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Nearly Mended

Page 16

by Devon Ashley

  I knew Zander was going to make this last forever. Every time he got really heightened, I could see it in his expression. I’d feel relief, thinking it was almost over. But then he would command Nick to pause altogether so he could calm back down. Nick would never take one of those moments to look my way. He always tilted his head the other direction. Then Zander would say again, and Nick would have to start all over again. I had to watch that happen four times before I saw Zander tense and dig his fingers into the armchair. He was finally going to let himself come.

  His eyes pinched and his lower abdomen began to move in a wavelike motion, mirroring the way Nick’s head moved back and forth. It sickened me the way his groans intensified. He sat up and snatched the back of Nick’s head with both hands. I could tell by the way Nick’s arms tensed and gripped the sides of the chair that he was no longer in control of the rhythm. In fact, I feared Zander was just holding Nick’s head in place while he thrust his dick back and forth inside his mouth. Zander was grunting nonstop and Nick was gagging as he was forced to take it deeper than was comfortable.

  Zander cried out, his body shaking as Nick seemed to choke, his whole upper torso jerking in a way I couldn’t help but ball myself up and protect myself. I knew that sound of helplessness. I’d been there so many times, and I just wanted to lean over and hurl for him.

  It was at least another ten seconds before Zander released him. They had both stilled at that point, but now that he was free, Nick bent over coughing, a repetitive ripple effect chasing the line of his spine that traveled up and brought on his gag reflex. Zander crashed back into the armchair, breathing heavily, his eyes watching Nick like I was. Again I inhaled a sharp breath as if I’d been holding it.

  Everyone was silent, and it felt like they completely forgot I was there. Nick remained bent over, keeping his back to me. Zander chuckled and stood to pull his clothes back on. He motioned his head to Nick even though he wasn’t looking his way. “Unstrap yourself, grab your clothes and take a shower. You have fifteen minutes.”

  Nick cracked his neck on one side, but did as he was told, albeit it a little slowly, like it was really hitting him what he’d just done. Not once would he look my way, even as Zander activated the panel and closed the door behind him.

  Ugh. My stomach felt sour and I hadn’t even been the one doing that. And now that it was over, I just wanted to sweep myself under the rug and die. Was that how I looked every time Zander finished with me? Lifeless? Destroyed, even? I remembered that horrible moment after my first time with him – the absolute dread that choked me deep into my bones. I felt dirtier than the lowest level of hell. Used and put away wet.

  With his back to me, I watched as Zander extended his arms over his head and stretched, the muscles in his back mocking me with their strength. Proof that I could never fight against him. The sad part was that he was a good-looking guy who probably turned heads wherever he went. If they only knew what monster lived behind those fiery eyes. He turned and meandered across the room, catching the way I was gaping, analyzing. He paused to stare at me from the end of the bed, his eyes slowly tightening. I knew that look. Predatory. It always preceded–

  I squealed as he jumped onto the mattress and snatched my ankles, yanking me until my body stretched out. My slip got caught up and no longer covered anything beneath my belly button, leaving me completely exposed and at his mercy. He pulled on me once more, stretching my arms out completely, lengthening my body so I couldn’t fight against him. Panic mode set in, because the last time he did this…

  “You promised you wouldn’t touch me for thirty-six hours,” I cried.

  “No.” He gripped my calves and bent my legs at the knees, throwing them apart and kneeling down in between them. The air was way too cool against my warmth, and my hips wiggled uselessly against him. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t touch you. I said I wouldn’t fuck you. And you know damn well in this house it’s not considered fucking unless I have my cock up your pussy.”

  His hands slid up and down my inner thighs a few times, his eyes raking across my exposed sex.

  “Don’t!” It wasn’t a command or even a statement. In fact, it came out rather pathetically. I knew there was no point in pleading, because he wasn’t going to stop what he was already working out in his head.

  “Ssshhh…” He decided kneeling wasn’t the position to be in, so his body slithered down until it flattened on the bed. Both arms wrapped under and around my upper thighs, pinning me down, with his shoulders keeping my legs spread apart. “You wouldn’t want him to hear us and realize he did all that and I still got to touch you in a way. He’s so desperate to save you.” He kept his eyes on mine as he kissed and sucked on the lips between my legs. I jerked at the touch, a tiny squeal escaping my mouth. “But we both know you don’t want to be saved.” More kisses, more sucking. His tongue invaded, making me squirm even more, unwanted tingles firing right above his mouth. With teasing eyebrows, he added, “The way you kept bucking me last night…you love the way I fuck you.”

  “Please,” I begged, my head dropping back to the mattress, then turning towards the bathroom door. Had he even started the shower yet? I couldn’t tell. “Tomorrow I’ll do anything you want, just stop. I don’t want him to hear this. Please.”

  I knew it was stupid to give him that much power. He saw the way I was unraveling in front of him, a single tear sailing down my cheek. Unimpressed, he replied, “You already do everything I ask. And then some.”

  He climbed over me, his hands pushing my slip all the way up, leaving it gathered above my head. His mouth sucked hard around one nipple and pulled, while his hand teased and pinched the other. He wasn’t gentle like he’d mostly been thus far, on a mission to arouse me as quickly as possible. I cried out as my head rolled onto the crown and my fucking back arced into him for way too long. I could feel the grin on his face as the motion shoved the tip of my breast even farther into his mouth. When my spine finally unclenched, my knees shot up on their own to hold him between my legs, my damn toes aching as they fought me for the right to curl. I bit down on my tongue, trying to muffle the whimpers as the area between my legs screamed to be touched again. His hand abandoned my breast, which my body disagreed with my head over how that was a good thing. Zander hooked the back of my knee over his shoulder and three fingers were shoved inside me.

  He wasn’t taking no for an answer. He may have agreed to keep his damn dick out of me, but he wasn’t going to let that keep him from getting me off just fifteen feet away from Nick as he showered. I tried not to moan and wiggle as he continued to screw with me, my chest heaving as heat burned and licked its way up, intense vibrations making me tremble all the way to my jaw.

  After a while, three slams came from the other side of the bathroom door. Zander merely turned his head to look at the door as he chuckled, his body forcing mine to rock, his fingers still fucking me as his thumb spun circles. I bit back my whimpers. Nick was probably trying to listen through the door right now.

  “Well,” Zander mumbled with exasperation, “he may be finished, but you’re not.”

  Why that asshole told me I had fifteen minutes if he was going to leave me locked in there for at least twenty, I didn’t know. I could’ve taken a longer shower, which was already cut short by all the puking I had to do beforehand.

  That was the most disgusting thing I’d ever had to do. And it sickened me that no matter how much toothpaste I swished around in my mouth, it seemed I couldn’t get the aftertaste to completely go away, and I couldn’t keep my chest from dry-heaving, ready to choke up all the hot water I gargled to cleanse my mouth and throat.

  When he finally did open up, his smile creeped me out. If Megan wasn’t right there, lying beneath the blanket now with a shocker collar on, I might’ve been tempted to punch it right off him.

  Instead, I gritted my teeth and sat down next to the wall while the pulley system withdrew my line. Sometimes he left me the slack so I could reach the bathroom. But with Megan in th
e room tonight, no way he was going to give me enough to reach her. Honestly, I was lucky he gave me enough to even be able to lie down for the night without locking my hands above my head.

  “Nighty-night, you two,” he mocked, activating the door and disappearing for the night.

  “Thank, God,” I muttered. Seconds later, the lights went off, covering us up with darkness. Not even the moon was going to help tonight, as the cycle was officially beginning anew.

  “Just so you know, he can see and hear everything we do.”

  Don’t I know it, I thought miserably, thankful he kept his word about leaving the sex tapes turned off while she was in here.

  “I don’t care. It’s not like we’re discussing escape attempts.”

  “Just promise me you won’t do anything stupid. It’s not worth it.”

  “You mean like what I just did?” I baited. Boldly, I added, “It was worth it.”

  She sighed in the darkness. Why she felt she should be the only one to make sacrifices, I just didn’t get. I didn’t care that she’d already been violated. Well, I absolutely cared that he’d done that, but I wasn’t going to blame her for it or stop loving her because of it. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to sit down and watch her keep taking it. I’d do whatever was necessary, whatever was in my power to do. And right now, it was that. Yeah, it was disgusting what I did, having to listen to him get off, feeling him touch me in response and making me choke, but it was nothing compared to what he was doing to her.

  I wished we would’ve used this time to talk, but neither one of us seemed to be in much of a sharing mood with him listening in. If he had cameras in our house like Megan announced, had he been able to listen in as well? If so, in a sense, we hadn’t had real privacy in a long time. But there was a difference between intimate conversations when you absolutely knew someone was listening in. It ruined the beauty of your words, tainted the moment, made it more uncomfortable than calming.

  So we tried to take comfort in just being there together. Being here with her, even given the worst of circumstances, was way better than being left at home with a bleeding heart, never truly knowing what happened.

  Night passed and the morning sun had broken through the trees enough to fill our room with mild light. Megan fell asleep first last night, but I held on for several more hours, always afraid he’d come in and steal her in the dead of night. But she was still there when I woke up.

  She was still asleep when he came in. He looked her way but came towards me. I swear to God, I’d only been awake a few minutes and had hardly moved, but here he was, like he already knew.

  “You’re a chef.”

  “Used to be,” I replied dully. Lot of good my skills were going to do me now.

  “How would you like some time out of this room?”

  I lifted my head to better see him. For real? “You want me to be your damn cook?” I asked, not amused in the slightest.

  “You got something better going on?”

  Sadly, no. Anything to get off this rug for an hour. “Fine,” I muttered. “Whatever.”

  “Excellent. I’m sure Natalie will appreciate having something other than soups and sandwiches to eat.”

  Yes, your plain, amateurish sandwiches have been just wonderful.

  “I still have time in my thirty-six hours. If I cook, I want her where I can see her.”

  He chuckled humorously. “Afraid she can’t keep her hands to herself?” He made his way back out, activating the chains to release. “Clean up. I’ll be back in twenty.”

  He left, and the first thing I did was sit beside Megan, gently stroking her cheek until she stirred. She looked so peaceful I hated to wake her. But this was also a rare opportunity. Who knew how many chances we’d get that allowed us to be alone and able to touch?

  “Morning,” I greeted quietly, not bothering with the good meant to precede it.

  Her eyes blinked slowly a few times, and it occurred to me that she’d slept through the whole night without waking up and screaming. “How have you been sleeping?”

  Her hand jerked, like she forgot she was bound above her head. She tilted her head for confirmation, then grumbled. Licking her lips and swallowing, she miserably replied, “I think my dreams called it quits on the nightmares, my reality being so fantastic and all.”

  “Do you dream?”

  She squinted, like she was trying to read something in her mind. Finally, she answered tiredly, “I don’t remember.”

  “Good.” Though I wished she’d dream of us together someplace else, I was glad she was at least getting a reprieve from this damn reality.

  She wiggled uncomfortably, her wrists twisting inside the leather wraps. “Could you unbind me?”

  “I would, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Her head tried to rock side to side. Why was she so tired? Had he drugged her last night to keep her from being able to stay awake with me?

  “He doesn’t really keep me bound anymore. As long as we don’t do anything more than what we’re doing right now, I don’t think he’ll punish us.”

  “Megan,” I said warningly.

  “Please. My wrists really itch. I think I may be allergic to them or something.”

  Her skin actually was kind of pink around the edges, and if he hadn’t used that shock collar around her neck as a way of telling me to back away, I’d be quick to remove these for her. But I didn’t dare push my luck that way.

  “Nick…” she whined.

  Screw it. It was what she wanted. I removed the right, then the left, and she sat up, kicking her legs over the edge to sit beside me. She immediately began scratching at her wrists, which were definitely pink. I took her left into my hands and rubbed it down for her, taking a better look at it.

  “If he doesn’t have something for this, I’ll see if he has any oatmeal in the kitchen. It’ll help with the itch.”

  She simply nodded, not even catching the part where I’d be in his kitchen. I hated that she looked so tired. Defeated. Lifeless. Even though she’d been struggling these past few months, she’d never seemed this depressed. Depressed. “You don’t have your meds here, do you?’

  She angled her eyes curiously at me, then realized what I was implying. “Oh. No, I guess not. But depression isn’t really my biggest issue right now.” She rubbed her face down with her hands. She looked to me and tried to give me a smile, but it was weak. “I’m surviving. Promise.”

  Not well enough. I needed to get her out of here. Maybe this trip to the kitchen could turn things around if I could find the right weapon to hide.

  The door beeped like it always did before it swished open. My instincts screamed for me to jump down and pretend that I wasn’t sitting beside her, but even my limbs knew it was pointless to act. He’d already seen. He knew what we were doing and that I’d let her free.

  We both turned to look at him. He merely clasped both sides of the opening and leaned in. “Come shower, Natalie.” He said it without emotion, and Megan obeyed, leaving my side without even the smallest of touches to say bye. He blocked her from leaving, taking the time to assess her wrists. My eyes narrowed. I didn’t like how attentive he was pretending to be, lightly stroking her skin to feel the slight roughness of her skin. That was my fucking job.

  “I’ll leave something for you on the counter.” She nodded and he let her pass. Turning back to me, he said, “Only fifteen minutes now,” before locking me back in by myself.

  What I’d give to be able to poison his ass this morning.

  I moved around, feigning uncomfortableness. Well, truthfully, this rug was getting pretty miserable. I was getting sores from lying down so much. But if he were to review the tape of me right now, I wanted him to think I was just fidgeting to find a better resting position. But actually, I was trying to line my body up sideways against the bed. While I was cleaning up after the breakfast I made for the three of us –for which he made Megan taste before he’d eat – I’d done my best to hide a small knif
e I’d found beneath the band of my boxers. I quickly yanked it free and left in on the floor, rolling back over. I continued to shift awkwardly for up to ten minutes, just to cover my tracks.

  He left me alone in my room for a while with a few feet of line to move around. Eventually my chains were retracted like they always were, but the more time passed, the more I believed I got away with it. That the knife I found and didn’t put back in the utility drawer like the ones I did for the knife block, would go unnoticed. It was at least an hour before my bedroom door slid open again. Expressionless, he walked in and stood over me, analyzing me for a moment, then he bent over and looked beneath the bed. The air left my body in a sigh.

  He stood over me again, the knife twirling in his grasp. Part of me feared he’d stab me right there and then, but he simply shook his head at me and walked away, bitterly stating, “Your culinary skills will no longer be required.”

  The door closed behind him and I was left to wallow. I thought that’d be the end of it, but it wasn’t.

  God, I’d go back in time and never touch that fucking knife if I could.

  A few minutes later the screen of my TV activated. It was focused on the same bed he’d shown me before, when he was raping Megan from behind. But the camera moved, and I thought that for the first time, I was seeing something live rather than pre-recorded. It rotated down and to the left, and I saw that armchair with the extended leg room come into play. And Megan, in the same navy blue gown she wore at breakfast. She was crouched at the far back of the chair, looking up, as if she could hear it move and was watching it as curiously as I was. She continued watching as the camera turned right and focused on an empty corner.

  Ten seconds went by and I thought I heard her door slide twice. Another ten seconds and she was backed up into the corner I had on screen. What? He was going to fuck her live now for me? I didn’t know what he was trying to achieve, but that wa–


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