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Keeping Faith

Page 16

by T J Vertigo

  Reece growled in her throat, squeezing her fingers around her wife's head, her sex throbbing for attention. "Please, Faith…" she breathed, moaning as Faith's tongue left a hot trail across her stomach. She jerked her hips, seeking relief.

  Faith inhaled deeply, Reece's strong scent produced a shudder, knowing how wet her lover was for her. "I can't wait to taste you." She murmured into Reece's lower belly, nipping the sensitive skin with her teeth. Reece jumped and grunted in frustration, yet remained submissive. Faith's nostrils flared as the scent of her wife's arousal became stronger, and she ventured lower, Reece's fingers digging painfully hard into her scalp.

  "Sweet Jesus!" Reece blurted as Faith's tongue speared through her wetness. "Fuck…" Her knees came up and squeezed Faith's head, then fell open as her wife flattened her tongue and licked slowly.

  "Ummm." Faith hummed in pleasure at the taste and feel of Reece under her tongue. She brought her hands up and rested them on Reece's tight stomach, to lavish in the feel of the muscles playing under her fingers. She opened her eyes, taking in the sight of her strong dangerous lover defenseless under her touch. Reece arched and moaned wordlessly and Faith's eyes rolled shut in her own ecstasy. She rolled her tongue around in the abundant wetness she invoked and groaned. Reece bucked, nearly throwing her when she swiped her tongue across her clit. Her lover's long fingers lost their grip in her hair and searched out her shoulders. Faith looked up again at her magnificent wife, her long neck stretched back, her mouth open, breathing out sounds of pleasure. Faith's sex clenched at the sight of Reece's muscular arms, stretched taut, gripping her shoulders tight.

  "Please, Faith…. Please…"

  Faith growled and sucked Reece's clit between her lips. Her tall lover practically left the bed with a loud moan of relief. Faith suckled it rhythmically, never closing her eyes, taking in the work of art that was Reece reaching orgasm. The tall woman's jaw clenched, her knees closed around Faith's head, her fingers spasmed in time with her stomach and with a loud drawn out string of muttered nonsense, Reece succumbed. Her back arched off of the bed, her hips thrust into Faith's face, and for a split second, when their eyes met, Faith swore she caught a glimpse of Reece's soul.

  Reece twitched as they laid there, arms entwined with legs, catching their breath. Faith only moved when Reece released a long sated sigh, and her legs fell to the bed. She rested her head on Reece's thigh and stroked her stomach until she relaxed.

  "God, come up here, I want to hold you."

  Faith climbed up and was engulfed in a tight hug. "I adore you Reece."

  "I don't know what I did to deserve you." Reece breathed into Faith's hair.

  Faith knew there was no sense in answering. She just lay there, contented, wrapped in the comfort of her wife's arms.

  PART 19

  FAITH AWOKE SOME time later with a smile on her lips. She peeked open an eye to watch Reece draw idle circles around her nipple, and remained silent until Reece began to play with the ring. "What are you doing?" Faith asked, turning on her side to face her lover.

  "We should get you something sexier than just this plain ring." Reece replied, never taking her gaze, or her fingers, from Faith's breast.

  Faith looked down and watched her nipple tighten and pucker. "Like what?"

  Like maybe a barbell," she stuck out her tongue to display her barbell.

  "That's too big." Faith said with a teasing wink.

  Reece grinned. "You know what I mean." She leaned over and placed a light kiss on the nipple in question.

  "Mmm, don't start something now, I'm starving."

  Reece rolled over and looked at the time. "It's past dinner, no wonder you're hungry." She turned onto her back, arms behind her head.

  Faith rolled over herself, threw her leg over Reece's, and settled her head on the tall woman's shoulder. "I don't want to move. Can't we just blink our eyes, or wiggle our nose and make food appear?"

  Reece chuckled, and brought an arm down to surround Faith. "If I had magic powers, I wouldn't be using them for food."

  Faith slapped her lover lightly. "That's because you're a pig. I don't even want to know what you're thinking."

  "I think I showed you every thought." Reece said with a leer. Her stomach growled loudly and she looked down at it. "I guess we better get something to eat."

  Faith agreed. "Mm, hmm,"

  Neither woman moved.

  The phone began to ring and Reece reached over to get it. "Yeah?"

  There was a lot of loud noise and music. "Are you alright?"

  Reece looked annoyed. "Yeah, Cor, I'm fine."

  "She's just concerned." Faith whispered, stroking Reece's arm.

  "Oh, soooo, everything is okay?" Cori asked, wishing Faith answered the phone.

  Reece handed the phone to Faith. "Here, you talk. She wants details. I'll get food."

  Faith took the phone and laughed. "I kept her home tonight, is everything alright over there without her?"

  "Yeah, it's fine, just worried about you two."

  "Well, worry no more, we're okay now." Faith replied, sitting up in bed.

  "You sure? Cuz I didn't like what was happening."

  "Positive." Faith said dreamily. "Cori, I am so deeply, totally in love with that impossible woman."

  "You know the feeling is entirely mutual."

  "Yeah, I do." The blonde actress smiled remembering Reece's confession.

  "No, I mean it, seriously. I've known her a long time, and well, she's deeply changed."

  "She told me so much this afternoon and I was floored. I guess I just took for granted the effect I've had on her."

  "Cori's eyes widened. "She told you? You didn't have to torture her or anything? She just told you?"

  Faith smiled. "Yep. It was one of the most beautiful moments I've had in my life."

  "What was?" Reece asked, holding a bottle of water out.

  Faith accepted the water. "Nothing, baby."

  "Cor, I gotta go, I'm starved."

  The dancer snickered. "I see we worked up an appetite?"

  "And then some." Faith responded with a purr.

  "Sluts." Cori teased. "Take care of her, I'll hold down the fort."

  Sometime in the middle of the night, Reece became restless. Having slept half the afternoon and most of the night had her awake and antsy. Bored with the TV and not wanting to wake Faith, she put on jeans and a t-shirt, kissed Smudge on the head and went to the club. It wasn't that she didn't trust Cori, or Sarge or the rest of the staff, she just needed the familiarity of the routine. She rolled her bike down the block and around the corner so she wouldn't wake Faith. Faith knew the sound of Reece's bike even in a dead sleep. She idled at a red light and looked around her at the people. Late night stragglers probably leaving bars, maybe working the night shift and just getting out. Some homeless scattered around. It was a nice night and if she looked hard enough, she could see a few stars. The light changed and she drove off, thinking about the people she saw, wondering if they felt how she felt, or if she was the only one. How do I feel? She asked herself. She couldn't put words to it, but something changed, she felt different, lighter, less edgy and frustrated. It wasn't just a feeling either, it was a sense, like touching and hearing, and she didn't mean a sixth sense like ESP. But she felt like there was a new level of awareness, she could feel the change. Like tonight for instance, the air seemed sweeter, even in New York City. And when Faith was touching her, merely running her fingers across her back, she felt more alive than she had in her whole life. It was like all her senses were on overdrive, she swore could even taste Faith by just touching her. It confused her, the idea of not being able to name it, but it was a good feeling. All the feelings were good, so she didn't make herself crazy trying to name it.

  Pulling up to the club, she uncharacteristically parked on the street, and tucked her helmet under her arm. There were a few people in the street around the entrance, and just as she opened the door, a photographer in a parked car started taking pictures o
f her. She turned and growled, knowing better than to flatten him, she sneered angrily and gave him the finger with both hands. "Fuck off." She growled, running at him, grabbing his lens and bringing the camera down. "I'll destroy the fucking thing and then start on you." She stared him down for some time, apparently frightening him sufficiently enough to roll up his darkly tinted window.

  "Can't have a goddamned moment's peace any more." She muttered storming into the club. As soon as the throbbing music and din of the crowd hit her she felt more at ease. She was safe in her club, in familiar territory. She walked through the crowd, and looked around. There at a table were a group of business men, making deals, papers all over the table. There was a group of jocks with a dancer, probably blowing their allowance in tips, and across the stage was a woman getting an eyeful of one of the dancers. Finally spotting Cori's ridiculous hair, she made her way in that direction. As she neared, she saw Cori talking with two men, and could see by the dancer's expression she was near tears with boredom. Reece grinned devilishly, snuck up behind her and pinched her ass hard. She got a quick slap in the face for her prank and stared agape at Cori.

  "Oh my god! Reece! I had no idea... I'm so sorry!" Cori babbled.

  Reece closed her mouth and chuckled, rubbing her sore cheek. "Jeez Cor, I don't have to worry about you at all." She half-joked.

  "Reece, really, I'm sorry. You wanna hit me back?" Cori was horrified.

  The tall woman shook her head and smiled. "Nah, I guess I shouldn't have snuck up on you. But consider yourself warned. Next time you slap me, I will throw you over my knee and spank the shit out of you."

  "Only if Vi can watch." Cori replied eagerly.


  "You love me for my freakitude."

  Reece rolled her eyes and chuckled.

  The club owner was going over the books in her office when there was a knock. She ignored it, knowing it could only be Cori. Sure enough, there was another knock, followed by the doorknob moving. Reece stood up and went to unlock the door, when she did, Cori practically fell into the room.

  "You're a dick, Reece." She complained.

  Reece laughed. "Awww, are you embarrassed?"

  "Fuck off." Cori flopped into Reece's desk chair. "Hey, so what happened with Faith? I have it on good authority you guys humped like horny teenagers."

  "Get up, freak." The club owner picked the dancer up and dropped her onto the couch. Then she sat in her chair. "Is that what Faith said?"

  "No, but I have a hunch."

  "Horny teenagers huh?" Reece grinned. "Not really. Maybe yesterday... "

  Cori watched the play of emotions on Reece's face and cocked her head. "Twenty for your thoughts."

  Reece's eyebrow shot up.

  "Hey, inflation."

  "Don't really know if I can tell you." Reece said with a pensive look.

  "Come on, you know you can always talk to me."

  "I don't know if I can explain it."

  The dancer studied her friend. "Try."

  Reece propped her feet up on the desk and leaned back. "You know how I used to be right? Well, that's gone. I don't even remember how it used to feel to be me. Even the Animal is different. I don't know..."

  "How so?"

  Reece furrowed her brows and picked at a fingernail. "I can't explain it that good, but yesterday, when I thought I was gone for sure, I wasn't. The Animal comes and usually I disappear, but I was there, all of me, at the same time, and it was like I felt everything twice. And tonight, I still felt everything twice, every touch, every breath was like... so much more than one." Reece scrunched her face up. "I don't think I can explain it."

  "Wow." Cori stared at Reece. "That is so fucking awesome."

  Reece looked intensely at Cori. "Faith did that. I don't know how, and I don't know why."

  They fell silent, and even though they were both thinking the same thing, neither one spoke.

  Thank god for Faith.

  Faith was relaxing in the tub, a cup of coffee at her side. She also brought the phone with her should Reece call. She wasn't disappointed to find Reece gone in the morning, too much laying around made her crazy. Soon enough, the phone did ring and when she answered it, it wasn't who she expected.




  Faith swallowed hard. "How are you?"

  "Fine." Mr. Ashford replied quickly.

  Faith gave him a chance. She was surprised that he called so soon after the news, and wanted him to speak first.

  "About this movie thing." He started, hesitantly.


  "Look," he sighed heavily. "I guess it's alright. I mean, I can't stop you from doing it, and after some thought, I realize you're not doing it just to make me and your mother crazy. I won't watch it, Faith."

  "I understand Dad. Thank you." Faith closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I don't like it either, not one stinking bit. I just want you to know that."

  "Daddy, I know the guys talk, and I'm sorry they do. I'm sorry it hurts you."

  "Faith, you're my daughter, and though I made mistakes, I always love you."

  "Thank you. I love you too."

  "You're mother wants to talk to you."

  Faith heard the commotion of the phone passing between them and shook her head with a smile.


  "Yeah, ma."

  "Is everything... settled between you two?"

  Faith grinned. "Yes, it is."

  "Good. Theresa was so miserable."

  Faith blinked. Reece was miserable? What about me? "It's all taken care of. Reece is fine now."

  "Thank heavens. And you?"

  "Gee thanks, I'm the afterthought."

  "Faith, now you know that's not true."

  "I'm fine too. We're both good."

  "Well then, now that that's done, I can go back to my show."

  Faith chuckled. I love you too, ma."

  Reece stood wide eyed at the naked woman in front of her. "What part of I'm married don't you understand?"

  "So, she'll never know. I won't tell."

  Reece shook her head. "Put some clothes on, you're embarrassing yourself." She turned to walk away and jumped as her ass was caressed. "Excuse me?"

  Naked girl smiled seductively. "Come on sexy. I've always had this fantasy of you taking me hard and fast, your strong arms pinning me to the wall." She closed in on Reece.

  Reece's adrenaline rushed. There was a time she wouldn't have thought twice. Shoulders straight, she walked out of the locker room.

  Faith broke the lip-lock with Alicia as the director yelled cut. She wiped her mouth and rolled her eyes at the annoying smirk on Alicia's face. "Why do you make this so difficult?"

  Alicia chuckled. "Because it's fun to annoy you. Besides, I thought that was an appropriate thing to do."

  Faith rolled her tongue around in her mouth. "Biting my tongue was appropriate? Ugh."

  John approached the two sniping women. "Okay, nuff of that. Faith, lets go fix that neck"

  As John reapplied cover up to Faith's hickeys, Alicia stepped into the van.

  "What do you want, Nancy?"

  Faith laughed. "Nancy?"

  "Yeah, I had a psychotic cousin Nancy. I thought it fit."

  "Very funny, Mary." Alicia shot back.

  "Oh, I'm devastated. No one's ever called me Mary before." John feigned pain.

  Alicia stewed.

  Just then, there was a knock on the side of the van. "Come!" John yelled.

  The door opened, and Reece walked in. "In front of everyone?"

  "Reece!" Faith jumped out of the chair and flung herself at her wife.

  The tall woman caught Faith and lifted her up, kissing her passionately.

  "Take notes Nancy, that's a kiss."

  Alicia's eyes widened as she drank in the length of Reece's body. Her shirt hugged her perfectly sculpted torso, her jeans, seemed to be made just for her. Her ass, and those legs.... she cou
ldn't blink. Suddenly, she was pinned to the spot by incredibly blue eyes, and her heart pounded hard. Reece released Faith and took one long step in front of Alicia. "I'm Reece." She held out her hand.

  Alicia was rooted to the spot, her legs feeling unbelievably heavy.

  "Told you she'd dirty her panties."

  Faith snickered, Reece looked towards Faith and winked.

  Reece withdrew her hand and purposely stared at the stricken woman. "So, you're the lucky woman who fucks my wife." She narrowed her eyes dangerously.

  Alicia nodded. "Yes."

  "You know, Alicia," Reece stepped even closer, invading every inch of Alicia's personal space. "I don't really share well, but I suppose I'll let it slide this time, as long as you don't leave a mark. Every inch of that woman is mine and you wouldn't want me to get angry."

  Alicia blinked rapidly and shook her head. "No, I wouldn't."

  Faith bit back laughter and John kept elbowing her to be quiet.

  Reece turned towards Faith and grinned for a split second, then turned back around. "You are playing nice with her, aren't you?"

  The stricken actress nodded rapidly, unable to take her eyes off of Reece.

  "Oh, and Alicia, I don't think they're anything like cantaloupes," she looked suggestively at Faith's breasts. "They're too soft."

  Alicia grimaced. Faith bit her lip and John turned away.

  Reece cocked her head and chuckled. "Pleasure meeting you."

  Alicia ran out of the van.

  Faith took Reece by the hand and laughed out loud. "How did you know?"

  "I wanted to come see you, and had to call Cori for the address. She told me everything. Why didn't you tell me Alicia was such a cunt?"

  John grabbed his chest. "Ack! The C word!"

  "A moment please?" Reece asked him and smiled as he left.

  "I didn't have the chance, and I didn't want you coming here all crazy to threaten her."

  "Did I?"

  Faith kissed Reece sweetly. "No, you weren't crazy. You were perfect. Now maybe I'll get some work done with her."

  Reece stared at the door, something obviously on her mind. Faith took a guess at what it was. "No, she doesn't turn me on, and I feel nothing when I'm with her."

  Reece wrapped both arms around Faith and kissed her hard. They were still wrapped around each other when John came back.


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