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Baron of Hearts (Master of Monsters Book 2)

Page 17

by Hadley, Stephen L.

  “Gladly,” he replied.

  As he reached the women, he reached out and ran a hand gently over their bared hips. And, each in their own way, the pair responded to him. Cirilla bit her lip, eyeing him seductively as she raised her hip to meet his fingers. Bailee, on the other hand, lay utterly still. She breathed hard in anticipation, pressing her thighs tightly together.

  “So,” Leo said. “Who is first?”

  Stretching languidly, Cirilla sat up and Leo felt his heart leap. But, rather than offer herself to him, the woman turned to whisper into Bailee’s ear. Her voice was soft and so quiet Leo could scarcely hear her, but what he did overhear set his pulse to racing.

  “I’ll warm him up for you, love,” Cirilla murmured. “You get yourself nice and ready for him.”

  “Warm me up?” Leo said, grinning. “How do you expect—”

  Words failed him in an instant. Turning to Leo, Cirilla reached out and wrapped a hand delicately around his cock. She stroked him once, teasingly, then crawled forward and took him in her lips. She sank down without hesitation, swallowing him to the hilt with ease. The warmth of her mouth caught Leo by surprise, despite the countless times he’d experienced it in the past.

  There was something different, something unique, about having Cirilla’s mouth around him. In the past, it had always been someone beholden to him who serviced him in such a fashion. But however enjoyable those experiences had been, a sliver of Leo’s mind could not forget the relationship he had to his partner. Slaves, servants, and whores might be talented and focused on his pleasure, but some part of them had no choice.

  But Cirilla had a choice. She was a noblewoman, one of Ansiri’s elite. She had manipulated him, insulted him, and even sent an assassin to try and kill him.

  And now, she was kneeling on Leo’s bed, sucking his cock.

  Leo groaned as Cirilla’s tongue caressed the underside of his member. Her technique was far from unpracticed, but he forced such thoughts from his mind. He ran his hands through her hair, grasping handfuls of the black, silky locks and allowing them to slide freely through his fingers. Then, as Cirilla’s fingers began to gently stroke his balls, he arrived at a startling revelation.

  He was close.

  Somehow, in less than a minute, his fiancée had brought him within sight of his climax. A few moments more and the slightest effort from his shuddering hips and he could be there. He could almost imagine clutching the back of the woman’s head, holding her tight against him, and listening as she sputtered beneath the onslaught of his seed.

  It would be fitting, really. She’d threatened him and held him at knifepoint in this very room. The least she could do to make up for it was swallow.

  But, before he could make good on the idea, Cirilla pulled back. She stared up at him, her eyes narrow with amusement. From her expression, Leo could tell that she had at least some notion precisely what he’d been planning.

  “There,” she declared. “I think that’ll do it. Don’t you agree, dear?”

  Leo swallowed hard, fighting the urge to simply grab his shaft and stroke himself to completion.

  “Yes,” he agreed, through gritted teeth. “I agree.”

  “My lord?” Bailee interrupted, her breath coming in flustered gasps. “Does that mean… are you…?”

  Leo glanced over, and in a heartbeat, forgot all about his frustration. Bailee reclined alongside him, her legs parted and her fingers dancing lightly between them. Her face and busom remained as flushed as before, but those were not the only signs of her excitement. Her folds were slick with arousal and spread wide by the waiting maid’s trembling digits.

  Chuckling, Leo climbed toward her. Hooking his legs beneath the woman’s knees, he stared down at her in anticipation.

  “I am,” he murmured.

  “Well, don’t keep the poor girl waiting, dear!” Cirilla interjected. She pressed herself against Leo’s back, the hard points of her nipples tickling his shoulder blades. Reaching down, she grasped the base of his member and angled him into position. “Just look at her. See how ready she is for you?”

  His fiancée’s hand and words felt uncomfortably like manipulation and Leo nearly wanted to resist her. But the sight of the woman beneath him was too appetizing to delay. Reluctantly, he allowed Cirilla to guide his hips forward until his member slid neatly between the girl’s wet, clinging folds.

  Leo groaned, falling prematurely silent as Bailee shuddered beneath him. The maid’s back arched as he entered her, her fingers tugging at the sheets in urgent desperation.

  “My lord!” she moaned. “Y-you… it feels….”

  “I know,” Leo interrupted. He sank forward slowly until hips lay flushed against Bailee’s. Then, tenderly, he leaned in and kissed the young woman on the lips. “How do you feel?”

  Bailee squirmed, her legs rising to squeeze his sides. “I feel… good ,” she whined. “Will you—could you move, my lord? Please?”

  Leo chuckled. Rather than answer, he simply began to do as Bailee asked. He rocked gently, groaning as the woman’s cunt clung to his member. Then, more urgently, he repeated the sound as Cirilla clutched him as well. Her fingers curled gently around his sack, adding to the stimulation in ways Leo couldn’t have imagined previously.

  “Go ahead, dear,” the baroness purred. “Show her what you can do.”

  Growling, Leo braced himself against the bed. His hips began to rock faster and faster, thrusting more enthusiastically into the flustered woman beneath him. Soon, Bailee’s moans and soft, plaintive cries began to drown out his grunts of exertion. Her insides clenched and squeezed him with growing intensity until not even his most forceful thrusts could keep pace.

  “My lord!” Bailee yelped, her face contorted with concentration. “Please! I can feel… I’m so—!”

  It was Cirilla who came to Leo’s rescue. Slipping a hand around his waist, she found the woman’s clit and went to work. Leo could feel the pressure of her fingers, but could not see her work. He couldn’t see anything. The effort of his thrusting and the nearness of his climax screwed his eyes shut.

  “My lord, I—” Bailee cried. She fell suddenly quiet as her back arched and her mouth opened in a silent scream of delight.

  Leo groaned again as he felt the woman spasm around his cock, then threw back his head and let himself go. His climax hit hard, driving the breath from his lungs in a gasp. He could sense nothing, fell nothing, save for the tightness of Bailee’s pussy, the throbbing of his member, and the soft-yet-firm pressure of Cirilla’s hand against his balls. Shuddering violently, he emptied himself.

  It took a long time for his climax to fade and the irregular throbbing of his manhood persisted long after his peak had subsided. Bailee, it seemed, experienced her orgasm in much the same way. She lay beneath him, eyes closed and a tired, dreamy smile plastered on her face.

  Turning slightly, Leo met Cirilla’s eye. She grinned at him briefly, then leaned forward to kiss his shoulder. Resting her cheek against his back, she released his balls and wrapped both arms around his chest.

  “You enjoy that?” she asked quietly.

  Sighing contentedly, Leo nodded. His aggression, including the desire to force himself down the woman’s throat had vanished in the wake of his orgasm. But, even as he remained inside the maid, he found his thoughts turning to his fiancée.

  “I might need a few minutes,” he admitted. “If you don’t mind waiting?”

  Chuckling, Cirilla shook her head and crawled forward to lie down alongside Bailee.

  “Let’s save that for another time,” she said. “Can’t have you falling asleep on me. I want your best. Besides, I’m sure Bailee won’t mind returning the favor.”

  Leo’s gaze darted to the maid at the mention of her name. Though Bailee still had not stirred or opened her eyes, her grin turned toothy at Cirilla’s words. Murmuring wordlessly in satisfaction, she folded her hands low across her stomach and nodded.

  “You see?” Cirilla teased, winking at him.
“I told you.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It was oddly refreshing to wake up beside someone. Leo’s servants and slaves tended to slip from his bed during the night, either because they preferred the privacy of their chambers or because their duties resumed early and they wanted to avoid waking him. Cirilla, however, had not left his side and remained intimately cuddled against him. The sight of her brow against his chest startled him, but he managed to avoid waking her as he extracted his arm from beneath a pillow and held her close.

  There he remained for what felt like an hour, a willing captive to his fiancée’s slumber. And in the waning darkness of early morning, he began to scheme.

  Jaime Olden had been dealt with. Even if the man retained enough pride to refuse their offer, the humiliation he’d suffered at Cirilla’s hand meant his candidacy was doomed. If there was one thing that Ansiri loved to gossip about more than noble politics it was scandals, and Olden had found himself caught up in both.

  The problem was Terras. While the count’s influence would no doubt have been dealt a blow from the loss of his alderman, the man had plenty more to spare. And the nature of Cirilla’s manipulations would do more to undermine Olden than his backer. Unless Leo managed to find a way to further involve the count in the fallout, the damage would be frustratingly limited.

  Almost unwillingly, Leo felt his thoughts wander back to Davin and her words. As much as it needled him, the prospect of simply entrapping Terras was becoming increasingly attractive. Simply undermining the man’s supporters would take too long. He needed to be bolder.

  “Thinking already?” came a sleepy mumble from the woman at his side.

  Grinning, Leo glanced down at Cirilla. She stirred slowly, drawing the blankets up to her neck and shifting into a more comfortable position against him.

  “I like to get an early start,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “We can’t all get by on talent alone.”

  “Oh?” she chuckled. “Am I marrying an imbecile then?”

  “A wealthy one.”

  Cirilla sat up with a snort. Glancing down, she froze for a second at the sight of her own nakedness, then rose swiftly and headed for the bath. “Not that wealthy,” she called back, once she was safely out of sight.

  It was Leo’s turn to chuckle then. Reclining against the pillows, he exhaled slowly.

  It was going to be a very good day.


  “You three stay close to me,” Leo said, pacing the foyer. “I’m not expecting trouble, but we want to make a strong impression. If something does happen, you guard me first. Look after Cirilla if you can, but I’m the priority. Understood?”

  Nyssa and Mihal nodded, smiling grimly. Karran smiled as well, though hers had a far more excited note than either of the trow. While all three slaves appeared ready to venture out into the city, none of them had been particularly enthused when he’d announced that Cirilla would be accompanying them.

  That was fine. They didn’t know her as he did, and he could hardly expect them to have forgotten the near catastrophe of only two nights earlier. If anything, he hoped it would inspire them to keep an even closer watch over him.

  “I’m going to have a servant bring some clothes over,” Cirilla announced, descending the stairs with a scowl. She wore the same dress she had the night before.

  “We can stop at your estate on the way, if you like,” Leo suggested.

  Cirilla shook her head. “No need,” she said. “I doubt Olden will notice. And even if he does, it won’t harm anything. It might even make him more willing if he knows we’re so… united.”

  “Fair enough. But are you sure you don’t want any guards?”

  “Why?” she asked, her frown giving way to a smirk. “Are you planning something improper?”

  Shrugging, Leo answered her by merely opening the door. Stepping out into the bright morning sunlight, he had to force himself to move slow and smooth. The excitement of what lay ahead made him want to run.

  Despite the early hour, the streets of the city were already packed tight with pedestrians. The sheer number of them might have frustrated him, but fortunately, the sight of Karran marching several paces ahead of him cleared a path through the crowd. More surprising were the reactions from those he passed, once Cirilla attached herself to his arm. Rather than the anxious, somewhat flighty responses he was used to, more than a few of the passersby nodded, bowed, or murmured respectful greetings.

  Without meaning to, Leo found himself watch his fiancée from the corner of his eye. Even without a formal title, Cirilla seemed to garner far more respect from the commoners. It was simultaneously reassuring and unnerving.

  What took him aback the most, however, was the reception that waited for them when they reached Olden’s office. A mixed crowd of well over one hundred loitered outside the building, the vast majority of which were simply dressed tradesmen. Several individuals toward the front jeered loudly, while others simply eyed the uniformed watchmen cordoning off the building itself. As they passed the men, Leo caught a glimpse of several cudgels and knife hilts protruding from trouser pockets. Evidently, Nicolo’s supporters did not intend a repeat of the previous confrontation.

  As they drew nearer to the building, conveyed safely by Karran’s intimidating aura, Leo noticed several other men speaking to the watchmen. These men were armed, not with knives or cudgels, but with large, prominently displayed swords. Not rapiers, either, but the broad two-handed blades that would have looked more at home on a frontier plantation than Ansiri streets.

  And yet, more interesting to Leo than the weapons were the uniforms they wore. The men were clad in the white and blue of Terras’ personal guard.

  “What are they doing here?” Leo whispered, slowing.

  Cirilla glanced at him, her face a calm, purposeful mask.

  “Looks like Terras is an early riser, as well,” she murmured back. “Come on. Don’t let them intimidate you.”

  “I’m not—” Leo protested. He fell silent as they reached the makeshift barricade formed by the Watch.

  Opposite him, the men shifted uncomfortably. They were obviously used to accommodating nobles, but judging from the fact that they had not parted to admit him, they were operating under a very specific set of orders.

  Singling out one man in particular, Leo adopted his sternest glare.

  “Move aside,” he growled. “I have business with the alderman.”

  “My lord, I—” the man began, shakily. He was saved a second later, as an officer hurried over.

  “Terribly sorry, my lord,” said the newcomer. “We’re under orders from Count Terras. Nobody is to be admitted.”

  With deliberate slowness, Leo turned to stare at the officer. The man stood his ground better than his subordinate, but still tensed visibly beneath the glare.

  “I’m aware of your orders,” Leo lied. “We’re expected.”

  “My lord, I’m afraid that—”

  “One way or another,” Leo pressed, “I will be entering that office. You don’t want to be the man who delayed me.”

  For a moment, Leo thought his bluff had succeeded. The officer hesitated, glancing at the row of men and back at the closed office door. Then he shrugged.

  “Apologies, my lord,” he said with an air of finality. “I have my orders.”

  Growling, Leo stepped forward and grabbed the man by the collar. Yanking him forward, he placed his face inches from the officer’s.

  “Do you have any idea who I am?” he hissed. With his free hand, he gestured toward the gathered crowd. “These men are mine. With one word, I could have you neck-deep in rioters. Is that what you want?”

  Slowly, the officer reached up and pried Leo’s fingers away from his collar. Eyes cold, he adjusted his disheveled uniform.

  “No, my lord,” he said simply. “Nobody wants that. I’d be happy to announce your arrival.”

  “Good,” Leo snapped. Offering his arm to Cirilla, he turned to his escorts. “Wait here. Th
is shouldn’t take long.”

  The officer led them reluctantly through the row of guards and to the office door. Steeling himself with a deep breath, the man knocked and opened the door without waiting for a response. He tried to shut if after him, but Leo followed close behind. Much to the man’s annoyance, he managed to wedge a boot in between the door and the frame and pushed his way in after.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, Your Grace,” the officer began. “This man said he was—”

  “Seven hells!” Olden roared, rising. “Sergeant, I told you—”

  He stopped short at the sight of Leo, eyes widening. His gaze seemed to stick for a moment, then shifted to Cirilla. And, after a moment, to the man seated before him.

  Terras turned in his chair, appearing completely unsurprised to find Leo under the same roof. He smiled wanly and nodded in greeting.

  “Thank you, Sergeant,” Terras said evenly. “You may return to your post.”

  The officer departed in a hurry, plainly glad to be excused from the obvious tension in the room. The second the door closed, Olden sank back into his chair. He glared murderously at both Leo and Cirilla, face reddening as he gripped the arms of his chair.

  “What the fuck do you want?” he growled.

  Leo was about to answer when Cirilla beat him to it.

  “A conversation,” she said. Offering a thin, refined smile, she abandoned Leo’s arm and smoothly dropped into the chair alongside Terras. Swiveling to face the count, she quirked a brow at him. “Though I’m surprised to find you here, Your Grace. I expected you to keep your distance after last night’s embarrassment.”

  Olden started to lash out but fell silent at a sharp gesture from Terras. Returning Cirilla’s smile, the count regarded her with an expression that was almost admiration.

  “A deft stroke,” Terras said. “Well executed and even better planned. Your doing, I assume?” He cocked his head and nearly looked in Leo’s direction. “Somehow, I have trouble picturing the young baron as the mastermind.”

  Bristling, Leo stepped forward. As there were only two chairs available, he approached Cirilla’s and laid his hands on the back of hers.


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