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Untamed (Vampire Awakenings, Book 3)

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by Brenda K. Davies

  "This is the life," he muttered.

  "I could definitely call it home," Isabelle agreed.

  "Whose boat is that?"

  "The owner of the house," Stefan answered as he stepped onto the patio and shaded his eyes against the sun. "We can take it out whenever we want though."

  "Now?" Ethan asked.

  Isabelle laughed as she looped her arm through his again. "It's getting a little late, but we'll take it out soon. We haven't tried it yet either. Come on, I'll show you to your room. We found this great little place on the beach where we can have a couple of drinks if you feel up to it later. You'll love it."

  "I'm up for it," he assured her.

  He grabbed his bag before she began to walk him down a hallway. "Bathroom," she said and pointed at one of the doors. "I figure these two bedrooms can go to Ian and Aiden." She nodded toward two more closed doors. "They're smaller and those two are still young and won't mind the lack of space."

  He laughed at the mischievous gleam in her eyes. "I knew there was a reason why you're my favorite sibling."

  "I won't tell the others if you won't."

  "I won't," he assured her as she stopped before another room.

  "And this is yours. Ours is at the end of the hall. I'll let you unpack now."

  He gave her a brief nod before opening the door on a sundrenched room. His gaze ran admiringly over the large room as he stepped into it. He placed his bag on the four-poster California King bed that was draped in translucent white fabric. The room was far larger than his room at home but it didn't contain as much furniture. A fifty-two inch flat screen TV hung on the wall across from the bed; there was a dark mahogany dresser beneath it. The only other pieces of furniture were a baby blue upholstered chair in the corner on the opposite side of the room and two nightstands, one on each side of the bed. The floor beneath his feet was more of the white tiling that he'd seen throughout the house. Even though the room was sparse and the color austere, there was something inviting about it.

  His gaze drifted to the glass doors and balcony on the other side of the room. He left his bag on the bed as he was irresistibly drawn toward the doors. Opening them, he stepped onto the balcony and inhaled the ocean-scented air as he savored the view and the sound of the water crashing onto the sand below. Yes, he could definitely get used to this.


  Emma leaned back in her chair to study the ocean as it rolled against the shore. Lifting her glass, she took a sip of her margarita and watched the die-hard sunbathers still trying to soak up the fading rays of sun. Calypso music played in the background and she found herself feeling almost drowsy as she began to lose herself to the music and the tequila.

  "Emma, woo hoo, earth to Emma." She blinked as a hand waved in front of her face, drawing her attention to her friend, Jill. "There you are!" Jill declared with a smile. "What were you thinking about?"

  "Nothing," Emma answered honestly. "And it was great."

  Jill laughed as she pulled the yellow umbrella from her Pina Colada. The braids she'd had put into her mahogany brown hair today clicked together when she moved. Emma found she actually enjoyed the noise of the dozens of multicolored beads at the bottom of the braids; they were almost musical sounding. The chunks of platinum blond hair Jill had recently streaked through her hair stood out amongst the braids. Her sable colored eyes were warm as she leaned back in her chair and stretched her long, deeply tanned legs before her. A tan that she had earned while growing up in San Francisco and had somehow managed to retain even through the endless, Pennsylvania winters while at college.

  At five eleven, Jill was one of the tallest females Emma knew. Jill's height had come in handy for the volleyball scholarship that had helped to put her through college, as had her lean physique, and amazing athletic ability. Jill hoped to get a job as a PE teacher or volleyball coach now that she was out of school; Emma knew she would be great at either job, or both of them.

  "We're free girls," Jill said happily and lifted her glass over the center of the table.

  Emma leaned forward to clink her glass against Jill and Mandy's. Being free was the best feeling in the world, Emma decided. She was free from college, free from Tristan... She hastily shut all thoughts of Tristan down. Memories of her ex had no place in this beautiful paradise with her two best friends.

  "Well you two are free," Mandy said. "Some of us will be returning to college in the fall."

  "You're the one insisting upon going to medical school and trying to save the world," Jill teased.

  Mandy smiled as she shifted in her chair. A blue bandanna was wrapped around her head, covering the black hair that had been cut into a bob just below her earlobes. Mandy's mocha colored skin gleamed in the fading light of the sun that was setting just over her bare shoulder. Her deep brown eyes were thoughtful as she fiddled with the straw in her drink.

  "I don't know what else I would do with myself," Mandy admitted. "If I'm not able to become a doctor..."

  Her voice trailed off as her gaze turned to the window. Emma was well aware of the fact that the only thing Mandy had ever dreamed of being was a doctor, and she had spent their four years in college studying her ass off to attain that goal. When Mandy had been only five years old, her parents were killed in a car crash. Mandy had been lucky enough to survive the crash but her right leg had been crushed so severely that it had to be amputated. She was so adept at using her prosthetic that anyone who didn't know her, would never realize that her leg was fake if she was wearing jeans.

  After the accident, Mandy had spent a lot of time in hospitals and rehab. She'd once told Emma that the only thing that had gotten her through those depressing and pain filled days, were the doctors and nurses that had saved her life, and the unwavering love and support of her grandparents. Mandy had sworn all those years ago that one day she would become a doctor so that she could save children too.

  "You will," Emma assured her. "You aced the MCATs."

  "Yeah well, that was just a test; Stanford is going to be a whole different ball game."

  "Only you would think that the MCAT's are just a test," Jill muttered as she stabbed her straw repeatedly into her frozen drink. "I barely passed my finals."

  "To be fair that's because you were out till two every morning of finals week," Mandy reminded her.

  "I was simply taking the edge off," Jill said with a laugh.

  Emma leaned forward and squeezed Mandy's arm. "You're going to do great Mandy, believe me."

  Mandy forced a smile. "Well that's still two months away. Right now I've got the whole month to enjoy with you two lovely ladies."

  "Damn right!" Jill declared. "And then we all have to return to the real world." Jill downed the rest of her drink. She waved at a passing waitress, asked for another one, and three shots of tequila.

  Emma wasn't entirely sure what the real world was anymore. She'd spent her entire life in school, now she didn't know what to do with it. She had a bachelor's degree in history; one that she had been intending to use to become a history teacher, though she would probably have to get her master's too. When she'd started her college life, she'd been certain that teaching was something she would enjoy doing for the rest of her life. Halfway through this year she'd suddenly realized that the last thing she felt like doing was spending the rest of her life inside a school building. By then it had been too late to change her major or figure out a different plan. She wouldn't mind working in a museum, or some other historically oriented place, but she knew how difficult it was to come by those jobs and again she would probably have to get her master's.

  Jill had recently suggested that she move out to California so that they could all rent a place together. At first Emma had been unsure if that was something she'd like to do, but the more she thought about it the more appealing she found the idea. She'd always wanted to see California, she'd get to stay with her two best friends, and if she couldn't find a job she could always wait tables or return home, but at least she'd get to try so
mething new.

  Her parents wouldn't be happy when she told them about her change of heart, but that was a conversation saved for after this trip. For now, she was determined to relax and enjoy the next month with her friends. The three of them had been saving for this trip since they'd been placed together as roommates their freshman year. One day in passing, Mandy had told them that her grandparents owned a home in Bermuda that had been in their family for generations and that they rented out to people.

  Talk of renting the home had originally just been a fun idea that they'd batted around between them. As the semester had worn on, and their friendship had strengthened, renting the house had become something they were determined to do. They'd busted their asses at some really crappy jobs, but they'd scrimped and saved until they'd raised enough money to rent the house for a month. Now it was finally their time to celebrate.

  "Beach tomorrow for sure," Jill said. "I want to hop in on a couple of volleyball games. Scope out some of the guys."

  "Sounds like a plan to me," Mandy said.

  "Maybe we can even get Emma a date," Jill teased.

  Emma gave her a wan smile as she fiddled with the tiny umbrella she'd placed on the table. "I think I'll continue to stay away from men for a little while."

  "It's been a year Emma," Mandy said.

  "Not long enough," Emma muttered.

  The waitress returned with Jill's drink order and placed it on the table. Jill grabbed her new drink and leaned forward. "You need a good fling to completely forget about that asshole."

  Emma stared back at her as her foot began to tap on the floor. She realized that they were concerned about her, but she wished they would understand the fact that right now she was content to stay single, and a fling wasn't exactly her thing. "It will take more than that to forget about Tristan," Emma said.

  Jill sighed and pushed one of the shots of tequila toward her. "Ugh, let's not say that piece of shit's name again for the rest of this trip. Drink up."

  Emma was more than happy to agree to those terms as she picked up the shot glass and downed the tequila. Her face scrunched up as the liquid hit her tongue and burned all the way down her throat; it wasn't overly unpleasant and made her feel warm and fuzzy. She placed the glass on the table and turned to watch the waves roll in and out again as Jill ordered another round.

  "Well now that should be illegal," Jill purred.

  "Wow," Mandy breathed.

  Emma didn't look to see what they were talking about, which was something that annoyed Jill enough that she kicked her shin under the table.

  "Ow," Emma said and leaned forward to rub her shin. She shot Jill a disgruntled look but Jill just smiled annoyingly in return and nodded her head toward whatever it was that had caught her and Mandy's attention. Emma immediately spotted the two men that Jill had indicated as they were both large and exuded a raw sexuality. They were two of the best-looking men Emma had ever seen in her life. Her jaw almost dropped open completely but she caught herself in time to stop that from happening.

  Both of the men had dark hair that framed their faces, broad shoulders, and powerful forms. That was where the similarities between the two of them ended though. The one with black eyes appeared older, he seemed more aloof as he searched the room, and his hair was more the color of coal. The one with the most beautiful emerald eyes she'd ever seen had a more youthful air to him as he leaned against the counter. His hair was a blue-black color that reminded her of a raven and made her itch to run her fingers through it. The muscles in his forearms flexed as he clasped his hands before him.

  She couldn't tear her eyes away as she drank in the details of his body. Stubble lined his chiseled, square jaw; she could almost feel it rubbing against her cheek and over her throat. The sensation was so real that everything around her became irrelevant as she became solely focused on him. Her gaze drifted to the full lips curled into an endearing smile that made her heart melt. There was a dimple in his right cheek as his smile grew and he unclasped his hands to gesture around the room. The form fitting dark blue T-shirt he wore hugged his broad chest and emphasized the sculpted muscles underneath. Her gaze traveled over his waist and the obvious bulge in his jeans before she hurriedly looked away.

  She kept her lashes lowered over her eyes as she looked surreptitiously at him again. Her breasts began to tingle as her mouth watered, there was something about this man that made her entire body react in a way that it never had before. She almost rose from the table to go to him but caught herself before she made a complete fool out of herself in the crowded bar.

  It was all so strange, she didn't understand her reaction to him, but she welcomed it. Seeming to sense her stare, his head turned toward her. The smile slid from his face as his eyes locked upon hers. She felt as if she were being hurtled through space and the stars and cosmos were flying by her as she was lost to the intensity of his gaze.

  He continued to stare at her as people moved and flowed around them. A tall, brunette woman with golden highlights flowing through her hair walked over to the men. She was speaking as her hand gestured around the room. Jill and Mandy released a low groan when the other man bent to kiss the woman, but Emma barely heard them. With the kiss broken, the woman grabbed hold of the man Emma was looking at, drawing his attention away from her.

  Emma had the strangest urge to cry when the connection between them was broken. She took a deep breath and bowed her head as she tried to calm her accelerated pulse and the quickening of her breath. It had been over a year since she'd been touched by a man; that was the only reason she felt so completely out of control right now.

  Turning back around, she grabbed one of the fresh shots that Jill had ordered and downed it in a single swallow. "I wonder if the other one is single," Jill said as she played with her straw.

  "Looking like that, I doubt it," Mandy replied.

  Emma didn't even want to think about it as she gulped her drink down. The last thing she needed was another man in her life, considering the debacle that the end of her relationship with Tristan had been. A shudder worked through her, she didn't like to recall the time she'd spent with the only man she'd ever had a serious relationship with. Everything between them had started out well enough; he'd been kind to her and even if she hadn't been head over heels for him, she'd thought it was a good relationship until it had all gone so horribly wrong. What had started out as pleasant took an ugly turn into a threatening world that at one point she hadn't been certain she was going to escape.

  "Maybe it's time to head back to the house," she suggested.

  "Things are just getting interesting here though," Jill protested.

  "We shouldn't spend all of our money on our second night," Emma replied casually when all she could think about was bolting out of the bar. The bizarre reaction she'd had to the man had left her rattled and in need of some fresh air.

  "True," Jill said. "Plus there's alcohol at the house for us to enjoy."

  Relief filled her as Jill agreed; sometimes she could be relentless. Emma pulled out some cash and tossed it onto the table before rising from her chair. Her gaze involuntarily returned to the trio standing at the bar. The man she had been so focused upon had his back to them now and was leaning on the bar. It was a very fine back too, Emma decided as her gaze settled on the taut ass that was well defined by his jeans.

  Jesus, she had to get out of here, she decided as she forced herself to turn away from him. Jill slipped her arm through Emma's and leaned against her side. "There will also be plenty more eye candy for us over the coming weeks."

  Emma chuckled but her thoughts were still on the man standing in the corner. She forced her eyes to remain ahead of her as they left the restaurant.

  Ethan sensed the minute the woman left the bar, his head turned, his nostrils flared as he inhaled her lingering scent. He spotted her standing outside the door with her friends. Ethan's gaze was riveted on her as she laughed and placed both of her flip-flops into her right hand. There was something about h
er, something that drew him forward a step before Isabelle rested her hand on his shoulder to stop him.

  "Would you like another drink?" she asked.

  "Yeah," he answered absently as he watched the woman disappear from sight.

  He shook his head and turned back to his sister when she handed him a beer. The woman was a human, someone he should stay far away from, but he found his gaze going back to where she had been standing as he took a sip of beer. Around him, the sound of the beating hearts began to reach out to him. He'd thought he'd fed well enough on the blood bags from the house, but there was that craving for death again, rearing its ugly head. Taking a deep breath he focused on Isabelle and Stefan, he could control it, just like he always did. Just like he would be forced to do so for an eternity.


  Ethan stepped onto the sand and glanced around at the people gathered on the beach near the restaurant where they had gone last night. Isabelle was carrying the blanket in her arms but he had possession of the cooler loaded with water and beer. Standing beside Isabelle, Stefan didn't look at all pleased with the idea of being on the beach, but he didn't offer any complaint. He did give a scathing glance at a few men lustfully eyeing Isabelle as they walked by. The men bowed their heads and scurried away.

  "Behave," Isabelle told him.

  "They're still alive aren't they?" Stefan retorted.

  Ethan chuckled as they walked through the crowd toward an open piece of sandy real estate. They could have gone to the private beach by the house, but he had been the one to suggest coming here. Isabelle had looked as startled as he'd felt when the words left his mouth. He hadn't understood why he'd had the idea at first either, but as his gaze scanned the crowd, he found himself searching for one particular human. The grunts of a nearby volleyball game drew his attention and he focused on the tall woman with braids in her hair that he'd seen with the object of his attention last night.


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