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The Therapist (7) (Chase Walker)

Page 4

by J. A. Belfield

  He knew it would.

  Plucking at the edge of her underwear, he slid a finger over the wet flesh beneath, and did a shit job of containing his next groan when more of her juices poured out and coated his skin.

  Beneath the thin cotton, he guided his finger up to her clit, circled the rigid bud, slipped right back down, where he dipped just the tip of his finger into the pool of enticement.

  At another suck of her mouth around his cock, his hips jerked downward. His entire body heated at the grunt she gave when he drove home against her throat.

  Fuck, he loved that sound. He loved it even more when coming from Abi, and that just made him want to hear it a whole lot more.

  Drawing his hips back, he poised above her as he toyed with the rim of her cunt. With the plunge of his cock deep into her mouth, he dipped his fingertip back into Abi’s pussy, thrilling at the way she lifted her ass off the bed like she needed more.

  Hell, she’d only to say and Chase would’ve given her anything she damned well wanted.

  Wrapping his supporting arm around her ass, he hooked a finger around her undies and tugged them all the way aside. As he thrust down with his hips again, he lowered his face and delved his tongue into Abi’s soaked pussy, fast, creating a rhythm that had them both writhing for the ultimate high and grunting out their effort. With each plunge of his hips, his cock throbbed harder. His balls cinched tighter. His supporting limbs shook that little bit more.

  With each fuck of his tongue, Abi forced her hips up a little higher. Planted her heels in a little deeper. And grew wetter and fucking wetter by the second, until Chase pulled back for a half beat, his chin rolling across her overexcited clit, just so he could watch the cum pouring from her pussy.

  Because it would pour. He’d make sure of it.

  Teeth gritted, he sank his tongue inside her again. And again. Curling it enough to stroke over her ever-tightening walls and fill his mouth with her nectar, a nectar he gulped down like he’d been starved for its taste without even realising.

  At the same time, he rammed his cock into her wet mouth so deep, her lips hugged his balls for a brief moment before he withdrew.

  Around the thickness of his girth, muffled whimpers and slow-released moans crept out, and Chase upped his pace. Both his hips and his tongue thrusting like a couple of bastards that had his whole body tense and his jaw locked wide and his teeth scraping across the soft flesh surrounding Abi’s cunt as she twitched her clit across his chin like she’d found a rhythm of her own.

  Her gasp blasted around his phallus on his next pull back. Her knees lifted until her toes scarcely reached the bed. Beneath him, her hips drove a manic journey of upward thrusts, her ass fidgeting all over the place, and Chase knew she was close. Knew only a couple more seconds, then she’d be his.

  Driving his tongue into her, he worked a hand beneath his throat and found her clit. Gave tiny slaps against her solid bud in a way that heightened her cries and had all kinds of sparkly shit happening in his head as he continued to fuck her mouth just as fast and hard as his tongue fucked her.

  As soon as the walls of her pussy began clenching, he knew he had her, but still, he kept pumping into her. Faster. Deeper. Those fingers of his working the shit out of her clit, until her moaning gasps evolved into a muffled scream and her legs railed at the air like she tried to grab hold and lock him in place.

  Not giving her a chance to fall from her high, Chase shifted his fingers back and flicked over her stiffened tip, then gave gentle slaps, until her scream became a continuous vibration along his cock, and her legs all but wrapped around his shoulders, her entire body locked up tight as a fountain of cum sprayed from her pussy to fill his mouth and soak his face, spraying upward and outward like a mofo and covering just about anything it could fucking reach.

  Yes! He wanted to shout it out. Fucking yes.

  Instead, he just kept on at her clit between pumping his tongue back within the erratic pulsing of her cunt, while fucking her mouth with a heightened desperation that had a string of grunts bubbling through his throat.

  He knew he’d be coming any second, but he’d be damned if he could do a single thing to stop it. Not anymore. It was too late.

  It’d been too late since the moment Abi had first unzipped his fly.

  At another wailing scream from Abi, his balls finally exploded the cum through his cock, and he held himself deep inside her mouth, something close to a bark blasting from him as he emptied himself against her throat.

  Her fingers clawed at his ass, but that only had his hips bucking against her, fucking the chasing juices from his cock, until his body admitted defeat—or victory—and he just stilled. His elbow somehow continuing to support him. His hand, his face, what seemed like his everywhere dripping in Abi’s cum. His body shaking like he had no control over it.

  Which about summed it up perfectly, didn’t it?

  For how many years had Chase kidded himself that he had a grip on himself? That he could hold his shit together.

  Certainly didn’t fucking seem that way right then.

  A muffled whimper cut through the descended quiet, and Chase slowly lifted his head.

  If he’d any doubt over what he’d just done with Abi being real, that got batted right out the field with that single sound.

  Because, no, he hadn’t made it up.

  No, it hadn’t just been one of his many sick fantasies playing out inside his head.

  He really had made Abi come so hard she’d turned into a fucking geyser.

  He really had fucked her mouth so hard, he’d seen a bloody super nova behind his eyes.

  And his cock was still in Abi’s mouth. Still so deep she couldn’t even speak.

  What the holy fuck had he just done?

  The door to the session room burst open, and Rae marched in wearing a whole new level of pissed off like it was a suit she’d had tailored to fit. “All finished in here?” she asked, and Chase had no idea how she managed to sound so fucking amenable, given her expression.

  Offering what might’ve passed as a nod, he finally pushed himself up. His cock felt instantly cold as it slipped from Abi’s mouth. His soaked face felt cold. The rest of his body felt cold, too. Like he’d fallen into an ice pond and someone had blocked all means of escape.

  He didn’t want to look at Abi. He didn’t want to see what he’d just done to her in her face, written into grooves of distrust and disappointment.

  He had to, though. He, at least, owed her that.

  Rolling to the side, onto his knees, he dared glance at the woman he’d just let down beyond any of his past levels of failure, but even knowing what he’d done, how he’d fucked up, didn’t quite prepare him for the wide-eyed face-full of shock staring back at him. Her chest heaved, like she sucked in much-needed air. Her hands wrapped around nothing, like they’d stiffened into position as she’d clawed at his flesh. And her mouth … that beautiful mouth of hers stayed rounded and red and swollen as bloody hell.

  Chase had done that. He’d done it to her. He had no bloody clue what to say, where to even start. What the hell could he say to put right what had just happened?

  Unable to look at the ruin he’d caused any longer, he glanced toward where Rae stood watching the two of them like she had trouble reining her opinion in. An opinion that’d be warranted, no doubt.

  As if she sensed his uncertainty, she jerked her head toward the door. “If you want to go and get cleaned up, Mr Walker, I’ll have Samantha come in and help Ms O’Shay to the client bathroom.”

  Nodding as if on autopilot, Chase slid from the mattress, his knees thinking about giving up on him when he stood and made for the door. A part of him wondered why the hell he hadn’t bolted out of there like his arse was on fire, but he knew why, the second he paused at the door and peered back at Abi. Because more than anything, he wanted he and Abi to be anywhere but at his clinic. He wanted Rae and Sam to disappear and it just be the two of them, so he could stroke Abi’s hair, reassure it w
as okay, tell her how sorry he was—because it never should’ve been so fucking wild and out of control for her first sexual experience.

  It never should’ve been with him.

  He didn’t do any of those things, though. At a hard, warning glare from Rae, he slunk from the room like the slimy bastard he was and trod the walk of shame toward the staff showers.


  He knew she stood outside of the showers. Could sense the shifting of her shadow. Hear the quiet huff of her breaths. Ignoring her presence didn’t change the fact she was there, though. Didn’t change the fact she was waiting for him. Nor the fact that he’d brought enough shit into his own clinic to bury himself with.

  Knocking off the shower spray, he reached for a towel, heaved in a long breath, and turned to face the wrath of Rae.

  He didn’t even get far enough to make eye contact, when pain blasted through his face, and he stumbled back a step, his fingers instantly reaching for the spot aside his lip where she’d hit. Not even bothering to push away from the tiles, he dared lift his gaze to hers and almost recoiled at the fury shooting at him like a heat-seeking torpedo.

  “You cock-sucking, granny-fucking idiot of a wanker.” She pointed at him like she could gut him with her finger alone. “You have just risked everything.” Stepping into the shower, she shoved both her hands against his chest until his back bashed the tiles. “I hope it was worth it, you fucking fuck.” Picking up the towel from where it’d fallen, she chucked it at his middle. “Get dressed, look smart, and get your fucking arse into your office. You better make this okay before she leaves here today. D’you hear me, Walker?”

  Offering up a pathetic nod, Chase waited until she’d fired more glare missiles at him and walked away, before venturing out of the safety of the glass enclosure.

  Rae was right. He had risked everything. And despite his nod to her before she’d left, he doubted he had a hope in hell of putting any of it right.

  Because how could he ask Abi to forgive him, when he knew himself that what he’d done with her—to her—made him about as decent as a fucking cockroach.


  Chase didn’t know whether to sit, or stand, or pace the bloody room, as he waited for Sam to bring Abi in to him, so much so that, when the door clicked open, his feet almost left the floor in his spin to face them with his mouth already open. About as far as he got. Because, he realised, he still had no blooming clue what to say.

  Head tipped to the side, eyes one-hundred percent averted away—from everything, it seemed—Abi passed Sam, as she waved her forward, and stepped into his office.

  As Sam squinted in his direction, her message was clear in the slight jerk of her chin she gave in Abi’s direction. Sort this out.


  He’d made the mess. It was his job to tidy it up.

  Squaring his shoulders, he took a step toward Abi, but as soon as Sam closed the door on them, Abi’s gaze sliced its way to his.

  “I thought I was coming in here to apologise.” Her words seemed to sucker punch Chase straight in the chest, as a swallow worked its way along her throat. “But now I’m in here, I’m not sure I can.”

  The skin around his eyes tightened as he took another step closer. “I’m not sure I follow.”

  She pointed somewhere over her shoulder in a half-assed motion. “For in there.”

  His brow creased. “Abi …?”

  “But I’m not sorry. Not really.” She lifted her chin as if to enhance her own standing on that matter. “I’m not sorry I did what I did. I’m not sorry it happened …” Releasing a heavy sigh, she crossed the room and sank down onto the chaise longue. “And I really don’t know what that says about me as a person.”

  Her eyes shot back up to his, holding his gaze and conveying a whole lot of uncertainty and confusion, and Chase could only bring across a chair and plant his own arse down in front of her.

  “Do you want to discuss today’s session further?” He’d no idea how he slipped so easily back into the role of therapist, not after earlier, but it felt like the right thing to do in the moment. Like the angle Abi needed him to take.

  She gave a slight shrug of her shoulders. “Isn’t that how this goes?” she asked, breathing out a soft laugh. “I behave in a way I’ve never behaved before. You ask me if I liked it.”

  “Did you?” His whole body wound tight as he ducked his head a little closer, like his whole future relied on how she’d felt. Maybe it did.

  “I … I don’t—” Her features seemed to flex for an instant before relaxing again, and she gave a nod so minute he almost missed it. “In there,” she said, pointing off to her left, “it felt … surreal. Like it wasn’t quite happening to me, even though I was definitely experiencing it. Does that make sense?”

  Chase nodded. Because it did. “And now?” he asked.

  “I feel … I feel as though I did something sordid. Or something.”

  She had, on an Abi level. Right then, though, the totally selfish part of Chase was more interested in how readily she’d submitted to his touch. “Would you like to focus on how you felt during your session for a moment, then? How did it feel to you, during the act—aside from surreal?”

  “Electric,” she said, her hand instantly lifting to cover her face as she averted her eyes, but she didn’t quite manage to smother the smile she tried hiding.

  Reaching out, Chase tugged her hand down, placed it back in her lap. “Electric is a pretty good start. You want to expand on that?”

  Her chest lifted then lowered with the deep breath she took. Not quite meeting his gaze, she said, “It felt like my body was on fire. But in a good way.” She seemed to stare right into his soul as she asked, “Does it always feel like that?”

  That was a damned question and a half. He cleared his throat, considered where to start. “Before a person has any experience, they hear only what their friends tell them.” He briefly waved a hand toward her. “Or what they’ve researched. But friends only tell us what they want us to hear. And research too often makes it sound like we’re missing out if we’re not sexually active—which is very much the case. But only if you’re lucky enough to find someone you’re sexually compatible with.” Just as the earlier session had told him he was one-hundred percent compatible with Abi—because she’d nearly blown his fucking brains out with her touch. “And even more so if you’re lucky enough to have someone you connect with on a deeper level.” His brain chirped up that Abi fell into that category, too, but he mentally told himself to shut it. “It doesn’t always work out that way, though, especially if there’s a lack of mutual respect during the act. Because then one of the parties can end up feeling unfulfilled—and often disappointed enough to shy away from a reoccurrence. Which can then lead to feeling a lack of self-worth for having giving themselves up for something they didn’t think was worthy of their commitment. Or doubt in themselves, uncertainty that they might be the reason it wasn’t as great as they’d hope it would be.” He wound his finger around air. “It can become a bit of a vicious circle, you know? So … to answer your question, no. It doesn’t necessarily always feel like that.”

  “What if I want it to?”

  No wideness to her eyes. No tremble to her mouth. The question she’d asked had been done so in total seriousness, and Chase had no idea what to make of that. Hell, he didn’t even know what she was asking him—not really. Because there was definitely something underlying her words, and his jaw clenched as he swallowed down her question.

  Chase wanted nothing more than to ensure Abi had fantastic orgasms for the rest of her natural, but another week, or so, and that reassurance would be out of his hands. It already was, for God’s sake, because no way could he offer a repeat performance of what’d gone down during her session.

  “Sorry, Abi,” he said, choosing his words carefully, “but I can’t guarantee your sex life once …” … it’s not with me … “you’re no longer under my direction. The practice doesn’t work that way.”
/>   Her gaze dropped, like he’d disappointed her somehow. He probably had. “Shall we talk about how I feel now?” she asked, straightening her skirt.

  “How do you feel now?”

  Again with meeting his eyes. “Dirty.”

  Chase had no idea if her reply was a dig at him or a come on. “Dirty, how?”

  “Like … like I just participated in something I shouldn’t have.” Hadn’t they both? “And I’ll never tell another soul about it. Like …” She tapped a curled hand against her chest. “Like I never want to share it because it was my experience alone, and I want to keep it that way.”

  “Because you’re ashamed to share it?” He asked it gently—he definitely didn’t want to her to believe she should feel that way, but she shook her head.

  “Not ashamed. More …” Her eyes flicked upward, like she sought the answer on the ceiling above. “Privileged,” she said, her gaze dropping back down.

  Chase’s brow lowered. “Privileged?”

  He’d hoped she’d expand on that for him, but she merely added, “What happened during my session is private.” She didn’t say the word like she meant it to be nobody else’s business, though. More like she considered the act an experience she, and she alone, owned. As if she thought sharing it would make it less, somehow.

  Chase would’ve agreed wholeheartedly … if Sam had been in the observation room. At least Rae hadn’t seen the whole deal—though it probably wouldn’t have gone as far as it did, if she had. Sam had been on observer duty, and by the time she’d realised how deep Chase had sunk and ran off to grab Rae, the whole shebang with Abi had pretty much already hit its explosive proportions.

  Even so, he nodded to tell her he understood.

  Before he could summon more of a response, she asked, “Are you setting me homework this week, Mr Walker?”

  Chase just stared at her. His mouth might even have gaped a little. He wasn’t sure if her sudden swerving of the convo had him off-guard, or the fact that she talked like she considered returning for more. “Homework?”


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