Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 14

by Susan Coventry

  I thought about you during the entire flight.

  If you’re up, call me please. I really miss you.

  Nikki reread the messages three times, before dialing Nate’s number. The last message had been sent just fifteen minutes ago, so she hoped he would answer.

  He answered on the first ring. “Hey, you’re still up.”

  “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep,” Nikki replied, happier from just hearing his voice. “I got up for a snack and saw your texts. It sounds like someone misses me.”

  Nate chuckled, sending a warm tingle down her spine. “Maybe just a little.”

  “How was your flight?”

  “It was ok, but it would have been a whole lot better if you had been sitting beside me.”

  “Who was sitting beside you?” Ok, she hadn’t meant to ask that, but it was late, and she wasn’t thinking clearly.

  “Tess. I forgot to mention that she tagged along so she could meet up with surfer boy.”

  “Makes sense. I know how much she misses him.”

  “I hope that someone misses me like that, hint hint.”

  Nikki laughed, although she could feel the conversation take a serious turn. She was trying to keep things light between them, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. Nate was slowly breaking down her defenses, brick by brick. Would he keep repeating how much he missed her if this was just a casual fling? Was he saying it because he thought that was what she wanted to hear? No, she’d learned that Nate said exactly what he meant, so she decided to respond in kind.

  “I do miss you, Nate. Why do you think I couldn’t sleep? I was lying in bed wishing you were next to me.”

  “Next to you or on top of you?”

  His voice had turned husky, and her toes curled inside her pink, fuzzy slippers. “On top, on bottom, inside…”

  “Ohh, I like the way you think.”

  “I thought you might. Now, it’s really late, and I have an important meeting tomorrow morning, so I have to try and get some sleep.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Call me after your meeting tomorrow.”

  “I will.” An awkward stretch of silence followed, a gap that a couple in love might have filled with “I love yous.” Were they that couple? It certainly felt that way at times, but Nikki was still holding back, and it seemed like Nate was too.

  “Good night, Nicole.”

  “Good night, Nate,” she whispered, and she disconnected before she was tempted to add anything more.

  Chapter 30

  Nikki spent two hours with the Rosenfelds going over the purchase agreement with a fine-tooth comb. She felt confident that their offer was a good one, coming in just a few thousand dollars under the asking price. However, now they had to sit back and wait for the seller’s response, no small feat for the Rosenfelds. She spent the last twenty minutes of their meeting reassuring her clients that giving a forty-eight-hour response time was standard operating procedure. Nikki sent the Rosenfelds home with the promise that she would call the minute she got word from the seller’s agent.

  As soon as the door closed behind them, she picked up the phone to call Nate, but she was disappointed when the call went straight to voice mail. Nikki left what she hoped sounded like a cheery message and asked him to call her later.

  The next item on her agenda was a lunch meeting with Cindy Swanson, a real estate agent who worked at Main Street Realty, a competing firm in Clarkston. They had cooperated on some real estate transactions in the past, and when Cindy had invited her to lunch, Nikki had assumed it was for business purposes. She liked Cindy well enough, and since lunch with a tall, hunky actor was out of the question, she’d agreed. They met at a local deli, and after ordering the daily special, settled into a corner booth to wait for their food. After a few comments about the nice fall weather, Cindy got right to the point of the meeting.

  “I’m looking to make a change, and I wondered if you would consider taking me on at Branson Realty?”

  It was common for real estate agents to move around, but Nikki was caught off guard. Those closest to her would probably say that she worked too much and could use the help, but Nikki was hesitant. Having another agent in the field under the Branson name made her nervous; she knew from past experience that hiring Cindy would put her good name on the line.

  Cindy read the uncertainty on Nikki’s face and quickly added, “You don’t have to answer right away, but I wanted to let you know that I’d be interested in working with you.”

  “Why are you looking to leave?”

  “I feel like just another cog in the wheel at my firm. We get a lot of leads because the company has been around a long time, but there are so many agents that it’s like dogs fighting over a bone. I like the idea of working for a small, independently owned agency. Plus, you have an excellent reputation in the community, and I’d like to be a part of that.”

  Nikki smiled at the compliment; she’d heard this sentiment many times, but never tired of it. “I appreciate that, Cindy. You may recall that I had a couple agents working for me a few years ago, but there were some problems. I won’t go into details, but let’s just say my reputation is very important to me, and I decided the best person to uphold the Branson name is me.”

  They paused as the waitress brought over their sandwiches, which were stacked high and accompanied by a generous portion of potato chips. After a few minutes of simply enjoying the food, Cindy said, “Rosa was the one who suggested I talk to you.”

  Nikki almost choked on her potato chip. “What, why? No offense, Cindy, but I haven’t spoken a word to Rosa about wanting to hire someone.”

  “She said you were so busy that it was cutting into your personal life. She’s worried about you, said you need to get out more.”

  Nikki warred between feeling angry at Rosa and laughing out loud. This was definitely Rosa’s way of making her more available to Nate, or maybe just to men in general. She wanted to be mad, but in the end, she couldn’t be. As always, Rosa had her best interests at heart.

  “Well, I haven’t complained about being busy, but I understand why Rosa thinks we could use the help. It probably wouldn’t hurt to have an extra set of hands now and then.”

  Cindy looked pleased that Nikki was warming up to the idea. The consummate sales person, she went in for the kill. “Plus, if I worked there, it would only add to your bottom line.”

  “I can’t argue with that. However, maintaining a good reputation in the community is much more important to me.”

  “Understood,” Cindy affirmed.

  After polishing off their sandwiches, they walked out to the parking lot together.

  “Give me a few days to think this over, and I’ll get back to you,” Nikki said.

  “Thanks, and if you say yes, I promise you won’t regret it.”

  Nikki contemplated hiring Cindy on her drive back to the office. If this had come up one week earlier, she would probably be in sunny California with Nate right now! She reminded herself not to make a decision solely based on him. If she hired Cindy, it had to benefit her business, not just her love life!

  Rosa glanced up from her computer screen as Nikki swept in. “How was lunch?” she asked sweetly.

  Nikki smirked at her. “You are a terrible actress, Rosa. I know what you’re up to, so don’t give me that innocent look.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rosa said, spinning her chair around to face her boss.

  “You know I just had lunch with Cindy, and you know why. She told me what you said.”

  Rosa raised her arms in the air in defeat. “I surrender. So, what do you think? Are you going to bring her on board?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but it did give me some food for thought.”

  “Glad to hear it. I think Cindy would make an excellent addition to this office. She’s bright, conscientious, and professional. Plus, she knows how to have a good time.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I went out for dinner and drinks with her an
d a few other women from her office. We might have drunk a little too much wine and…”

  “And that’s when you told her I needed someone to work for me.”


  “I hope you didn’t share anything about my personal life in your drunken state.”

  Rosa pretended to be aghast. “I was not drunk, nor did I divulge any unnecessary information. Cindy mentioned that she wasn’t happy at Main Street Realty, and I said it would be nice if she could join our team.”

  “Ok, ok, I get the picture. I promised to think it over and let her know.”

  “In all seriousness, Nicole, I think it would be good for you to have some help. Plus, it would give you more time to spend with your big stud.”

  Nikki grinned at Rosa’s description of Nate. “Speaking of my big stud, did he happen to call while I was out?”

  “Phone’s been quiet, but have you checked your cell?”

  Only like ten times since she’d left the restaurant! “Yes. Oh, well, he must be busy. I’m sure he’ll call later.”

  As it turned out, Nate didn’t return her call until eight o’clock Michigan time. Nikki had already taken Bentley for a walk, made dinner, and had just cracked open a new novel when her cell rang.

  “How’s my favorite actor?”

  “I’d be better if my favorite real estate broker was here,” he replied warmly.

  “I wish I were there too.” Nikki tucked her feet underneath her and settled in for what she hoped was a long conversation.

  “I only have a few minutes to talk. We were at the studio all day, and I’m being picked up in a few minutes to go out to dinner.”

  Nikki wasn’t sure she wanted to know, but Nate filled in the blanks for her.

  “Our agents decided that it would be good publicity if Stacy and I were seen at dinner together. I know it sounds stupid, but it’s pretty standard fare around here. I’m certain there will be paparazzi posted out front to get their money shots as we enter and exit the restaurant. It’s bullshit, really, but unfortunately…”

  “It’s part of the job,” Nikki finished for him. Just when she thought she had a handle on this aspect of his life, something new cropped up to mess with her head. The idea of Nate arriving at some swanky restaurant with Stacy on his arm coupled with an image of them huddled over an intimate dinner for two riled her something fierce.

  “Nik, please don’t focus on this. I’m begging you. I’d much rather be going out to dinner with you than her. You know how much I wanted you here.”

  “Oh, no you don’t; don’t put this on me, Nate. Even if I were there, you’d probably still have to go out with her, am I right?” Nikki’s voice raised a few octaves as she dug her nails into the armrest of her couch. Stay cool, Nik.

  Nate emitted a heavy sigh. “Please try to understand. I don’t want to do this. If I could fly home right now, I would. You and me, remember, starring you and me.”

  Nikki’s stomach was twisted in knots. Why did she think she could handle this? What normal person could? She was too scared to speak, afraid of what she might say in that moment. It turned out that she didn’t get the chance to say anything.

  “Nik, I have to go. The limo just pulled up. I hate this right now. Please don’t be mad at me. “I’ll call you tomorrow, ok?”

  Nate never got his answer, because Nikki had already hung up the phone.

  Chapter 31

  After a sleepless night, Nikki woke on Saturday morning in a foul mood. The memories of last night’s conversation with Nate came rushing back with the light of day. After downing her morning coffee, she plopped into her favorite chair and fired up her laptop. A glutton for punishment, she searched for the latest entertainment news, and within seconds, she was glaring at pictures of Nate and Stacy in front of an elegant-looking Italian restaurant. Stacy’s arm was looped through Nate’s, and her smug smile was aimed directly at the camera. She wore a teal blue sleeveless dress with a deep vee down the front that showcased the rounded contours of her pert breasts. The dress stopped just above her knees, and black patent heels emphasized her long, shapely legs. Stacy was the epitome of a California beach babe; her silky blonde locks flowed around her sun-kissed face like a halo.

  “I bet she’s no angel,” Nikki said aloud to Bentley, who was curled up at her feet. Nikki brought the laptop closer to her face and studied every nuance of Nate’s expression. He was smiling his white, toothy, movie-star smile, but his eyes were dull and flat. Nikki knew first hand that when Nate was truly happy, his entire face lit up, including his eyes. Other than that, he looked as handsome as ever in a pair of crisp navy dress slacks and a white button-down dress shirt with a few buttons left undone, showing a slice of his golden brown skin. A navy-blue blazer was draped casually over one arm—the arm that Stacy wasn’t hanging on—and he exuded the quiet, confident manner that Nikki loved.

  The picture of Nate and Stacy exiting the restaurant told a different story. In that photo, Nate walked slightly ahead of her, keeping a respectable distance between them. Stacy looked like she was hurrying to match his stride, but she made sure to flash her superstar grin at the cameras. Nate didn’t even attempt a smile in this photo, and his face looked drawn, tired. He gave the appearance of a man who wished he were anywhere other than where he was. And wasn’t that exactly what he’d told Nikki the night before?

  Nikki slapped her palm against her forehead, causing Bentley to start at the noise. “You idiot. When are you going to realize that Nate doesn’t care about that woman?” After her epiphany, Nikki rushed around the house in a frenzy. She had purposely ignored her phone so far this morning, but now she was desperate to look at it. Nothing. No calls, no texts, nothing. And who could blame him? After the way she’d acted last night, she deserved the rebuff. She paused to look at the clock and did a quick calculation; it was six in the morning in California, but too bad. Nikki felt an urgent need to talk to Nate despite the time. She’d made a mess of things again, but hopefully, it wasn’t too late to fix it.

  “C’mon, c’mon, pick up.” The phone rang five times and went to voice mail. “Damn. Oops, didn’t mean to say that,” she apologized to his voice mail. “Uh, hi. You’re probably sleeping, or maybe now you’re awake, and you’re too angry to pick up the phone. I really need to talk to you. I mean, I want to talk to you. Oh, hell, I don’t know what I mean. I’m rambling right now, aren’t I? I tend to do that when I’m nervous. I’m not sure why I’m nervous, but… let me start over.” Nikki frantically searched for the option to delete her message and re-record, but she accidentally chose send instead.

  She stomped around the kitchen, letting loose with a stream of obscenities that would make her mother cringe. After her mini-meltdown, she took a few cleansing breaths and dialed the phone again. At this point, Bentley was sitting patiently on the kitchen floor, head cocked up at her with a quizzical expression (if dogs could have such a look). After Nate’s voice asked the caller to leave a message, Nikki very calmly stated, “I’m sorry about the previous message. In fact, I’m sorry about everything. I shouldn’t have hung up on you last night. I’m not sure what your schedule is today, but please call when you have a chance. I’d really like to talk to you.”

  There, much better. Now all she had to do was wait, which was not one of her strong suits. Nikki decided the best way to get through the day was to stay busy, so, she suited up in her exercise clothes and took Bentley for a morning stroll. Ever since the incident next door with the paparazzi, Nikki made sure to bring her phone. It was especially important today in case Nate called. She checked that the volume was turned up high before she tucked it safely into her pants pocket.

  After a brisk walk that helped calm her nerves, she showered, dressed, and headed out the door once again. No matter what was going on with Nate, she still had a party to host on Sunday, and she needed some groceries. List in hand, Nikki meandered up and down the aisles filling her cart with everything she needed to serve lunch plus a delicious-looking chocolat
e cake and some balloons. Her mom was turning sixty, but a person is never too old for balloons, right? Dylan was in charge of bringing the gift, which was a white gold heart-shaped pendant they had chosen from Tiffany.

  She loaded the groceries in her car, checked her phone for the umpteenth time, and drove home, trying to squelch the panicky feeling that washed over her. Did Nate’s silence mean they were through? Was he tired of constantly having to reassure her? Would he give her another chance?

  Preoccupied with her worries, it took Nikki a moment to register that there was a person sitting on her front porch step. It was definitely a man wearing a ball cap, but his head was tilted down so she couldn’t see his face. Wait a minute! As she drove closer, his head popped up, and then he rose to his full height; it was Nate!

  Nikki parked the car but didn’t get out. The butterflies in her stomach multiplied as Nate approached her car door. She reached for the door handle, her hand shaking, but Nate flung the door open, gripped her wrist, and pulled her into his arms. Relief and joy flooded her veins as he clutched her in an almost painful embrace. She didn’t dare say a word, just held on, gripping his shirt tightly in her fists. He pulled back just a little, and she tipped her head up to meet his eyes, their brown, blue, and green flecks sparkling in the sunlight as he studied her intently. Nate pulled her back to his chest again, tightening his arms around her waist.

  “I missed you so much,” he whispered against her hair.

  “Kiss me,” she demanded.

  In one fluid motion, Nate reached up to remove his ball cap and leaned in for the kiss. It was hard and strong, and his mouth clamped over hers possessively. Neither of them held back; Nikki gave as good as she took, leaving them breathless when they reluctantly parted. As much as she wanted to grab his hand and lead him inside to her bedroom, Nikki knew they needed to talk. Nate obviously felt the same way, as he took a step back and waited for her to make the next move.

  “I thought your flight wasn’t supposed to arrive until this evening.”


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