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Good Stepbrother (Love #2)

Page 5

by Scarlett Jade

  “Ooh, I like this side of you. You pissed off is moderately hot. Are you going to hit me?”

  “Why would I hit you?” his face fell.

  “And just like that, you’re no longer appealing,” I sighed and leaned up against the slimy brick wall.

  “Why are you ruining my date?” He ran his hand through his hair and then jammed both hands in the pockets of his jeans.

  “Because I can.” I shrugged. That should’ve been obvious.

  “I don’t want you. I want to go on my date with Gabby, a girl who might actually want to get to know me and might actually care.”

  Ouch. The words hurt even though I knew he didn’t mean them at all. “You’re such a liar,” I whispered, pushing away from the wall.

  “I’m not a liar,” he insisted. “I don’t want you.”

  “You protest too much,” I murmured, rubbing my breasts against his chest. He kept his hands in his pockets like a good boy.

  “Leave me alone,” he begged me.

  “She’ll never make you hot like I do,” I whispered.

  “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

  “Because I don’t want anyone else to have you just in case I decide I want you later on.” I twined my arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes. “I just might.”

  “Who says I’ll be waiting on you?” he sneered.

  Smiling slowly, I whispered, “You will be.” My fingers trailed against his thigh and I chuckled, “You will be.”

  Kirby found us that way a few seconds later. “God dammit, Carter!” he growled, pulling us apart. I almost fell as he pushed me back. “What the hell’s wrong with you?” he yelled at Carter, and I assume at me too.

  He shook his head slowly, “I don’t know.”

  “You, Satan temptress, go the hell home. Leave Carter alone. Let him be happy. For Christ’s sakes!” Kirby screamed at me. Shrugging, I knew I’d done what I’d come for. I turned to leave. I had to pay my debt for a ride to the parlor. Glancing over my shoulder, I smiled at him one last time. “Think about what I said. You know it’s true.”

  Ambling out of the alleyway, I walked to Peter’s car and opened the door, sliding into the seat. “Let’s get out of here,” I sighed.

  “Where you wanna go, babe?” he asked, his hand sliding up and down my thigh.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I whispered, “Wherever you want to go.”

  Chapter Five

  I didn’t succeed in breaking up Carter and Gabby. But I would. I just had to figure out the best way to go about it. My opportunity came when he bought the window licker a bracelet for Christmas. It infuriated me that he bought her something and not me. So I decided to show him exactly how I felt about it. After he went to the garage, I went to the store and purchased the same bracelet down to the charms he’d picked for her.

  The next morning as I readied for school, I slipped the tacky bracelet into my pocket. If he gave her the present, I’d be ready. I stewed the whole morning, through all of my classes. They only had one class together, history, and I was in there too, so if he decided to give it to her, I’d interrupt them.

  He didn’t give her the gift until lunchtime. I pulled the bracelet out of my pocket and handed it to Britney. “Put this on me,” I whispered.

  “Ooh, cute!” she giggled, latching the metal around my delicate wrist. “Where’d you get it?”

  “Bought it,” I said abruptly. “Now watch a master at work…”

  “What are you doing?” Jennifer hissed as I stood slowly from the table.

  “Watch and learn how to break up a relationship, ladies…” I giggled and stalked across the cafeteria.

  “It’s perfect!” Gabby gasped, turning to her little friend and cooing over her present. I leaned over the table.

  “Ooh, let me see!” I murmured, grabbing Gabby’s wrist and pulling it up to my gaze. “Wow, Carter, double gifting? Tsk tsk!”

  “What?” Gabby asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

  “What are you talking about?” Carter growled.

  I released Gabby’s wrist and jangled the bracelet around my own. “Carter, that’s soooo original. A charm bracelet with a book and a heart. Just like mine. Isn’t my brother like, the sweetest?”

  Kirby looked at Carter open-mouthed. “You didn’t!”

  “I didn’t! She went in my coat!”

  “Come on, Carter, why do you paint me with such a nasty brush?” I stuck my bottom lip out then grinned. “That’s not what you tell me when we’re alone…”

  Gabby jumped up from the table and darted through the cafeteria, her sobs loud in the silence. “Dammit, Brielle!” he yelled. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Me? You got me a present. You got her the same one.” I blinked innocently.

  Mindy jumped up from the table. “You’re a bastard,” she hissed at Carter before running after her friend.

  Kirby shook his head as he left the table too. “What the fuck’s wrong with you?”

  “I didn’t!” he insisted. “I didn’t buy her that bracelet.”

  I plopped down across from him and examined the bracelet on my wrist. “It’s so pretty.”

  “Why did you do this?” he asked me weakly.

  “I told you. I might want you one day. I can’t have you thinking about plowing that little window licker. God forbid you impregnate her.” I tossed my hair and smiled sweetly. “Are you mad?”

  “Hell yes, I’m mad! You’re a psycho!” he growled, slapping his hand on the table.

  My smile faltered. “Maybe. But no one will believe that you didn’t buy this for me. Try me. I’ll tell them how you rubbed oil on my ass and how you jerk off thinking about me every night. You don’t want to cross me.”

  He recoiled like I slapped him. “I can’t believe you.”

  “Well, believe it. I get what I want. When and if I want it.” I blew him a kiss and hopped up from the table. “See you later, baby brother!” I hurried across the cafeteria and sat down with my girlfriends who hooted with laughter. “Take this off me. It’s done.”

  I watched Carter’s status in school burn to the ground. It was all over the school that he had the hots for me. I sort of hated hurting him, but he’d hurt me by being with that nose picker. All’s fair in love and war, you know.

  Peter and I continued on being hot and heavy, on and off, whenever I wanted or needed more E to get through life. I wasn’t exactly addicted, per se, but I liked to forget sometimes…okay most of the time. It made everything just disappear for a little while. It made me feel normal. I was so far from normal it was ridiculous.

  Winter ebbed and flowed around us. I spent time staring out the window at the snow swirling through the skies. Wrapping my arms around my knees, I thought about life, my least favorite thing to think about. It was almost Valentine’s Day and I was miserable. I didn’t really like Peter. I just liked what he offered me. Carter was just as miserable as I was; I could hear his emo music through the wall we shared. I needed to liven things up a little.

  Standing from my chair, I peeled off my clothes and picked out a sexy little nightie I had hidden in the bottom of my underwear drawer. It was see-through and would drive Carter insane. That was the plan, after all.

  I opened my door and tiptoed to his. Knocking softly, I called, “Carter?”

  “What?” he growled.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Sure. Door’s unlocked.” He sighed heavily and I almost felt bad for what I was about to do…almost.

  I ducked into his room and closed the door, leaning against it. “I need you,” I panted, and he jerked upright on his bed.

  “What?” His eyes flew wide and he swallowed.

  Narrowing my eyes, I toyed with the bow of my robe. “I need your opinion, Carter…is this sexy? I need to know for my boyfriend.” Peeling open the robe, I posed and watched his face.

  The desire I saw there nearly drove me insane. He wanted me, still.

  Blinking rapidly, he whispered, “
Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Is it sexy?” I asked, needing some sort of validation from him.

  “Of course it is. You know that. Why are you here?” Suddenly, he pushed himself off the bed and stormed across the room, pressing me against the door. “Why are you tormenting me?” he demanded, his voice low and hoarse. “You’ve taken everything from me. You’re driving me insane.”

  Oh Carter…I’m so sorry. I don’t know why I am the way I am, or why I keep hurting you. I want you but I can’t have you. I just can’t. Staring up at him I whispered sweetly, “I trust you not to take advantage of me.”

  He growled low in his throat. “You came in my room naked, and you want to talk about taking advantage? You’re taking advantage of me.”

  I shrugged. “I could scream. Who will they believe? You or me?”

  He backed away from me and rubbed his forehead. “Please stop doing this to me, Brielle. Please,” he begged. “You don’t want me.”

  “Maybe, maybe not,” I whispered. Oh, but I do. Desperately. I want to be the girl you so desperately need me to be. But I’m not. I never will be, and for that? I’m sorry.

  “Stop. I can’t take this anymore. This shit isn’t funny. I’ve got half a mind to go to my dad and tell him what you’re doing.”

  That pissed me off. “He won’t believe you. Because you see, I’ve already told them that you’re infatuated with me and I’m worried that you think we’ll be a couple.”

  “You did what?” he gasped.

  “Yeah, I have to protect myself. They think you’re a sick, damaged little boy who is obsessed with me. Which, in a way you are.” I giggled hoarsely and bent to pull on my robe.

  “What perverted pleasure are you getting out of this? Why would you hurt me this way? All I ever did was love you and take care of you.”

  His words wounded me as though he’d stabbed me in the heart. I blinked back tears and murmured, “See, that’s the problem, right there, Carter. You’re so damn good. You think everyone else is, too.” Darting out of his room, I ran back to mine and closed my door before I threw myself across the bed and stifled my sobs in my pillow.

  As much as I wanted him and wanted to be what he needed, I knew I never could be. But I couldn’t stop being a selfish, crazy bitch. No, I wanted him too much.

  Winter thawed into spring and life continued on. Ninth grade wasn’t really my favorite, I hated being at the bottom of the food chain again. I was inherently popular, of course, but the senior populars were the big ones. I was a small fish in a big pond and I was constantly trying to impress them. I was the height of fashion, stealing clothes my mother couldn’t afford to buy me. I never got caught. It was easy enough, I had Britney and Jennifer distract the cashier and I scoped out the store for security cameras. There was always one spot in the store that no one could see and that’s where I’d stuff my backpack full of clothes. Then I’d pass it off to one of the sweet, good little twins and they’d sashay out of the store. I’d follow a few minutes later after buying some token trinket, like nail polish. I had hundreds of bottles of cheap nail polish. I might’ve spent eighty bucks on that total. I had thousands of dollars in clothes.

  “Hey, you,” one of the seniors called me over to their table in the middle of April. She was Leslie Brownlow, and she was gorgeous. I aspired to be her. Platinum blonde hair, big blue eyes, huge boobs, and skinny.

  “Yeah?” I breathed, trying to play off that I was cool and collected.

  “You should think about joining the squad next year. I’m gonna be out of here and we need some fresh blood. What do you say?”

  Sweat broke out under my pits. No one ever got asked to join the squad. They had a list a mile long of rejects who wanted to shake their asses and pom poms at football games. They were asking me. Tossing my hair over my shoulder, I pursed my lips. “I’ll think about it.”

  Leslie nodded and grinned widely. “I like you, Bri Harper. You’re gonna sit with us for lunch from now on.”

  I almost fainted as I sat on the bench. For the rest of the year, I was privy to the most amazing conversations about boys, blowjobs, and hair. I felt a little bad that Britney and Jennifer weren’t asked to join us, but hey, they weren’t the Queen Bee of the ninth grade. I was. They were just my peons. They begged me to tell them what went on at the cheerleaders’ table.

  “Come on!” Britney pleaded. “Tell me! Are they just…awesome?” She clenched her chest and sighed.

  “I’m so jealous,” Jennifer pouted and as I speared her with a look, she brightened slightly. “But totally excited for you…”

  “If you girls play your cards right, you’ll be cheerleaders too. Of course, not in the tenth grade, but by the eleventh, for sure. By then I’ll be the team captain,” I reassured them. Truthfully, I doubted they’d ever get on the squad, but that appeased them for a while.

  “Your birthday is coming up soon,” Britney reminded me.

  “I know! Sweet sixteen. I want a car. I’m trying to get my father to buy me one, but he’s being a total douche,” I sighed. “Mom says she’ll see what they can do. I want a party. A big party. But they’re getting married so they’re focused on that. Ugh. I’m only sixteen once!”

  Britney nodded sympathetically. “My parents wanted to get a clown for my sweet sixteen. I was like, ‘Do you want me to be a social pariah?’”

  Chapter Six

  It was my birthday. I, Brielle Harper, was sixteen and beautiful. I was on top of the world. I did feel a slight twinge of guilt because Carter had worked on his car for months, and now he had to share it with me. But I didn’t dare show my feelings. Instead I crowed, “I’m going to get to drive my baby brother to school!”

  The crowd around me cheered and I grinned widely, surveying the dusky yard for him. He leaned against the side of the house, nursing a soda. Anger turned his full lips down and I decided that since it was my birthday I’d mess with him some more. He was beside his best friend, the fat leprechaun, Kirby. I’d mess with him too.

  Tottering over on my sky high heels, I cooed, “Hi, baby brother.”

  “I’m not your brother,” he growled and I grinned wider.

  “Thanks for the car.”

  “It wasn’t my fucking idea.” He rolled his eyes.

  “You mean you don’t want to be alone with me in a car?” I teased.

  “I don’t want to be around you at all, period. I hate you.”

  Ow. Shit, Carter. That one hurt. Do you really hate me? “You don’t hate me, Carter. You love me. You and I both know it. Hi, Kirbikins!” I waggled my fingers and backed away, a huge grin on my lips. “I’m going for a ride with the girls!” I squealed and all of my friends screamed in excitement. I was the only one with a car. We loaded up and my mother peered in the window.

  “Buckle up, Bri. Home by midnight. You need sleep.”

  “I know, Mom!” I rolled my eyes and started the car. Loud pop music poured from the speakers as we peeled out of the driveway. I had so much fun. We sang, waved our arms out the window and had a blast. I didn’t even use E that night. I was genuinely happy.

  “Carter seemed so mad about the car,” Britney piped up suddenly.

  And just like that all the wind knocked out of my balloon of happiness. “Yeah he did.”

  “Do you ever think about being nice to him?” she continued. “He’s really cute and…”

  I slammed on the brakes and shut off the radio. Pointing my finger in her face, I hissed, “Leave him alone.”

  “What! I just said he was cute!” she babbled.

  “He’s mine. Do you understand?”

  “He’s your stepbrother,” Jennifer sniffed. “That’s gross.”

  “It’s not like that. But you two cannot date him. Period. Understood?”

  “We get it,” Britney sighed. “Whatever.”

  I dropped them off at their houses and drove around Marysville aimlessly for an hour before curfew. Five minutes to midnight, I pulled up into the drive and cut the en
gine. I needed to talk to Carter. A tiny part of me felt guilty and I didn’t like it. Hurrying out of the car, I opened the front door quietly and tiptoed up the stairs. Knocking gently on his door, I peeked inside before he could answer me. “Can we talk?”

  “Could we not?” he snapped.

  Stepping into his room anyway, I closed his door and whispered, “It’s my birthday.”

  “So what? Do you want a cookie?”

  “You’re being mean.” I pouted.

  “You took my car.”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t take your car. Dad just let me own half of it.”

  He glared at me. “Don’t call him Dad.”

  “Why not?” Padding across the floor, I sat down on the edge of his bed. “Does it bother you?”

  “You know it does.”

  “Where’s my present?”

  “I didn’t get you one.”

  “Oh.” Damn, that’s harsh.

  “Why would I get someone I hate a birthday present?”

  I’m so sorry you hate me. “Do you really hate me, Carter?”

  “Sometimes. Most of the time.” He shrugged.

  “But not all of the time?” I asked hopefully.

  “When you’re not a psycho raging bitch, you’re all right, I guess.”

  I decided to abruptly change the subject. “I can’t believe they’re getting married next week,” I sighed softly. “I miss my dad.” I immediately regretted showing emotion as he leaned closer, pity reflected in his eyes.

  “You do?”

  “We don’t talk much anymore. Not that we really talked before he screwed his secretary.”

  “Him leaving your mom really messed you up, didn’t it?” he asked.

  I stiffened and moved away from him. “I’m not messed up.” I am, I really am, and you see it. You see every bit of it and I hate that you see it. I can’t fix it. I don’t know how. I’m scared. I wanted to say all of that, but I couldn’t. I wouldn’t. Ever.

  “Of course not.” He rolled his eyes. He knew me too well.


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