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Page 18

by Terry Compton

The bartender knew who Captain was. After a few credits crossed his palm, he pointed him out. Josh saw the man's bare arms sticking out of a faded, rumpled uniform coat with the sleeves cut off. The back and front of the arms were covered in protrusions that looked like very sharp thorns.

  Josh noted that his arms didn't look too muscular. He studied his head as the Captain locked gazes with him. Two yellow reptilian eyes with vertical irises set midway on the head stared back at Josh. The head was a flat triangular wedge shape that tapered wider and thicker from the mouth/nose area. The alien had a flat ridge that flared two inches wide, following the jaw to completely circle the head. The flat ridge had the same sharp barbs along the edge as the arms had. The back of the wedge-shaped head held two sharp, twelve-inch long horns which curved to the back.

  After the man dropped his gaze to the drink on the table, Josh walked to his booth. When the man looked up, Josh said, "Captain, I'd like to buy you a drink."

  "What for?"

  "I hear you tell some fine tales about old spaceships. I'd like to hear those stories if you have the time."

  "I have nothing but time. Sit down."

  "How about you come join us over there? My friends want to hear these stories, too."

  Josh thought the man might refuse but after a few seconds, he stiffly rose to his feet. His six-foot three-inch frame limped awkwardly to the table and slid in beside Lemmy.

  The Captain said, "How did such a lovely lady all decked out in the latest capitol fashion wind up here?"

  Lemmy's ears flapped in embarrassment. Cherry studied the Captain carefully before he asked, "Where did you hear about the latest capitol fashions?"

  "My legs leave much to be desired in motor skills, but my ears still work. The little lady still hasn't answered my question."

  Lemmy quietly said, "I came to hear your stories."

  The Captain said, "After you had a good meal."

  Belle's crews' eyes widened in surprise. Josh said, "Your ears must work very well."

  "They do and I believe I heard something about a drink."

  Josh motioned for the bartender to bring another round. The Captain eyed them as they waited. He took a drink and savored it for a long minute before he spoke again, "Why do you want to hear long-dead tales of old ships?"

  Josh and Cherry looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes. When both gave a slight nod, Josh said, "We recently acquired an old ship that needs a few parts. We thought this might be a good way to track some of them down."

  The Captain smirked, "Why don't you use some of those pallets of gold and silver? They should buy a lot of parts."

  Josh's jaw tightened, "Because we need specialized parts that most places don't carry. We're going to have to salvage most of those parts. How did you know about our transaction?"

  "Like I said, my ears still work. Half the city here knows about those pallets. You'll most likely have some company later tonight to make sure they're tucked into bed nice and tight."

  Josh smirked, "If someone does come checking, they'll be singing a loud lullaby to it."

  "You seem mighty sure of yourself."

  "We've had a little experience keeping what's ours. The ones who wanted it decided we should keep it."

  The Captain said, "I think you might at that. You look like a species that I've heard a lot about lately. Where are you from?"

  "My folks came from Earth in the Milky Way galaxy."

  "I thought so. These others around here have no idea who they're messing with, do they?"

  Josh hedged, "I'm not sure what you mean."

  "You're driving an old Alcantaran spaceship. You're a human. I thought the stories said the big one was a Sandghost and the little one a Mis'stear, but they could have been wrong."

  "No, that's not us. I am a human, but Cherry here is an android and my partner. Lemmy there is an Ezrawe. She's our ship's engineer."

  The Captain took a big swig of his drink and looked them over again. He said, "So there's more than one group of you blasting around the stars. Who are you?"

  Josh said, "I'm Josh Gunn and this is my partner, Cherry Kang. That's Lemmy Felafel."

  Lemmy said, "You always forget Demmy. That's him standing there. Demmy Deladel."

  The Captain only raised an eyebrow at Josh. Josh gave a small shrug. The Captain nodded slightly. He asked, "How did you come to own an Alcantaran ship?"

  Josh said, "We had a run in with some pirates and our other ship crashed. We found Lemmy and the ship there. Since our other ship wasn't in any shape to fly, we got this one going."

  "Where did you say you found her?"

  Josh's mouth tightened, "I didn't."

  "Good enough. I take it that it wasn't close around here because I haven't heard of any recent pirate activity."

  Cherry said, "No, you could say it was light years from here."

  "Didn't your other ship have any teeth?"

  Josh said, "Yeah we had some. Just not enough for the five of them."

  "Hmmm, you like long odds? How did they fare?"

  Josh said, "We're here, they're not."

  "Either you have a lot of luck or you have a little skill."

  Cherry said, "We like to think it's a combination of the two."

  The Captain drained the last of his drink. When Josh waved the bartender over, the Captain said, "You should get one for the other little fella."

  Josh hesitated then realized the Captain was talking about Demmy. He ordered the drink and sat it next to Lemmy when it came. After the Captain had another sip, Josh said, "About those stories…"

  "Aw, the stories. Well, when I first started making the rounds as a trader, I remember this one time. My captain didn't have the skill, luck or gumption that you two have. When four pirates came after us, he ran."

  Taking another sip of his drink, he continued, "They pressed us really hard. My captain tried every trick in the book to shake them. I was on the sensors giving him updates as he flew. He headed straight for the sun. Flew so close I thought we were going to cook.

  "At the last minute, he swung around it and used the slingshot effect to get away. Now, before you ask, I'll tell you why that's so important. That sun had a planet right up close. Nothing more than a burnt cinder, but there on the backside I saw something. Just a quick glance, but I snapped a picture. The old man didn't want to hear about it so I kept it for myself."

  He paused to take a drink. After he sat the glass down, he glanced at Lemmy who sat with her mouth open. He said, "I enhanced and blew up the image later. I want to tell you that was some spaceship I saw sitting there."

  Josh asked, "How do you know it's still there?"

  "I don't for sure, but the two fools who tried to get to it radioed that they saw it before their ships burst into flames. They tried to sneak in slow and careful."

  Cherry asked, "What could you tell from your pictures? Did the ship have holes? Why do you think it was sitting so near the sun?"

  "I never did figure out why it was there. Maybe they ran out of fuel and put her down before they went into the sun. Maybe they like some place hot. Get that ship out of there and look at the log. It should tell you."

  Lemmy asked, "Do you think it might be an Alcantaran ship?"

  "I'm pretty sure it is."

  Josh asked, "What would you want for the coordinates to that ship?"

  The Captain rubbed his jaw, being careful not to go against the grain of those thorns. He said, "I don't know. I know I need to know you a little better before I say. I don't want to be responsible for three more deaths based on my old stories."

  Disappointment flashed across three faces. Josh tried again, "Do you have any other stories?"

  "Not tonight. Maybe tomorrow."

  Cherry asked, "Do you know where we could get some up-to-date star charts around here?"

  The Captain gave him a strange glance. He said, "Yeah, Vidar has a pretty fair spaceport. They'll
have that."

  The Captain paused and listened. When Josh started to say something, he held up his hand. At last he said, "We've got more company. You seem to attract company."

  Josh asked, "What do you mean?"

  "Didn't you hear that spaceship come in? And before you ask, it's not the shuttle. It's something bigger."

  The Captain used his arms to help shove his way to his feet. He said, "It's time for me to be getting home. Thanks for the drink. Maybe I'll see you in here tomorrow. Maybe I'll even feel more like telling stories."

  The three sat there watching his hunched shape limp to the door. Cherry said, "What do you think?"

  Josh said, "I think he knows a lot more than he's telling. I suspect we'll be spending a lot of time in this tavern."

  Lemmy said, "He's a good man but troubled. I think that spaceship landing is connected with his past trouble."

  Cherry looked at her, "And how do you know that? Did Demmy tell you?"

  "No, I just know."

  The bartender came over to see if they wanted any more drinks. When Josh shook his head, he picked up the empty glasses. As the man walked away, Josh asked, "Lemmy, do you think we should follow him?"

  "I don't know things like that. I just know he's in trouble."

  Josh and Cherry shared a look then stood to their feet. Lemmy followed behind. As they walked out the door, they spotted the Captain walking down the block. Several drunks staggered out of an establishment. They moved between the three and the Captain as they made their way to another tavern.

  People moved all along the sidewalk, so Josh, Cherry and Lemmy crossed the street between vehicles and followed the Captain. Cherry nudged Josh. He said, "See them in the doorway across the street?"

  "There's two on this side behind us."

  Lemmy turned her head to look around. She said, "All I see are locals squandering their paychecks."

  Cherry mocked, "That's alright, little one. You just keep telling us which ones are good and which ones are bad."

  Lemmy stuck her tongue out at him. She quipped, "Josh is a good one. Twinkles is bad."

  Cherry said, "Josh, how long are we going to put up with this? Are we going to take the initiative or let them make their play?"

  "Take the initiative but not here. Too many witnesses."

  Lemmy's ears flattened against her head. She asked, "What are you going to do?"

  Cherry said, "Teach some people that they shouldn't mess with us."

  The Captain turned down a side street. Josh said, "Cherry, do you have a sensor you could put on him?"

  Cherry hesitated for a few seconds then said, "It's done. Now we can start our lessons."

  Lemmy said, "Don't you think we should call the police? Wait, guys, don't go down there. It's dark."

  The three turned the opposite way the Captain had. Before they were half-way down the block, the three aliens who had been tailing them turned into the street. A vehicle turned the corner ahead.

  The vehicle's lights were off and it barreled at them. The three thugs behind broke into a run. As the vehicle screeched to a stop, Josh and Cherry did the unexpected. They rushed the vehicle as two occupants started to climb out. Lemmy dropped to the sidewalk in the fetal position.

  Cherry vaulted over the vehicle to the passenger side while Josh went to the driver's side. Cherry slammed the door into the passenger. He heard the crunch of broken bones in the thug's face. Cherry struck again, punching him in his injured nose. The man collapsed to the ground. Cherry kicked him in the head, ensuring that the being would stay unconscious for a few minutes.

  Meanwhile, Josh had drawn his blaster as he sprinted. He banged the barrel into the driver's head and watched him slump to the ground. Josh grabbed him and punched him in the face several times. The man drooped back to the ground like a wet noodle when Josh released him.

  Cherry whirled to face the other three, bringing the tangler to his shoulder. Before he could fire, the thugs reached Lemmy. One grabbed her by the collar, jerking her upright while another pulled a blaster. The third grabbed at her arm.

  Josh and Cherry stared in stunned surprise at what happened next. The one with the blaster raised it to point in their direction. Out of nowhere, Lemmy's vibro-knife flashed into view. The man's wrist, hand holding the blaster and the blaster dropped to the ground.

  The man holding her arm released it when the vibor-blade touched his elbow. He leaped to the side to get away. He bumped the one holding her collar, causing him to stumble and almost fall. Lemmy dropped to the ground. The blade flashed again and the man who had been holding her collar let out a scream as he bounded back. Cherry saw that the ends of his shoes had been cut off and suspected toes were missing as well.

  The man knocked Lemmy's hat off when he jumped. With an audible snarl, she grabbed something from it. Four shots followed. She hit both men twice. Swinging the weapon to the one who sat in the street holding the stump of his arm, she shot him twice.

  Josh looked at Cherry. "I think we might have been underestimating someone."


  They cautiously walked up to her. Josh asked, "Lemmy, are you alright?"

  "I am now, thanks to Demmy." She bent over to pick up her hat. "Look at this, they wrecked my hat and I think I have blood on my pants and new shoes."

  Josh said, "That's alright. We'll get you some new ones."

  "Not on this planet. Their stuff is too dull and boring."

  As she walked toward the vehicle, Cherry muttered, "A psychiatrist would be able to fill several books with her case study. She is certifiably insane. I think we'd better get out of here."

  "We need to take out the trash. Lemmy, what did you shoot these apes with?"

  "I didn't, but Demmy used a stingerray. They'll be alright in a few hours – except for that fierce headache."

  Cherry rolled his eyes at Josh. His under-skin lights blazed a bright red. Josh said, "At least these idiots provided us with transportation. Let's get those two loaded first then these. Lemmy, blast those other two. We don't want them waking up to cause problems."

  "I couldn't do that —" She stopped when she saw his look. "But I can let Demmy use my stingerray."

  Josh and Cherry swiftly moved to start loading the two by the vehicle after she had shot them. They stuffed them in the trunk. Cherry pulled the vehicle forward while Josh walked up to the other three. He glanced down the street in both directions. Seeing it empty, he stepped up to the one with the missing hand.

  He pulled his blaster and set it on the lowest setting. Holding the man's stump out, he blasted the end cauterizing it. Going to the one with toes missing, he did the same thing. Cherry helped him stuff the two wounded thugs – including the severed hand – in the trunk. There was no room for the third.

  They wound up stuffing him in the floorboards in the rear seat. They pushed Lemmy in the seat. She wrinkled her nose at that indignity. She held her feet up on the seat away from the man's body.

  Josh jumped in the driver's seat while Cherry slid into the passenger seat. Josh asked, "Now where did the Captain get to?

  Cherry used his comm to pull up the video from the sensor. He said, "Uhh oh, we have a problem."

  Josh asked, "What?"

  "He's four blocks away and I can see another vehicle following him. A goon just jumped out behind him —"

  Josh didn't wait. He accelerated away. Barely slowing at the well-lit street, he almost hit a drunk trying to stagger across. The vehicle picked up even more speed as Cherry relayed details of the scene ahead.

  Josh said, "I see them. They're stopping."

  Cherry yelled, "They just shot him. He's down."

  The vehicle slewed to the left as Josh jammed on the brakes. His window faced the rear of the other vehicle. He jerked his blaster out and opened fire. The attacker on the street leaned into the vehicle for protection.

  Cherry stepped out of his door and
fired the tangler. A sticky web flew through the air, wrapping around the one leaning on the vehicle. The web stuck to the vehicle as well, pinning the attacker there.

  Josh continued to pour blasts into the rear of the other vehicle. The back window shattered and scattered glass everywhere. Two more blasts blew the windshield out. The other vehicle shot ahead dragging the one stuck on the outside. They could hear his screams as his feet drug on the pavement.

  Cherry trotted to the Captain with his tangler held at the ready. Stooping over the old alien, he checked for a pulse. He yelled, "He's just stunned. They must have used a stingerray on him."

  Josh pulled up next to him and jumped out. Together they eased him into the back seat. Lemmy had to move out the other door as she tried to help them. Josh trotted around to the driver's seat and Cherry sat down in the passenger side.

  Lemmy asked, "Where am I going to sit? There's no room in the back."

  Josh growled, "Sit on Cherry's lap."

  "But, but —"

  "Sit or walk, it's your choice. You have two seconds."

  Lemmy hurried around to the other side and gingerly climbed into Cherry's lap. Cherry snarled, "Take that stupid hat off. If that feather goes up my nose, I'll throw it out the window."

  "You might as well. It's ruined."

  Josh said, "Shut up you two. Nobody's throwing anything out. Throw it in the back seat. So far, we haven't left any evidence. Let's get out of here before we do.

  Chapter 19


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