Book Read Free

Starring You and Me

Page 23

by Susan Coventry

  Nate put his hand on Nikki’s elbow and steered her into the decked-out ballroom. Nikki wasn’t sure where to look first. Floor-to-ceiling windows made up two walls of the room and overlooked the rolling green hills of the golf course. Round tables were exquisitely decorated with crystal goblets and champagne buckets, an array of candles flickering in the center of each.

  When they first entered the room, Nate was greeted by the charity director, who shook his hand warmly and handed him a card with their table assignment. There were only a handful of people in the room, and when Nikki asked about this, Nate explained that a lot of celebrities liked to make a “fashionably late” entrance. Nikki was actually glad that they hadn’t walked into a room full of people. This gave her the opportunity to settle in and have a drink or two to help her relax.

  Nate led her to their table, and seconds later, they were approached by a formally dressed waiter. “Good evening, sir, miss. Can I bring you anything to drink, or would you like me to pour you a glass of champagne?”

  Nate looked to Nikki for guidance, and she said, “The champagne will be fine.”

  When the first sip bubbled down her throat, she reminded herself to drink slowly. There was no way she was going to embarrass herself or Nate by overindulging tonight! After a few more sips, Nikki noticed that the room was filling up. She caught a glimpse of Tess and Austin and put up her hand to wave them over.

  Nate leaned in and whispered, “They probably won’t be sitting with us, Nik, but we can get up and talk to them later.”

  Nikki didn’t respond because, at that moment, her eye was drawn to the very attractive couple heading straight toward their table. Her heart began to flutter—on Julie’s behalf, of course—because, apparently, Channing Tatum and his lovely wife were going to be their dinner companions!

  Nate stood as they approached, and he and Channing participated in the masculine greeting ritual of chest-bumping, loud pats on the back, and an elaborate handshake. Nate leaned over and kissed Channing’s wife on the cheek, and she broke out with a dazzling smile of perfectly aligned white teeth.

  “Chan and Jenna, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Nicole Branson.”

  Nikki didn’t recall standing, but suddenly, Channing and his wife were right next to her. “Very nice to meet you,” Channing said with a boyish, lopsided grin. Jenna clasped Nikki’s hand and said, “I love your dress.”

  “Thank you so much, it’s nice to meet you both,” Nikki replied, hoping they missed the slight waver in her voice.

  Jenna set her purse down on the seat next to Nikki, and Channing moved to the other side of Nate. Just as they were getting settled, Nikki looked up to see her high-school celebrity crush glide into the room. Leonardo DiCaprio, with his slicked back hair and mischievous grin, was ushering a very statuesque blonde toward a corner table. Nikki didn’t recognize his date, but the woman carried herself like a model, and she was at least a few inches taller than Leo. The woman’s sequined dress was cut in a deep vee that showcased her svelte body as she sashayed across the floor.

  Nikki lost count of all the other celebrities she watched make their grand entrance. She spotted Eva Longoria, Matthew McConaughey, and Kate Winslet to name a few. Eventually, two other couples joined their table, but Nikki had no idea who they were. Nate and Channing got caught up in an animated conversation about their current movie projects, which left Nikki and Jenna to chat. Jenna was sweet and charming, and when the conversation got around to children, Jenna excitedly whipped out her cell phone to share pictures of her little girl.

  Wait until Julie hears about this, Nikki thought. Not only am I sharing a table with Channing Tatum, but I’m talking to his wife about breast-feeding! Unbelievable!

  After a delicious meal and another glass of champagne, Nikki felt completely relaxed. She didn’t even flinch when Leonardo (Leo, to his friends) sauntered over to their table to say hello. Nate introduced Nikki to Leo, giving her knee a squeeze under the table as if to remind her that she was taken. Silly man!

  A short while later, a board member of the Los Angeles Children’s Hospital made a touching speech and thanked the attendees for their generous support. Nikki glanced over at Nate with pride; so far, she had only seen him use his celebrity status to benefit other people, not himself. It was just one more thing she loved about him. After that, the lights were dimmed, and the musicians started playing from their unobtrusive position in one corner of the room. The first song was a slow ballad that brought many couples to the dance floor.

  Jenna excused herself to make a phone call to the babysitter while Channing got up to mingle. The other two couples at their table were busy talking among themselves, so Nikki and Nate were allowed a few moments of privacy.

  “Are you having a good time, gorgeous?” Nate asked, pulling her chair closer to his.

  “I am. The setting is magnificent, and the people are all so friendly.”

  “Hmm… the people? Like Leo and Chan?”

  Nikki’s eyes sparkled at him, but not for the reason he thought. “Leo was my high-school crush, and Chan is Julie’s crush, so you have nothing to worry about. Besides, I only have eyes for you, and if you want proof, I’ll give it to you later.”

  Nate’s smile lit up his face as he pulled her to standing. “Let’s dance,” he said, leading them out to the dance floor.

  When Nate’s arms went around her, Nikki felt like all was right with the world. She molded her body to his and inhaled his clean, masculine scent. Nate’s hand pressed into her lower back, and she truly felt like a princess as he held her close, swaying to the music. She caught a flash of red out of the corner of her eye and spotted Tess and Austin on the opposite side of the dance floor. Tess had both arms clasped tightly around Austin’s neck, and he beamed down at her like she was the only woman in the room.

  The slow song ended, and a more upbeat one began when Nate asked Nikki if she wanted to step outside. Always glad for a moment alone with him, Nikki nodded yes, and Nate whisked her through the crowd and onto a cement patio, where a few other couples were milling about. They walked hand in hand to a flight of stairs that led down to the grounds.

  “How are your feet holding up?” Nate asked, motioning to her heels.

  “Surprisingly well,” she answered as they started down the steps. She would have to thank Tess again for hooking her up with the Louboutins. She had noticed a lot of other red soles in the ballroom that night.

  When they reached the bottom of the steps, Nate leaned against the cement pillar and pulled her back into his chest, wrapping his arms around her from behind. “Look up,” he said, pointing to the sky.

  Nikki leaned her head back and took in the dazzling display above them. It was the kind of night where every star seemed to shine brighter than the previous one. The moon was full and radiant, and the faintest sound of music drifted out from the ballroom. Nikki felt like she was in a movie scene, which was appropriate given the handsome actor that was standing behind her.

  The star charm on her bracelet brushed against her skin, and then it dawned on her. “The star jewelry, it symbolizes something, doesn’t it?”

  Nate’s deep chuckle rumbled in his chest. “You just now realized that?”

  “Hey, give me a break. It’s been a hectic day.”

  “Yes, the star shape is to remind you that you’re the brightest star in my world and…”


  “And that the most important movie I could ever make is the one starring you and me.”

  Nikki turned herself around to face him. This time, she didn’t even try to stop the tears from rolling down her cheeks. She entwined her arms around his neck and kissed him gently on the lips. “I love you so much, Nate Collins,” she breathed as the stars twinkled all around them.

  After their intimate moment under the stars, Nate and Nikki were anxious to be alone, so they returned to the ballroom to say their goodbyes. Jenna hugged Nikki and offered to have her and Nate over for dinner the next time they we
re in L.A. Nate and Channing were bent over the table as Channing scribbled something on a cocktail napkin. Once finished, Nate took it and tucked it inside his jacket pocket. Nikki made a mental note to ask Nate about it later, because the news had obviously spread that they were leaving, and all Nate’s friends were lined up to say goodbye.

  Nikki hugged Tess especially hard and thanked her again for all of her help.

  “Sweetie, you’re beautiful without all the frosting,” she said. “It’s one of the reasons Nate loves you so much.”

  Nikki giggled at the term frosting, but she warmed at the sentiment. She now knew that Nate loved her whether they were in her world or his. Nikes or Louboutin’s, Michigan or California, quiet dinners at home or extravagant events, it didn’t matter. Wherever they were together, that was home.

  Chapter 49 - Epilogue

  “Everybody to the living room, it’s time to open presents.” Nate was good at projecting his voice, and everybody stopped what they were doing and headed to the living room. When they were all gathered around the fireplace, Nikki nestled against Nate’s side and breathed a sigh of contentment. The whole family was in Clarkston for Christmas: Nate and Nikki’s parents, Nate’s two brothers, their wives and five children, and Dylan, Julie, and Alexa. Bentley was having a field day, jumping from one person’s lap to the next, going wherever he could garner the most attention.

  Thank God they’d been able to close on the house before the holiday; otherwise, all of them would be crammed into Nikki’s smaller house next door. Nate’s plan to buy the rental house had gone off without a hitch. Jack was more than willing to sell, especially since it was a full-price cash offer. He and his wife were probably in Atlanta right now enjoying Christmas with their son, so it worked out well for everyone.

  Nate’s older brothers, Brian and Randy, had flown in with their wives and kids yesterday and would be staying at Nikki’s house for the few days they were in town. Nikki had been nervous about meeting everyone at once, but she found Brian and Randy to be just as warm and easygoing as their brother. They gave Nate a hard time about everything, just like Dylan did with her, so she could easily relate. Nikki was anxious to spend some time getting to know their wives better. They had planned a ladies’ lunch for the following day, and the guys were relegated to babysitting duty. Julie was thrilled to be invited too; she was already plotting a combination lunch/shopping day.

  Since she was thinking of Julie, Nikki nudged Nate and whispered, “Let’s have Julie open her gift first.”

  “Great idea,” Nate said. He walked over to the Christmas tree and brought out Julie’s gift. He winked as he handed the box to Julie and said, “You’re welcome.”

  “What? I haven’t even opened it yet!”

  “I guarantee you’re going to thank me. Go ahead, open it.”

  Nate rejoined Nikki on the couch and swung his arm over her shoulder. Nikki pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and got ready to snap what she was sure would become a priceless photo.

  Julie eyed them suspiciously before tearing off the paper and cautiously opening the lid. Her eyes grew as big as saucers, and her mouth fell open, but not a sound peeped out. Boom… and then the delayed reaction kicked in. Julie jumped up and down and flapped her arms like she was about to take flight. She let out a high-pitched screech as she continued her crazy dance of joy.

  “Well, what is it?” Dylan asked, somewhat embarrassed by his wife’s jubilant reaction.

  Julie pulled the cocktail napkin out of the box and read it aloud.

  Dear Julie, Nate says you’re one of my biggest fans. If you’re ever in L.A., I’d love to meet you. Take care! Channing Tatum

  Nate and Nikki high-fived each other as the rest of their family looked on in amusement. After Julie calmed down, Nate shared the story of how he’d asked for Chan’s autograph the night of the charity ball.

  “When I told him it was for my future sister-in-law, he was more than happy to do it.”

  Wait, what? What did he just say? Nikki wasn’t sure she’d heard him right. Did Nate just say future sister-in-law? The entire room had gone silent, and now everyone was staring at them, a mixture of surprise and joy on their faces.

  “Yes, you all heard right,” Nate continued, unaffected by the sudden attention, his hazel eyes locked on Nikki.

  Nikki’s hands had flown up to her mouth, and her heart felt like it would pound right out of her chest. Everything after that seemed to happen in slow motion. Nate backed up to the Christmas tree and extracted a small, professionally wrapped box from behind the mound of other gifts.

  Nikki was vaguely aware of Julie’s voice in the background whispering, “OMG, OMG, OMG.”

  She was rendered speechless as Nate sauntered back over to her and dropped down on one knee.

  “What is he doing?” Alexa asked loudly.

  “Shh, you’ll see in a minute baby,” Julie replied.

  Even Bentley sensed the importance of the moment. He curled contentedly into Alexa’s lap and directed his eyes toward Nate and Nikki, like everyone else.

  “Nicole…” Nate began earnestly.

  “Yes,” she shouted, finally finding her voice. “A thousand times, yes!”

  A rumble of laughter broke out, but Nate ignored it.

  “I haven’t even asked you the question yet,” he protested, unable to stop the grin from spreading across his handsome face.

  “I’m saving you the time because I love you, Nate, and there’s no doubt in my mind. I love you more than anything, and I want to be with you forever.”

  “She stole my lines,” he said gruffly amidst the sound of their family’s laughter. Nate pulled open the lid and lifted a hefty princess cut diamond ring from the box.

  There was a collective sigh as Nikki held out her left hand and Nate slid the gorgeous sparkler on her ring finger. She gazed down at the ring and back up into the twinkling hazel eyes that she adored and then flung her arms around Nate, almost toppling them both to the floor.

  The noise in the room rose up around them, but they were too enraptured with each other to notice. Foreheads pressed together, Nikki felt the first tear slide down her cheek, and Nate gently swiped it away with his thumb.

  “I’ve got you,” he said softly, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.

  “And I’ve got you,” she whispered, “forever.”




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