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The Oracle Series: Volumes 1-3

Page 32

by Cynthia D. Witherspoon

  "Oh, that's right. The tour." Joey grinned. "Erin said she was going to spend all morning with us."

  I rolled my eyes, pulling out the keycard he had given me at dinner. "O.k. Romeo. If you're not going to bed, I am. Good night."

  "Good night."

  He waved before he picked up his one black duffle bag from the floor. Thankfully, with everything going on since we arrived in Montana, we hadn't had the chance to unpack yet. I hesitated before I put the key in the slot. "Hey, Joey?"

  "Yeah?" He poked his head out of the door. "What now, McRayne?"

  "Did you cover the mirrors?" I felt stupid asking, but I wasn't up to fighting anything spectral tonight. I was too tired to worry about my mental barriers. "Just in case?"

  "I made sure they were covered myself." He leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. "Two mirrors. Two yards of black velvet. You should be fine."

  "Thanks." I gave him the best smile I could muster before I unlocked the door. "You're the best, Joey."

  "I know, I know." He sighed. "See you in the morning, Evie."

  I stopped just short of the threshold to listen for whispers. There was nothing, so I piled my bags in the corner next to my bed. I could unpack in the morning. Right now, in that very moment, I only wanted one thing.


  I collapsed across the bed with a happy sigh. Sure, I was alone. And it still sucked that Cyrus wasn't with me. But I felt better after I talked to Ash. Perhaps he could help me find a way around this crazy dream of mine. I was dozing off when I heard a low groan from the other side of the room.

  "No." I threw my arm over my eyes. "I'm closed. Leave a message on the mirror. I'll get to you tomorrow."

  The groan was replaced by the sound of the black velvet falling from the mirror in the bathroom. I sat up with a start, turning to face the dark doorway as the whispers from the Underworld filled my head. I gritted my teeth, grabbed a pillow, and pressed it against my face as I fell back into the bed. It was of no use. The whispers grew louder. Men and women long dead were clamoring to be heard, and they had no respect for the fact I'd been on my feet for over thirteen hours.

  "Fine." I snapped. "This better be good or I'm texting Hades himself. He'll get you under control."

  I entered the bathroom with a huff and my head turned away from the mirror. I clawed for the black cloth crumpled on the counter. When I had it in hand, I forced my mental barrier up until the whispers fell silent. I lifted up the cloth in an attempt to hang it back into place when it was ripped out of my hands.

  "You are the most annoying..." I let my words taper off as I caught sight of the words scratched into the glass with small, jagged letters. It wasn't a message.

  It was a warning.

  He will fall.

  “That doesn’t make any sense.” I frowned. “Who will fall?”

  Nothing. No more words were etched into the glass, but the whispers were starting to dominate the silence of my hotel bathroom. I stepped up to the glass and narrowed my eyes.

  “Show me who is here. Now.”

  I know I was being demanding. If Joey or Leyton were here, I was sure I would hear something about my diva behavior. But the truth was, I was getting irritated by the cat and mouse game this spirit was playing.

  “By Apollo, if you don’t show me…”

  The whispers shifted into a scream that knocked me backwards. I covered my ears and managed to get a glance at a face in the glass. A man stared back at me with a look of anger.

  They stole my life, Sibyl. Stole my soul.

  “Who?” I managed between clinched teeth. The scream was subsiding, but it was still vibrating between my ears. “I don’t understand.”

  Go to the river. Find my bones. They will tell my story.

  He disappeared within an instant and the scream dissipated. I threw the cloth up as quickly as I could. It wasn't until I grabbed my Apollo phone out of my bag that I realized I was shaking. It took three times, but I managed to get a message to Cyrus as my fingers kept slipping across the screen.

  I need you. Now.

  I stopped just short of hitting send before I started laughing at my own foolishness. If the same spirit from earlier was the one who scratched up my bathroom mirror, then it was obvious they were trying to scare me off. There was something here they didn't want me to find out.

  What did the man mean about bones? What river? Could this be connected with the skinwalker? And if he was trying to frighten me with the attack and the message, it hadn't worked. I cleared the words off my phone and tossed it aside.

  I could do this. I chanted the words in my head as if they were a mantra while I got ready for bed. I am immortal, for Gods' sake. I'd defeated three monstrous little girls. I'd survived being on television. And I had Athena's knowledge of war. I would be damned before I let a few rogue spirits scare me into running back home. I was scheduled to be here for two weeks, which was plenty of time to find out what I needed to know without running to Cyrus every time I got shook up.

  I couldn't help but wish he was here with me. Despite my declaration, I missed his easy companionship. I missed his snide remarks or the glare he gave me when I did something stupid. I snapped off the light by my bed with a sigh as I snuggled down beneath the covers. One day down, one day closer to being reunited with my Keeper.

  I could do this. I would film this damned episode and be done with it.

  One way or another.

  Chapter Nine

  "My ghost hates me." Joey grumbled as he shoveled eggs into his mouth the next morning. "It kept jerking the covers off of me and my room was freezing."

  "Are you sure it doesn't hate your snoring?" I pushed my own breakfast around on my plate before deciding to stick with toast. "Because I could hear you through the wall last night."

  "I don't snore." Joey pouted while he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "I did get footage of it for the show though. I had an external camera set up in the corner of my room that caught a few shadows and rattling sounds."

  "Through the wall." I stressed while I stirred more sugar into my coffee. "Besides, I had a visitor last night, too."

  "So you didn't get any sleep either." Joey attacked his pancakes next. When he came up for air, he continued. "What happened to you?"

  I shrugged. "I'll show you later. Erin will be here any minute to get the tour started and we still need to go over the agenda."

  "Ah, yes. The agenda." Joey pushed his plate away. "How could I have forgotten the agenda? Much more important than the spirits we are trying to capture on film."

  "Shut up." I gave him a small smile. "I haven't even looked at the damn thing. The least you can do is tell me what I'm supposed to be doing until the rest of Production shows up."

  "Yes, well." Joey cleared his throat as he reached into his back pocket to pull out a folded sheet of paper. He snapped the paper straight and pretended to put on reading glasses. "Mistress McRayne, today you will be touring the grounds of the esteemed Kentauros Equestrian Estates. We will also be marking spots to set up cameras later this afternoon. Tomorrow you are scheduled for a photo shoot with American Gothic Magazine at 5 a.m."

  "Excuse me?" I almost dropped my fork when I realized what he said. "Tell me that last thing again."

  "Which part?" Joey glanced up from his list. "The photo shoot? Or 5 a.m.?"

  "Both." I groaned then fell back in my chair. "Elliot told me he wanted me to do it, but I had no idea he would be able to put it together so soon."

  "So soon?" Joey frowned. "He has been after me for months to stand in with you while the magazine people do their thing. Elliot's had this one on the books for a while."

  "Has he now?" I narrowed my eyes. "I found out just before we left L.A. He said the only reason he even asked me was because it would be good promo for the show."

  Joey shrugged. "Either way, you've got to meet with them bright and early. I think they are flying in today to get everything set up."

en's the interview?"

  "Tonight." Joey scanned the list. "You have a whole host of interviews set up for the rest of the week. American Ghost Hunter, Television Today, even Montana Monthly has put their hat in the ring for a chance to talk to us."

  "Sounds great, Joey. Just great." I tried to keep the sarcasm out of my voice as I heard the dining room door open. Erin bopped in with a large grin on her face which Joey matched to perfection while he stood up to offer her a chair. "Morning, Erin."

  "Good morning." She waved Joey's offer aside. "You two ready? I've got Jasper, Cady, and Monk waiting on us."

  "Who?" I wiped my hands on my napkin and stood. "Why do we need so many people for a tour?"

  Erin giggled. "Eva, you're funny. They aren't people. Those three are pure thoroughbreds."

  "Oh, no." I took a step back with my hands in front of me. "I'm not riding a horse."

  "What's the matter?" The girl tilted her head in confusion. "I thought you would enjoy a good ride this morning."

  "I'm sure I would if I knew how to do it."

  "But, you're Southern." Erin looked to Joey then back to me. "I thought you all knew how to ride horses down there."

  "I'm from Charleston." I crossed my arms over my chest. "We like our horses attached to buggies and tourist attractions. We don't actually ride them."

  "It shouldn't be a problem. Eva can ride with me."

  Cyrus. I whirled around at the sound of his voice as he stepped through the doors of the dining room. He winked at me before extending his hand out to Erin.

  "Cyrus, ma'm. My apologies for coming in so late. I'm with Eva."

  "Oh." Our hostess gave Cyrus a look of pure gratitude. "Are you another cameraman?"

  "No." Cyrus smiled over the girl's head at me. "Bodyguard."

  "Will you come on already?" Joey groaned as he headed towards the door. "With the way this is going, we will be inside all day. I need to do something before I fall asleep standing up."

  "You didn't sleep well?"

  Erin fell in step with him. As the two of them talked, Cyrus grabbed my hand to squeeze it. He leaned down just enough so that I could hear him.

  "We need to talk."

  "Sounds like a plan." I squeezed his hand back. "But does it have to be on the back of a horse? I really don't know how to ride, Cyrus."

  "Nothing to it. I'll be with you the entire time, so you won't fall." Cyrus held the door open for me as we exited the hotel. The day was going to be gorgeous. As it was, the morning sky was still dimmed by a splatter of clouds overhead.

  Three massive beasts were all geared up, waiting for us within a few feet of the front porch. I tried not to be nervous. Joey and Erin climbed on the back of their horses with an ease that was staggering. As for me, Cyrus tugged on my hand.

  "I'm right here, Little One." He gave me a crooked smile. "Trust me."

  "Fine. But if I fall off..."

  I didn't have a chance to finish before Cyrus lifted me up to place me squarely in front. He climbed up behind me, took the reins, and clicked his tongue. The horse beneath us jerked forward.

  "How do people find this fun?" I managed, clasping desperately onto the knob at the front of the saddle. "I'm getting knocked all over the place."

  Cyrus laughed. "This used to be the premier mode of transportation, Eva. You learned to ride or you walked."

  "Walking is much more comfortable than this." I muttered as our horse fell in behind the other two. "What are you doing here? I thought it'd be a few days before you could sneak in to see me."

  "That's what I need to talk to you about." Cyrus' arms stiffened around me. "When I left, I went to Olympus. I thought that perhaps, I could change Apollo's mind if I argued my point in person rather than over text messages."

  "And?" I shifted against him. "What happened?"

  "His phone had been stolen. The Golden One had no idea what was going on down here. Nor did he know that I had been ordered to stay away from you during filming."

  I couldn't help it. I started laughing. I mean, come on. These were the gods! How could they fall victim to the same petty crimes as humans?

  "How?" I managed when I had calmed down. "How on earth did Apollo's phone get stolen? Did somebody steal his purse or something?"

  "Eva." Cyrus had a warning tone in his voice, but I could tell he was smiling behind me. "This is serious."

  "It should be." I twisted my face upwards to look at him. "Theft is a serious crime."

  "At any rate," Cyrus stressed his words. "Apollo was not the one who separated us. It is up to us to figure out what happened and why."

  "Because you are my Keeper." I closed my eyes as he brushed his cheek against mine. "If you are protecting me, then I am stronger for it. Without you, then I am weakened."

  I could hear Erin talking to us from the front of our little caravan and Joey bantering back with her. She was explaining the history of the trails we were going to, but I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy trying to put together the pieces which refused to fit together.

  First, there was the appearance of Leyton, otherwise known as Tiresias. A shape shifter according to the man I met last night. Then there was the threat from Hera, who promised to make me insane because I threatened something of hers. Not to mention the spirits here. Now, someone wanted to take Cyrus away from me?

  Elliot I could understand. He was being petty and jealous. But he knew how Cyrus and I were bound together. So too did Leyton. I opened my eyes as I remembered yesterday morning.

  "Leyton. He is the key to all of this. I am sure of it." I loosened my grip on the saddle. "He shows up and everything goes to hell."

  "Tiresias, you mean. And yes, I agree. Could he have orchestrated our separation? If so, to what avail?"

  "I don't know." I sighed. "I haven't figured that part out yet."

  Cyrus was silent for a moment. I will admit, I was being lulled to sleep by the sound of the hooves against the gravel, so when Cyrus spoke, I jumped.

  "Did you learn anything during your interviews yesterday?" He clucked his tongue against his teeth at my reaction. "You didn't sleep well."

  "No. It was an interesting night." I shrugged. "Nothing I couldn't handle."

  "Interesting? How interesting?"

  "Aren't we supposed to be paying attention?" I dared to let go of the saddle with one hand so that I could gesture to our companions. "Erin is giving us a tour, you know."

  Cyrus snorted; a habit I was sure he had picked up from me. He tried again as he nudged the horse to go a little faster.

  "What happened?"

  I sighed. "You aren't going to let this go, are you?"

  "You know me better than that." He tightened his grip on me as the horse picked up speed. "Spill it, Evie."


  I told Cyrus everything which, it turned out, was a lot more than I had expected. I started with my initial contact in what would become Joey's room and ended with the message I found on my mirror the night before. When I was finished, I could tell Cyrus was tense. In fact, he looked downright angry when I glimpsed at him from over my shoulder.

  "What?" I frowned. "I told you I could handle it."

  "First off, never break a mirror when a spirit is trying to pull you through it. You could have released it, Eva." Cyrus tugged on the reins as we closed the gap between us and the other two. "Second? Why didn't you contact me last night? You know I would have been there within mere moments."

  "I know. But I didn't see a point. The spirit got its point across. And how was I supposed to know not to break a mirror? It's not like you covered that part in Sibyl 101 class."

  "Don't be flippant." Cyrus held me this time, so I leaned back against his chest. "I want you to listen to me, Little One. If we are separated, and you are in danger, you contact me. I will not take 'no' for an answer on your safety."

  "You are starting to sound like my dad again, Stick, which is creeping me out on so many levels." I bit my lip while I considered my next statement. When I figur
ed out what I wanted to say, I spoke up. "Don't you think it's strange that Ash knew about Tiresias?"

  "No. The Seer was quite famous in his day. The Native is correct in his assessment, though. Tiresias is a shape shifter. He just doesn't fit the normal model of one. He was changed by Hera, not because of a ritual or blood rite."

  "Cyrus, I think Elliot is being pulled into this somehow."

  "What do you mean?" My keeper released me so that he could turn the horse as we continued to follow. The grounds of the estate were massive, but we were crossing a pasture now. Erin was saying something about their most famous trails. Me? I still wasn't listening. I hoped Joey was.

  "I know he's jealous. He’s hurt and he’s angry. But when I saw him and Leyton together, they seemed a bit too chummy for my taste. I was the third wheel in the room. I didn't like it."

  "Here we are. The pride and joy of Kentauros." Erin had come to a stop before she decided to gesture to the woods behind her. "The Horseman's Trail. You see, our land borders the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Forest, so the trail stops here. But thanks to the natural landscape, we can follow the path as far as we'd like to see a wide range of Montana's beauty."

  I studied the trees with my heart in my throat. I'd never been to Montana before, much less the Upper Missouri River Breaks National Forest. But I knew this place. We were surrounded by the same thick trees I ran through night after night in my dream. The longer I stared into the darkness, the more I wanted to run into it. I wanted to lose myself amongst the beauty of this place. The desire was so strong, I groaned.

  “Eva?” Cyrus loosened his grip on the reins as the horse shifted. “What’s wrong?”

  “Get me down, Cyrus.”


  “Where does the path go, Erin?” I spoke to our guide for the first time since we'd begun our tour of the Estates. “Surely it leads somewhere.”

  “Well, yes. It takes you to the Missouri River.”

  Find the river.

  “Can you take us to it?” I ignored Cyrus and Joey’s matching looks of confusion. “I need to see the water.”


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