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Wilder Destiny: The Guardian Series Book 2

Page 25

by G. K. DeRosa

  “That’s so cool that you lived in London,” says a pretty blonde one.

  “I am totally going to do a semester abroad there my junior year,” says another.

  Amid the steady babble, I smile and laugh politely, giving each of the girls my attention. They all appear very sweet and most are quite attractive. As I contemplate which one I’d like to take home with me tonight, I’m suddenly hit with the oddest sensation. It’s as if an unseen force is pulling my eyes toward the door. I’m completely powerless to fight it, and I turn helplessly in that direction only to see a curly haired blonde walking over the threshold. She seems hesitant to enter, but her bolder brunette friend coaxes her in. There is a boy close by her side, but I stare only at the girl, strangely transfixed. She is beautiful, there is no question about that, but I doubt that is the explanation for the peculiar pull that I’m feeling.

  I pretend to carry on the conversation with the young women around me, but my gaze never shifts from the newest arrival. Suddenly, Roman’s words come to mind. Could that be her? I vaguely recall reading accounts of a strange preternatural attraction. I briefly contemplate sending Roman a text message, but then I dismiss the idea. It’s his loss; he chose not to come. A few moments later, I notice that the girl’s cute brunette friend is leading her in my direction. I observe the look of panic in the blonde’s face as they circle around me, and I avert my eyes in consideration. I want nothing more than to turn around when a few more minutes pass, and they have yet to approach me. But I keep my gaze straight ahead, rapt in conversation with the raven-haired beauty in front of me. Finally, I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I spin around to find myself face-to-face with the vivacious brunette as the blonde lingers uncomfortably a few steps behind.

  There is a moment of speechlessness from both girls as they take me in from head to toe. I have to smother the smile that creeps unbidden across my face. After the brief silence, the brunette introduces herself and her friend.

  “Oh hi,” she says, “we just wanted to introduce ourselves, my name is Natalie Meadows and this is Celeste Wilder.”

  Celeste Wilder… it is her!

  I overhear the blonde murmuring, “It’s not him” to her friend under her breath, and I wonder what she is referring to. I smile at the brunette, Natalie, and reach out my hand to take Celeste’s in mine. As our skin makes contact, the familiar pull strengthens. I bend my head to kiss her hand, and I can feel her pulse racing. It’s exhilarating.

  After the introductions have been made, I notice that the guy who arrived with the girls is making his way toward us. He interrupts the conversation and places himself protectively next to Celeste. I wonder if this is her boyfriend, but find out only that his name is Brian and that he is a wrestler. As the conversation continues on, I explain that my brother and I have moved here from New York City for a chance at a quieter life. The girls ask me the typical getting to know you questions, and after a bit Natalie and Brian leave me alone with Celeste. She looks at my shyly as my eyes peer into hers. I’m desperate to know everything about her.

  The hours pass as we engage in conversation, having finally found seats on the balcony as the place began to clear out. I find her absolutely charming. She’s intelligent and sweet with just the right amount of naivety. I feel a slight pang of pity for the girl: if she is who we think she is, she will have a rough time ahead. I bring my thoughts back to the present and continue to tell her about my time spent traveling throughout Europe. She’s completely enthralled by the conversation and her warm hazel eyes sparkle in delight. The entire time we speak, I am intensely conscious of the pull I am feeling toward her. It’s like polar magnets drawn together by forces beyond my comprehension. I briefly wonder if she feels it too.

  Before long, we are interrupted by her friends. Glancing at my Rolex, I realize it is late. My time with the charming Celeste Wilder has flown by. I am saddened to see her go, and she seems to be as well. I give her a parting kiss on the cheek as she turns to leave, bringing on a rush of pink to her skin. My eyes can’t help but follow her slim figure until she disappears out the door. Once she is out of sight, the strange sensation begins to fade, leaving me feeling inexplicably empty.

  The best part of the party now gone, I decide to call it a night as well. It’s too late to tell Roman about my evening now, but I look forward to hearing his thoughts in the morning.

  Want to read more? Finding Wilder is now available on Amazon here -

  Or you can get it for free here! -

  Happy reading!

  A special thank you to my loving and supportive husband who always understood my need for escaping into a good book (or TV show!). He inspires me to try harder and push further every day. And of course my mother who is the guiding force behind everything I do and made me everything I am today. And to my father who will always live on in my dreams.

  A huge thank you to everyone that had a hand in the creation of my second book. I could not have done it without you! To Robin Wiley, the first person to read Wilder and Wilder Destiny you’ve been Celeste’s biggest supporter from day one. I don’t think I would have gone forward if it wasn’t for your constant encouragement. It means the world to me. To my dearest and oldest friend Dorothee Leiser who spent hours reviewing my first manuscript and who is always there to listen or act as a cover proofer! To my awesome friend Chelsea Ferruggia who came with me on a “research trip” to an unnamed convention and for her tireless PR efforts! A big thank you to my editor, Sarah Tyrrell, who has fully immersed herself in the Wilder world and has provided me with encouragement and fool proof editing since day one. And my incredibly talented graphic designer, Masa Licinia, for creating yet another beautiful book cover. Finally a special thank you to my dedicated beta readers who gave me great ideas, caught spelling errors, and were all around amazing – Michele Chastain and Ely.

  Thank you to all my friends, family, and former co-workers who let me bounce ideas off of them and listened to my struggles as a first time author and self-publisher. I appreciate it more than you all will ever know.

  G.K. De Rosa has been an avid reader from a very young age. At the precocious age of two, while living in Italy, she had memorized an entire children’s book in Italian and expertly turned the pages at the exact right moments of the story. As she grew up, she always enjoyed literature, no doubt having been instilled with a love of story telling from her early years in Catholic school where she was greatly influenced by exemplary teachers who taught her the value of English and Literature. Though she did not pursue writing in college and instead went for the more traditional route of International Business inspired by her love for travel and all things foreign, after a move to New York City, she found her creative writing side calling once again. She began writing a restaurant review blog, City Lights and Tasty Bites, detailing her other passion – food! The hectic hustle and bustle of the city, combined with long commuting times gave her the opportunity to spend more time reading and rekindled a lost love. After reading countless books in many diverse genres over the two years in New York City, and returning to her home state of Florida, she felt compelled to write something for herself. She had always felt particularly drawn to Young Adult novels and having been an eternal romantic at heart, a fantasy romance was a natural choice. She currently lives in South Florida with her real life Prince Charming and their fur baby, Nico the German shepherd.

  Contact me:




  Twitter: @vampgirl923 or for Celeste @CelesteWilder18

  Goodreads: G.K. DeRosa



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