Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 4

by Susan Coventry

  Nikki wanted to ask more questions about Tessa’s connection to Nate, but she didn’t want to appear too interested in case this conversation made it back to him. “I have the keys for you, along with some brochures about the Clarkston area. It’s a small community, but we do have some nice parks, restaurants, and shopping.” Nikki felt her cheeks grow warm as she realized she sounded like a talking advertisement.

  Tess didn’t seem fazed as she accepted the keys and brochures. “I don’t know how much time we’ll have to explore the area, but thank you. Nate said you were really gracious to him when he was house-hunting.”

  Gracious? Hmm… It was not exactly the adjective she was hoping for, but what did she expect? Drop-dead gorgeous would have been better. “I’m just glad I was able to find him a home that suits his needs.”

  “Oh, and he also mentioned that you live next door, so I was instructed to be very, very nice to you.” Tess rolled her eyes and giggled.

  Nikki wondered what else Nate had told her. The words “nice” and “gracious” didn’t sound like he was overly impressed. “Don’t worry about me being a nosy neighbor. I work a lot of hours, and I pretty much keep to myself. You won’t even know I’m there.”

  Tess giggled again. “I’m not worried at all, and neither is Nate. He said he was looking forward to having you as a neighbor, that we could borrow a cup of sugar from you if we had to!”

  Ok, now Nikki was really curious about Nate and Tessa’s relationship. He certainly shared a lot of little details with her, the way that couples do. Nikki’s brain warned her that it was none of her business, but her mouth didn’t get the message. “Are you and Nate together?”

  “Oh, God no! Whatever gave you that idea?”

  “I just thought maybe…”

  “No, not at all. Nate is more like a brother to me; he tells me everything. Besides, I have a wonderful boyfriend in L.A. who I can’t wait to get back to.”

  Nikki felt a surge of relief pass over her, although she had no right to it. She certainly had no claim on Nate. “I’ve taken up too much of your time. Here’s my business card. If there’s anything else you need, feel free to call me.”

  Tess took her card and said goodbye as Nikki carefully made her way down the driveway in her three-inch heels.

  Chapter 8

  A few days later, Rosa was organizing the papers on her desk when the phone rang. “Branson Realty, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, Rosa, this is Nate Collins. If Nicole is within earshot, don’t give me away.”

  Nikki happened to be rummaging through the file cabinet nearby, but Rosa was more than happy to go along with whatever Nate had up his sleeve. “Sure, so what is it you’re looking for?”

  “I want to take Nicole out to lunch as a thank you for finding me this great house. I figured you would know her schedule, and I want it to be a surprise…”

  “Yes, we usually take lunch from one to two o’clock, so we could meet with you before or after.”

  “Perfect. I’ll be there at one o’clock, and Rosa, thank you for keeping this between us.”

  “No problem. Thank you for calling.” Rosa hung up the phone with a smug smile on her face. Keeping a secret wasn’t her strong suit, but if it meant helping her boss land Nate Collins, she would give it her all!

  “What was that about?” Nikki asked as she perused the contents of a file folder.

  “A potential client may stop by today, but he wanted to make sure someone would be here.”

  “I don’t have any appointments scheduled, but I need to catch up on some paperwork. Just buzz me if he shows up.”

  “Will do, boss.”

  Nikki rolled her eyes, walked back to her office, and shut the door. She was having trouble concentrating this week, and there was only one reason why. A certain six foot tall, muscled actor with mesmerizing hazel eyes and a killer smile was dominating her every thought. Nikki knew that Nate was due to arrive this week, and she wondered if he was already settled in next door. If so, was he by himself or was Tessa there too? Maybe he was reading over the movie script or practicing lines or doing whatever it is actors do when they’re not… acting! If she got a chance, Nikki planned on asking Nate more about his job. She was interested in everything about him, something she never would have imagined in a zillion years.

  She forced herself to concentrate on the file in front of her, just as she’d had to do all week. Nikki was irritated that she felt so discombobulated after one lousy encounter with the man. “I have to find a way to get him out of my system,” she said aloud. Just then, Rosa buzzed her desk phone.

  “Yes?” Nikki answered.

  “You have a visitor.”

  Nikki found it strange that Rosa didn’t state the person’s name like she usually did. “I’ll be right out.” Finally, something to distract her from thoughts of him.

  Or not! She walked out of her office to find Nate standing in front of Rosa’s desk, looking awfully pleased with himself, and if she wasn’t mistaken, Rosa had a matching expression.

  “Hey,” he said casually, his eyes twinkling at her.

  Wow, this was so unexpected. Nicole was genuinely flummoxed. Nate’s presence filled the room just like the first time she’d met him, and the air crackled between them. He wore a Detroit Tigers ball cap, a gray t-shirt, and faded blue jeans. Nate dressed like a typical American male, but the way his clothes formed perfectly to his magnificent body set him apart. “Hey,” she finally replied.

  “I bet you’re wondering why I’m here.”

  “I am a little surprised,” she admitted, although that was the understatement of the year.

  “I came to take you out to lunch as a thank you for finding the house for me.”

  Was it her imagination, or was there a hint of nervousness in his voice? Not possible, Nik. Get a grip. “That’s very nice of you, but it’s not necessary. I was just doing my job.”

  Rosa had been glancing back and forth between them and couldn’t hold her tongue a minute longer. She glared at Nicole and said, “If you don’t go to lunch with him, then I will!”

  Nate winked at Rosa and then turned to Nikki and said, “I promise not to keep you longer than an hour. Just come to lunch with me.”

  Nikki was out of excuses, plus she was extremely uncomfortable with the two of them eyeballing her. “Ok, fine, one hour.”

  Nate ushered her out the door and motioned to the same black SUV they had ridden in before. Sure enough, Jeff hopped out of the driver’s seat and opened the back door for Nikki. “Nice to see you again, Ms. Branson,” he said politely, the corners of his mouth curving slightly.

  Is everyone in on this? Nikki climbed in the back seat as Nate slid in beside her. While she was acutely aware of his nearness, she was determined to stay in control. “So, where are we going for lunch?”

  “Just down the street to Depot Park. I’m going to be filming some scenes there, and I kind of wanted to check it out. Jeff bought sandwiches for us from Rudy’s Market. One of your brochures claimed they had the best sandwiches in town.”

  There was no mistaking the smirk he gave her that time. Damn those brochures! “Aren’t you worried about being recognized at the park?”

  “Not really. I dressed like this purposely so I can blend right in.”

  Nikki didn’t see how someone that ridiculously good-looking could ever “blend in,” but she wouldn’t admit that to him. “So, I take it you’re all settled in at the house.”

  “Just about. I’m waiting for a few more of my belongings to arrive, but I have most of what I need. I appreciate you giving the keys to Tess the other day.”

  “That was no problem at all. I enjoyed meeting her; she seems like a genuinely kind person.”

  Nate lifted one eyebrow. “Did you expect something different?”

  “I guess, maybe. She was just really warm and friendly…”

  “Unlike most Hollywood types,” he finished for her. “Not everyone associated with this business is arroga
nt and self-centered Nicole. If you believe that, I hope to prove you wrong.”

  He already was, she realized as Jeff pulled in to a parking space. He surveyed the scene and pointed to a picnic table at the back corner of the park, furthest away from the playground area. The park was relatively quiet, since schools were back in session and the temperatures were cooling down. Nate grabbed the bags containing their lunch and hopped out of the vehicle. Nikki got out on her side before either of them could assist her. Jeff held his own bag, and for a moment, Nikki thought that he’d be joining them, but he stopped at a bench along the creek that ran through the park. “You two enjoy your lunch.”

  Nate and Nikki continued on to the table that afforded the maximum amount of privacy, and Nate started unpacking the bags. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I had Jeff buy a few different sandwiches. There’s ham and cheese, turkey club, roast beef…”

  “Ham and cheese sounds good,” Nikki replied as she glanced around. He was right; nobody seemed to be paying them a bit of attention.

  “We also have Coke, Diet Coke, root beer…”

  “Diet Coke, please.” Was this really happening right now? How crazy was this? Nate Collins, who hadn’t even been on her radar a few weeks ago, was serving her sandwiches at Depot Park.

  She must have shaken her head in disbelief, because Nate leaned toward her and, in a concerned voice, asked, “What? Is the food ok?”

  “Yes, the food is fine. It’s just, I don’t understand this.” Nikki gestured around her at the table.

  “This, meaning…”

  “Meaning, why are you doing this? Be honest with me. I would think you’d have better things to do than take your real estate agent out to lunch. I don’t get it. Enlighten me.”

  Nate set his sandwich down and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “The truth?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Ok. The truth is I’m attracted to you, and I’d like to get to know you better. Maybe I’m mistaken, but I thought you might be attracted to me too. There you go. That’s the truth. It’s that simple.”

  Nikki didn’t find his explanation “simple” at all, but she was rendered speechless once again.

  “I wasn’t sure if you’d agree to go out with me on an official date, so I thought I’d ease into it with lunch,” Nate continued, unabashed.

  Nikki shook her head in bewilderment. “Why didn’t you think I would go out with you?”

  Nate reached across the table and lightly brushed a finger across her forehead. “Because of the invisible sign right there.”

  Funny how that tiny touch set off zings throughout her entire body. “What does the so-called invisible sign say?” she managed to squeak out.

  “Proceed at your own risk.”

  She wanted to argue with him and tell him how wrong he was, but she couldn’t. Nate seemed to see right through her, which was intoxicating and infuriating at the same time.

  “I have a feeling some jerk did a real number on you and spoiled it for the rest of us guys. Am I right?”

  Nikki shifted in her seat and avoided his gaze.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I’d just like it if you would take the sign down for a few minutes and give me a break here.”

  Nikki sighed, but she wasn’t quite ready to give in. “What exactly are you asking of me?”

  “I’d like us to spend some time together, get to know each other, have some fun, and see what happens. If you’re interested, that is.”

  She was definitely interested, and he was right about the sign on her forehead, although it killed her to admit it. Maybe it was time to take the sign down, at least for a little while. “Ok.”

  “Wait a minute, did you just say ok?” Nate cupped his hand around his ear as if he hadn’t heard her correctly.

  “Don’t make me repeat it, or the deal’s off,” she teased.

  He broke out with a full grin, which she returned. The matter settled, they finished their lunch with an air of contentment, despite all the zings flying around every time their eyes met.

  This will be interesting, Nikki thought as Nate smirked at her across the table.

  Chapter 9

  On Saturday morning, Nikki was preparing to take Bentley for a walk when her cell rang. The number was unfamiliar, but like most real estate agents were apt to do, she answered it.

  “Good morning.” Nate’s voice sounded even deeper over the phone.

  “Good morning yourself,” she replied, trying to hide her surprise.

  “What are you up to today?”

  “I was just getting ready to take Bentley for a walk, and then I have to show houses this afternoon.”

  “I take it Bentley is a dog?”

  She giggled. “Yes. Who else would I be taking for a walk?”

  “Well, I don’t know. Maybe your grandpa lives with you or something.”

  Nikki laughed even louder. “No, it’s just me and Bentley here.”

  “Can I join you? Great, be there in five minutes.”

  “Um…” The phone disconnected before she could respond. Nikki attached the leash to Bentley’s collar and headed out the door. She assumed that Nate would use the path between their houses, so she meandered in that direction. Bentley was his usual excited self with his nose to the ground, hot on the trail of unseen squirrels. They went around to the left of her white-sided Cape Cod-style home, hugging the tree line that separated the two properties. Nikki loved where she lived, especially in the fall, when oak, maple, and cherry trees made a spectacular color display. She was lost in thought when Nate suddenly emerged through the trees and almost knocked her down.

  Bentley greeted him first by enthusiastically sniffing around his legs, which Nikki noticed were bare. Nate was dressed in running gear from head to toe. He wore black silky running shorts, a gray Nike t-shirt with a big white swoosh across the front, and yet another pair of colorful Nike running shoes. He pulled off his shades and bent down to scratch Bentley behind the ears. “Hello, buddy. Nice to meet you. Sorry your owner picked out such a wimpy name for you.”

  Nikki put a hand on her hip indignantly. “It is not a wimpy name. I think it sounds dignified.”

  “Yes, for a car or a grandpa, but not for a dog!” Nate stood and slowly perused her, moving his eyes down her body and back up again, heating her from the inside out.

  Nikki was dressed in her usual walking attire: black form-fitting yoga pants, a bright pink t-shirt, and New Balance cross-trainers. Her shiny auburn hair framed her pretty face, and bangs accentuated her light golden-brown eyes. She wore no makeup except for the light pink gloss she had swiped on her lips before heading out the door. Nikki hadn’t really planned on seeing anyone this morning, so she wasn’t fully ready, but the way Nate was ogling her indicated that he didn’t find her lacking.

  “Are you done staring at me yet?”

  “No, I mean yes,” he replied dryly.

  “Ok then, let’s go.” She grinned playfully as they fell into step with each other.

  Nate glanced back at her house as they walked down the driveway toward the road. “How long have you lived here?”

  “About five years. It’s not a big house, but I fell in love with the setting.”

  Nate took in the surroundings with a look of appreciation. “I can see why.”

  “So what else is on your agenda for today, besides walking Bentley?” She slid him a sideways glance.

  “I have a video conference this afternoon, and then I need to run through my lines.”

  “I take it that has something to do with the movie you’re filming?”

  “Yeah, I like to practice my lines several times before I even show up to the set. I either say them alone or read with someone, which gives me an idea…”

  Nikki couldn’t see his eyes through the dark lenses, but his smile gave him away. “Oh no, not me; I’m no actress. Couldn’t Tess do it?”

  “She could if she were here, but she’s not. I usually give her w
eekends off unless there’s something major going on.”

  Nikki was definitely curious about his job, but more as a spectator than a participant. “I won’t be around anyway; I’m showing houses this afternoon.”

  “There’s always this evening,” he replied, wiggling his eyebrows up and down suggestively.

  Zing! Nikki’s body and brain battled over how to handle Nate Collins. Her brain warned her that it was a bad idea, but once again, her body triumphed. “What would I have to do?”

  “All you have to do is read the lead actress’s lines from the script. Do you like to read?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “I promise not to keep you up all night.”

  Did he have any clue what his words were doing to her? That was one promise she hoped he’d have trouble keeping. Whoa, slow down, Nikki. “Ok, fine, as long as it’s just reading. What kind of film is this anyway?”

  “A romance,” Nate said, chuckling. Before she could reply, he grabbed Bentley’s leash and ran up ahead of her.

  “Damn,” she said to the trees.

  Chapter 10

  Nikki spent three hours showing houses to a very finicky older couple. She felt as if she had stepped into the story of “Goldilocks and The Three Bears”; this house was too small, this house was too big, but there was never a house that was just right. Nikki was exhausted when she returned home and wanted nothing more than to curl up on her cozy couch with Bentley and a good book. Or so she told herself. She had promised to call Nate about helping him practice his lines. He had dubbed the evening a “non-date” to make it sound less threatening. His exact words had been, “It’s not an official date, so let’s call it a non-date.” She had just laughed and assured him that she wasn’t worried about it at all, which, of course, was far from the truth, but he didn’t need to know that.

  She let Bentley outside, took a deep breath, and dialed Nate.

  “Hey, neighbor. How did your showings go?” he asked.

  His warm, rich voice soothed her frayed nerves. “Not the greatest. Fussy clients.”


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