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Bring Me You

Page 5

by Ryleigh Andrews

  “Hi, sweets,” his comforting voice came over the line.

  “Hi,” she replied sleepily, her head still a little fuzzy.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “Yeah, but it’s okay,” she said, feeling Ethan stir next to her. He rolled over and put an arm around her waist, caressing her stomach with the dance of his fingertips. She swiftly stopped the moan bubbling to the surface. With just a simple touch, this man aroused her.

  “I was just calling to see if you needed a ride this morning.”

  “Oh, no,” she said, thinking of where she was right now. “I’ll drive myself. It’s not a problem. Thank you, though, for the offer.”

  “Anytime, sweets. I guess I’ll see you at ten-thirty.”

  “I’ll see you later.”

  Mia closed the phone, glancing at the time before placing it back in her purse. Eight in the morning. She had some time yet.

  Ethan pulled her back to him. “Good morning,” he said against her ear. She felt his hardness against her lower back and she exhaled, thrilled with what she felt. They would definitely have some fun together—at some point.

  She rolled around to face him, the beginning of a smile tipping the corners of her mouth. His severe case of bed head was so damn adorable, she wanted to rake her fingers through it and muss it up some more.

  “Good morning,” she replied, her hand resting on his side. He held onto her and took her mouth in a playful kiss. She kissed him back, wanting more than the kisses and the caresses.

  “Who was on the phone?” he asked after finally releasing her lips.

  She kissed him quickly before answering. “Luke. I’m meeting him this morning for brunch.”

  “Oh yeah? Brunch?” he asked, his eyes lighting up in interest.

  “Would you like to come with?” she asked without thinking.

  “I wouldn’t want to intrude …”

  “You wouldn’t be. Come. Please?” she pleaded, not wanting to part from him yet, pressing her body to his.

  “Ahh … you are not playing fair. I’ll come.”

  Mia kissed his rough chin, before pressing her lips to his, caressing his mouth more than kissing it. His arms wrapped around her waist, her skin tingling from where he touched her.

  She felt his erection against her belly and she let out a soft moan. No doubt about it, she definitely wanted more. She pulled him closer to her as she increased the intensity of the kiss, teasingly rubbing her stomach against him. His low groan vibrated against her mouth.

  “You are not very nice,” he said, rolling them over so he hovered above her. She smiled up at him, her hands clutching at the neck of his white undershirt.

  “No, not really,” she said, pulling him down and possessing his lips again. They lazily explored each other’s mouth, the intensity increasing the longer they kissed.

  “What time is brunch?” he asked during a breather. After he spoke, his mouth found her shoulder, sucking and nipping on the skin.

  “Uh …” she whimpered, trying to think straight but his lips were currently making that close to impossible. “Ten-thirty.”

  “Then we have a little time, right?” he asked with a grin.

  “For what?” she asked, intrigued by his smile.

  “This,” he said, pushing up her dress and trailing his fingers up and down her legs, alternating between the pads of his fingers and his nails.

  “It?” she asked hopefully. He stopped kissing her collarbone and chuckled heartily.

  “No, not ‘it.’”

  “Damn!” she swore. A girl could hope. “A little preview perhaps?”

  He rubbed his hard cock between her legs.

  Oh, God! Yes!

  Mia was really, really going to enjoy having him inside of her when it finally happened. She really wished she wasn’t wearing any underwear so she could feel that sensation just a little better.

  “Oh, God,” she moaned against his ear, when the tip of his cock rubbed against her swollen clit.

  “This might have been a mistake,” he said, capturing her mouth in a deep kiss as they moved against each other. Mia held him to her, knowing he could easily break their intimate contact. She wanted him right where he was, between her legs.

  “It’s not a mistake,” she said, moaning loudly, her body tensing. She gripped his shoulders as a mini quake pulsed through her. Damn! She needed more.

  “Okay, stopping now. Preview is over!” he stated, looking flustered.

  “No!” she moaned, holding him to her.

  “We both need a cold shower.”

  “Together?” she asked, kissing his jaw.

  “Uh,” he stammered as her lips continued along his jaw line. She was tormenting the poor guy, she could tell. So she stopped.

  “Maybe separate showers would be better?”

  He cleared his throat. “Maybe,” he agreed reluctantly, resting his head on her chest.

  When he didn’t move, she called his name. “Ethan?”

  “Don’t mind me. I’m just fighting with myself right now. The part of me that said we should take things slow is about ready to forfeit.”

  “Let me save you,” she said, pushing him up. “Come on, shower.”

  Ethan grumpily rose from the couch and extended a helping hand to her. She frowned a little at his cross face.

  He led her through one of the guest bedrooms to the bathroom.

  “No peeking,” she teased.

  He smiled and her desire was flamed again. “I’ll be just down the hall when you’re done and after that we can head to your hotel.”

  “Okay,” she said as he grudgingly backed out of the bathroom and closed the door.

  Mia mouthed the words ‘oh my God’ and began to undress. She was definitely taking a very long and very cold shower.

  Ethan pulled his truck into the parking lot behind the restaurant. Mia jumped out and waited for Ethan at the front of the Ford.

  The Sunday morning air chilled her and she was thankful when he grasped her hand, instantly warming her up. They walked quickly to the restaurant's entrance.

  The smiling hostess greeted them warmly. “Good morning!”

  “Hi! Reservation for Luke Stapleton,” Mia replied.

  “Right this way. It appears a member of your party has already arrived.”

  They followed the hostess to their table where Luke waited. Mia observed Luke's raised eyebrows as he rose out of his seat to greet her. He embraced her and whispered in her ear.


  “Uh, I saw Ethan on my way here and invited him. Hope you don't mind?” she replied, looking up at the patient face of her best friend.

  “Not a problem at all. But it’s also a load of crap!” Luke smiled at her and then extended his hand to Ethan.

  “How are you, Ethan?”

  “Doing good,” he replied, pumping Luke's hand.

  Ethan released Luke's hand and pulled out a chair for Mia. She took the offered seat. Luke leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Fun night?”

  She kissed his cheek and quietly said, “Yes.”

  Mia could tell by his questioning eyes he wanted to know more. She just smiled sweetly at him.

  The two men sat on either side of her. Surrounded by two very handsome men … not a bad way to start her morning, Mia thought smugly.

  The waitress arrived and introduced herself. Mia hid her smile as she observed the girl checking out Ethan and Luke.

  “Would you like some coffee this morning?”

  Mia nodded as did Ethan. “Three coffees, please,” Luke answered.

  “Okay then. Three coffees. I'll go get them and give you a chance to look over the menu.”

  Mia opened the menu while Ethan and Luke chatted about last night's basketball game. Now there was a sport she just did not get. Everything looked like a foul and she couldn’t stand the screeching of the shoes on the floor. It hurt her tender ears.

  As she regarded the two men talking, Mia wondered how well Luke and Ethan knew ea
ch other because they seemed quite friendly, like they did this sort of thing often.

  The waitress returned with their coffees and took their orders. Mia ordered the banana pancakes and Luke and Ethan ordered manly omelets with lots of meat. Typical, she thought.

  She added a little cream to her coffee and stirred it absently, looking at Ethan and Luke. Ethan caught her eye and smiled.

  “So Mia, how long are you in town?” asked Ethan.

  “Until Friday,” she replied, raising the hot coffee mug to her lips and taking a hesitant sip. Ahh, caffeine, she thought, swallowing the delicious drink.

  “Why so long?”

  Mia smiled tenderly at Luke. “I get to spend Tuesday with my obnoxious best friend and his beautiful little girl,” she said, gesturing at Luke.

  “Wait! Obnoxious? Really?" Luke interjected.

  “You're lucky Kaitlyn is your daughter … otherwise I don't know if I'd even be hanging out with you," she joked.

  Ethan laughed along. “I see you have a way with women, Luke. You're single, right?”

  “Excited about your show on Friday?” Luke turned to Mia, completely ignoring Ethan and changing the subject.

  It was Ethan's turn to interrupt. “You have a show on Friday?”

  “Yep!” she answered. “I’m excited but also a little nervous. I've heard that someone from TBD Records might be there. Guess he’ll be in town for some sporting event. Anyway, I was planning on playing some new material, but now I’m not so sure.”

  “Why?” Ethan asked.

  “We haven’t practiced it that much,” she said with emphasis, “and never in front of a live audience.”

  “Let me ask one question. How do you feel about the new stuff?” he shot back.

  “Great. I think it’s the best I’ve written so far. I feel really good about it.”

  “Then I think you should perform it.”

  “I like your reasoning,” Mia laughed. What would it hurt? It needed to be played at some point and why not now?

  Their food arrived and the aroma overwhelmed her. Her pancakes looked as good as they smelled. She waited impatiently for the waitress to give the men their food so she could eat.

  After a few bites, she directed her attention to Ethan. “Would you come to my show on Friday? I’d love to have you there. Pretty please?” she asked, playfully batting her eyelashes.

  “I’d love to be there,” he replied with a cheerful grin.

  “Well that's great!” she exclaimed, turning to Luke. “See, I got you a date, and you said I wasn't a good wingman,” she said with a wink.

  The shocked looks she received from them made her bubble over with laughter. She took another bite of her yummy pancakes, still laughing.

  “The looks on your faces … priceless!”

  “Oh, hush your mouth and eat,” Luke said playfully.

  That's what Mia basically did until the check came. She let Ethan and Luke fight over the bill while she finished her coffee.

  “Okay, I've got to go to a birthday party. Are you sure you don't want to come with me?” Luke asked, lightly grabbing her wrist.

  “Uh, no thank you,” Mia replied laughingly. It was definitely in everyone’s best interest that she and Kaitlyn’s mother, Taylor, kept their interactions to a bare minimum. “Taylor and I should not be in the same room together—ever again.”

  “A good girl fight is what every party needs …” he joked.

  “No, not going.”

  “Fine,” he pouted. “See you on Tuesday. We'll pick you up around eleven.”

  “I can't wait to see Kaitlyn … or to see you again for that matter,” she added quickly.

  “Whatever,” he said, enveloping her in his arms.

  “Tell Kaitlyn I love her,” she directed and kissed him on the cheek. “And pass that kiss on to her.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Later, sweets.”


  The drive back to the hotel had Ethan filled with excitement. He doubted he would be able to keep his hands off Mia until they got to the room. To know that she wanted to see more of him made him want her even more. He was excited about her show on Friday. She was completely irresistible. She lit up and passion exuded from her when she talked about her music. He hoped she was just as passionate, no—wait, more passionate in bed.

  While he drove, she messed with the radio. He liked having his very own personal car DJ. She went from the oldies station, playing “That’ll Be the Day” by Buddy Holly to the Top 40 station playing some song by some boy band. He wasn’t current with music to know which boy band they were even listening to, though he was proud that he actually did know that it was boys doing the singing. All this was just during the commercials from the alternative rock station.

  “I can’t stand commercials. Nor do I like the DJ’s,” she explained when he asked. “Too much talk about absolute non-sense. Give me the artist and the song title and then shut the hell up.”

  “You seem to feel rather strongly about this,” he said, turning left. She laughed jovially and went back to the alt rock station.

  “What type of music are you interested in?”

  “To be honest, I like pretty much everything, though I do lean towards alternative rock.”

  Ethan liked hearing about her musical tastes. Mia didn’t realize it but she was teaching him more about the different genres. He had to admit that he was pretty pathetic when it came to his knowledge of music. It never really interested him before, but coming from her gorgeous lips, he drank it in.

  He approached the street leading to her hotel. He did not want to part from her. But he didn’t want to appear too needy either. Play it cool, Ethan.

  “So …” he started.

  Mia turned her angelic face to him. “So?”

  “Am I just dropping you off or …” he said, smiling, remembering last night and this morning. He enjoyed her caresses, her wonderful, mind-numbing kisses that only allowed him to think of her. Even without her lips on his, he could only think of her. He could easily become addicted to her, but he didn’t mind since the addiction was so sweet.

  “Or you can stop by my hotel for a bit?” she offered.

  “Hmm … I think I’d like that.”

  “I’m so glad you made that decision,” she said jokingly. Ethan lightly slapped at her leg. She placed her hand on top of his and he flipped her hand so their palms touched. He entwined his fingers with hers and held her hand the rest of the ride to the hotel. He only let go to put the truck in park.

  He took charge getting them to her room, punching her floor number and then the button to close the elevator doors. The need to be alone with her overwhelmed him.

  Ethan stared at her standing in the corner across from him. Her hair was up off her shoulders and the view of her long neck enticed him, called to him and he listened. Taking the couple strides to her, he placed his mouth on her sweet throat. He couldn’t get enough of the soft moans she murmured against his ear as he worked his lips along her drumming pulse, up along her jaw line to the small area behind her ear.

  The elevator chimed and opened on her floor. He quickly grabbed her hand and led them to her room. She slipped the key in the slot, opening the door.

  Walking in after her, he pushed the door closed and turned to find her tidying up. He scanned her room, eying her belongings, the two guitars near the over-sized chair, a notebook open on the floor near an acoustic guitar. A pink robe hanging on the bathroom door caught his attention. He imagined it dwarfing her when she wore it.

  “I’m sorry about the mess. I really haven’t had a chance to get things in order yet,” she said, picking up some of the clothes lying on the bed. He put a hand on her forearm, stopping her.

  “Mia, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.”

  She shrugged and tossed her clothes into a discrete corner. Ethan took her hand and led her further into the room.

  “Really not much room in here is there?” she said, an endearing nervousness emanatin
g from her. Ethan glanced around, seeing that the only seating available in her room was the lone chair currently occupied with her guitar, the sofa which housed her guitar cases, and the empty king bed. He knew where he wanted to go.

  “Do we need a lot of room?” he asked in answer. Ethan pulled her closer. She tilted her head, looking at him quickly, before lowering her thick, black lashes. He had to kiss her, feel her lips upon his, the softness of them, and the life they brought to him. Cupping her chin, he guided her face up, then leaned down to kiss her, softly, faintly tasting the maple syrup from her breakfast.

  As he continued to kiss her, he moved them closer to the bed, his hands on her hips guiding her. He sat on the edge, slowly reclining back, bringing her with him.

  She cradled him between her legs, her chocolate eyes capturing his. He hadn’t noticed the faint scar below her right eye that ran from the edge of her eye to her hair line. He reached up and lightly traced the scar, wondering how she received it, watching her long lashes cover her beautiful eyes as he touched her.

  “How did you get this scar?” he asked, his finger still upon it.

  “Teenage stupidity,” she replied, leaning down and placing her lips beneath his chin, sucking on the tender skin.

  He moaned a little, but he knew she was only distracting him.

  “Like?” he pressed further.

  “Nothing I would like to discuss right now. We’re kind of in the middle of something …” she said, lifting her face to look at him and smiling.

  “Some other time then,” he said, not wanting to push.

  He kissed her deeply as her hands slid under his shirt, touching him, hesitantly at first, and then her touch became more brazen, pushing his shirt higher. She studied him and her eyes told him what she wanted. He quickly removed his shirt and she stopped what she was doing and just stared at him.

  “What?” he asked, feeling a bit unsure.

  “You. Are … Wow!” Mia said, her smile wide.

  “And that’s good?”

  “Very good,” she replied as she dipped her head and kissed his chest.

  Oh, God, he thought, feeling himself grow harder with her kiss, his cock pulsing between her legs. He grabbed her waist, kneading it as she explored him with her electric mouth.


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