Starring You and Me

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Starring You and Me Page 16

by Susan Coventry

  Beth piped up, “No, dear, he didn’t say he was leaving in a couple months; he said he wasn’t sure what he was doing next.”

  “Semantics, Mom.” Nikki plopped down on the couch between her parents and Julie. “I don’t know how we can keep seeing each other after this movie wraps.”

  “So move out to L.A.,” Dylan interjected.

  Nikki glared at him. “It’s not that simple. I have a business to run, remember?”

  Beth patted her knee. “Don’t worry, honey, you’ll figure it out. In the meantime, try to enjoy Nate’s company while he’s here.”

  “I know I would,” Julie declared.

  Dylan shot her a look. “You’re a married woman, and it would be nice if you started acting like one. You practically drooled on the guy.”

  “Well, maybe if your sister would have told us about him ahead of time, I would have been more prepared. Instead, she springs Nate on us like he’s just some guy she met.”

  “He is just a guy, Jules. He’s a regular dude that just so happens to have a kick-ass job.”

  “Language, Dylan,” Beth scolded, scanning the room for Alexa before realizing she was outside with Bentley.

  “And a kick-ass body,” Julie added.

  “Ok, that’s enough everybody. Dylan’s right; Nate is a regular guy, and there’s a lot more to him than his job and his good looks,” Nikki said vehemently.

  “Any guy who likes the Tigers is ok in my book,” Graham said, stunning them all into silence.

  Beth stood up and, despite her small stature, commanded everyone’s attention. “All right, gang. I think we need to leave now before Nikki kicks us out. Thank you for a lovely party, dear.”

  Nikki escorted her family out, exhaustion from the busy day finally having caught up with her. Julie hugged her goodbye first with a reminder about their shopping date. “I’m so excited for you,” she added before climbing into the car.

  Dylan was next, and he pulled Nikki into a tight bear hug. “I guess I can’t tell you to stay out of trouble because, from the looks of it, you’re in deep.”

  “Thanks, big brother.”

  “No, really, he seems like a good guy. You can bring him around anytime.”

  “What about Julie?”

  “She’ll settle down once I remind her that she already has the best there is.”

  Nikki rolled her eyes at him. “Go home, Dylan.”

  She waved one last time as they drove away, and then she went back inside, dropped onto the couch, and fell fast asleep.

  Chapter 34

  Nikki woke an hour later to the buzz of her cell phone. She hoped to see Nate’s name on the display, but it was Kathy, the seller’s agent on the Rosenfeld deal. Nikki shook her head to clear the cobwebs and answered using her professional voice. It turned out to be good news; the sellers had accepted the offer with only one minor change to the contract. Nikki hung up with Kathy and immediately called the Rosenfelds. After explaining the change in conditions to them via speaker phone, she asked if they wanted to meet that night or the next day to sign off on the contract. Nikki silently rooted for Monday so she could spend the evening with Nate, but the Rosenfeld’s were too excited to wait. Nikki agreed to meet them at her office in a half hour. She hurriedly changed into a more business-appropriate outfit and headed out the door, deciding to call Nate on the way.

  “Hello, pretty lady,” he answered.

  She still wasn’t used to his terms of endearment, but they made her smile every time. “Hello, handsome hunk,” Nikki replied. There, that wasn’t so hard!

  Nate chuckled. “Tess and I just wrapped up, and I was about to call you. What are you doing tonight?”

  “Actually, I’m on my way to the office; the Rosenfelds’ offer got accepted.”

  “Great news for them, bummer for me. I really wanted to see you tonight.”

  The rich timbre of his voice warmed her along with the sincerity of his words. “I could stop by after my meeting.”

  “Perfect. We can have dinner together; I’ll cook.”

  “Ok, but nothing too heavy. I’m still full from the extra helping of chocolate cake I had earlier.”

  “Women love their chocolate, don’t they?”

  “You know it!” Women love a lot of other things too, like tall, hard-bodied men with hazel eyes and a killer smile.

  “Well, I don’t have any chocolate here, but hopefully, I have something else that you can wrap your lips around.”

  Nikki could practically see his eyebrows wiggle through the phone. “Can Tess hear you right now?”

  “No, she’s in the other room.”

  “Tell her I said hello, and I’ll see you in a little while.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  How was it that this man could arouse her with a single sentence? The more she was with Nate, the more she wanted him. He had infused her life with spontaneity, laughter, and, dare she name it, love. The Rosenfelds were already in the parking lot when Nikki pulled up, so she was forced to put all thoughts of Nate and love aside.

  An hour later, Nikki drove up the long driveway to Nate’s rental house, noting that some of the flowers had withered in the landscaped areas out front. Fall was descending on Michigan, and soon, all the trees would be bare and the skies gray and overcast. Nikki loved her state, aside from the long winter months, but the thought of spending the coming winter without Nate suddenly depressed her. Her attention was drawn back to the present at the sight of Nate leaning against the front door frame, barefoot and laid-back in a Red Wings t-shirt and faded jeans. His smile lit up the dark corners in her mind, and Nikki practically flung herself at him as she strode up the walkway.

  Nate gathered her in his arms and leaned down to place a tender kiss on her eager lips. “Let’s go inside,” he whispered, glancing around warily.

  Nikki understood his concern; there was no need to put on a show when they were guaranteed privacy inside. As soon as the door clicked shut, Nikki entwined her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a deeper kiss. A moan escaped Nate’s lips as she pressed herself against him. Their heat rose quickly, and she felt the evidence of his arousal through the thin cotton of her skirt.

  “Don’t you want to eat first?” Nate whispered against her neck.

  “Not hungry,” she replied as his fingers went to the buttons on her blouse.

  He backed them into the living room while continuing to work the buttons on her blouse.

  “Where are you taking me?” Nikki asked, the fog of lust settling around her.

  Nate halted his movements to meet her eyes, which were glazed over with desire. “The couch,” he answered.

  Nikki recalled the last time they were on the couch, when Nate had teased her mercilessly and left her frustrated. “This isn’t going to be a repeat performance of the last time, is it?” She raised her brows quizzically while stifling a laugh.

  “Hell no, there’s no way I’m stopping this time.”

  Thank God, she thought as Nate sat down and motioned for Nikki to straddle him. She kicked off her wedges and hiked her skirt up as she kneeled over Nate’s lap. His hazel eyes had darkened, and he quickly unbuttoned the last two buttons of her blouse before pushing it off her shoulders.

  Nikki’s collection of sexy lingerie was limited, mostly because she hadn’t been with a guy in so long that she hadn’t felt the need for it. Today, she had been in such a hurry to go to her meeting that she had donned a simple white cotton bra with a front hook closure. Judging from the expression on Nate’s face, he didn’t mind at all. In fact, it shocked her when he admitted, “I like this, easy access,” and proceeded to pop the hook open.

  Nikki leaned forward, her silky auburn hair forming a curtain around his face, and kissed him feverishly as he cupped her breasts with his large, warm hands. She felt powerful as he tugged and teased her nipples; it was obvious he was enjoying the sensations as much as she was. Add in the fact that she was topless while he was fully dressed, and her libido revved ev
en higher.

  Nate’s hands trailed down her sides to the hem of her skirt. She was busy rubbing against him at this point, so when his hands touched her bare thighs, she gasped. Ok, now she wanted him naked—pronto! Nikki sat back a little and jerked up on the hem of his t-shirt.

  “What, do you want this off?” Nate asked while he continued to torture her underneath her skirt.

  “Yes, immediately.”

  Nate pulled his hands out just long enough to shove the t-shirt up and over his head, and then he crushed her against his bare chest. Pure male heat emanated from him, warming Nikki to the core as he lowered her back against the couch cushions. She didn’t have to ask him to remove his jeans. He stood and unzipped them, hastily discarding both them and his boxers in one swoop.

  Nikki had only seconds to admire his magnificent physique before he rejoined her on the couch, picking up right where they left off. Her skirt was hitched up around her waist, but she was still wearing her white cotton bikinis. Nate pressed his pelvis against hers as he stroked her face and kissed her deeply, lovingly. Suddenly, he went still and pulled back, looking as if he were about to say something. Nikki waited breathlessly as he gazed at her intently, the unspoken words shining in his eyes.

  The heat blazed between them again, and Nikki was just about to remove her own panties when Nate hooked his fingers into the sides and slid them down, tossing them over his shoulder in an exaggerated motion.

  Nikki’s giggle became a sigh as Nate entered her, slowly and gently stretching her until she was completely filled, body, heart, and soul. He locked eyes with her as they moved rhythmically in a perfect dance. Nikki fought the urge to close her eyes as her body tightened and clenched around him. Nate’s movements quickened as she reached the peak, and then Nate let go too, spilling his pleasure inside her, surrounding her with his love.

  A short while later, they sat at the kitchen table polishing off the last of the meal Nate had prepared.

  “You said not to make anything fancy, so this is the best I could come up with.”

  “Nothing’s wrong with grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup,” Nikki said with a satisfied grin. “It was perfect.”

  “Gotta love a low-maintenance girl.”

  Ok, there went the L word again! “Do you really think I’m low-maintenance?”

  “Compared to anyone I’ve dated before, yes, you are definitely low-maintenance.”

  Nikki didn’t really want to think about all the women Nate had dated, but she had to ask, “What makes me low-maintenance?”

  “Well, you like the simple things in life. You don’t need fancy clothes, expensive restaurants, or exotic places. You seem content with what you have.”

  Nikki thought his description was spot on, but it raised an interesting point. How could she ever expect to fit into Nate’s world, which included the very things he had just mentioned? “So, basically I’m a country bumpkin?”

  “No, I didn’t say that at all. It was supposed to be a compliment, Nicole. Why do I feel like I’m stepping in quicksand here?”

  Nikki had to laugh. “Sorry. Maybe what you meant to say is that I’m not the Hollywood type.”

  Nate grabbed her hand across the table and gave it a squeeze. “Yes, and believe me, that’s a good thing.”

  “You can’t tell me that all the women in Hollywood are high-maintenance. There must be some that are down-to-earth, right?”

  “Let’s just say they’re very few and far between.”

  “So, what you like is a simple Midwestern girl?”

  “What I like is you.”

  Nikki swallowed nervously because, dripping off his lips, the word “like” sounded a whole lot more like the word love. She didn’t want to prod any further, so she simply replied, “I like you too.”

  “Now that we’ve settled that, come to Grand Rapids with me next weekend.”

  Noting the quick change of subject, Nikki asked, “Did Tess schedule your high-school appearance already?”

  “Yep, I have to be there next Monday morning at nine o’clock. We can leave Saturday morning and stay with my parents over the weekend and then head home after my presentation. Oh, and Tess and Jeff are coming too, in a separate car. They’ll be staying at a hotel while we’re there.”

  “Wow, you’ve got it all mapped out.” Nikki felt a twinge of nervousness, not so much over meeting Nate’s parents, but about what it signified to her. Why would Nate even bother introducing her if he didn’t plan on seeing her again after Thanksgiving?

  “So, is that a yes?” Nate looked at her expectantly, concern etched on his handsome face.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  He breathed an audible sigh of relief. “Cool. It will be fun even though we’ll have to sleep in separate rooms.”

  Nikki hadn’t really thought about the sleeping arrangements until now. “Why is that?”

  “My parents are kind of old-fashioned, and since you and I aren’t married, they’re not going to go for us sleeping together. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Nikki gave him a reassuring smile. “It’s fine, Nate. You don’t have to apologize for your parents’ beliefs. It’s their house and their rules. I can handle sleeping separately for a couple days. The question is, can you?”

  His grin broke out at the mocking tone of her voice. “Of course I can handle it. I’m not some horny teenager. I’m a grown man in complete control of my carnal urges.”

  “Care to make a bet on that?”

  Nate looked at her like she was nuts. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, why not? I bet that you won’t be able to stop yourself from sneaking into my room at night.”

  “Ok… what are we wagering?”

  “If I win, you have to clean my house from top to bottom, floors, toilets, the works. If you win…”

  “You have to spend an entire day and night naked,” he finished with a flourish.

  Nate’s hazel eyes sparkled with mischief, endearing him to Nikki even more. “Shake on it.” She reached out a hand, and he gave it a firm shake.

  “I’m so going to win this bet,” he said.

  “No way, you are so going to lose.”

  “You really don’t think I can control myself for one weekend, huh? Someone is getting mighty cocky around here.”

  “Yeah, and it’s you. No pun intended.” She purposely shot a look at the bulge in his jeans.

  “It’s on, lady. Prepare to lose.”

  She gave him an eye roll. “As much as I’m enjoying this conversation, I should go. I have a lot of work to get done this week if I’m going away with you next weekend.”

  They both stood up from the table, neither in a hurry for her to leave. Nate walked Nikki to the front door, and she leaned back against it, inviting his goodnight kiss. He placed his hands on either side of her face and rested his forehead on hers. This time, their lips met in a slow dance, the urgent need from earlier sated.

  Nikki couldn’t decide which kind of kiss she enjoyed more. Oh, hell, any kiss from Nate was good; the man definitely knew how to kiss, among other things! She felt a little unsteady when they reluctantly broke apart. “I can’t wait to watch you scrub my kitchen floor,” she taunted.

  “I can’t wait to watch you waltz around naked all day long.”

  Nikki dismissed his remark with a flip of her hair and strolled out the door.

  “Good night, gorgeous,” Nate called.

  “Good night, stud,” Nikki said and blew him a kiss. As she backed out of his drive, Nate stood watching her, his masculine silhouette posed in the door frame against the light of the setting sun.

  Chapter 35

  The next couple of days went by in a flash. Nikki was busy preparing for the Rosenfelds’ closing, and she had obtained a referral from them as well. Mrs. Watson was a seventy-year-old lady who had been living with a friend since the death of her husband five years ago. She had recently decided to find her own place, since her best friend was “cramping her style.” Sim
ilar to the Rosenfelds, Mrs. Watson wasn’t sure what type of home she was looking for, so Nikki had her work cut out for her. A feisty little lady, Mrs. Watson still held a job, so she was only available in the evenings, which put a cramp in Nikki’s style. Oh well, such was the nature of her business. Besides, Nate had been working late too; there was a real push to shoot the outdoor scenes before the weather worsened.

  A bright spot in her week came when she met Julie for their shopping date. They met at an upscale Italian restaurant (Julie’s choice) in the nearby community of Troy before heading to Macy’s. Julie was her usual boisterous self, maybe even more so now that Nate was in the picture.

  “Details, details,” she demanded over pasta and salad.

  “Jules, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not sharing any intimate details about Nate. I’ll answer some general questions, but don’t expect me to spill everything.”

  Julie was not to be deterred. “Ok, well answer this. Are his abs as great in person as they are in pictures?”

  Nikki couldn’t contain the grin that spread across her face. She shoveled in a large mouthful of pasta and chewed slowly, thoughtfully. “Better,” she finally replied.

  “You’re killing me here,” Julie said.

  “Well, it’s true. He’s in great shape, and he works hard for it. Hey, wait a minute. Have you been looking at pictures of Nate on the internet?”

  “Maybe,” Julie answered, eyes averted.

  “Well, do me a favor and stop.”

  “I just wanted to learn more about the man my sister-in-law is dating. There’s no crime in that.”

  “Thanks for your concern, but everything is good.”

  “Oh, I’m certain it is. So, tell me, does he have any flaws?”

  “Of course. He’s a human being, Jules, not a god.”

  “Name three flaws.”

  Nikki took a long slug of beer, suddenly feeling like she was going to need another drink. “Ok, number one, he snores.”

  “Seriously? That’s not a flaw, that’s a minor inconvenience. Your brother snores too, but I haven’t kicked him out… yet. Try again.”


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