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Haunting Melody

Page 13

by Mackenzie Reed

  With that last thought, Joshua closed his eyes and concentrated on a melody, any melody to take his mind off driving into her. Once he reached a semblance of calmness, Joshua leaned forward and swirled his tongue across her clit, smiling at her quick intake of breath and soft moan.

  While he licked and sucked her clit, he traced her labia with his finger spreading her juices all around then he inserted two fingers into her cunt. Her body instantly tightened around the invasive digits as it did his cock. In turn, he rapidly licked her, taking great pleasure in loving her with his mouth.

  His body was on fire, his need once again growing out of control. He wanted to slide up her body and sink into her tight depths with one hard thrust. But he also wanted to play. Joshua brought her to the brink time and again, letting her hover on the edge, and then stopped just short of taking her over. All afternoon and into the night he toyed with her, pleasuring her to the point of death. She was so beautiful in her passion. Her skin was coated with a thin sheen of perspiration and her breath came in short, quick gasps.

  Each time she moaned or called out his name, begging him to end the teasing, it fueled his hunger for her even more. He didn't know how much more he could stand before he had to sink deep inside her.

  * * * *

  She was in a place between reality and dreaming. Joshua's hot breath wafted over her heated flesh, his tongue touching every nerve, every erogenous zone. Her fists clenched in the silky, satiny sheets that she was squirming on, she cried out, whimpering for the release he was building inside her with each caress of his tongue on her sensitized flesh.

  Sweat drenched her naked body, her chest heaved, and her breathing came in pants as he pushed her close to the edge only to bring her back. He was toying with her and she knew it.

  “Joshua,” she panted. “Stop playing. Fuck me.”

  His chuckle against her aching flesh sent shock waves through her system bringing her ever closer to the elusive edge. Dammit! What the hell was he waiting for?

  She gasped and groaned when suddenly he plunged two fingers into her drenched flesh, filling her, and yet not. He continued to work her flesh with his tongue and fingers, playing her body like he played the piano. Stroking the keys, strumming her flesh like it was made for him, and creating a song that would have one hell of a crescendo if he ever let her go over.

  She began moving her hips against his plunging fingers, grinding herself closer and closer, wanting him to finish it, but not. His tongue licked her from front to back before once again centering on her clit. “Yes,” she moaned. “More. Give me more.” He obliged adding another finger to the two sliding in and out of her sensitive sheath. She could feel her climax approaching, reveled in the powerful waves of hunger and need drifting off Joshua as he feasted on her swollen, responsive flesh.

  His fingers stroked and plucked her flesh, building the climax higher and higher until without warning, she exploded. A rainbow of colors cascaded around her—a silent scream filled her mind as wave after wave of satisfaction coursed through her body. When she came back down to Earth it was to find Joshua still suckling her, his fingers still inside her highly stimulated flesh. Oh god! He was hurling her toward another orgasm.

  She cried out, her body arching from the bed, as Joshua continued his ministrations on her sensitive flesh. Her body shook with tremors that threatened to rattle her insides they were so strong, so violent.

  Her eyes widened in shock when another climax hit. This one was just as strong as the first. Her keening cries filled the bedroom, her eyes no longer seeing the ceiling, her mind no longer in the room. Just when she thought it was over, Joshua rose above her, spread her thighs wide and plunged deep, his thrust eliciting a scream of pleasure. His thick, hard dick slid in easily and bumped against her womb, he was so deep. She screamed with pleasure, loving the way he filled her. She grabbed his hips, and dug her nails into his flesh as he thrust into her body.

  “Yes,” she cried out. “Harder, deeper.”

  * * * *

  “Harder … deeper.”

  Her words pulled him back to the present. To the feel of her tight, wet channel gripping and caressing his dick like a lover. The energy flowed and ebbed between them with each stroke, each thrust. She was going to send him into sensory overload and damn, if he didn't want it.

  Sweat dripped from his brow onto her cheek. He leaned forward and licked it off, his tongue swirling over her cheek. She tasted salty and spicy. Would he ever get enough of her? He plunged in and out, his strokes smooth and even, hard and deep. He felt her climax starting. Her channel clasped him tight, almost too tight.


  He chuckled at her breathy demand. “Not yet, baby. I'm in charge, remember?” To emphasize his power, he slid all the way in and stopped. She tried to move beneath him, but he laid his body fully on hers, halting her movement.

  “Huh-uh, baby.” He nuzzled her ear and whispered. “I own this slick passage. It's mine. I say when you come.” He flexed his cock inside her. Her fingers dug into his cheeks making him wince. “Sheath the claws.” Either she didn't hear or didn't care because they continued to gouge him. He was going to have marks there.

  “Do it. Give it to me. All of you. Now.”

  Her words inflamed him even more than he thought possible. His blood on low simmer now overheated and boiled. His seed was boiling in his balls demanding release. With a slight movement, he rose up on his knees and starting thrusting hard. A couple of strokes and Devra came again, her climax triggering his own. He cried out his release, his hips pumping, grinding against her pelvis.

  He collapsed on top of her, too tired to move but knowing he had to. He kissed her neck, bit gently and moved to her side. His cock slid from her body with a slurping noise and rested against his thigh. He rolled to his back, one hand on his stomach, the other beneath Devra's head. He smiled when Devra rolled closer, draped an arm over his chest and a thigh over his cock. Just the touch of her skin against his caused his cock to stir. He groaned.

  “You're gonna kill me. If we keep this up, I'm just gonna burn up.” He turned his head to the side and looked his fill. Her hair was tousled and sexy, still damp from their earlier exertions. Her peaches-and-cream complexion sparkled like diamonds and her mouth was red and swollen from his kisses.

  “Damn, I love you.” He hadn't meant to say the words aloud but knew he had when her green eyes widened a fraction.

  “What… What did you say?”

  Hell. He hadn't meant to blurt it out like that. He wanted to romance her, make slow, sweet love to her. Then tell her he loved her. He mentally shrugged. In for a penny, in for a pound. Taking a deep breath, and letting it out slowly he repeated his words. “I love you. I think I have since that time in the hallway.” He chuckled at the memory.

  “You stood there all sexy and tough, and turned my insides out. I was so hot and horny I almost took you right there.”

  “Joshua, I don't know…” He covered her lips with his fingers.

  “Shh … it's okay. You don't have to say anything right now. I just wanted you to know how I feel about you.” He pulled her into his arms and held her close, the scent of their lovemaking surrounding them. He kissed her hair, enjoying the texture against his lips. “Go to sleep. We'll talk about it again.” He stroked her arm, the silky skin smooth under his fingers.

  He knew the minute she fell asleep. Her body relaxed fully against him, her hand on his chest was lax. Luxuriating in the closeness and the rightness of her being there in his arms, sleeping, trusting him, he vowed she would never have a reason not to trust him. And that included dealing with Damon.

  “I love you,” he whispered softly, knowing she couldn't hear him but wanting to say the words anyway.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Devra shifted in his arms, her breathing deep and even. He smiled against her hair and took a deep breath, breathing in the scent of her. She smelled of sex and woman, a combination he found hard to ignore. His cock stirred at
the thought of making love to her again, but he squelched the idea for now. As good as it sounded, he needed a clear head for the coming confrontation

  A confrontation that he neither wanted nor relished, but he had no choice. Damon had made sure of that when he had mind-raped Devra. Damn him! Josh's hand tightened on Devra's shoulder, causing her to whimper and stir. He loosened his grip and whispered, “Shh. Go back to sleep love.”

  Immediately her body eased and she slept soundly once again. He waited a moment to be sure and then quietly slipped from the bed. For just a moment, he stood there and watched her sleep. She really was beautiful. With a mental shake, he turned, gathered his clothes and silently padded into the bathroom and closed the door.

  He dressed quickly, his thoughts focused solely on Damon and what he was going to say. A feeling of sadness swept over Joshua at the loss of his childhood friend. A friend that Joshua thought would never do what he had done. But, he had. Even after he was told that Devra was Joshua's mate, his chosen one, Damon had gone behind his back and taken a part of her that was Joshua's alone.

  He crept silently out of the bedroom, took one last look at Devra sleeping in her bed and left. Once he was in the hallway, he closed his eyes and let his thoughts drift to Damon. He immediately found him and transported himself there. The smell of sex and booze filled the air of the spacious apartment. Grunts and moans could be heard from somewhere down the hall. Joshua thought about waiting for Damon to finish, but what the hell. It served him right.

  He strode down the hall, the moans becoming louder the closer he got to the door. At the doorway he stopped and simply waited for Damon to sense his presence. It didn't take long. Joshua knew the exact moment Damon sensed him. His smooth thrusts stopped and his head came up off the bed.

  “Ah, Joshua. Come to play?” Damon began fucking the woman once again.

  Joshua leaned against the doorjamb. “No, you go ahead. But, when you're done I want to talk to you.”

  “Almost done, aren't we, my pet?” His thrusts picked up and within a few moments he roared, his orgasm hitting him. She must have reached hers at the same moment, because her cries echoed Damon's.

  Joshua turned away in disgust, loathing the existence their kind was forced to endure. His mind reached out to Devra, touching her, feeling her, bringing a smile to his face. She was his salvation. Now that he had touched her, tasted her, known her, he would never go back to his former existence. Even if she left him tomorrow, he would die before feeding off anonymous, faceless women. He turned and went into Damon's living room.

  It was no more than a moment before he felt Damon behind him. “What troubles you, Joshua? I thought you would be between the thighs of your Devra, your cock sliding into her wet heat. She is a hot piece of pussy.”

  Anger roared through Joshua hot and heavy. How dare Damon speak of his mate like that? Without thought Joshua rushed Damon and wrapped his hands wrapped tightly around his friend's throat before Damon knew what hit him. “Do not ever speak her name again. What you did was wrong. I told you she was mine and I thought you understood.” He squeezed tighter. “I should kill you for what you did.”

  Damon's eyes flashed anger and something else—fear.

  Joshua tightened his hold. “You're not the friend I thought you were. A friend would not have harmed another's mate. A friend would not do what you have done. Damn you, Damon, how could you?”

  “It was so easy. She was ripe for the picking. I believe she enjoyed it very much.” His tone was nonchalant, uncaring.

  “Shut up, Damon. Just shut the fuck up before I forget we were once friends and kill you here and now.”

  Damon snarled. “Go ahead. It would be better than this hell I'm living in now.”

  Shocked, Joshua eased off his hold. “What are you talking about? I just caught you in bed with a beauty, screwing her brains out and feeding off a very high orgasm. And from the power rolling off you, she wasn't the first tonight either.”

  Damon gripped Joshua's wrists. Joshua winced as Damon's grip tightened a fraction. “Let go.”

  Joshua dropped his hands and stepped back, giving Damon room to breathe.

  “Why?” he asked. “Why did you do it?”

  Damon rubbed his aching throat. “Hell, I don't know. I guess I wanted to see if she was as highly charged as she was the other night. And maybe to get a rise out of you.

  “You wanted to see if she was charged? Does she look like a damn battery?”

  “That's not what I meant.” Damon looked away and Joshua wondered what was going on in his mind. Joshua was tempted to probe and read his thoughts but knew that was wrong. He just had to trust that Damon would tell him the truth. Joshua sensed strong turmoil coming from Damon.

  “Do you remember the rush, the heady since of power you felt the first time you entered a girl's mind while fucking her? The way her orgasm rolled over you like a tidal wave threatening to drown you in its wake?”

  When Damon turned back to face Joshua, the torment and agony on Damon's face nearly amazed Joshua. Joshua couldn't speak. He could only nod for him to continue.

  “When I walked into your house the other night, Devra's pleasure brought me to my knees. Literally! I hit the floor and couldn't get up. The power was so overwhelming, so intense, my skin felt like it was on fire. It was exhilarating and powerful all at the same time. I didn't intend to call her, but when I heard her voice, that deep sexy drawl, I couldn't resist temptation. And she is temptation in the purest form, my friend.”

  Joshua's anger flared. “She's mine. I told you she was mine and yet you still…” He clenched his fists tightly at his sides. “You took something that was mine and mine alone, Damon. Why? Did my words mean nothing to you? Does our friendship mean so little that you would do this?”

  He waited for Damon to say something or do something. Anything but sit there quietly.

  “I'm sorry, Joshua. I can only say it will never happen again.”

  Joshua shook Damon again. “Why? The truth this time.”

  Damon growled. “Do you really want to know the truth? Fine. I'm jealous. Are you happy now? I'm jealous that you and Roarke have found your mates and there's no one out there for me.”

  Joshua stood in stunned silence. He didn't know how to respond to Damon's outburst.

  “My body craves something … something that I'm not getting from these women.” He waved his hand in the air around him. “When I felt the power of Devra's orgasm all I could think about was that's what I'm missing.”

  “Why didn't you talk to me about this? I would have helped you.”

  Damon smiled sadly. “Helped me? How? You aren't going to share your mate, so how in the hell can you help me?”

  Damon was right. Joshua wouldn't share Devra. Surely there was something he could do? Maybe help Damon find his mate?

  “Damon, have you given any thoughts to finding your own mate?”

  “Yes.” Damon sighed. “But I just feel like I'm running out of time, or something.”

  Joshua cringed at the thought. He knew all too well what happened to those of his kind who didn't find their mates. They ended up dying, starving to death emotionally.

  “Joshua, I truly am sorry for what I did to Devra. She's a special lady and didn't deserve what I did. I promise you that it will never happen again.”

  “Can you? Can you honestly sit there and tell me that you won't get the urge or the desire to call Devra again? Can you promise me that if the compulsion strikes again you won't totally lose it and decide to really fuck my mate? To take what I hold dear and ruin it?”

  “I swear it to you.”

  For a moment neither of them spoke, they simply stared at each other. Joshua slowly relaxed his shoulders and body.

  “All right, Damon. I will trust your word.” He narrowed his eyes. “But, if you ever touch Devra in any way, ever again, all bets are off. I will kill you and not regret it one bit. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, I understand.” He opened his m
outh as if to say more but stopped.

  “Do you have something more to say to me?”

  “I would like to apologize to Devra.”

  “No. Absolutely not.”

  “I need to do this not only for your peace of mind or hers, but for mine.”

  “Okay. But only if I am there. I don't want you in a room alone with her, ever.”

  Damon nodded. “I understand, my friend, and I don't blame you. I will have to earn your trust once again.”

  “I'm playing next week at Michael's. My family will be there and so will Roarke and Melissa. I want them to meet Devra. You can join us there and apologize then.”

  He was about to leave when a soft gentle flutter touched his mind.

  Joshua, where are you?

  Devra! She was awake and calling to him. Warmth and happiness flooded his soul, her sweet voice a soothing balm to his battered soul.

  “She calls to you?”

  The corner of his mouth lifted into a smile. “Yes, she calls me. I have to go.” He turned to leave, but stopped and looked over his shoulder.

  “Remember what I said, Damon. Friend or not, the next time you harm my mate I will kill you.” With those parting words, Joshua closed his eyes and focused on home, and his woman.

  Within moments he was standing in the doorway to her bedroom. Even though it was close to total darkness in the room, with his enhanced sight, he could see Devra clearly, her naked form twisting and turning on the bed as she searched the darkened room for him. With just a thought, Joshua removed his clothes. He was about to call out when she tossed back the covers, revealing her naked form. He sucked in a breath and waited quietly for her next move.

  * * * *

  “Joshua? Where are you?” She called out and searched the dark corners of the room looking for him. Her gaze shifted toward the bathroom, but seeing no light figured he wasn't in there. She looked at the clock with its bright red numbers and noticed the time. “Where in the hell can he be at 3:00 a.m.?” She rolled to the side of the bed, slid her legs off the side and stood. The cool air brushed over her nakedness causing her to shiver and rub her arms.


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