Claimed by Drago Wolf (Magnificent Beasts Book 1)

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Claimed by Drago Wolf (Magnificent Beasts Book 1) Page 9

by Ana Calin

  “Yes, of course.” Fuck, I’m gonna end up freaking her out like some sick stalker. Which I’m afraid that I am.

  I feel great joy at the idea of making her breakfast, but she brings up her neighbors again, and I have to refrain. I drop down on the bed, still only wearing my black pants and my open leather belt, nothing more. I’m shirtless, my feet bare, and my soul throbs inside of me like a fresh wound. I run my hands through my hair—fuck, this is the first time in my five hundred years that I’ve felt anything so strongly. Falling in love can sure feel like a knockout.

  “You sure it’s a good idea that you stay? Can you make sure no one sees you?” Arianna inquires. I look up at her standing in front of me, a vision of impeccable elegance. My cock reacts, and I bite my lip to keep the lust down. But it struggles like a dog on a leash.

  “Listen.” I get up to my feet, now towering over her. I can read the arousal in her face, even though she’s trying to hide it, and I can smell the chemical reactions of her body to mine as well. “I know this might be too much for you, and all too sudden, but I haven’t told you everything yet. The problem is, werewolves aren’t the only supernatural creatures out there, and we have natural enemies. Serpent shifters, who should never find out about Darkwood Falls. They would do anything to prevent the werewolves from mating and reproducing, and they could hurt you. I have to make sure that doesn’t happen, and I can’t leave your house again until someone else takes over your protection.”

  She smiles, a dreamy look crossing her face.

  “What is it?”

  “Reproducing. I just imagined the two of us raising a couple of pups.”

  “Does the idea scare you?”

  She contemplates it, her face serene. I didn’t expect her to accept all this so easily, even with my power working on her, it’s a shocker to me. She doesn’t even seem to care that serpents might try to kill her. Our fated love could start a war, but I guess she doesn’t get the whole scope of the situation just yet.

  “What’s scary is that all of this doesn’t scare me.” She touches my jaw with her small, warm hand. “I still can’t believe a man as handsome and powerful as you would want me of all women. The fact that I feel so at home with you while also being excited about this is out of this world. The trust that I feel, the need to be with you. It grew so naturally and rooted itself in my soul faster than other people I’ve known for years, and that should scare me. But it doesn’t. For the first time in my life I feel that the world is as it should be.”

  I bend down to her, claiming her mouth in a kiss. The bond between us grows by the minute, and our bodies have already started to tune to each other. She presses her sweet hot mouth to mine, and the need to wind my arms around her and press her to my chest overwhelms me. She smiles up at me, her lips reddened from our kiss.

  “This mouth isn’t done with you yet, my fated mate.” She touches her lips with one finger, causing my cock to throb painfully. I bend towards her as if an invisible leash pulls at me as she walks away, and I know I’m screwed. She might enjoy submitting to me in bed, but I know I’ll be her slave till the end of time.

  As soon as she’s out the door I adjust my senses so that I pick up everything that happens in a wide range around the house. I grab my jacket from the floor, pull out my cell, and dial Nero. I’m sure he’s already set everything in motion for the protection of Darkwood Falls, but I need to know the details. Now that we’ve discovered it, it won’t be long before the serpents take notice and come slithering around.



  The girl’s thin little fingers dance over the keyboard, making beautiful music, her blond little pony tail swaying as she gives the instrument everything she has. Elise is one of the talented ones, which is why I have her on Saturdays. She’s also one of the few whose skills on the piano don’t make me cringe, but I don’t think anything could get me out of this state of bliss anyway.

  I lean against the wall by the window like a dreamy schoolgirl as Elise plays, staring outside into my backyard, my gaze lost in the large forest beyond it. The forest is my werewolf’s natural habitat, which makes me love the woods and their boundless mysteries even more. I’m falling in love with the dark greenery as deeply as I’m falling in love with him. I can’t wait for this final class to be over so that I can spend the rest of the day with him. Nothing has ever felt as good as his presence.

  But just as the girl plays the last note, the doorbell resounds shrill through the house, someone pressing it wildly. The girl’s hands stumble over the keys, but I give her a few reassuring words before I head quickly to the door, my eyes wide with anxiety.

  Whoever is out there rings like their life depends on it, so I open the door widely.

  An angry Sullivan stands on my doorstep, breathing fire out of his nostrils.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I shriek.

  “I could ask you the same thing.” He sidesteps me and enters the house, his head snapping left and right like he’s looking for a convict I may be hiding.

  “Where is he? You’ve been here with a man all night, and he hasn’t left your house yet, so don’t even try to deny it.”

  I don’t know what to tell him. I simply stare at him with my hands up in a questioning gesture until Elise comes from the back. She looks from me to Sullivan, and when Sullivan looks at me I swear I can see the darkness seep into his face. A quiet menace hides under his grin, and when Elise’s governess rings the bell I know I’m in trouble.

  “A distressing fact, Arianna,” he says, as if continuing an ongoing conversation as I hold the door for the woman. “That people can’t know exactly whom you frequent when you’re away. You won’t tell anyone where you’ve been on your birthday, but if you’re seeing someone—”

  “I am not,” I cut him off, too forcefully. The governess is standing behind Elise, her hands tightening on the girl’s shoulders. She looks confused. My blood sends crimson anger all over my skin, and I know the bastard Sullivan can see it. He knows me well enough to read the emotion behind all my reactions.

  “I’ll see you next week, yes, Elise?” I hunker down to the girl and take her small talented hands in mine. She’s really dear to me, and she reminds me of myself a lot. Mother gone, dad too busy, she being raised by governesses.

  The governess nods stiffly as I come back to my feet. One thing I know for a fact, namely that she won’t keep her mouth shut. By tomorrow there will be rumors about my secretly seeing someone all over Darkwood Falls.

  I shoot a burning look at Sullivan after they leave. “You really have no scruples, have you? You’d soil even a newborn if it got you what you want.”

  “I’m sorry you think so harshly of me.”

  “I’ve always known you were a pig, Sullivan, but I didn’t expect you’d turn into a hyena.”

  His face tightens. At least I could hurt him with his own image.

  “Tell me who he is, Arianna, and I won’t drag you into a scandal.”

  I stare at him, enraged, feeling powerless. Drago said he would help me if things got nasty, but I know the depths of Darkwood Falls and the great needs of my father’s labs. Still, he could keep them going for a while, and we could find new investors outside of Darkwood Falls. Drago and his brothers must be as well connected as they are financially powerful.

  It hits me—I could really leave Darkwood Falls with Drago. This option is indeed open to me. I grin, the rhythm of my heart changing from that of anger and anxiety to anticipation. But before I leave, this pig will pay for what he’s doing to me right now, and I have just the thing.

  “All right. Give me a week. And you will have all the answers, I promise. If you feel more comfortable, you can have the house watched in this time, make sure that no one goes in or out. But give me a week.”

  “Can’t you just tell—”

  “Telling won’t cut it, Sullivan.” I walk to him with my shoulders square, my chin out, defying him. “You want answers, you want to know w
ho he is? Fine. I’ll show you. In a week.”

  He lingers, curiosity eating at him. He wants to know more, it’s an itch that’s driving him crazy.

  “You’ll get all the answers you want, Sullivan, and all my life in Darkwood Falls will be in your hands, completely. I promise you that. All I ask from you is a week of patience.”

  He inspects my face as if searching for the catch. I barely keep back a grin because, indeed, there is one.


  DRAGO WATCHES SULLIVAN’S car pull out of the driveway. He’s standing in the alcove where we talked last night, his jaw rippling in anger, his fingers holding the shade only an inch away from the window frame, just enough to peer out.

  “It took all the self-control that I’m capable of not to come down there and bash his head in,” he rumbles in his sexy masculine voice that makes me wet just from hearing it.

  I walk to him slowly and embrace him from behind, resting my cheek on his muscular back, and breathing in his musky scent that makes me feel safe, protected.

  “He wanted to know who I was seeing. I promised him—”

  “I know what you promised him,” he says softly. He turns around, and I look up into his chiseled, cover-model face. “I just don’t understand what you meant by it. You’re willing to make us official?”

  “I was thinking more of us leaving this place and never coming back.”

  He caresses my face with his fingers, and butterflies flutter in my stomach. Good God, I’m falling hopelessly in love with this man, and I’m not entirely sure it’s the connection he talked about. I’m afraid it’s the feeling of being valued by such an incredible specimen of a guy. I’m also terrified that my world would come tumbling down if he stopped treating me so good.

  “I’ll never stop treating you good,” his baritone ripples.

  “You read my mind?”

  He smiles down at me. “I actually feel the vibration of your emotions. It’s not your mind that I hear, but your heart. I can also scent the changes in your body chemistry, and each emotion has its own emotional composition. That’s how I can ‘read’ you.”

  My cheeks flush with embarrassment, but then an idea comes to me. Maybe this is the best way to communicate my plan without actually putting it into words. It’s a bold plan, and a part of me worries that Drago will be disgusted with me when he hears it. This feels safer.

  “Let’s try something,” I say seductively, and push my body into his. I think about how I want him to take me, how I want us both to be dressed and masked, and how this all relates to Sullivan. My eyes are closed the entire time.

  I can feel emotion starting to whirl inside Drago. I can feel him understanding, his cock stiffening between us, pushing into my mound. The idea is dirty, twisted, but he loves it.

  “Oh, Arianna,” he whispers, his lips hot as he crushes mine under them. In the end, my plan is a damn good way to stake his claim on me to Sullivan, and I can tell he can’t wait. Good God, I’m so grateful now that I found out Sullivan cheated on me, and that we didn’t marry. Just imagine I could have shared a bed with that cheating pig now, instead of enjoying this Greek god and his incendiary passion that exists only for me.

  I wind my arms around Drago’s neck and open my mouth, inviting his tongue inside and coiling my own with it. We kiss passionately, trying to still a thirst for each other that we both know we will never quench.

  Drago lifts my skirt, grabbing my thighs and hoisting me up, my legs winding around his muscled hips. He carries me to the side of the bed and lays me on my back.

  I only open my eyes for a moment when he lifts his muscular body off me, his eyes smoldering hot with need and a kind of madness that sends waves of bliss through me. It’s the madness of a man ready to claim a woman even if it’s the last thing he does.

  He works his fly and sticks the head of his cock inside of me, the wide crest parting my walls painfully. I arch up from my waist, pushing my chest up. He breathes in sharply as his big rough hands clench on my hips under my skirt. He stares down at me as he advances inside of me, my walls tightening around his cock.

  “God, your pussy is so good, Arianna. So slick and so tight.” He keeps his eyes on me as he rolls his hips in and out, advancing inch for inch until he’s so deep that I feel him in my womb. I moan at the pleasure mixed with pain, taking in the sight of him.

  I want to be mastered, used, thoroughly fucked by the werewolf I was destined to love. It’s crazy that I feel that way, but I do. Probably because I sense how deeply he values me, and how completely safe I am with him, safe to let my most hidden fantasies run wild, safe to bare all my secrets to him.

  Drago slams harder into me, making me shift up and down on the bed, clutching the sheets and pushing my chest up. I’m still wearing the jacket of my two-piece tutor suit and my glasses, my hair a mess on the bed.

  His body starts to change as he pumps into me, his muscles growing larger, his skin thickening and darkening, rich fur sprouting from his pores. I look sideways to the mirror, watching myself still in my work attire, glasses on, being fucked by a huge black beast. The build-up becomes unbearable, and I explode around him in a climax that makes my entire body shake.


  I MAKE THE FINAL ADJUSTMENTS to my phone on the tripod, ready to tape what’s going to happen. Arianna was right in thinking I would be able to send the recording to Sullivan later, without anybody tracing its source. After it’s been watched for the first time, it will also self-destruct.

  Still, for extra good measure, Arianna is wearing a Venetian mask on her face so that she’s unrecognizable. I’m wearing the black mask of a henchman, and we’ve covered the entire decorum of her room with white and red sheets, so that the background remains unrecognizable. It’s late at night, and both Arianna and I are worked up and crazed with the anticipation. This whole scenario has us both horny as hell. Deep inside I’m worried that this hunger for her will never die down to something more bearable.

  I signal to her from behind the tripod that the device is recording, and I walk over. I can see her eyes behind the lace and the elaborate embroidery on her mask. She looks up at me like I’m a god, her naked tits moving up and down as she breathes deep and fast.

  She turns around and holds her wrists behind her back, using her emotions to give me the command. She imagines things happening, which causes specific chemical reactions in her body, which my senses then pick up. With every hour that passes we’re closer and better connected to each other, and I’m pretty certain that soon we’ll basically be one single soul.

  I slide my leather belt off of me through the loops of my pants, and knot it around her wrists. We both look to the mirror that is right beside the tripod, and a shot of lust fires to my head.

  Want breaks out through my body as I look at my fated mate with the beautiful mask on, her mouth-watering body completely naked. I look like a beast sculpted in bronze compared to her soft, feminine curves.

  I cup her ass with my big hand, caressing one round, fleshy cheek. I hiss with desire, pushing her torso forward and making her bend over, and watching us from the side. I part her butt cheeks with one hand and free my erection with the other, rubbing it along her crack.

  Inflamed, I grip the leather knot on her wrists to keep her in place, and push my cock inside her pussy, making her moan as I fill her. Her large tits sway as I fuck her from behind, and when she urges, “That’s it, drive that iron cock into me,” I can barely keep from filling her with my cum.

  I fuck her hard until her emotions tell me to switch positions, helping her sit on the same chair from yesterday. As she lowers herself onto the cushion her bound arms slide behind the back of the chair until she sits on it, sideways to the camera, fully naked but for the face mask and the leather knot around her wrists.

  She opens her legs, exposing the pink folded skin between them to me, my pulse running wild. I want to position myself between her legs and fuck her until I fill her with my seed and wild love, but her emot
ions stop me.

  I’ll be damned. She wants me to fuck her mouth first.

  I bring my wet cock to her mouth, lifting the mask off her face just enough to touch the crest to her lips. She opens her sweet mouth, taking my rod between her lips until the crest touches the back of her throat. She can only take a part of it, because I’m too big for her, but the sensation is still out of this world.

  She sucks looking up into my eyes like she adores both me and my cock, moaning with pleasure.

  “Fuck.” I’m too close to coming. I have to retreat, even though it’s against her will. She moans in protest, but when I come to my knees and stick the head of my cock inside her pussy, she throws her head back with a mewl of pleasure.

  Soon I’m doing her like my life depends on it, avoiding looking to the side in the mirror because it would make me spill my seed in a second, growling like a beast. But Arianna does turn her head, writhing as she sees us in the mirror, a sculpted henchman fucking her like a sex slave.

  She explodes around me, and I can’t hold back anymore either. We both cum at the same time, and I’m taken with so much love and desire to merge with her that I lift both our masks off our mouths, and claim her lips in a kiss. That will show Sullivan that I love this woman, that I have a claim on her and no one and nothing will ever take her away from me.


  “I’LL SEND IT TO SULLIVAN tonight, right after we leave,” Drago tells me, ready to get out the font door. He’s going to take some of the more fragile boxes to his manor, and set up the protection measures for the other women of Darkwood Falls with his eldest brother, Nero.

  The fact that we’re moving in together so fast might sound crazy to the world, but our love is so intense that we can’t be apart anymore. It’s not a normal love, it’s a mates’ bond, so it doesn’t need months or years to grow. It’s a fated, supernatural love that breaks out like fire, takes over the lovers’ bodies and souls completely, and stays until the end of time. The kind of love that humans have craved since Adam and Eve, and that can only be attained when the mind becomes enlightened—or so Drago explained to me.


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