Claimed by Drago Wolf (Magnificent Beasts Book 1)

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Claimed by Drago Wolf (Magnificent Beasts Book 1) Page 8

by Ana Calin

  When he’s done he takes a few steps back, facing me, his back to the mirror. He stares at me like I’m a work of art.

  He begins undressing, taking his jacket off first, then undoing his belt and stepping out of his pants. My eyes lick down his frame, want mounting inside of me.

  “Please,” I whisper, licking my lips. “Give it to me in my mouth.”

  Drago stands still.

  “It’s what I want,” I assure him, my thighs already squirming. “I want you to use me, fuck my mouth.”

  He hesitates. “Arianna, you were raised with many restrictions,” he says in a warm voice, as if trying to calm me down before I do something stupid. “I don’t want you to do anything you might regret afterwards, feeling used or humiliated. What you feel might be only rebellion against your strict upbringing, a form of revenge. I only tied you down because I want to give you pleasure—”

  “I need you to be my lover tonight, Drago, not my shrink. It’s true, I’ve never done anything like this before, but then again, I hadn’t done the male escort thing until a few nights ago either. Hell, I never even used a sex toy before. I’m a prudish frigid woman one day and, next thing I know, I meet you, and I race down a pit of sexual pleasures. You come to me as a male escort, and I end up playing your whore. And to top the whole thing, I love it, and I crave more.”

  I may be tied to the chair, naked at his whims, but my eyes bore forcefully into his. The most exquisite feeling makes my flesh quiver—a scandalous thing is going to take place at my house tonight, and nobody in this snobbish neighborhood has a clue.

  Arianna Parker, the prudish French, Piano and Art teacher who stiffens and closes down every time she’s confronted even with remotely sexual content, is about to be fucked in the mouth by a cage fighter in her own house, while she’s tied to a chair.

  “I want you to do me even dirtier and harder than last time,” I tell him, full of lust. “I want you to use me like you would a street prostitute.”

  He looks at me like I’m too precious to even think about it—what everybody else in town probably thinks, too.

  “Do it,” I prompt him.

  “Arianna, I value you.”

  “You could do it last time.”

  “Last time I reacted on impulse. I reacted to your body chemistry, gave in to the calling of your body, before I knew you were The One.”

  The words hit me like lightning. My jaw drops, and I stare at him like I’ve suddenly gone dumb.

  “The One?” I breathe.

  “How do I explain this,” he says, walking closer. “Arianna, the creature that I am it’s, well I’m different. I will explain when the time comes, but for now please believe that you’re special to me.”

  “With more reason then. I can trust you with my deepest and darkest desires.” My eyes drop shamelessly to his big, hard cock that sticks out at me, licking my lips full of appetite.

  “Stick it in my mouth, Drago. Now, balls deep.”

  Drago groans, my words driving him crazy. He’s now inches away, his cock right at the level of my face. He looks like a sculpted god as he places one foot on the chair, right between my thighs, driving them apart.

  His big rough hands sink into my hair, spreading it over my shoulders as he stares down at me, ready to take my mouth. He cups my head with both his large hands, touching his cock to my lips.

  I open them, taking him deep, so deep that the wide crest reaches to the back of my throat. I’m amazed at how horny giving him pleasure makes me. I wish I could take him all in, but he’s too much. No wonder my pussy ached as if I’d been fucked with an iron cock last time.

  With a deep groan, he retreats and pushes himself deeper into my mouth, his hands in my hair. He moves faster, his thrusts hard. My eyes are teary from how deep he goes, my thighs tightening as I grind my pussy against them and the cushioned chair.

  I moan as I’m close to cumming, but then the impossible happens. I’ve kept my eyes on Drago the entire time, growing hornier by the second watching the pleasure on his face, in the way his body responds to me, which is why I see the changes as soon as they begin happening.

  His skin turns dark and thick, hair sprouts all over his body, and his muscles enlarge, making him huge. But he doesn’t seem to notice until my lips and tongue stop loving his cock, when he looks down at me and sees the stunned look on my face.

  “No.” A low growl comes out of his chest as he retreats into the shade, his back to the mirror. Now the light filtering from outside only touches the carpet between us, Drago a beast in the dark, his eyes glinting.

  Jesus Christ. I’m freaking tied to a chair with a wild beast in the room. Memories flash through my mind—the slashes in the wall back at Janine’s hotel, how large and wolfish he appeared to me on that first night, too, when I thought it was all the product of my fantasy. That moment when I felt like Drago was more than just a man, and now I know my feelings were right.

  “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out,” he rumbles from the darkness, in a different, deeper voice. “I wanted to show you, but not like this.”

  “Are you... a beast?” I breathe, the last word sounding crazy.

  Pause. The beast only stares at me from the darkness.

  “My God.” I shake my head to wake up from this crazy dream, but it only sends my hair tumbling down my back, the restraints tight on my body. This is freaking real.

  I stare at his shape across the room, trying to wrap my mind around this. How do you react when you see a man turn into a creature from a fairy tale right before your eyes?

  “But,” I whisper, my eyes adjusting to the low light enough to make out the large and muscular shape of his body. “You still look... You walk on two feet. But you’re larger. Much larger.”

  “I’m different in many ways.”

  I squint. “Come into the light.”

  Drago hesitates, but then he takes the first step onto the rug. I gasp, my eyes widening at the black beast in front of me. He’s like some kind of mutant, much bigger than in his human form, with wide claws instead of hands and the face of a demon from renaissance paintings.

  “Jesus Christ,” I whisper, my entire worldview shattering. “You really are...” A knot forms in my throat, not letting me finish, but Drago does it for me.

  “A werewolf.”

  I stare and stutter, trying to get a grip, but it’s like my mind is shattered to bits and I don’t know which one to grab first to piece it back together.

  “Can you please,” I manage, but also can’t finish.

  “Untie you?” Drago asks in a deep beast-like voice that makes the finest hairs stand all over me.

  I shake my head no. I guess I’m amazed, but not scared. “Use your power on me, increase the dose. Help me out of the shock so I can think.”

  The beast seems surprised at my request, but he does as I asked. A heavier cloud falls over my thoughts, relaxing them enough that they come together again, forming what I guess is my mind. I remember who I am and become aware of what is happening, but I still feel like I have left my body.

  “How,” I blabber. “How is this possible?”

  He comes closer, and begins untying me. “I’m not comfortable talking about this while you are restrained. I care about you, Arianna, I don’t like seeing you in a weak position.”

  “You sure loved having me in a weak position a few minutes ago.”

  “That was different. I thought I could control the wolf, but the pleasure was too much, so I lost it. I wanted to show you tonight, but not now, and not like this.”

  “Am I not safe with you in this form?” I say as I watch him move. God, is this surreal, even under his calming effect.

  When my hands are free I touch his face, slowly and carefully, unafraid but curious. The moment my fingers make contact with his fur, a prickle goes through me. It feels new and unusual, but at the same time so natural, as if I always knew creatures like him existed. I breathe in his scent, picking up the differences. I still scent
the man, his musk and leather, but also something carnal, beastly, that makes me hot. My God, what’s happening with me? Why do I feel I belong to him, body and soul?


  ARIANNA LOOKS AT ME as if she can’t get enough.

  “How long have you existed? Werewolves I mean,” she manages.

  I smile, but I can hardly focus on the answer, so taken with the sight of her naked on the chair, her large tits perky and her nipples hard. By all devils, this woman still wants me, even though she’s just learned what I am, and I’m in front of her in my wolf shape. It’s another sign that she’s feeling the connection between us, which elates me.

  “Some say werewolves existed even before humans did,” I reply, looking around for something to cover her. I sure as fuck won’t be able to focus on the talking if I don’t. I push myself up and grab the duvet off the bed, whirling it around her.

  Arianna stands and wraps it around her shoulders as I move the chair to the reading table, inviting her to take a seat.

  “This could be a long conversation,” I warn her. “Maybe you’d like something to eat or drink?”

  “I’d like some warm milk.”

  “I’ll get you some.”

  “No.” She stands, holding the duvet tighter around her. Seeing her like this, with her hair messy, her lips swollen from sucking my cock, and her body cozily wrapped in the duvet gives me a feeling of deep intimacy. This woman is supposed to be mine, forever. I want nothing more than to take her to bed right now, push her legs open, and thrust deep inside her slick pussy, claiming her as mine and making her feel to the marrow of her bones that she was born to be with me.

  “If anybody glimpses you, especially in this form...” She looks me up and down, even though I’ve already started to shift back into a human.

  By the time she returns with two tall glasses of warm milk I’ve finished shifting back into my human form, and I’ve put my pants back on, though the belt is still undone.

  “Nice of you to bring the big dog some warm milk, too,” I jest as I take the glass from her. “Thank you.”

  She takes a seat across from me at the small round alcove table that overlooks the road, and the big dark forest beyond it. Of course, Arianna can’t see anything beyond the street lamps in the night, but my enhanced eyesight allows me to perceive the landscape. I can understand why the Elders named this place Dark Forests centuries ago, and why it’s called Darkwood Falls now. I can hear the faint sound of the falls in the distance, deep in the mountains.

  I wait for Arianna to ask her first question, but she just sits across from me, staring at my now human face out of those shiny powder blue eyes, stroking her glass of milk.

  “You know, I don’t think I would have said ‘werewolf’ before, before you said it,” she finally speaks, sipping her milk, then staring at me again like she’s trying to come to terms with it. “You looked more like a mutant from Hollywood blockbusters than those creatures in fairy tale books.”

  “Haven’t you seen any Hollywood movies with werewolves?”

  “Yes, but you don’t look anything like those either.”

  “Hmm, and I thought I did look a little like the Lycans, in the process of transformation.”

  “Yes.” She points at me as if the idea just hit her. “That’s exactly it. That intermediate form when they were both wolf and human.” She becomes quiet, regarding me with quiet fascination.

  “You know what worries me most,” she says quietly, as if sharing a deep secret. She leans a little over the table, the scent of her arousal now irresistible. I flare my nostrils. “How I feel about you. What’s wrong with me, Drago? I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I’ve only seen you twice in my life, I must be either crazy or an idiot to be doing everything I’m doing with you. Is it because of the power you use on me?” Her eyes narrow with suspicion as she asks the last question, reproach behind her words.

  I shake my head with a calm smile. “Like I said, my power influences your mood, not your decisions. Not even your feelings. The reason you feel so drawn to me, and this trust, is that....”

  “Don’t hesitate, Drago, just give it to me straight. What could possibly shock me more than finding out that werewolves exist, and that I even slept with one?”

  “The truth is that you are my, okay, this might really freak you out.” I look out the window, because it’s easier than telling her something so crazy to her face. “The truth is you’re my fated mate, Arianna. You’re The One for me, and I’m becoming The One for you.”

  “Say what?!”

  Well, at least the cat is out of the bag.

  “The story of my kind is long and complex, I can’t possibly tell you everything in one night, but I’ll sum it up. First of all, we’re immortal.”

  “What the hell,” she breathes, her eyes big.

  “I’ve been alive for five hundred years, much of that time fighting and killing serpent shifters, who’d killed our parents, and because of whom my brothers and I lived all that horror at the orphanage. As for women, well, the lore spoke of so-called ‘fated females’ that werewolves would imprint on, but I thought it was all bullshit. None of my brothers had ever met a fated female, and neither had the werewolves I knew from other packs. So I could easily fuck around, to call things by their names. Then I met you, and I felt a special connection. I could sense and smell your chemistry, your hormones and pheromones, everything, and the attraction overwhelmed me like a drug. I couldn’t resist you, but I didn’t expect to lose control over my impulses, instincts or, finally, my feelings. But as soon as we became intimate....”

  My craving for her mounts as I talk, and I lean towards her over the table. Any other human would shrink in their seat, but Arianna is completely unafraid. It’s clear the connection is now strong on her side as well, she can’t keep away from me. If the lore is true, soon she’ll be so into me that she’ll accept my permanent presence around her—because I don’t think I’ll be able to be away from her for more than a few hours at a time from now on. It could overwhelm her, but I need to possess her completely.

  “The moment I kissed you changed the world for me, Arianna. The delicious taste of your lips made me crave more, like a child tasting chocolate for the first time—I wanted to devour you, and then I wanted more. I gave in to the sensations because, you must understand, I’d never felt like that before. I was a creature who’d basically wandered the world without a soul, and now, for the first time, my heart was pumping life through me. I had to experience you to the fullest.” I take her hand over the table, and she doesn’t pull away. She seems completely taken with me, looking at me as if she wants to jump into my arms and kiss me. How I wish she would, make me feel she desires me at least half as much as I desire her.

  “By making you mine I did what our lore calls ‘imprinting’. In short, your body chemistry is that of a fated female, which makes you eligible to become a werewolf’s mate, so to say. The werewolf chooses a mate by imprinting on one of the fated females. Trouble is, there aren’t many fated females in the world. The reason for that is—”

  “So you only imprinted on me,” she interrupts, “Because you didn’t have much choice. Had there been other fated females in your life before you met me, you would have imprinted on another.” She sounds angry.

  “No, I wouldn’t have imprinted on another. How do I explain.” I look for the easiest way to put it. “Look, I don’t usually kiss and tell, I assure you. But after the first night you and I spent together I was overwhelmed, and I talked to my oldest brother about it, the Alpha of our pack.”

  “So that stuff is true also? Werewolves function as a pack, and you have an Alpha?”

  “Yes, and yes. Now Nero and I did some research because, even though it might sound surreal to you, you’re a huge event not only in my life, but in all the other werewolves’ lives. You’re the first fated female anyone has found in centuries. A jewel, a rare treasure. But Nero discovered that Darkwood Falls is actually full of them.”

>   Her eyes widen. “You mean there are other fated females here?”

  I nod. “That also means that I could have imprinted on any one of your friends, but the only one who ‘called’ to me, so to say, was you.”

  I use the next few hours to explain everything to her, or at least I try to. Arianna grows more comfortable with the story as I go, but the night is spent before we know it, and sunrise soon trickles along the horizon. A vintage alarm clock on her bedside table screams at seven thirty, making her jump in her seat.

  “Oh, shit,” she yelps, awakened from the magic state we’ve shared. “I have French and Piano students this Saturday, I completely forgot.”

  There’s still a lot to talk about, plus that Arianna is obviously tired. “Can’t you postpone the classes?”

  “Not now, an hour before the first one,” she says. She jumps up, throws off the duvet, and heads fast to her dressing room. My cock stirs as I see her mouthwatering naked body, and I feel a pull to her that I can barely repress.

  “You hold your classes at home, right?”

  “Yes,” she calls from the dressing. “Downstairs, there’s a studio at the back of the house.”

  “I’ll stay until you’re done.”

  Her head pops out of the dressing room, her black hair messy, her blue eyes wide. “You’re doing what?”

  “I promise to stay out of sight.” I get up, walk to her, and lean against the doorframe. She’s frozen with her two-piece suit in her hands, blinking at me like I’m a vision.

  “You’re not gonna take no for an answer, are you?” she finally mutters, and I just shake my head. I’m afraid it would scare her too much if I admit I can’t actually be without her anymore.

  She slips gracefully into her clothes, and passes me by, heading to the bathroom for the rest of her grooming rituals. Her scent and the inherent femininity of her moves go to my head, which is why I follow her like a pup.

  “Do you mind?” She stares at me in the mirror, and I realize I’m crossing boundaries.


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