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Untamed (Vampire Awakenings, Book 3)

Page 14

by Brenda K. Davies

  Emma frowned as she turned to face her friends. She'd never really thought about it that way, and if she really thought about it (something she'd tried not to do over the past year), Tristan hadn't bought her anything until after she'd left him. In fact, they'd rarely gone to dinner and she could only recall one movie they'd ever seen together.

  What had she been doing with him? She wondered for the thousandth time. How had she gotten trapped within such an unhappy relationship and convinced herself that it was good? Her parents were incredibly loving, they rarely fought, had a happy marriage, and her father was one of the most attentive men she'd ever encountered. But somehow she'd ended up with a manipulative, cruel, unfaithful, and clearly unstable ass that was still trying to ruin her life.

  "I suppose they don't," she murmured as she ran her hands over the front of the dress.

  "Nope, they don't," Jill agreed.

  Emma stepped in front of the mirror; she pulled her hair back and twisted it into a loose knot that she rested against the nape of her neck. Jill walked over and began to sort through her earrings on the dresser. "Wear these," she said and held up two dangling butterflies that were interwoven with the colors of green, purple, and blue. They matched the dress perfectly and Emma smiled as she took them from Jill's hand.

  "Perfect," she agreed.

  A knock on the door brought all of their heads up. "I'll get it, finish getting ready," Jill said and fairly bounced out of the room.

  "Where are you going tonight?" Mandy inquired.

  "I don't know, Ethan just told me to wear this dress, and that it was a surprise."

  "Sounds like it might be fancy," Mandy teased.

  Emma enjoyed the feel of the earrings dangling from her ears as she shook her head at her friend. "Let's hope it's not too fancy."

  Jill appeared in the doorway again, she was fanning herself with her hand as she walked into the room. "He is so hot," she whispered. "From the look of that man I don't think you're going to make it to dinner tonight."

  "Jill..." Mandy started.

  "No seriously, I almost jumped him when he walked through the door."

  Emma released a snort of laughter that she tried to stifle, but Mandy and Jill's laughter did nothing to help her hold back. "There's something wrong with you," she told Jill as she slipped her feet into her sandals.

  "With me? There's something wrong with you if you make it past the salad," Jill retorted. "Public place or not."

  Great, just what she needed, to be tempted by him in a public place again. She'd been able to turn him away last time, but now she knew what it was like to have him on top of her, inside of her... Ugh, even now her mind was wandering down treacherous pathways and her body was beginning to heat.

  Emma had to wipe her suddenly damp hands on a towel and take a steadying breath. She was incredibly curious to see what it was that had made Jill so enthusiastic about his appearance. Mandy climbed to her feet and looped her arm through Emma's. "Now let's go, I have got to see what has Jill practically drooling like a bull dog."

  "Oh you'll be drooling too, believe me," Jill replied and led the way out the door.

  Emma followed after them and had to keep her jaw from dropping when she spotted Ethan standing by the door. His hair had been brushed back to reveal the broad planes of his face. The black shirt he wore hugged the muscles of his chest; the sleeves were close fitting around his biceps that flexed as he adjusted his position. His black slacks hugged an ass that she'd held in her hands before, she knew just how firm it was, and yet she was certain those pants had been designed specifically to make it look even tighter. His emerald eyes raked her with a hungry gleam that made her want to retreat to her room with him right then and there.

  "You look beautiful," he told her as he strode toward her.

  Was she supposed to speak? Apparently she was as Mandy nudged her in the back. "Thank you," she managed to get out.

  He held his arm out to her and she took hold of it. "Hope you don't mind walking, it's not far."

  "Not at all," she assured him with a smile.

  She glanced back at Jill and Mandy only to find them both fanning themselves. 'Told you so,' Jill mouthed and they both bit on their bottom lips to keep from laughing out loud.

  Emma had to agree with them as she closed the door behind her. Keeping hold of his arm, she leaned against his side as they walked up the hill. "Where are we going?" she inquired.

  "Patience," he told her.

  They were still a couple hundred feet from his house when she realized that's where they were heading. "Are we meeting Isabelle and Stefan?"


  The fact that he didn't elaborate on his answer piqued her curiosity even more as he stopped outside the door to his house and unlocked it. He made an elegant sweeping gesture with his arm for her to enter first. A giggle escaped her, something she couldn't remember doing in years, as she stepped into the foyer and waited for him to close the door. He locked the door, took hold of her arm and led her across the beautiful living room.

  She frowned at him as he stopped her before the French doors that led to the pool area and pushed the doors open. Her hand flew to her mouth as she spotted the two-person table set up on the patio with a single white candle in the middle of the red tablecloth. Beyond the table and patio walls, the ocean and setting sun provided the perfect backdrop for a dinner scene she only thought existed in romance novels or movies.

  A lump formed in her throat as she turned her head to look up at him. He may not have known what he was doing when he'd set up this table, or maybe he had, but in that moment she knew that he had completely stolen her heart. The smile he gave her didn't help any and it was taking everything she had not to start crying with joy.

  She only had two weeks left on the island; she hadn't even known him for two weeks. She shouldn't be feeling like this so early in the relationship but she'd never felt like this about anyone before, and she knew that she never would again. This was a once in a lifetime experience and it was hers. It seemed too good to be true and though she was terrified of what would happen in two weeks, she was going to enjoy every second of the rest of the time they had together.

  The amount of emotion in Emma's eyes robbed him of his breath. The setting sun shimmered in her hair and caused her hazel eyes to turn the color of cat's eyes. Watching her, he no longer had any doubt about what she was to him, what she meant to him, and that he wanted nothing more than to have her by his side for an eternity.

  He just wasn't sure that she would still be standing next to him if she knew half the thoughts that were running through his mind. And just how was he supposed to break the news to her? His mother had almost left his father, and they had been dating for a good month longer than he had been seeing Emma. He wouldn't blame her if she went screaming into the night and never looked back, but tonight wasn't the night to dwell on that.

  Tonight was just for them, and hopefully a good way to help her forget about her asshole ex-boyfriend, who was already as good as dead in his mind.

  "This is amazing," Emma whispered. He smiled at her as he took hold of her elbow and walked her over to the table. Pulling out a chair, he waited for her to sit before pushing it in. The heat of his body burned into hers as he leaned forward to light the candle before her.

  "I thought a light salad and some chicken would be good," he told her.

  "You cooked?"

  He chuckled as he bent to kiss her cheek. "There are some things that even I can't do. I am really good at ordering out though."

  "So am I," she told him as she unfolded the napkin and placed it in her lap. He went back inside and came out with two small bowls of salad. "Where are Isabelle and Stefan?"

  "Stefan was kind enough to pack my sister up and take her over to St. George's for the night," he answered. "They won't be back until tomorrow night."

  Warmth spread through her, the beat of her heart picked up as excitement trickled through her. She'd been hungry before they sat down but she
found her appetite vanishing at the realization that they had this whole place to themselves. Lifting the fork, she forced herself to take a bite of the crisp salad sprinkled with fruit, nuts, and cheese.

  They became so engrossed in conversation that she didn't realize that she was done with her salad until he took the bowl away and brought out two plates of chicken. "This is delicious," she told him.

  "I'll be sure to pass your appreciation on," he told her as he leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. He enjoyed watching the rise and fall of her chest against the bodice of her dress. The swell of her breasts was barely visible above the neckline but even still he longed to run his fingers over the bared flesh, to feel it beneath him, and to run his tongue over it. He was getting an erection just thinking about it as she ate.

  His eyes were almost predatory as he watched her finish off the last of her dinner. She was finding it difficult to breathe as she placed her fork down and folded her hands in her lap. "Would you like some dessert?" he inquired.

  Before she could think a single word popped out of her mouth, "You."

  She'd never been so brazen before in her life but there was something about this man that made her completely forget any inhibition she'd ever had. His eyes darkened, his nostrils flared as he rose swiftly from his chair. Emma was uncertain of his intentions as she watched his lithe movements; he grabbed their plates and returned to the house with them. Excitement pulsed through her; her throat was dry as she waited for him to come back.

  If she hadn't seen him reemerge from inside, she never would have known he was there as he glided silently over to her. He pulled her chair back and held his hand out to her. Emma slid her hand into his and allowed him to help her to her feet. Leaning over he blew out the candle before turning back to her. "All you had to do was say so," he murmured.

  Those words caused her heart to slam against her chest as he took hold of the knot of hair resting against her neck. His eyes burned into hers as his fingers nimbly pulled the pins from her hair. His gaze was admiring as his fingers slid through it and he let it tumble around her shoulders.

  His hands slid over her bare shoulders and down over her petite ribcage. He could feel and hear the rapid beat of her pulse as it rushed through her veins. Both of them pricked his appetite but not enough to douse the lust pulsing through him. His dick was so fucking hard that he thought it might burst right out of his pants if he didn't get them off soon but he intended to go slow and savor in every inch of her body.

  His hands slid over her thighs, as he began to slide her dress upward to bare her lacy black panties, flat stomach, and matching black strapless bra. Her arms rose up so that he could tug the dress over her head. The color of the bra and panties emphasized her creamy complexion and round curves. She inhaled sharply when he began to trail a finger teasingly across the top edge of her bra. Her hands came up to his chest when he took a step closer to her and then another.

  Grasping hold of her waist, he lifted her up and placed her on the table. Emma couldn't tear her gaze away from his as he planted his hands on either side of her and leaned closer. She was already wet and aching for him to fill her but he seemed determined to go slow and no matter how badly she wanted the torment to end, she was enjoying every one of his caresses.

  "Do you know what I want to do to you tonight?" he inquired as he nibbled on her bottom lip.

  "What?" she managed to get out.


  His finger dipped down, it trailed leisurely over her stomach to the edge of her underwear. She didn't know what everything entailed, but just the thought of it made her want to jump on him then and there. His gaze came back to hers; a smug smile curved his lips as he pressed closer to her and took possession of her mouth. The tempting pressure of his cock rubbing against her through the layers of their clothing almost made her scream and tear the pants clean off his beautiful body.

  As she eased her hands down to his zipper, he grabbed hold of them. "No," he said in a hoarse whisper against her lips. "I'll be the only one doing any touching right now."

  Frustration swelled through her but she forgot about it as his mouth moved over her neck and down to her collarbone. Her head tipped back, a small moan escaped her as he unhooked the front clasp of her bra and freed her breasts. Warm air flowed over her exposed flesh seconds before his mouth enclosed her right nipple and he began to suckle her breast. A jolt ran through her, her fingers dug into her thighs as she fought the overwhelming urge to grab hold of him.

  "Ethan!" she gasped when his mouth took hold of her other nipple.

  He seized hold of her hands when they jerked in her lap and she instinctively went to touch him. Releasing her breast, his emerald eyes came up to hers as his face hovered just inches away from hers. "Don't make me tie you up," he murmured.

  Her heart gave an excited lurch the likes of which she'd never felt before. A thrill went through her and though she'd never really thought about anything like that, she couldn't help but become even more aroused by his words. A small smile curved his mouth as he continued to study her. Emma knew exactly how it felt to be hunted as his hands slid down her arms and his fingers wrapped around her wrists.

  "You would like that wouldn't you?" Emma was fairly certain she no longer had a voice to respond with. He gently clasped her hands behind her back with his right hand. The heat of his body burned against hers as he pressed against her. He lifted her bra with his left hand and held it before her before moving it behind her back. The lacy material was soft against her skin as he held it to her wrists. "Wouldn't you Emma?"

  There was a challenging gleam in the eyes that held hers. It was taking everything she had to keep breathing as anticipation held her motionless. "Yes," she finally managed to get out.

  A victorious smile curved his mouth as his fingers deftly worked the material into a tight knot around her wrists. His hands clasped hold of her cheeks; he lifted her face and kissed her lips. "I am going to enjoy tormenting you."

  She had no doubt about that as his hands returned to the edge of her panties. His eyes remained on hers as he lifted her ass up to work her underwear down her thighs and dropped them on the patio. The night air caressing her exposed flesh did nothing to cool the heat of her skin and the fire sizzling through her veins. He trailed his fingers across her thigh and toward the junction between her legs. Just when she thought he was about to ease some of her misery, he pulled his hand away.

  A groan of protest escaped her but his finger against her lips silenced it. "You're not going to get off that easy." Emma didn't think she would ever breathe again as his finger slid away from her mouth.

  Reaching behind her, he dipped his fingers into the glass of water still sitting on the table. His finger slid away from her lips as he pulled out a piece of ice and moved his hand back toward her body. Her eyes were riveted upon him, they dilated as he placed the ice against the side of her neck. He loved watching the delight that played across her features as he slid the ice across her collarbone and lower toward her breasts. He kept hold of her eyes before bending to lick away the trail of water the ice cube left on her flesh.

  A groan escaped her but it faded away when his mouth took hold of her hardened nipple. Excitement coiled through her at the exhilarating sensation of the ice sliding over her body and the heat of his mouth as he followed the steady descent of the ice. Her skin was alive with the feel of him, the tension mounting in her body was making it almost impossible for her to stay still; she'd never experienced anything like what he was doing to her.

  A moan of protest died on her lips when his mouth left her skin but then he grabbed hold of her hips and pulled her closer to the edge of the table. His eyes were back on hers; his hands grasped hold of her inner thighs and pushed them apart. She found she couldn't breathe as she waited to see what he was going to do next. The anticipation growing within her only increased as a mischievous smile curved his mouth before he knelt before her.

  The cold of the ice
and the fire of his mouth against her inner thigh were tortuously exquisite as he moved over her skin. Emma found herself unable to look away as he moved higher up her thigh at a languid pace that almost caused her to fall off the table as she turned into a pool of liquid heat. A bolt of lightning seemed to go through her as he rubbed the ice over her clit before placing the cube into his mouth.

  Then his mouth was on her center and she forgot about everything else as his tongue slid in and out of her in deep pulls that left her boneless and struggling to breathe. Her hands jerked against the bra, an article of clothing that was far stronger than she'd ever suspected it could be as it remained securely wrapped around her wrists. A small gasp escaped her as one of his fingers slid into her, driving deeper as he stroked the blaze of passion growing within her to more epic levels with his hand and his tongue.

  Ethan savored in her taste as he pulled her firmly against his mouth. Even though the ice had numbed his tongue, he could tell that she tasted like honey as he delved deeper into her core. He couldn't get enough, he didn't think he would ever get enough as she moaned and squirmed against him. He felt the tightening in her muscles and knew that she was nearing release as her breath came faster. Driving in and out of her with his fingers, he pulled slightly back to run his tongue over her clit. A startled cry escaped her and her muscles contracted fiercely around his fingers as her thighs clenched against him. Satisfaction slid through him, he tasted her climax as tremors continued to wrack her body.

  He rose to his feet to take in the sight of her. Her eyes were dazed and smoky in color as they met his, she looked sated but he was far from done with her. He began to unbutton his shirt and slid it off. Her eyes followed his movements; they lingered upon his long, thick cock when he finally freed it from the confinement of his pants. His body was pulsing with desire as he stepped closer to her and rubbed the head of his shaft against her wet center.

  All of his muscles tensed as he watched her lips part and her body arched against his. A smile curved his mouth as she strained against the bra keeping her wrists together. She was completely at his mercy and yet there was no fear in her gaze as she watched him. Taking hold of her waist, he pressed his head against her center, teasing her with it before driving into her.


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