Claimed by Drago Wolf (Magnificent Beasts Book 1)

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Claimed by Drago Wolf (Magnificent Beasts Book 1) Page 12

by Ana Calin

  “Or what?” Sullivan mocks. “You finish the guy? Go ahead.” His voice darkens, “Plenty more where he came from.”

  My heart beats frantically as I watch Drago standing behind the man, looking like a ruthless god, streaks of blood flowing down his beautiful body. But his face is unlike I’ve ever seen him before. It’s a special brand of cruel, the face of a man ready to take a life. A man used to doing it.

  “As you’ll have it, then,” Drago says coolly, and slides the blade across Devin’s throat.

  Time stops. I can’t even scream as I watch the wound gaping, blood swelling out. Damn it, it’s like being in a horror movie. A man is gurgling and dying right before my eyes. Sullivan tugs sharply on my hair.

  “Are you an idiot?” he blurts at Drago. “I could kill her, right now!”

  “You said I could do it,” Drago says. “Plenty more where he came from.” He drops the grip on the snake-man, the dead body falling at his feet, blood pooling under his slit throat. Drago flips the bloody blade in his hand.

  “I have a weapon, now. And I’m thirsty for snake blood. The question is, what will you do in the end, when there’s no snake left to protect you?” He grins with a dark invitation. “Will you fight me yourself? Do you have the balls?”

  “You will never be done with the serpents, you crazy man,” Sullivan grunts. “Darkwood Falls is full of them. Even if you are the best fighter, you’re alone, and you’ll soon be exhausted.”

  “You’d be surprised.”

  Sullivan snorts. “You really think yourself invincible, don’t you?”

  “Alone, no. But with my pack, yes.”

  There’s a strange calm in Drago’s face, in his whole demeanor, and he uses his power to relax my mood, too. My muscles give in, my shoulders relax, and I even surrender to Sullivan’s grip.

  I’m still as a ragdoll as an explosion comes from behind Sullivan and me, a blast of hot air and shards flying into the room. Sullivan’s body protects me from the blast, but he’s not so lucky, and the pieces of the window pierce his body. He cries out, and lets me fall to the floor.

  Drago leaps over, catching me before my body hits the floor, lifting me in his arms, and retreating with me towards the door.

  “I’m sorry you had to watch that,” he says lovingly in my ear.

  Now so close to Drago, my head resting against his protective chest, I feel his emotions just like he can feel mine, and I understand what happened. I hadn’t even noticed when Sullivan moved with me to the window, but Drago had steered the fight with the snake-man in such a way, that Sullivan needed the angle in order to watch. He was never vulnerable to the other’s man blade, but he had to make it look that way so that his brothers, whose presence he sensed outside, could use the blind spot and attack. With Sullivan’s back at the window, it was easy for them to take him down directly.

  A huge wolf jumps in through the broken window, looking more like a big brown bear, roaring with his huge paws up in the air. God, if it steps on Sullivan’s snakehead on the floor it’ll squash it. I squeeze my eyes shut, terrified of watching, but I hear a deafening crack, and a strange rustle.

  I open my eyes to see Sullivan’s bloody tail disappearing out the window, a thud on the ground when he lands. The brown wolf’s paw cracked the empty floor where Sullivan was a moment before. Now he wants to jump after the serpent, but the second snake, the one who’d accompanied Devin, tries to escape as well, demanding the big brown wolf’s attention.

  The entire scene disappears from my field of vision as Drago slips with me out of the room, and down the dark stairs.

  “We have to get you out of here,” he breathes in my ear. I cling to his neck, giving in to the relief of feeling him so close.

  Roars and hisses come from upstairs, as if more serpents have attacked the wolf.

  “Drago, your brother!”

  “Don’t worry,” he says, hoisting me on his back. I wind my arms around his shoulders, locking them across his chest, my legs winding around his hips instinctively. He grips my thighs. “Conan has immense raw strength. He’ll rip them apart. The other guys are dealing with the serpents outside, driving them all from Darkwood Falls, but some might still be lurking in the large forest behind the house. Grip my hair.”

  “What, no.”

  He turns his head, a loving smile stretching his lips. “It won’t hurt me, and you need to hold on tight. You’re about to ride the big bad wolf.”

  He gains speed as he moves through the studio, and leaps through the back door out into the rain. Thunder rips the skies as his hair thickens in my hands, turning into fur, his muscles growing and blackening under me, the skin turning harder, fur sprouting. My legs come apart as he becomes wider under me, and before I know it I’m riding a big black wolf that looks more like a devil from a gothic painting, the forest itself seeming to move out of his way in fear and respect.

  The rain whips against my face, my hair soon soaked and clinging to my cheeks and neck. I squint against the downpour, and only notice the slithering movement to my side at the last moment. I turn my head, gripping tighter to Drago’s fur, my legs clenching around him, but I don’t get to scream. Drago’s claw has sliced through the incoming serpent before I could make a sound.

  A few more attack, only for Drago to strike them down with his deadly claws.

  “Keep your body close to mine,” he growls, and I do as told, bending down until I feel his thick wet fur under my cold chest. He runs faster, as fast as the wind, until we emerge from the forest into a new town, houses flashing by as he speeds down empty, dark side streets. Then another forest and another town until we drop exhausted on the porch of a huge gothic house, thunder cracking over its spires. His pack’s home.



  Wounded, I crawl inside The Reaper’s crystal castle. The guardian serpents move out of the way as I advance to the crystal throne, leaving a trail of blood behind me. I don’t even dare look up at him, at The Reaper. They say he’s unbearable to look at. Some say he’s unbearably beautiful, some swear he’s so ugly that one look upon him could kill. I just can’t risk raising my eyes.

  I tremble like a death row convict. I failed, and that’s punishable by death among serpent shifters, so keeping my head down is the only thing that gives me the semblance of a hope. I asked to be turned into a serpent ten years ago, and I swore that I wouldn’t fail. Ten years make me a young snake-man, but paired with a failed mission of such magnitude, it also makes me highly disposable.

  Arianna. Her terrified face as I was about to rape her mouth will probably be the last thing on my mind when I die—with a stiff cock.

  When I first knew her I was actually a normal human, and I only had eyes for her. I used to jerk off under my blankets, thinking of her crying under me as I’d fuck her in a way to cause her pain. I had no space in my fantasies for any other girl. And I swear to myself now that, if I survive, I will make it my life’s purpose to get her back, and submit her to my darkest desires—In the end, she did submit herself willingly to Drago Wolf’s, didn’t she? She sucked his dick like a sex slave while he pumped it into her mouth, and she loved it.

  The memory of their video sends a sting through my heart. It was like a slap across my face. I could have gone way rougher on her, if she likes it rough.

  On the other hand, I always felt that my attraction to Arianna was just plain wrong. I knew it wasn’t okay when I was a young man masturbating to her picture. I was twenty-five, while she was only fifteen, which made her off limits—and immensely attractive to me. Arianna was the forbidden fruit, the fire that would burn me if I dared touch. But those juicy tits and big round ass caused most rich boys in town to dream of fucking her legally. I was the first one who acted on it, and won her for myself by manipulating destiny. And killing her father.

  “I gave you immortal life,” The Reaper speaks, his voice filling the huge crystal chamber. “I gave you power and complete control over Darkwood Falls, and what do yo
u do? You let the fucking werewolves take control of the town!”

  I tremble like I’m beneath a guillotine. I can sense The Reaper gripping the sides of his crystal throne, rising to his feet.


  “For centuries we kept Darkwood Falls off the werewolves’ radar. Then I give you a chance to rule it, and the next thing I know? A bunch of fated females sneak out to fuck outsiders. One even has fucking puppies on the way!”

  My chin trembles, and I can’t answer.

  “How many did he put inside of her?” The Reaper demands, the serpents around hissing with fear. One of them slaps me on my back so hard that I’m sent sprawling on my stomach on the crystal stairs. It’s meant to get me talking before more of them have to suffer for my failure.

  “I sensed no more than two in her belly,” I say. Rage pairs with fear, gagging me. Arianna, the woman I used to fuck beneath the sheets like she was rightfully mine, getting pregnant by that beast. Jealousy strangles me.

  “Indeed,” The Reaper says, sensing my feelings. “Now that she’s known the iron cock of the werewolf, the thought of fucking you can only disgust her. It would disgust me, too, if I were in her place.” He comes down the crystal stairs until his feet stop under my eyes, long white toes curling in glass slippers. They seem the toes of a fucking alien, and I can’t imagine the rest of him being handsome. I fear the second rumor applies, namely that he’s unbearably ugly, so I keep my head down.

  “Give me a chance, and I’ll make it right.”

  “And how the fuck do you intend to do that,” he shrieks, the sound making me and all the other serpents shudder. Their hisses fill the crystal room, bouncing off the walls like the sounds of ghosts. I’ve never been so afraid in my life, but I have to keep a cool head, if I am to stand a chance.

  “I have a secret weapon. Someone I can use, someone who’ll do exactly as I say.”

  He bends down over my curled form, his breath forming a chilly mist on the back of my neck. The cool of death. “The werewolves have already taken over Darkwood Falls, in case you missed the news. It won’t be easy to take it back from them. The townspeople will feel safe with them, and will back them up. No one will be on your side.”

  “The werewolves will rule differently, and we can use that to our advantage. They’ll let the fated females live freely, even dating outsiders, if they want to. And that’s just one of the cracks that I intend to slip through.”

  The Reaper puffs in contempt. “As if I’ll ever give you another chance. You had a huge opportunity, and you blew it masterfully.”

  “But I am also the one with the ace in his sleeve,” I push, trying to hide my fear. I have to pull myself together and play out my last card. “Let me use it, and I swear you’ll defeat all werewolves, once and for all. I have a very powerful secret weapon.”

  Silence spreads over the hall, the crystal walls oozing danger. I keep my eyes on the long curled toes in the glass slippers, my heart beating harder by the second. My life hangs by a thread. Will The Reaper’s scythe fall to severe my head, or will he choose to listen? I can already feel Death’s cold breath on the back of my neck. Funny, how in moments such as this all thought tunnels down to the one thing that interests you most.

  Mine is Arianna.

  Six months later.


  I SQUINT AT THE GLARING light coming from the window, shielding my eyes with my hand.

  “Princess,” I breathe. “What the hell are you doing in our bedroom?”

  She looks from me to Drago’s apparently sleeping form by my side. She sure didn’t make much noise coming in, and she tries to keep it down now, too, merely mouthing her purpose here.

  I make to get out of bed, but it’s not very easy when you’re heavily pregnant with twins. A boy and a girl, the doctor said. Princess tiptoes over and tries to help me, but Drago’s muscular arm winds around my waist, pulling me back.

  “No,” he protests with his head still in the pillow, and I feel my insides melt. I love the baritone of his voice, his scent of man and home, and the exquisite sensation of his little signs of possessiveness.

  I want to bend down and kiss him on the lips, but with Princess here I just remove the pillow from his face.

  “You can go downstairs and make us some coffee,” I say sweetly. “We both know you’re awake.”

  Those dark eyes open on me, his beautiful lips drawing in a gin. He nuzzles into my touch, pulling me down for a kiss before he grabs the cover.

  “Turn around, will you, Princess,” he asks my friend, and throws off the duvet only when she’s given us her back.

  “Come on, seriously,” she says. “You guys still sleep naked?”

  “We probably will after a hundred years together, too,” he says happily as he pulls on his pants, but I cringe at the mention of it. I’m not sure I’ll live another thirty. I’m human, while he’ll be here forever. The idea of leaving him behind, alone and suffering, eats at my heart, but Nero says there is no reason for me to worry. He wants to wait until the babies are born and strong, then we will discuss what needs to be done to prolong my human life.

  Princess looks out the window at the neighbor’s house as I put on a robe. “Mrs. Barnabas still spying on you?”

  “Spying is too harmless a word. She uses binoculars sometimes—Drago can see her with his werewolf vision. And then he puts on a show.”

  She looks over her shoulder to make sure Drago left, then she says, “You mean he fucks you even harder?”

  “And meaner. And dirtier. Any more of these shows, and I’m afraid Mrs. Barnabas will land in the ER.”

  “With a serious case of blue balls, if women get anything of the kind.” Princess laughs.

  “Why are you here, love?” I walk over to her, tying the cordon of my robe around my heavily pregnant belly. My feet are swollen, and it feels like I’m walking on painful water pillows.

  Princess turns around, her red hair shining like a halo in the sunlight. “Shouldn’t we start with the wedding preparations? The babies are due in three months, which means you and Drago could be married in about five. I know it’s not enough to lose the baby fat, but I found this diet that—”

  “Princess.” I put my hands up to stop her avalanche-like talking. “First of all, it’s true that I didn’t want a wedding during the pregnancy because of the baby bump, but I’m not thinking about one soon after that either. I have to focus on the babies for a while, the wedding might have to wait another year. The Church ceremony took place months ago, so from my point of view the most important part is done, I don’t need a huge party. But, secondly, I’m sure you didn’t come here at sunrise to talk about something that can wait for months. What is it really?”

  She bites her lip, looking around, clutching her hands in front of her. This seems serious.

  “Sit.” I invite her to the reading alcove that’s even richer in books and cozier than months ago, now that Drago shares it with me. We like to read together sometimes—when we’re not making love that is, outraging Mrs. Barnabas. And making her horny as hell. I’m glad at least the woman sees that complete happiness with a man is truly possible. And that it’s been proved to her this way that the women of Darkwood Falls can do better than slimy cheating Sullivans.

  “Nero, Drago’s brother, he’s going to take over City Hall,” she states.

  “I know.”

  She looks to the door, making sure Drago isn’t close by when she says, “He asked me to be keep the job as mayor’s assistant, and I don’t want to.”

  I frown at that, confused. “Why would you refuse? You always loved the job, and you did it well. Plus, you know many of Sullivan’s secrets, at least related to his business. You’ve been close to Sullivan, and Nero could really use your help.”

  “Which is exactly the problem. Look, I’ve never met Nero face-to-face, but I talked to him on the phone, and he didn’t give me a good vibe. He sounded like he suspected me of something, and I honestly don’t want to work u
nder that kind of pressure. You know I never needed the job with Sullivan either, it was only a means to piss off my mother, at least in the beginning. But now that we’re free to leave Darkwood Falls, meet people from the outside, I’d like to, you know....”

  She’d like to taste freedom. I can see it in her big brown eyes, the eyes of a girl who, no matter how rich, has always been kept in chains. She’s innocent and pure in more regards than people would give her credit for. I smile.

  “I’ll talk to him.”

  Her face brightens. “You think you can persuade him?”

  “I don’t see why not. I’ll tell him that you’ll assist with whatever is necessary. Like, when he has urgent questions and such.”

  “I doubt Nero will be so easily convinced.” Drago walks in carrying a tray with coffee, orange juice, and toast with butter—my favorite in the morning ever since I stopped having morning sickness.

  “Why not?” I say as he places the tray on the round table between Princess and me.

  “I’ll have to be completely honest with you.” He pulls a chair and sits with us, his beautiful body that I love kissing, touching and cuddling into hidden behind a white shirt. “Nero suspects Princess was related to Sullivan’s dirty business. He thinks she might be a leak to the serpents, and he wants to have her under control.”

  “That’s preposterous,” Princess shrieks, outraged. “I’ve been Arianna’s friend much longer than I’ve been Sullivan’s assistant.”

  “I’d put my hand in fire for her,” I chime in.

  “I’m not saying you’re guilty of anything, Princess.” Drago holds up his big hands, clearing himself. “And I’m not saying that Nero does either. But someone has been leaking to the serpents and, until we have the person, everyone is a suspect. And no one can leave Darkwood Falls, not without escort.”

  “Then how are you better than Sullivan and the Council?” Princess jumps off the chair, her eyes blazing. They catch a reddish hue when she’s this upset. “They kept us in chains ever since we were born, and now you, the supposed saviors, turn out just as bad.”


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