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Exigency (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 2)

Page 18

by Cate, Marnie

  Handing her a silver journal much like the one I had found in her room, he said, “Read this and remember why your mother vowed her allegiance to the Goddess.”

  When she dropped it, he picked it back up. Kneeling before her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head in her lap. “Read it for me, Maesi. Read it for me,” he said.

  Sighing, she said, “Get up. You are too old to be on the cold floor. You are right as always. You have reminded me that you are a silly old fool,” she said, as she began to resemble the strong woman that had raised me.

  As my grandfather returned to his seat, Gram held the journal out before her saying, “With open heart and open mind, I read the story of my gift.”

  The journal slowly drifted out of her hands and hovered above her as it glowed a dark red. Spinning until the red turned to lavender, it popped open and landed on her lap. Turning the cover page, she read from it.

  The room was softly lit… not from a lamp or sunlight but from the faint glow from the other girls around me. Girls did not accurately describe us. We were called faeries and fae by the humans that would sometimes catch a glimpse of us in the forest where we lived. They told stories of our magic dust because of our snow-white skin that shimmered in the sun. While we looked similar in many ways, from our slender frames to our large cat-like eyes, each of us had a very distinct style. Many of the stories that were told about us were embellished with accounts of mischief and deceit. While some of our behavior could be considered playful, we were not child stealers or thieves. Our mother had taught us to love the humans. Her greatest delight was for us to share the stories they told about us—her elementals.

  As she read to my grandfather, I sat and listened longing to be in the room with them. Trying to hear anything that would guide me in my decisions, I was confused. This was just a story about the elementals trying to save Danu. How could that help?

  “The four of us are strong. We were made from the fire, water, air and earth magic inside of us. She gave each of us this power to use, not to ignore. We are more than the elements inside us. We are her children. We are her elementals. We will bring her spirit back,” Blaze contended.

  “Bring her spirit back,” I said out loud. “I need to bring Cole's spirit back. I know what to do now, Gram.”

  The hole in the wall began to close. I turned away to see that the mirror that I had entered through had returned. Taking the same path back into the center room, I returned to the seat of Danu. Carefully, I took my finger and I focused on drawing a heart made of frost on it. Feeling sleepy, I laid down and continued to slide my finger over the heart until it stood out on the dark stone. Closing my eyes, I told myself that I would keep my promise to follow my heart and I was going to bring Cole home no matter how long it took.

  My peaceful thoughts were interrupted by the panicked voices calling out, “She's not breathing. You've given her too much. She is dead.”

  Chapter 41

  Cole stood over me shaking me by my shoulders as I looked down on myself from above. I felt like I was breathing. I felt like I was still alive but I could see how desperate he was. Somehow, my spirit had left my body. Feeling confused, I looked around the room. I didn't want to return. I wanted to go back to Danu. Before I could make my decision, I found myself gasping for air and staring into Cole's blue eyes.

  “Don't ever do that to me again,” he said, his voice cracking. “Do not ever leave me again, Mara.”

  I understood the words he was saying but for some reason I was unable to speak.

  “Talk to me. Tell me you're okay,” he insisted. Thousands of words ran through my mind but not one would come out of my mouth.

  “She will be fine,” Snowystra said. “Just let her rest.”

  “They gave her too much,” he said, angrily. “They could have killed her.”

  “Come away from her,” she cooed. “She's in good hands, darling. Christina and Laura will alert us if anything changes.”

  “No more tavi,” he said, in a low growl. “Give her nothing else tonight.”

  “You are right,” Snowystra said, stroking his face. “Let's try some winter's bite to balance out the tavi. Your Marina has very strong magic inside her. I have never seen anyone fight my magic so strongly. I almost wonder if she really wants to be here.”

  “No,” Cole said, sounding more like a frightened child than the strong leader he had become. “She wants to be here. Don't you think it's just the magic fighting? You said it yourself that it is strong. You told me it would be hard for her to completely changeover but she will. Just give her time.”

  “And if she doesn't accept her new life?” Snowystra said, “If she was really pretending so that she can take you back to Starten? What will you do then?”

  “She wouldn't do that,” he insisted. “She isn't pretending. She is here for us.”

  “So naïve…so trusting,” Snowystra said. “I will let this continue since it is so important to you. You have shown me that you will lead my children to greatness.”

  “Thank you,” he said, taking her hand. “She will come around.”

  “I will trust you,” she said. “Now come with me. There is much to do before tomorrow if you are still planning on marrying her.”

  Releasing her hand, his eyes darkened. “Nothing has changed. I have always planned to marry Marina and nothing will change this. The wedding will happen tomorrow.”

  Closing my eyes, I waited for them to leave. I felt Cole's cheek against mine. “Sweet dreams. I will not see you until the morning,” he whispered in my ear. “Then you will be mine forever.”

  His words frightened me but I could not fight off sleep anymore. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep. I did not wake again until I was shaken awake by Christina

  “Wake up,” she said, hurriedly. “I have things to give you before anyone else arrives.”

  Groggily, I said, “I don't want to drink anything else.”

  “No. Nothing like that. I brought you your things. The ring and the envelope are in your dresser drawer under the false bottom,” Christina said, showing me a jeweled tiara. “But, today you will wear this. When it is time, break off one of the petals. It will turn to powder. When it does, quickly rub it on the wound.”

  Interrupting, her I said, “What are you talking about? I am not injured.”

  “There is not time for questions just listen,” she said. “You will have an injury. Rub this onto it and if you can onto Cole. You must remember above all that after you must convince her that you have taken the winter. You must fill that role that she believes you are taking.”

  “I don't understand,” I said, not hiding my fear.

  “Today is your wedding day, what else is there to understand?” Snowystra said, entering the room. Dressed in a long silver dress that was way too formal for morning, she was followed by two female Vetur, each carrying a bag. “We have much to do to get you ready. I hope you're as excited as we are. Cole has been up since first light.”

  Sitting down on the bed next to me, she said, “Imagine in less than six hours you will be Mrs. Cole Sands. Isn't that what you always wanted?”

  Forcing a smile, I said, “Yes and you have made it all possible.”

  “Yes, I did,” she said. “Now first you should shower. Then, Christina will fix your hair as I have instructed her already. When you're ready, I want you to send for me. I will then bring you to try on your wedding dress.”

  “My wedding dress is here?” I said.

  “Oh not that old dress,” she said. “That dress is far too plain for any wedding of the Shah and Vizier.”

  “Good,” I said, forcing myself to say the next words. “I was only wearing it to please my grandmother. It was so old fashioned.”

  My comments made her smile. “Yes, it was a very sad looking little dress wasn't it. Poor Mae, she was always so simple. Don't you think it was just a pitiful dress?”

  “Very,” I lied.

  “Good. Now go shower and then we w
ill get you ready for your big day,” she said excitedly. “I will be back soon.”

  “Follow me, Mistress and I will help you,” Christina said.

  “You need to get her a drink before she puts on her dress. She will need some veri tavi if she's to make it to the ceremony,” Snowystra called to us as she walked out of the room.

  When we were alone in the bathroom, she handed me a glass of the red liquid. “I think that you'll be just fine without drinking all of it. Just drink a bit. After you shower, I am going to fix your hair. You will not put the tiara on until after the fitting. I will position it so that you can pull off a petal discreetly. Remember what I told you to do with it.”

  Distracted by the fabulous cold sensations running through my body, I nodded. Taking the drink from me as I began to guzzle it, she said, “You will have plenty of that today. You need to keep your senses.”

  In the shower, I let the water pour over me. I missed the magic that I had. Thinking of my water magic, I held out my hand and called Water. A black ball formed in my hands. As the darkness lit up, I could see bits of silver floating inside it. Dropping it, hundreds of small silver spiders ran across the floor and down the drain causing me to scream.

  “What is wrong?” Christina said, coming to me quickly.

  “Watch this,” I said, calling Water again. This time I held it out to her.

  “You did this?” she asked. “Are those spiders?”

  Dropping the ball, she watched as the spiders retreated again. “Something, I have never seen before. But, this will need to wait. Be quick in the shower, the women Snowystra sent are waiting to help me get you ready.”

  After I showered, I was wrapped in a towel and led to a vanity by the Vetur women that had returned. Opening one of the bags, one of the women held out black lacy undergarments to me.

  “Do you need assistance?” she asked when I did not take them from her. I had no idea what to do with all the pieces she was offering me.

  “Do I need help?” I snapped, as I grabbed the panties from her and slipped them on. I knew how to put those on but I was not going to admit that I didn't know exactly what the others were or how to put them on. “No, I do not need your help but I should not be expected to dress myself. Should I? Am I not the Vizier?”

  “Oh, I am sorry,” she said. “Forgive my slight.”

  Waving my hand like I had seen Snowystra do, I said, “Enough groveling, just dress me.”

  The women wrapped a larger piece of fabric around my upper body pushing my cleavage up. When they finished with the snaps in the back, both women stared at me unsure what to do.

  “If you have a seat, I can fix your hair and they can finish with your stockings,” Christina suggested.

  “Fine,” I said, as I sat down. Mouthing thank you to Christina when I knew they couldn't see.

  As I sat on the cold black chair, Christina began to pull the sides of my hair up and the women finished dressing me. Once they were done, one stood quietly watching while the other began to brush my face with powder.

  As they fussed over me, I started to become nervous. Yesterday was my birthday and I missed the whole day. Today I was going to marry Cole. I did not know if I was going to marry the real Cole or the Shah. I only hoped that this all did not go badly in the end. As I pondered all of the negative things that could happen, a breeze filled with snowflakes blew into the room.

  “Marina, my darling,” Snowystra said, as she sashayed into the room. “I have been waiting for so long for this day.”

  Keeping my icy tone, I said, “I, too, have been waiting for this day for a long time. Thank you for allowing me to forget about my silly promise and finally be able to do something important with the magic. Cole has told me everything. I wish that I had only known before. I would not have resisted.”

  Clapping her hands together, she smiled, “I knew my decision wasn't wrong. If only you had come around before we lost your mother, my Eliza, we could have done so many things. She had so much potential if it wasn't for the guilt that she always carried. Enough sad thoughts, let's focus on you. Let me see what they've done with you.”

  As she circled me, she commented on every strand of hair out of place and every line of makeup that wasn't perfect. Noticing my nails, she insisted they be done like hers. The women quickly responded to her demands and soon I was ready to see my wedding dress.

  “Here,” she said, handing me a silver silk robe. “We will go to my wing for your dress fitting. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised by my selection.”

  Chapter 42

  Following Snowystra through the section of the mansion that would be mine, we stopped at the entrance to her wing where two guards opened the heavy doors. As we were escorted down another long hallway, I heard sounds of children playing. Turning around as one of the doors opened, I caught two small black eyes peeking at me.

  “Who is in those rooms?” I questioned, stopping at one of the doors that was now cracked open.

  Gazing at the door, she said, “My children, of course.”

  The door suddenly flung open and we were surrounded by many small, dark haired children. Each were hopping up and down excitedly to see who I was.

  As they began to shove and scratch at each other to get closer to us, Snowystra said, “Enough, all of you back to your rooms.”

  Cries of anger echoed as the children protested. “We want to meet her,” a voice cried. Pushing through the crowd, one of the Vetur children shoved her way and stood in front of me with her hands on her hips. “Mother, is this the new queen?”

  Putting a hand on the girl's head, Snowystra said addressing all the children. “Yes, darlings, this is Marina. She has come to save us from that horrible monster that treated mommy so badly. She will restore our magic. Won't that be nice?”

  Cheers of joy were quickly followed by more fighting. The small creatures clawed and bit each other. Their behavior was ignored as if it was normal.

  As she lifted her hand from the girl, she left a frosty handprint. Smiling the little girl said, “She is pretty.”

  Narrowing her eyes at Snowystra, the child said, “I don't have nice clothes like she does.” Tugging on her dress, she glared down at it. “I never get anything pretty. I'm stuck here in this horrible place.”

  Looking into one of the rooms that the children had come from, I saw a beautiful nursery with lots of toys and books. It didn't look scary. It looked like a magical place to grow up.

  “Masha, do you really think it's true to say you live in a horrible place when you are given everything that your heart desires,” she said, holding her hand out to the little girl.

  Crinkling her brow as if she was thinking very hard, she said, “No Mother, you are right. I just was being spoiled.”

  “Now all of you run along,” she said to the children. Crying and more protests began again.

  “Hush, there will be none of that from you. We have many things to do before the wedding. If you listen to your metas, they will report your good behavior to me,” she said. “I might let you join the party.”

  “Metas, remind them of how to be respectful in front of the Vizier and the Shah,” she said to the women that had come to gather the children.

  Grabbing one of the women by their arm, she whispered, “Of course, they will not be going to the wedding celebrations. Keep them contained.”

  Nodding, the woman joined the other metas in their task of corralling the children. More fighting broke out amongst the children as they were led away.

  “Exhausting,” she said, dramatically. “It is so difficult being a single mother. Come along, no time for this today. You will meet them all soon enough. Do not worry. They won't be at your wedding. They have not learned how to be civilized and are so reactive. My little ones can be too naughty. I am afraid they do take after their mother in that way.”

  Throwing her head back, she laughed as she walked away from me. A prickly sensation began on my fingertips and my fingers began dripping
dark magic. Shaking my hands and calling the magic back, I focused on pleasant thoughts.

  The further we walked the lower the temperature became. The walls even had a layer of frost on them. When we reached the silver door, more guards appeared and bowed deeply to her. These men were dressed in black leather with spider imprints on the chest. Each man had a silver sword in a waist belt. As they opened the door, a flurry of snowflakes escaped. The cool air calmed me and I felt myself being pulled by the need for more of it.

  I was amazed how unreal it all seemed. Scanning the room for any danger, I took in the view. The space was a combination of winter and darkness. The furniture was made of ice. Her large bed looked as if it was covered with a blanket of snow. Behind the headboard, a large web extended across the wall. The web was covered with thousands of green dots.

  “My dorcha,” she said, noticing that I was staring at the web. “They are so precious. Have you had a chance to see the grown ones yet?”

  Walking to the web, she held out her arm and was immediately covered with dozens of them. Picking one up, she held it in the palm of her hands cradling it. “They are so much more than spiders. They, like my children, are part of me. I give up a piece of myself to give them life.”

  As she put them back on the web, she said, “Come to me, Marina. Do not be afraid.”

  Offering the metallic green spider in her hand to me, I backed away.

  “You are afraid of a small spider?” she snarled. “The magic coursing through your body right now is because of them. They give life to your magic.”

  Setting the dorcha back on the web, she changed her demeanor and said in a syrupy sweet voice, “Of course you are afraid. You have been raised to hate anything that wasn't of Danu. You will have plenty of time to find out everything about my home later. Now you will try on your dress.”

  Snowystra led me into a circular room connected to hers. The room that had a black platform in the center of it. On top of the stage, there was a high backed chair and a mirror with a black web design around the glass. Climbing the stairs, I felt the pulse of the dark magic through my slippers. The same magic that had once before pricked and stung my skin now felt like a soft massage.


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