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Collaring Colleen [Tales from the Lyon's Den 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 15

by Cara Covington

He kissed her, effectively cutting her off. “We don’t know what shape Mercy is going to be in. Please, love, let us do this the way we need to. It’ll take me about half an hour to reach the house. As soon as I know anything at all, I will call you.”

  Rob’s arms came around her. His heat seeped into her, alerting her to the fact she was shaking. “Damn it, I’m a trauma surgeon. I could…” Her voice broke, and Rob gave her a squeeze.

  “Baby, you don’t want to ever be in the position to have to operate on your sister. There will be EMTs there. Quest is a trained battlefield medic. We’ll wait here, you and I. When they find Mercy, when they bring her to the hospital—a routine procedure when a kidnapped victim is recued—hell, we’ll probably beat the ambulance there.”

  Colleen hated that everything they’d just said had been absolutely right. If any of her colleagues were in a similar situation, she’d expect them to stay behind and let the pros do their jobs.

  “You make sure you get her, Daniel Welsh.”

  Daniel kissed her, a fast, fierce salute that left her lips numb. “If humanly possible, pet.”

  As soon as the door closed, Colleen turned into Rob’s embrace and held him hard. He scooped her into his arms, and then she was on his lap, surrounded by his heat and his strength.

  “I’ve got you, sweetheart. Go ahead and cry if you need to. Get it all out. Mercy’s going to need you, and she’s going to need you to be strong for her.”

  If this had happened at any time before meeting these men—her Doms—Colleen knew she’d be furious with herself, calling herself all kinds of names, bludgeoning her own emotions just because she’d given in to the need to be held.

  But this wasn’t then, this was now, and she allowed herself to cling to Rob, to absorb his tenderness. But she couldn’t cry. She was just too tense.

  After what felt like forever, she sat up. He turned her face toward him and seemed to be giving her a very close inspection. She sat still, letting him look his fill, knowing he was just trying to take care of her.

  “You know, I envy women the ability to cry. It’s a wonderful way to purge away stress.”

  She allowed herself a small grin. “Is that what you and Daniel meant? When you said you’d spank me if I needed it?”

  “That would certainly be one reason to give you a good spanking. If we suspected you were holding things in and not letting go. Like now.” He smiled. “I think the moment we came into your life was at exactly the right time—the moment you simply couldn’t pretend to be a dominant any longer.”

  “I didn’t mean to.” She sighed. “And I’m too keyed up to cry. When this is done, I probably will. And if I don’t, I’ll beg you for the spanking.”

  “Fair enough. I know you didn’t mean to behave like a dominant. Life did that to you, baby.” Rob ran his hand up and down her back, soothing her.

  “To tell you the truth, life after our folks died really was hard. I did what I had to, but there were times when I resented the responsibility.”

  “I happen to believe that whatever a person feels in this life is valid.” Rob held her close. “I can recall there were times when I was a teen when I hated my folks and then felt like shit because I did. Daniel’s mom helped me to see that what I hated wasn’t my parents but their behavior.” He placed a sweet kiss on her head. “You never hated your sister. You hated the necessity for the burden you carried.”

  She rested her head against him for a long moment, simply enjoying being held. Rob was doing a good job of settling her, even without the tears. She felt steady enough that she felt she could venture where she’d been afraid to go.

  “Do you think Mercy is alive?”


  Wow, not even a moment’s hesitation. Yet she felt tension in him. She asked another question. “Do you think she’s okay?”

  “She’s been held captive for several days.” Colleen sensed he was looking for words to soften what he had to say.

  “Rob? Please just tell me.”

  “All right. Baby, we all suspect that, at the very least, she’s been abused. It was the only thing that made sense, not only when there was no call for ransom, but the moment we discovered someone else was looking for her.”

  “She’s going to need me.”

  “She’s going to need help from every sector,” Rob said. He used a finger to tilt her face so that she was looking at him. “No matter what happens, Daniel and I are your Doms. It’s our duty and our privilege to care for you and protect you—even from yourself. Your days of carrying all of the burdens all by yourself, sweet subbie, are over.”

  Colleen couldn’t deny the pleasure his words gave her. Neither could she deny the apprehension. But she didn’t have a lot of time to think about all that.

  Before she could respond, Rob’s cell phone rang.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Mercy Duncan lay perfectly still, not moving, not making a single sound. Because he’d ordered it, and because she wanted this over as quickly as possible, she kept her gaze on her captor. She’d learned her lesson where he was concerned. The more she did as she was told, the more she cooperated, the less pain he gave her. She was being swallowed up, a bite at a time, and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Mercy felt as if, with each passing moment, she was disappearing into the ether, her spirit leaving, and only her body left behind.

  The worst thing of all was she no longer heard Damion in her head. No. He’d never been in her head. That had been her wishing for what she couldn’t have.

  “Did you thank me for treating your welts, Mercy?”

  He had just put cream on the welts he’d given her the last time he was there. “Thank you, my lord, for treating my welts.”

  “There, now, see? That was sweetly said. Thank you for using my title. In time, you’ll be grateful I rescued you from your fate. If not for me, you would be dead. Never, ever forget that. Now…” He cast off his robe. “Is this not the most magnificent cock you’ve ever seen?”

  “Yes, my lord. Your cock is magnificent.”

  “And does my pretty Mercy want me to fuck her with it?”

  “Mercy wants you to fuck her, my lord.” The last vestige of resistance, she spoke of herself in the third person, doing her best to disassociate herself with her own name. He didn’t want her. He wanted some image of her…the thought evaporated.

  She didn’t even know why she bothered to keep fighting him even if it was in ways he didn’t even notice or understand. She didn’t know how long she’d been held in this chilly, damp basement room. She was beginning to suspect she didn’t really know anything at all.

  Maybe she should scream bloody murder. The last time she’d tried that, he’d hurt her so badly. He’d spent a lot of time finding twisted ways of hurting her.

  Mercy was tired of being hurt. It was better, far, far better, to do as she was told. If she was lucky, he’d get tired of her soon and kill her.

  She felt dead inside as it was.

  He climbed on top of her, and she closed her eyes, trying to block reality. She thought of her sister, who must be going out of her mind with worry. And she thought of Damion and Chance. Did they know she was missing? She liked to think they did, that they were out there, looking for her, even though he had told her no one cared about her except him.

  She repeated those words when ordered to, but she knew, deep down inside, he lied.

  “Open your eyes and look at me while I fuck you. If you don’t come when I tell you to, I’ll punish you.”

  Mercy opened her eyes. She had to be ready to fake it on command. He didn’t know she faked it. She wanted, so badly, to fight back. To find her power. The drugs he’d given her made it so hard to do that. It made it hard for her to focus.

  She recalled her visit to the Lyon’s Den. That was where she’d discovered herself, her real power. That was where she’d met…no, she wouldn’t think their names while he did this to her.

  Then she thought of that special plac
e she’d found that night at the club, that place where everything was better. It even had a name. Subspace. I want to go to subspace. I need that so badly. She hadn’t been able to achieve it during the pain he’d given her so far, but maybe…maybe she could will herself there.

  Could she do that? She would give anything if she could. She didn’t want to obey him, but it felt like she had no choice. No will of her own. At the beginning she refused but couldn’t, now.

  She had wanted, very badly, to do whatever they had told her to do. They weren’t her Doms yet. But if they were, she’d obey every single thing they told her to do, immediately and without question.

  Mercy felt a sense of them, as if they were close. She listened for the words she’d heard before. Was that an echo? She imagined them standing over her, their gazes on her, and what they might say if they knew she hurt so badly. They’d tell her to let it all go, to trust them to take care of her, and just let go.

  That was exactly what they would say. And so, she did.

  Mercy smiled, a slow, soft smile. She could no longer see him. She could no longer feel him. She saw only them and felt only that soft, welcoming bubble.

  Eyes open, she didn’t even blink when a distant sound intruded. There were voices, shouts, crashes, and a lot of very loud bangs. Then she saw them and wondered if it was just in her head because she wanted them so very badly. The bubble had her, and as long as it did, everything was going to be all right.

  * * * *

  Robert matched his step to Colleen’s, keeping her hand in his as they pushed through the glass door to the emergency room. Fortunately, Houston General had been the closest hospital to where Mercy had been found. His gaze skimmed the reception area and waiting room, and as he had predicted not so long before, they had beaten the ambulance here.

  “Dr. Duncan!” Colleen obviously recognized the man who called her name. In his mid-forties and dressed in scrubs with a stethoscope around his neck, he came straight over to her.

  “Thomas. My sister…” Colleen’s breath hitched, and she leaned on Rob. She squeezed his hand, and he didn’t miss a beat. He read the man’s nametag. “Dr. Becker, I’m Rob Conrad. Colleen’s sister, Mercy, is on route here, via ambulance.”

  “Yes, sir. We’ve been notified by the EMTs and the DSS. We’re ready for her and have staff on hand.” Then he turned his attention to Colleen. “We’ll take good care of her, Dr. Duncan.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Becker. She didn’t…” A small sob escaped. Rob slid his arm around her. Then he looked at Dr. Becker.

  “Colleen wanted to be sure you understood. Her sister had been abducted and has been missing for just over a week.” He met the man’s gaze. The knowing look, and the nod, assured him he did understand.

  “We’ll take care of her and keep you updated.”

  The sharp, racing sound of a siren reached their ears and then died. Becker turned on his heels and ran toward the double doors, along with a couple of nurses. The doors burst open, and a stretcher, covered in blankets, with a female head visible, pushed through.

  Colleen’s body trembled and then surged toward the stretcher. He took her where she wanted to be, close to the sister she’d feared lost forever. He gave her what she needed. One moment to touch her. To speak to her.

  “I’m here for you, Mercy. I love you. Everything’s going to be okay now.”

  That was the only moment his woman would get, and he knew, beyond the emotions, Colleen would understand and accept that. Then Daniel was there, wrapping his arms around her. Rob had no problem stepping back. Together, they eased Colleen into a chair in a far corner of the waiting room. There wasn’t a lot of privacy, but there was some.

  He sat her down and slid his arm around her, holding her close, as Daniel moved his chair closer so he could do the same. They cocooned her, something they both knew she loved and sometimes needed.

  He absorbed her trembling and murmured sounds, not even words, hoping the rumbling of his voice would comfort her. Slowly, her trembles eased. She drew in a deep breath and let it out in a long, slow exhalation.

  She sat straighter and turned her attention on Daniel.

  “Tell me, please.”

  “Of course, love. I won’t lie to you. It was bad, but Mercy is going to live, and she’s going to recover. Do you understand? I want you to listen to me now, pet, and know that we have you. I need you to tell me you do understand.”

  Rob didn’t know if the ploy would work. But Colleen nodded. “Yes, Sir, I understand.”

  That’s why Daniel is the leader to my follower. He understands the dynamics of leadership, and he understands what our woman needs maybe even better than I do.

  “That’s the most important thing. That she’ll live, and that she’ll recover.”

  “Yes, Sir. It is the most important thing.”

  Because he was holding her, he felt some of her tension leave her. She was still worried. The grip she had on his hand became tighter. He looked at her other hand and saw her knuckles were white there, too. Neither he nor Daniel said anything further until she nodded. Then Daniel continued.

  “We won’t know everything until she’s examined, but there were signs that her abductor drugged her, and he physically and sexually abused her. While she appeared out of it when we arrived, she responded to Damion and Chance. She opened her eyes for a moment, and she told them she knew they’d find her, that she never really gave up hope. Then she lost consciousness again.”

  “Oh God.”

  Rob waited because he didn’t know what she needed. He looked at Daniel, who indicated he didn’t know, either.


  “They worked as hard and as fast as they could. Once they knew she was missing, they didn’t stop. Are they okay?” Then she sat up straighter and looked around. “Where are they?”

  “They had to stay at the scene and answer a few questions.”

  That was the first moment Rob knew Colleen was going to be all right.

  “They’re exhausted, and they’re blaming themselves for not getting to her fast enough. But they’ll come to understand they did the best they could.”

  “Yes, that’s exactly how they felt.”

  Rob knew it was more than that, but since Daniel wasn’t going to say anything, he wouldn’t either.

  “What about the man who kidnapped her? What happened to him? Did they arrest him?”

  Daniel looked at Rob and then focused on Colleen. “When the police broke into the house, he came running at them, with what looked like a scalpel in his hand. He screamed he was going to kill them.”

  “He’s dead.”

  “Yes, he is. The police really had no choice.”

  She laid her head on Daniel’s shoulder. “No, I imagine not. I feel no pleasure in that man’s death. I…will we ever know why he took her?”

  “I’m sure we will. Now let’s just sit here and wait.”

  Rob thought their woman needed Daniel the most for the next few minutes. “I’ll go get us some coffee.”

  “Go to the coffee shop. The swill in the cafeteria is deplorable.”

  Rob lifted her chin with a finger, bent down, and gave her a chaste kiss. “Coffee shop it is.”

  There were words that needed to be said, but Rob really wanted—maybe needed—for Daniel to say them first. He straightened up, nodded to his brother, and went on a search for coffee.

  * * * *

  This was a first for Colleen. She’d never had to despair in the waiting room of a hospital for news of a loved one. The stress of not knowing, the minute upon minute lack of news. Not that she was complaining, but she certainly felt as if her eyes had just been opened. She’d try to remember, the next time a surgery ran longer than expected, to see to it someone touched base with any of her patients’ family members waiting for news.

  After an hour, Damion and Chance arrived and joined the vigil. She’d already called Ellie, who would be coming back the next day. As she and Ellie had cried together on the phone,
her men had cocooned her, held her, and supplied her with tissues.

  I cried some, but not as much as I needed to.

  At one point she looked over at the two men who’d so recently arrived to wait. Both Damion and Chance looked bone tired—and very, very worried. Something she’d overheard a few moments before it surged to the fore of her thoughts. Not that she’d been listening in, exactly. Sometimes words escaped and floated to where they were needed to be heard.

  She leaned closer and put her hand on Chance’s arm. “What did you mean, you’re both in trouble with your bosses?”

  Chance actually blushed a little. Of course, his blond hair and lighter complexion didn’t give him much natural cover. Chance looked over at Damion, who shrugged.

  “We kind of stepped out of bounds on this case,” Chance said. “I took a few personal days, and while Damion more or less had his boss’s permission to help Daniel and Rob, we, um…colored outside the lines.”

  “And I will spend every day of the rest of my life being grateful you did.”

  “We couldn’t not,” Damion said. “Mercy means a great deal to us both, even though we haven’t known her that long.”

  “Sometimes,” Colleen said, “it doesn’t take more than a moment. I should know.” She was facing away from Rob but felt his hand on her back. Daniel, between her and Chance, gave her the sweetest grin.

  Chance looked to Damion, who sat on his right. The two men seemed to wear the same expression. “We’re not worried about repercussions, career-wise,” Chance said.

  “We’ve been thinking for some time about getting out of our respective jobs.” Damion looked at her straight on. “Chance and I are lovers. And then we met Mercy…” He shrugged. “We’ve been going slow with her because we wanted to be sure she was all right with that.”

  “I know my sister. That wouldn’t have mattered to her.”

  “And apparently not to you, either,” Chance said.

  “No, it doesn’t. You love who you love.” She glanced over her shoulder at Rob then met Daniel’s gaze.


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