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Bring Me You

Page 15

by Ryleigh Andrews

  Ethan had him put the cart near the bed. The blushing waiter wouldn’t look directly at Mia, but she did catch him glance her way a couple times. Oh, God, she thought miserably, hoping this would hurry up and be over.

  “Thank you, Mr. Christopher,” the waiter said after Ethan settled the bill.

  “I hope you tipped him very well,” Mia said as soon as the waiter left, scooting to the edge of the bed, her mouth watering from the wonderful scent of all their food.

  Watching Ethan open the bottle of wine, she tried not to get turned on by the way his forearms moved with each turn of the corkscrew.

  He poured the first glass and handed it to her. She smiled before taking a drink of the golden wine while he poured a glass for himself. He put the wine in the ice bucket and went to sit by her.

  “This smells so good!” he exclaimed, lifting the covers off the food. “Dig in.”

  They ate their meal quietly, observing each other. Mia hadn’t realized how hungry she had been and quickly finished her chicken and salad. Ethan must have ordered like four meals. He continued to eat as she reclined against the headboard, sipping her wine and watching this fit man eat for four. His appetite was enormous. Guess she had worn him out, she thought giddily.

  When he finished, he laid back on the bed, gazing up at her. She smiled fondly at him, running her fingers through his still damp hair. A small smile came to his face as his eyes closed.

  “I’ve really missed you,” he said quietly.

  “You have?”

  “Yes, I’ve been seriously counting the days until I could get out here to be with you.”

  “So, that’s what you’ve been doing with your days, eh?” she asked with mock seriousness.

  “Not entirely. What about you and your days?”

  “Oh, I’ve had many daydreams about being in your arms and stuff,” she said, running her index finger down the side of his face.

  His eyes opened wide at that. “Is that your way of telling me you missed me too?”

  She leaned down and slowly drank from his lips. “No, that kiss is only one of the ways.”

  “What are the others?” he asked, a broad grin flirting with his mouth. She undid her robe and slipped out of it.

  “Want to see?” she challenged.

  “Hell yes!” he replied, pulling her into his arms.

  Ethan kept his word and took her dress shopping the next day. He bought her so many clothes. Mia felt like Julia Roberts’ character, Vivian, in Pretty Woman when Richard Gere took her shopping on Rodeo Drive, except Mia was definitely not in a hooker outfit. She wore a simple white and mint chevron maxi dress.

  “I thought we were shopping for a dress for your event tomorrow night,” she said as she saw the many shopping bags in the limo’s trunk. He’d spoiled her. So many pretty clothes.

  “We are! But I need to replace the panties I tore.”

  “Have you even bought those yet?” Mia asked, cocking her head.

  “Uh … no,” Ethan said thoughtfully. “Come on, one more store. The dress is in there. I can feel it!”

  Taking her much smaller hand in his, they set off. Lots of dresses assaulted her as they entered the boutique; the choices overwhelming. Ethan pulled her to the sales associate and did all the talking.

  While Ethan talked, Mia looked around, searching for her favorite color—pink. When, like a spotlight shining down upon it, she spotted the dress. Letting go of Ethan’s hand, she glided across the floor to look at it. The blush pink color was perfect. She had to try it on right away!

  “Ethan?” she called out.

  He turned his attention away from the saleswoman to her. “Hmm?”

  “I’d like to try this one,” she started.

  “Size six?” the saleswoman asked.

  “Uh, yes,” Mia replied stunned. It freaked her out each time it had ever happened to her.

  The salesperson ushered Mia into the spacious fitting area. Ethan sat down on the sofa as the owner brought Mia the dress.

  “This is one of my new designs. We just put it out on display this morning. You will be the first to try it out.”

  Mia smiled as the owner and not the salesperson placed the dress on the hook in the room. She closed the door as she left. “Let me know if you need any anything.”

  “Thank you,” Mia replied as she started to undress.

  “So, suga, need any help in there?” she heard his sexy voice through the closed door. God, did she love it when he called her suga.

  “I think I can manage, suga,” she joked.

  She heard his chuckle and then turned her attention back to the dress. Her eyes widened when she noticed the open back. She unhooked her bra. No need for one of those with this dress, she thought, tossing it onto the chair.

  Carefully removing the gown from the hanger, Mia stepped into it and shimmied it over her hips and then her breasts, fastening it behind her neck. She regarded herself in the mirror and quickly adjusted the girls. She didn’t need to show the world her nipples.

  The dress might need to be hemmed up a little and if she wore some really high heels, it might be perfect.

  She called for the owner and let her into the dressing room.

  “Oh wow! You look absolutely stunning in it! Your skin tone and hair! Just gorgeous!”

  “It’s a bit long …”

  “No big deal. I can have that taken care of in no time.”

  “I need it for tomorrow evening.”

  “We’ll have it delivered to you in the morning,” she replied reassuringly.


  “Yes, my dear,” she smiled at her, taking a quick measurement.

  She helped Mia unfasten the dress. Mia waited for her to leave, but it appeared that the owner would be waiting for the gown. So Mia went with it and disrobed. She gave the gown to the owner and she disappeared from the dressing room.

  “You will love the gown on her!” Mia heard the owner tell Ethan.

  Mia put her clothes back on and headed out to Ethan. He looked confused. “Wait! Don’t I get to see you in it?”

  She bent down and smacked her lips to his. “Tomorrow.”

  “Just for that, you pay for it.”

  “No problem,” she said, making her way to the front of the store.

  He pulled her back to him. “I’m kidding,” he said, wrapping her in a quick embrace. He led her up front and paid for the gown, giving them the hotel information so the dress could be dropped off. They then finished off their shopping trip with some much needed accessories—shoes, a handbag, and lots and lots of panties.

  Mia stood in the large bathroom, finishing putting on her makeup. Tonight was the night of Ethan’s charity event. She knew that she would be in front of the cameras, so she took extra care getting ready.

  The owner of Skylar Ray’s was true to her word and delivered the gown earlier that day. Mia turned to stare at it on the back of the door. It really was a stunning dress. She felt a little apprehension putting it on. It made her feel like a princess. Nothing wrong with that feeling. She just wasn’t used to it.

  “Now or never, Mia,” she said to herself, taking it off the padded hanger and, for the second time, she stepped into the opening, the blush pink satin fabric easily gliding over her smooth skin. She could tell right away that the gown length was much better. With her heels on, it would be a little under an inch above the ground.

  The halter gown had a deep V-neck that ended at the middle of her torso. She really hoped her breasts wouldn’t make an appearance tonight, as she adjusted them and the crystal bejeweled clip that held the two sides of the dress together.

  Mia slipped on her silver jeweled sandal heels, really noticing the thigh-high slit in the gown over her left leg. She decided to slather some extra lotion over that leg.

  She released her hair from the loose ponytail she had while putting on her makeup. She did her long chocolate brown hair in loose waves that rested over the open back of the dress. The only piece of jew
elry Mia wore was the diamond bracelet that Luke had bought for her years ago. The gown was adorned in enough crystals on the cleavage, waist, and back that any more jewelry would just be overkill.

  Ethan knocked on the door. “Are you ready?”

  “Just about,” Mia replied, checking herself one last time. Her sex-obsessed mind was now picturing how hot Ethan was going to look in his tux.

  Time to find out, she thought, opening the door.

  “Oh my God,” they swore in unison.

  “What?” she asked self-consciously. He went to her and lightly kissed her lips.

  “You, suga, are absolutely breathtaking. This dress … WOW! That’s all that comes to mind. Just wow!”

  She regarded him in his extremely well-fitted tuxedo. The black and white and tanned skin combo made her mouth-water. His light brown hair was combed messily back, his face freshly shaven.

  She traced her fingers along his smooth jaw, his whiskey-colored eyes closing at her touch. “So soft,” Mia murmured as she laid her hand flat against his cheek. He covered her hand with his own and turned it, placing his warm lips upon it.

  With his free hand, Ethan pulled her closer. Her eyes shot open at his loud intake of breath as his hand touched the bare skin of her back.

  “Turn,” he ordered, stepping back from her. Her cheeks warmed as she compiled.

  “Oh, dear Lord,” he muttered.

  “Ethan?” she queried, looking behind her and seeing his tortured face.

  “Damn it. I don’t want to go now. I just want to stare at you and then when I’m done looking at you, I, uh, want to …”

  “Fuck me?” she supplied, watching his face flush.

  “You’re damn right!”

  She giggled as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “I can’t believe you couldn’t say it. It’s not hard.”

  “Oh, yes it is,” he said, groaning against her bare back, holding her close.

  Mia inhaled sharply when she felt what he had meant.

  “Ethan, I cannot be the good one here tonight. There are things I can and want to do right now,” she said, her voice thick with desire. “And I do not have the best willpower.”

  Sighing heavily against her hair, he squeezed her tight, making sure she felt his hardness one last time. “Okay, let’s go before I change my mind.”

  Mia felt like she was about to go on stage. Her nerves were eating at her. She remained silent most of the limo ride to the event. Her mind focused on Ethan’s hand placed strategically on the slit of her dress. She knew that things would explode once they returned to the hotel later that night. She couldn’t wait.

  She peeked out the window as the limo started to slow down. Her eyes widened at all the people. The chaos. All very hectic. Taking a deep breath, she swallowed as the limo stopped in front of the red carpet.

  “Here we go,” Ethan stated, kissing her cheek.

  Someone opened the limo door and Ethan got out first. The noise level increased drastically, his name being shouted by fans. She scooted across the seat and took his proffered hand and exited the limo. She smiled up at him gratefully.

  Her eyes took their time to adjust to all the flashes. He clasped her hand with his and they started their way down the red carpet.

  Not so bad, she thought. Let’s hope it stays this way.

  Up ahead were the many photographers, reporters and other celebrities. She totally forgot that there would be celebrities here. How could she have missed that fact? Mia spotted many familiar faces. Act cool, she thought. They are normal people, just like you.

  There was a queue of people ahead of them being interviewed.

  “Just a few stops,” Ethan said against her ear.

  “Whatever you need to do,” she said. “I’m just trying to take it all in.”

  As they slowly made their way along the red carpet, people shouted at Ethan to turn their way. He’d flash them his beautiful smile and they carried on.

  It continued like that until they went past the cameras and photographers to the television crews. Their first stop was with one of the popular entertainment shows.

  Mia stood a bit behind Ethan but he wouldn’t allow her to hide. He pulled her to his side and held her firmly there. She shook her head and smiled at him.

  The reporter asked him the standard questions about why he was there tonight and whether he was excited for the upcoming UFL season.

  “Now, Ethan, I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful woman you’ve got by your side. Are you going to introduce her to America?”

  “This wonderful lady is Mia Devereux,” he replied. She smiled and blushed at their attention.

  “You both are making me blush with these compliments,” she said jokingly.

  “Mia, who are you wearing?”

  She rattled off the name of the designer, thinking how much her life had changed in the past two months. Soon this would be her life—red carpets, premieres, photographers, interviews. A bit overwhelming, but definitely much better than working for an ass and hating her job.


  Indianapolis, September 2006

  Mia made her way through the players’ parking lot, searching for Ethan’s new car. She spotted the sleek white Audi R8 and headed towards it. She hopped on the hood and waited for him to meet her so they could return home.

  Her first football game as the quarterback’s girlfriend was now over. The Flash won but she felt like she had been raked over the coals. Each time Ethan got hit or sacked, she felt like throwing up. Hopefully, as she saw more games that feeling wouldn’t be as bad.

  But, for the most part, Mia enjoyed being there. She was so proud of Ethan. How could she not be? He was a magnificent football player. The way he looked as he searched for an open receiver; his moves evading the defensive tackles. Yeah, if she was being honest, it totally turned her on.

  The Flash now had a record of three wins and one loss. Mia wished she could have seen the earlier games but she’d been so busy in Chicago with rehearsals for her upcoming tour. Two weeks, she thought, tucking her leg underneath the other. She was excited for her tour, but at the same time, she was sad to be apart from Ethan.

  Things between them had been fantastic. Better than she’d ever thought was possible. After he’d left Los Angeles, she spent most of her time thinking about when she’d be able to see him next, touch him again. Well, not entirely the case. There was a lot of time spent finishing up their album, playing shows, and making a video for their first single, “Feels So Good.”

  Mia returned to Chicago in June and Ethan visited her for a nice long time, staying with her in her little studio apartment. The small place was a non-issue because for the first three days of his visit, they left the bed for necessities only—food, bathroom visits, and showers.

  She smiled thinking about all the sex and conversations they had. It had been wonderful, lying naked on the mattress, the fan blowing on them as they talked about anything and everything. One topic led to another which normally led to more sex and then even more conversation.

  Eventually, they got out of bed and boy, did he spoil her. He took her shopping and bought her way too many beautiful clothes. Ethan took her to some of the best restaurants in the city. They enjoyed the museums, a baseball game, and many walks along the lake. She took him to the Taste of Chicago and watched him have a blast. He ate so much food and in turn, she had more than she normally would. He made her try everything he got. She chuckled remembering him call it “Heaven on Earth.”

  Her time with him made her forget that she had responsibilities … getting back to Los Angeles, taking care of all the things they needed to as a band and there was a lot.

  She missed him the entire time she had been away, like a part of her was physically missing. That’s what he had become—a part of her—and her heart ached when he was not with her. Their time together in Chicago began to cement his status in her life and her return to Indianapolis further cured it.

  Despite being so completely cr
azy, Mia had loved the rest of the summer. Their first single had been released and made its way into the Top Twenty, and then the release of their album, All of the Above, had followed not too long after that. She’d done a lot of promoting for the album and, in the fall, they would be going on a small U.S. tour.

  All that plus the rehearsals took up a lot of her time, but whenever she could, Mia was in Indianapolis. Ethan made sure she stayed with him and with him, she felt home.

  As did being able to spend a lot of quality time with Luke and Kaitlyn. Mia spent her days with them while Ethan was at training camp. This time with them was a gift. She really bonded with Kaitlyn. She savored everything they did and they did a lot: trips to the zoo, museums, carnivals, baseball games, and lots of pool time. She got to be there for the first time Kaitlyn swam across the pool all by herself and the time she went on a carnival ride solo.

  Her favorite memories were the nights she got to put Kaitlyn to bed. Mia snuggled her close and would sing her to sleep. She loved that little girl so much.

  Evenings were spent with Ethan. She loved how wonderful it felt to fall asleep in his arms. She’d never felt so safe; so protected. She knew he cared for her and she for him. Who was she kidding? She loved him.

  She loved the way he smiled at her, his eyes always twinkling with merriment and mischief. His eyes mesmerized her with the way he let her see into his soul. She loved his sense of humor. He could always, without fail, make her laugh. She loved the way he possessed her with his touch. She loved that together they were two history nerds and could spend hours talking about the past. She loved that he raved about her music, that he took an interest in it and began to learn about it and the industry. She loved that he thought she was beautiful. She loved that he said that he wanted all of her. There were so many more reasons. She could probably fill up a notebook with them all.

  The sheer amount of feelings she had for him was truly terrifying. She loved him and had for a long time, but she hadn’t been able to say those three little words.


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