman was lucky enough to drag the man away from his video games or cell phone long enough to take someone somewhere. It was pathetic, but that was what happened in a small, dead end town. Electronics were the only form of entertainment if someone wasn’t getting laid, and when there was a prospect of having sex, the guys cut corners to get to that part as quickly as they could.

  My dinner with Grayson was really nice. And he was nice. I didn’t want the night to end, and my hands tingled in my lap as I thought about the possibility of getting to touch him again.

  Running them all over his body.

  I’d take my time with him if he gave me a second shot at it.

  “More wine?”

  His voice ripped me from my trance as the sun finally sank below the trees. I nodded, my mouth already salivating for more. I didn’t know where in the world he had gotten this wine, but it was fantastic. He emptied the rest of the glass decanter into his glass before I took mine within my fingers, and I clinked it against his again.

  “You have to give it to this town, the sunsets are beautiful,” I said.

  “Anton and I sat out on this porch a lot and watched them.”

  “We didn’t do that,” I said. “But we did sit together and read.”

  “I could see him doing that with you. Especially after last night.”

  “I enjoyed those silent moments with him.”

  “Is that your way of telling me to stop talking?”

  I giggle as I put the glass to my lips and shook my head.

  I stole glances over at him every now and again. I didn’t want to ruin the moment. I didn’t want our date to be over, so I kept sitting there and staring out at the nighttime sky. I watched Grayson get up and leave for the house and my stomach dropped. Was he done? Was he bored? W
as this his way of telling me things were winding down for the night?

  But when he stepped back out, he had another bottle of wine in his hands.

  “So you have more than one,” I said.

  “A lot more than one,” he said as he worked the screw into the cork.

  His forearms flexed, and I watched as the veins underneath his skin throbbed for my viewing pleasure. He popped the cork before pouring the bottle into the decanter, and the aromas flew up my nose. My eyes closed and I drew in its scent along with the country air around me. Grayson sat back down, but I noticed that he had scooted his chair closer to me.

  I felt the heat of his body radiating against me as we sat back behind the porch table together.

  “You know, I made dessert,” he said.

  “Then why the hell are we sitting here with only wine?” I asked.

  He looked at me and chuckled as I took another sip.

  “My gosh this is good.”

  “I’m really glad you enjoy it,” he said.

  There was something akin to pride in his eyes, but before I could ask him about it he was up out of his chair again.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To get us dessert. You want some whipped cream?” Gray asked.

  “What kind of women have you been dating where that question needs to me asked?”

  His laughter poured outside from the kitchen and I felt a lovely rosy glow take over my body. He came back out and cleared our big plates away, then quickly replaced them with small dessert plates. The blackberry cobbler was still steaming hot and the freshly-whipped cream was already melting. The smell alone sent my saliva glands into overdrive, and I couldn’t wait to dig my fork into it.

  “Here,” he said. “Open up.”

  I looked over and saw he had some of the cobbler on his fork. Complete with the most incredible dollop of cream I’d ever seen. I grinned at him as I leaned forward, parting my lips to take in the bite. My eyes rolled back the second the crispy sugar outside hit my tongue, and I moaned as it all melted into my mouth.

  But not before a droplet of whipped goodness puckered against my lip.


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