Book Read Free

Nearly Mended

Page 25

by Devon Ashley

  He released both wrists, but before I could decide what to do with my newfound freedom, he slapped the shit out of my face. And it wasn’t like the love pats Zander gave me last night. It stunned me so hard I couldn’t move, the intense pain taking a moment before really kicking in. Then he grabbed my head and popped it back against the floor.

  When I came to again, my head felt like it had been chopped off and stitched back on again like a damn scarecrow. Even my neck ached something fierce. I groaned. Wanting to soothe the bruise on my crown, I tried to pull back on my arm but couldn’t. I inhaled a sharp breath and lifted my head, desperately yanking with both arms now. I was on the fucking table! My arms were shoved through the holes and my wrists bound by metal manacles beneath the wood, which were too big to pull through the openings. I was fucking trapped! I pulled my arms as high as they would go, my elbows barely breaking free to rest against the top. In front of me, Friggs’ head rose above the table, his eyes leveling out with mine, staring me down.

  “Don’t be a sore loser. One would think you’d want to get this over with quickly, so stop pulling on the damn chains already.” He disappeared again and I heard a metal ratchet cranking back and forth. Soon after, I began to feel a tug against my arms and no matter how hard I fought against it, I couldn’t keep my arms from sinking farther into the holes. Friggs secured them so tightly that my shoulders were jammed against the opening, too big to go through. “There we go,” he said, peeking up with an evil smile. “Comfy?”

  I groaned and struggled. Though I had no slack in my arms, my tippy-toes were still able to reach the ground. Able to kick up the slightest bit, I could still wiggle my waist and hips, but it was exhausting just to try. Watching me do so, Friggs walked around the table and leaned over me from behind, whispering into my ear, “Bet’cha didn’t know I could do this.” His weight left my body again. No, no, no, no! Suddenly my tippy-toes were airborne and my body sank heavily into the table’s mold. As hard as I tried, I could no longer move in that fucking sinkhole.

  Seconds later, a floorboard slapped the table beside me and Friggs let loose a deep chuckle. He leaned over my back again, his hands pinching my waist painfully, even though the dress offered a little extra padding. “Oh, Natalie. I am so going to enjoy this.”

  I sure the fuck wasn’t. The deal might’ve given this asshole an hour, but it sure as hell didn’t require that I be conscious for it! I did the only thing I had left in my arsenal. I snapped my head and slammed it back into his as hard as possible.


  The pain was immediate, like I had split my head in two. I felt Friggs’ weight slide down my body and heard a thump shortly after. My head felt really heavy and nausea took over my throat and stomach. I’d never felt so dizzy and lightheaded in my life. The sound of clapping reverberated through the room. The closer it got, the more my head seemed to pulse with pain.

  “Nicely done. Knocked him right out.”

  “Zander?” I mumbled tiredly.

  He stepped up behind me and pressed in. His hands went to my hips and gave them an experimental shake, but my body was kept solidly in place. With great remorse, he mumbled, “Damn. You’re really stuck in there.”

  I moaned my response, my head absolutely killing me. Annalise wasn’t kidding when she said headbutts were a really bad idea. But in this instance, it seemed to work in my favor.

  “Natalie, as much as I love your tenacity, you really shouldn’t have done that. Friggs is already pissed you’ve gotten in three shots tonight. That made a fourth.”

  “Could you please unlock me now?” Seriously, I was in the most horrible, most vulnerable position I never wanted to be in. And the guy who locked me in here was just feet away, possibly seconds away from waking up.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t.” He really did sound sorry for me.

  “What?” I cried, immediately regretting trying to lift my head.

  “He knocked you out. He won. And when he wakes back up, I’m going to have to leave you with him like we negotiated.”

  “What? No! Please! Zander! Please,” I begged one last time, tears beginning to flood my eyes. “Please don’t let him do this! I don’t want him touching me like this. Please!”

  I heard mild groaning coming from the floor, and Zander softly spoke, “I’m sorry. But we struck a deal, and this time we lost.”

  “Damn right you did,” Friggs grumbled from the floor. “That bitch’s ass is mine.”

  Zander sighed heavily, but I was so focused on my own groaning that it took me a moment to realize he’d leaned over the lower half of my body. It almost seemed protective. Friggs struggled to his feet, seething my way once he stood erect.

  “And since you seem so fucking keen on blocking it, why don’t you make yourself useful and get her wet? Since she just fucking hit me after the fact, I want her ready before my hour begins.”

  I rolled my head straight down so I wouldn’t have to look at him, at the monster who was about to invade my body against my will. I was seriously contemplating banging my head again when Zander bitterly snapped, “Fine. Then you have to go get a damn drink and calm the fuck down. You’ve won your damn fuck, and you’ve got her secured in your fucking toy.”

  That fucker was going to be inside me soon, and I had the feeling that alcohol wasn’t going to make him any more kind about it. I dared a peek when he muttered, “Damn right I’m getting a drink.” He turned away then, nurturing the red splotch on his forehead. There were smears of drying blood beneath his nose and splattered all across his shirt. The area around my bite mark was pink. I might be stuck in his damn table, but I still had a smidgen of pride inside for the damage I’d done to him.

  Enough time had passed for him to leave the room, but for some reason Zander whispered when he said, “This is going to pinch.”

  I didn’t have to ask what would? because his words were immediately followed by a sharp prick beneath my right butt cheek. My head found the strength to lift and jerk, trying to see, but whatever it was, it was already hidden away again. His thumb softly rubbed where I ached.

  “That’ll make sure you don’t feel much. But make him believe you do, because I’m quite certain he’s determined to hurt you now.”

  I let my head collapse again, tempted to continue banging my head. But seriously, what was the point? If I knocked myself out before his hour began, he’d only find a way to postpone it until I woke up again. Zander adjusted my legs farther apart, and I tensed as his fingers made their way inside me. His other hand slipped under my skirt and pressed into my lower back. Gently. I didn’t know what was more disturbing at the moment. Tied down on a table in a dress that was so damn short the material left my ass exposed in its entirety, or the fact that Zander was almost caressing me as he prepared me so it would be easier for that monster to rape me.

  “It’s probably best I do this anyway.” I could tell his fingers were stroking me on the inside, but there was a numbing, slightly tingling sensation going on down there. Still, he was getting me to jump to life, twitches traveling outward from my belly. “You’ve damaged his ego tonight. He’ll want to make this as humiliating as possible for you.”

  Too late. Nothing could be more humiliating than the position I was already in. And I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Neither did Zander apparently. After a few minutes, I could barely even tell he was still fingering me. The numbness had spread across my entire ass, like it fell asleep on me. I could feel the slightest pressure from him, but it was so minute it did nothing to arouse any part of my body. And as much as I hated to admit it, my cursed body always got aroused by the things he did. I feared whatever he shot me up with might inhibit my ability to get wet by the time that fucker came back for me. And there was no way Friggs would give a shit. He’d screw me dry.

  The door slammed open and footsteps drew closer. More than one pair of footsteps. I gasped, because I was so wrong. This absolutely could become more horrifying! There was an entire household of men who would
love to see me in this position.

  “Times up,” Friggs announced, followed by the sound of his hands clapping together once. His voice was firm, assertive. And it scared the shit out of me the way he angled his head so it better lined up with mine. Because a twisted smile like that on such a calm, devious face… Premeditated was the best word I could use to describe it. He’d had time to think about it now – all the things he was going to do to me. And his eyes were becoming greedy with anticipation.

  “Joey here will make sure you give me my required privacy for the full hour. Why don’t you take a stroll down the hall? I’ve granted you access to my favored stash of girls. Feel free to entertain yourself any way you see fit.”

  Cool air tickled the skin on the back of my thighs as Zander’s warmth and protection abandoned me. But before he got even two steps, Zander firmly told him, “Just to be clear, you only have the right to screw her. She better come back to me otherwise unharmed.”

  Friggs casually raised his hands. “Wouldn’t dream of anything more.”

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t see Zander as he was escorted out of the room. I only had Friggs’ reaction to go by, and the moment he turned back to look at me with that ever growing smile, my heart went into an absolute panic. The time had come. I was literally screwed.

  Friggs moved and disappeared behind me. It didn’t really surprise me that he slapped my ass as he passed by. I was numb enough not to register the pain, but the way the vibration was felt throughout my body and the sheer loudness of his hand against my skin, made me cry out automatically.

  “If he thinks I’m not going to give you pink ass, he’s sorely mistaken.”

  Something clinked from underneath the table. “I stopped you before you got the chance to look under the table earlier, so you haven’t gotten to see the last piece of this setup.” I inwardly flinched, my body shaking from nerves, fearful of what could possibly be left. “It’s going to be your favorite part.” Something creaked and Friggs pushed my legs apart. My thighs weren’t numb, so I could feel something curve around the insides of both of them, right where they curled over the edge, like fucking stirrups for the upper thighs. It wasn’t that thick of a piece, maybe an inch wide, so it didn’t aid my legs any as they continued to dangle helplessly. It was soft, probably padded with the same material as the rest of the hole I was crammed into. I yelped as leather straps were cinched too tightly around the back of my thighs. It wasn’t horrible enough that I was already bent over a table that I couldn’t move in, but with that final piece in place, my thighs were spread apart and held open against my will.

  I trembled when I realized that fucker’s hands would be free to do other things now.

  Caressing my ass in his hand, he whistled approvingly. “Now that’s a beautiful sight to behold.”

  I held my breath, my chest pounding so profusely I could feel the rush of blood echo in my head. I felt tears building up behind my eyes and I just wanted to let them flow. Because he was going to rape me. No… Actually, this was way worse. I’d never been raped like this before. This was far more sinister than anything Charles or Zander had ever done to me. Friggs was determined to humiliate me in ways I’d never thought possible.

  Just as a single tear managed to escape, I heard another slap to my ass. I cried out, but only because I was lying there freaking out that something worse was about to happen. A sense of relief temporarily calmed me as he moved out from behind me. He opened the cabinet beneath the bookshelves to the left of this wretched table and pulled out a laptop, placing it down beside me. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to complain that two minutes just went by where he wasn’t able to abuse me.

  Fifty-seven minutes, fifty-eight seconds to go.

  I wanted to cry, because even with my body feeling numb between my hips and butt cheeks, I knew what was about to happen. I was just grateful I’d be able to bury my head in the table while it happened, which was where I had already retreated, silently counting down in my head.

  Seventeen seconds later, a whirling noise brought it hastily back up again, looking forward. The way my body was held so tightly by the curvature of the table, it was painful to breathe this way. It was like my lungs couldn’t fill with enough air. But still, I was so worried over what that noise was, I didn’t care. But when I saw what it was, I wished I had never looked.

  A huge flat screen television raised from the floor before me, just inches from the mirrored wall. “I can’t express to you how thrilled I was when Zander bargained his way out of this room. I was going to use this setup regardless, but now I won’t have to deal with his whining until after the fact. Worth the few minutes I’m losing setting it up now.”

  I whimpered – I only had minutes left. And way too many left over to suffer though.

  More of the television came into view. There were several videos playing on the screen, streaming from cameras that apparently were hidden all around me. I counted eight of them. Seven lined the bottom of the frame equally, as the eighth was blown up to fit the rest of the screen, each getting an equal ten seconds as the main feed. A few of the cameras had angles from in front and off to the sides, but the worst were the ones that came from above and behind, giving me a front row viewing of just exactly how on-display I really was. I was stretched out on this sicko-inspired torture trap, a massive amount of red material gathered around the middle of my body, which was a stark contrast against my creamy beige skin. Just like I envisioned, there wasn’t enough dress to extend to the edge of the table. And the way all that poufy netting gathered around my waist, it looked like a goddamn bow was wrapped around me, offering me up like a fucking present to him.

  One that was already unwrapped and ready for his personal enjoyment.

  My ass was slapped loudly again and I automatically cringed, temporarily burying my head.

  “So tell me, Princess,” he said mischievously as he used the laptop to remotely adjust the intensity of the light above me and the cameras’ positions, “do you like the table? A colleague of mine created it. Not only is it customized to the exact height for me to best fuck you without straining my body, but the way it secures your arms and allows gravity to force you into the sculpted mold, you can’t move one fucking inch against me. Best of all, I don’t have to drug you to make you willing.”

  “Except I’m not willing,” I snarked.

  He scanned my body from the side, particularly my opened thighs. “You look willing to me. Begging for it, in fact.”

  He slammed the laptop closed. I would’ve jumped if I were physically able to. Instead, all I could do was shake as the fear rippled through my body. Oh, my God… He was disappearing behind me – but he wasn’t really, because I could clearly see him on the screen. He unzipped his pants and kicked them off, then began unbuttoning the lower fastens of his bloodied shirt. My bite mark had been wrapped with white gauze and his face wiped clean, but his nose looked swollen. My breaths were straining now, coming quicker as they shot out through my nose.

  “You’re comfortable though, right? Admit it,” he taunted as began stroking himself. “It was designed to keep you from bruising. On the outside, that is,” he added wickedly.

  “There’s nothing comfortable about being raped, you fu–” I was going to say fucker, but I thought better of it. Keeping him talking might slow him down, but I didn’t want to piss him off at the same time.

  He knew what I was going to say though, and it earned me the hardest slap to my ass yet. My eyelids squeezed and my mouth fell open and quivered, because I actually did feel that one to some degree. And when he followed it up with another as equally aggressive, I screamed and panted for breath. Oh, God… I prayed that I was numbing better on the inside than I was on the outside. I hadn’t really felt the first few hits, but now that my ass was turning pink, I was beginning to feel the pain as it intensified beyond the drug’s ability to mask it.

  “Don’t even pretend you’re not going to enjoy this.”
br />   I didn’t even respond to that shit.

  “You bitches always do this. Cry and whine and beg.” He walked around to the side and leaned down to my face. “But you know what? Deep down you do want it. You want me to strap you down. To take you as I please. And you know how I know that?” he asked. Even as he was bent over, the way his shoulder moved, I knew he was still working to stiffen himself. “Because it never fails. At some point while I fuck you, you’ll forget to fake your discomfort and begin moaning like a happy little whore.”

  I swallowed hard. Because I knew what he was referring to. It never failed. Even though I knew it was rape that Zander was doing to me, my body did like the feel of him. Even when my head fought so hard against it, my body always won out, and I always found myself releasing noises of pleasure I wished I didn’t. But that was just my damn body. It didn’t mean I actually enjoyed someone forcing that reaction!

  “Zander and I are alike in that manner. We like to fuck girls without drugs, because we crave that singular moment when your moans change. One moment you’re trying to convince us that we’re raping you, the next you’re bending over sunny-side up, begging us to fuck you like the bitch that you are.”

  I inhaled a sharp breath, because for some reason, his steel glare made me hold it. With a cruel smile, he stood and looked down. My eyes followed, and I could plainly see his dick was ready to go. Thinner than Zander’s, and no longer, thank God! “Now, let’s see how long it takes for you to thank me for what I’m about to do.”

  I tried to wiggle free, I did. But just as he explained, this table wasn’t going to allow me anything but bodily submission – it laid me out, forcing my thighs to remain open for him, allowing access at the perfect angle. It sickened me the way it forced me to present myself for him. I grunted as he stepped up behind me, my legs trying to bend at the knees and kick him, but he just laughed at me. Rightfully so. I’d never keep him from doing anything he wanted. All I was doing was exerting what energy I had left.


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