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A Bad Man: Joey

Page 2

by Jenika Snow

Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she hated the fact she wanted Joey as much as she did, and hated the fact that he hadn’t taken the hint and left her alone. But he was definitely a man that didn’t stop until he got what he was clearly after. And Marra knew that what he wanted was her. She didn’t know if she should feel even more aroused by that fact, or let her rational fear lead her in the right direction, and that was as far away from Joey Bacelli as she could run.

  Chapter Two

  Joey stared at Marra, who was helping a customer that had just come in and was seated at the counter. Henrietta was speaking to Alex, who had just come out of the Pen last month. They had known Henrietta all of their lives, and had even worked this small café when they were younger. But things had changed, and Joey was no longer watching his old man run the town he had been born into. Now Joe was the one running things, and he did it with an iron fucking fist, and a .44 to make sure things ran smoothly.

  For a damn year he had wanted to get Marra, but for the same length of time she had turned him down. That should have pissed Joey off because he couldn’t get what he wanted, or else had him being smart enough to back the fuck up. He had never wanted to fuck a woman as much as he wanted to be with Marra.

  “Joey,” Niklo said and Joey turned his focus away from the woman that was consuming his thoughts.

  “What?” Joey said and picked up his espresso, knowing what Niklo was about to say, but not wanting to hear it.

  “Just fuck her already,” Niklo said and leaned back in his seat. “You’ve been pining after her for a year, and it’s starting to become a sad sight.”

  “Fuck you,” Joey said on a growl, and finished off his drink.

  “Just call up Angie. She may not be your goomah anymore, but that chick has it hot for you, and will spread at the drop of a hat,” Little Johnny said in his deep voice, and then ate another cannoli. The guy was a beast and ate like he hadn’t had anything in his stomach for months. Although for a man of his size Joey supposed he had to eat constantly.

  “I’m sure Angie is all ready to grab her ankles at your order,” Alex said and chuckled. “She’s been after you for the last ten years, Joey, and I swear to fuck when you finally took her to your bed she about had a stroke from her excitement.”

  Joey thought about his former goomah, Angie Ronbeni. She had grown up on the same street as Joey, Niklo, and Alex. But she was always too needy, too clingy for his attention. It had annoyed Joey, turned him off even, and he had always kept her away. He didn’t want a woman that relied on him, and sure as hell didn’t want to have to be responsible for anyone but himself. But then one drunken night had led to Joey fucking Angie. She had been decent, had given him everything he had wanted in the sexual department, and so he had kept her around. He might have felt guilty for using her for sex, but Angie wasn’t mistreated, and in fact he had given her everything she had needed to live comfortably. They might have grown up around each other, but aside from the sex Joey didn’t have any feelings for Angie. Sad but true, and it didn’t help matters that she was a jealous, raving bitch at times, possessive and controlling. She might know what he was capable of, but her psychotic episodes left much to be desired. So, he had dropped her, because he had enough shit in his life right now without her drama.

  “Yeah, but sex is all I had in common with Angie, even after knowing her of all these years.” Joey wiped his mouth after finishing off his espresso. “Besides, fucking Angie isn’t going to get Marra out of my head, and I sure as hell don’t want to open that door with Angie again.”

  “So what, you think asking her to fuck you again will have her jumping in bed with you?” Alex asked and then shrugged. “I may have not been around for the last ten years, but Niklo filled me in on this obsession you have with the bakery chick.”

  “I admit she’s a bella donna for sure, but you need to get your head out of your ass,” Niklo said in good fun. These three men were the only ones that talked to him like this, but they also told him how things were. They were his most trusted allies in everything. He had men in his crew that he relied on, but these three knew him.

  He glanced at Marra again, saw her look over at him, but then she quickly looked away. “She’s afraid of me.”

  “I’d be afraid to fuck you, too.” Alex and Niklo started laughing, and Little Johnny sat there with his ever-present stone cold expression on his face.

  Joey pushed thoughts of Marra away for the time being. He’d get her in his bed one way or the other, but right now they needed to discuss things that didn’t have to do with sticking their dicks in willing pussy. “Let’s talk about why we really met up today.”

  Alex and Niklo sobered.

  “The rat’s body was found and the message received, although there is talk that the Gondalo crew is talking about revenge toward us because Michael was close to one of the capos in their crew,” Little Johnny said right after he finished his cannoli. He gestured for Henrietta to bring him another.

  “What about the rat in our own circle issue?” Joey asked and leaned back in his chair. He glanced at Marra as if he couldn’t help it, and although he was in control in every aspect of his life, for some reason when it concerned her he felt out of control.

  You want her, but can’t have her, and it is the one thing that drives you mad.

  “I don’t know if we have a rat, but someone with a loose tongue instead,” Niklo said. “Some of the guys have been saying Mario has been going to Tinno’s to get trashed since Kelly left him.”

  “He’s been running his mouth when he has too much to drink, talking to the girls that hang around trying to earn a few extra bucks on the side,” Little Johnny said. “He’s been saying thing that may not really be construed as anything to the average john, but there have been a few of the Gondalo crew at Tinno’s when Mario has been running his mouth,” Little Johnny said.

  “Are we sure Mario was saying things he shouldn’t have?” Joey asked. The man could be a little uncertain at times, but he did as he was asked without hesitation, and he was loyal without a fault. But then his wife had left him, and Joey had seen a decline in the stability of the man. Mario had let that shit consume him, and slowly had been drinking his liver away. It seemed like he was putting everyone in the circle at risk, too.

  “As sure as if I had gone to Tinno’s yesterday and spoken with Andre myself,” Little Johnny said, and glanced at Joey.

  Andre, the owner of Tinno’s, knew when to give up information, and keep his mouth shut, but that was the price to pay with running a business in Joey’s town.

  “Well, then that’s settled. Find Mario, and bring him to the bar.” Joey wanted this done relatively silently, but he also wanted to make sure Mario knew what was happening. The bar they owned was one of their “legitimate businesses”, but it was on the edge of town, rundown, and asking Mario to come to them wouldn’t have theboccalone freaking out before they knew what the fuck he’s been running his mouth about.

  “And you think Mario is going to come clean that he’s been running his mouth?” Alex asked.

  “He’s has been running with us for years. He’ll tell me the truth, if only because he wants in my good graces,” Joey stated with confidence.

  “Joey, if he wanted in your good graces he would have kept his fucking mouth shut,” Little Johnny said, and Joey couldn’t argue the point.

  “If he lies to us, and tries to run, then we put him down. We can’t have a loose end like that, and especially a man that knows anything about the family.”

  The three men grunted in acknowledgement.

  “Alex, you have him go with you to the bar. Talk him up, get him good and liquored, and see what he says. Who knows, maybe he is working with the Gondola crew.”

  “Sure thing, Boss.”

  “Little Johnny and Niklo will met up there. I’ll let you know the time for sure.”

  They all nodded in agreement.

  “Got to do runs in a bit, and collect from my guys,” Niklo said and stood. “
He handed an envelope to Joey, and then Alex did the same.

  “Only out a month and already you’re holding your own,” Joey said and stood. He clapped Alex and Niklo on the back and watched them leave. Not long after being released and Alex was already deep in family business … just the way it should be.

  “I’m heading to see Lucy for a bit, unless you need me.” Little Johnny stood to his full six-foot-seven height.

  “I’m good,” Joey said and zeroed in on Marra. She had her back to him, and everything tightened at the sight of her.

  “Good luck with that, man,” Little Johnny said and chuckled deeply. “She seems like a spitfire, especially for refusing you for the last year.” Little Johnny grinned, and it was one of those rare smiles the hardened enforcer gave.

  Joey tipped his chin to Johnny and watched him leave. The man had to duck under the entryway just to leave. He couldn’t even imagine being a woman having to deal with that, but Little Johnny had been with his goomah for the last three months, and clearly Lucy liked being with the behemoth.

  Joey grabbed a twenty from his wallet and tossed it on the table, and then he moved over to the counter. Vincenzo’s was a small café, and although it only housed about three four person tables, a three-person counter, and a few patio tables outside, it always felt like home to him. He moved over to the counter, and the older man that had been getting a box of pastries to go turned and left the café. It was just Joey and Marra now as Henrietta had gone into the back. But Marra didn’t face him, and instead was cleaning the espresso machine. Joey took that moment to check out the rear side of her. She was gorgeous all around, with lush curves, round and thick in all the right places, and not thin like Angie. She wasn’t average at all, and he loved that about her. Her legs were long , and she had an ass that made him think of some pretty fucking raunchy things. The skirt she wore fell to her knees, but it was this loose material that formed to her ass. He could see the crease between the big, round globes of her bottom through the lightly colored material. His fucking cock punched forward and dug into the zipper of his suit slacks.

  Leaning his forearms on the counter, he tried to forget about the ache in his balls. She turned and held the portafilter in her hand, her focus on the grounds that were spilling over it.

  “Well damn you, piece of shit,” she said under her breath.

  Joey couldn’t help but smile. She certainly was a spitfire, and her refusal of him was evident of that. “You sure do have a mouth on you. Wonder what Henrietta and Francesco would say about that.”

  She snapped her head up and stared at him with the widest, bluest eyes he had ever seen. Joey wasn’t going to lie … he didn’t chase after females, didn’t woo or court them, and certainly didn’t get denied when he wanted one. But Marra was playing hard to get. She wanted him, he could tell by the way her pupils dilated when she looked at him, or how her lips parted just slightly every time he asked her out. She wanted him, but she was also afraid of him, afraid of who he was, and it was clear she was letting her fear control her. Joey didn’t want that shit because he wanted to touch her, kiss her, and be between her legs more than he had ever wanted to do with another woman. It was starting to eat at him, consume him, and he became obsessed with the fact he had to have her.

  Her shoulder length black hair was a mass of natural curls round her face. She pushed a few stray strands away with her forearm, and her cheeks turned this gorgeous shade of red.

  “I’ve embarrassed you.” He lifted the corner of his mouth in a smile, and saw how her cheeks turned even redder.

  She looked toward the backdoor where he knew Henrietta and Francesco were.

  “I was just teasing. I wouldn’t tell them.” He grinned wider, and watched as the slender column of her throat moved up and down as she swallowed.

  “Please, Henrietta and Francesco might be old, but they have dirty mouths on them.” She smiled softly, and it was quite a sight. Marra set the portafilter in the sink and grabbed a rag to clean off her hands.

  Joey noticed a light sprinkling of flour on her cheek, and without thinking because he always reacted first, he reached out and brushed his thumb along her skin. She tensed immediately and moved back a step.

  “Why are you so afraid of me?” He stared at her, took in the olive tone of her skin, of the light, nearly invisible sprinkling of freckles along the bridge of her nose, and curled his hands into fists. What would she think if she knew he had looked her up, scoured into her personal business and knew everything about her?

  “Because you’re Joey Bacelli,” she said softly and turned to go over to the oven and take out a tray of baked goods from the oven.

  “And you’re Marra Santos.”

  She looked over at him, and then moved to the cooling rack to place the pastries on it. When she turned back around she started twisting her fingers together. He was making her nervous again. On any other occasion, and to any other person, he would have reveled in that fact. But with Marra he didn’t want that reaction from her, and he didn’t quite know why. She had definitely gotten under his skin. When she moved closer to him again the scent of lemon and pastry dough filled his nose. Joey didn’t bother hiding the fact he lowered his gaze to her chest, and he knew she was aware of his blatant look because her nipples hardened under the prim and proper cardigan she wore.

  “I know about you.”

  He lifted his gaze back to her face. “You know about me?” He cocked an eyebrow. Of course she would know about him. He ran this fucking town, and anyone that was smart knew what kind of man he was. But he was curious and amused as to how she would answer.

  She licked her lips and nodded. She didn’t wear makeup, and Joey was pleasantly surprised by how much he enjoyed that fact. Angie packed on the foundation and eye-shadow like it was going out of style, but Marra was all-natural … in every way.

  “Yeah, I know who and what you are.”

  He was silent for a second, staring at her and waiting to see if she would elaborate. When she didn’t he smirked again. “And what type of man is that?”

  She glanced toward the entrance, and then looked at him. “We both know you are not really the type of man that sees a woman for more than a few hours, if you know what I mean.” She was silent for a moment. “And I’m not the type of woman that goes out with a guy that is dangerous, and after he has wined and dined her would only use her for a piece of ass.”

  He kept his composure, didn’t show emotion, but the longer he stared at her, and the more he allowed her statement to seep into him, Joey just couldn’t hold it in any longer. He stated chuckling, and pushed away from the counter. Marra looked surprised by his reaction, and he was also feeling that emotion, too. He didn’t laugh much, but hearing her put him in his place, knowing that he was dangerous, yet still telling him how it was, had him grinning like a fool.

  “You know, only schoolgirls listen to rumors.” He didn’t know what she had heard and he assumed most things were legit, but surely some of them were spoken by scared individuals.

  She chuckled, but it was far from amused. “I doubt what I’ve heard is false, but it doesn’t matter anyway, because you and I both know that this,” she gestured between them with her hand, “isn’t going to happen.”

  Before she dropped her hand he grabbed it, and placed her open palm on his chest. He heard her breath hitch and felt her try to pull her hand away, but he refused to let her go. “Just one meal, Marra. Let me take you out, feed you genuine Italian food, have you drinking wine that is as full bodied and exquisite as you are, and then at the end of the night if you don’t want to see me again I’ll bow out respectfully.” He stared into her blue eyes, watched the emotions and thoughts move across her face, and thought he knew exactly what she would say.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t need drama in my life, and I have a feeling your life is filled with it.” Se tugged her hand back and curled it into a fist. Her nipples were hard beneath her top, and she was still breathing heavi
ly. She wanted him, but was fighting damn hard about it.

  “You’re smart, Marra, but deny what you feel because of my profession.” He straightened, felt his annoyance grow at her refusal once again, and put his suit jacket on. He could have easily played it off like he didn’t know what the fuck she was talking about, but then he’d be acting just as naive as she was.

  “I wouldn’t be able to give you want.”

  He gritted his teeth, and reined in his irritation. “And what the fuck would that be?”

  She narrowed her eyes. “A warm body to use for the night.” She held his gaze, refusing to back down, and although he respected her for that, it also pissed him off. “And that is exactly the thing you look for in a woman.”

  He leaned in, his body shaking with his anger from what she’d said. She held her ground, though. “You think you know me, Marra Santos, but I don’t think you have the first clue about who I really am.”

  She swallowed, and although he saw her nerves showing, she stood still. He heard the sound of the back door opening and of Henrietta and Francesco speaking in Italian, but Joey kept his focus right on Marra, and she kept hers on him.

  “You’ll realize soon enough, though, that I don’t give up on what I want, Marra.” He leaned in another inch so now their lips were only inches apart. Her warm, sweet smelling breath moved across his lips, and he held back his groan of arousal. “And I want you pretty fucking badly.” And then he turned and left, because if he stayed a moment later he’d kiss her until she either submitted to him, or slapped his fucking face.

  Chapter Three

  Marra couldn’t stop thinking about Joey, not after he had gone all alpha caveman on her at the café this morning. She was still annoyed with him for thinking he could talk to her that way, be so damn persistent¸ and pretty much tell her that she would be his one way or another.

  “Ugh.” She shoved her hands in her pockets, feeling the bite of fall right around the corner. It was going on eight at night, and after getting some drinks and diner with a friend, she had opted to save the money she would have spent on a cab, and walk home. Her apartment was only a few blocks away, and after the three watered down Long Islands she was feeling pretty damn brave to be walking alone. There were several people still on the sidewalks, mainly young teenagers that should have been inside and getting ready for bed. The sound of their laughter, of a few bottles breaking, and then of their voices drifting in the distance as they ran off filled the chill night air.


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