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Page 18

by Sean Michael

  “I love you,” he whispered, hand coming down on Adam’s ass.

  Adam’s body responded perfectly, eagerly. The lean hips rocked the tiniest bit, the skin went pink, and Adam moaned.

  “Mmm. Yes.” He smacked Adam again, getting the other ass cheek this time.

  He needed to remember how much he enjoyed a simple spanking -- the connection was perfect, fierce. He continued, Adam’s skin coloring, his hand warming. They found a rhythm together -- Adam moaning and shifting, him panting and bringing his hand down. Adam’s cock grew hard between his legs, his own rising to meet it.

  “Please, Master. Don’t stop yet. Please.” The whispered words made him ache inside.

  He shook his head, even though Adam couldn’t see it. “Not stopping.”

  “Thank you. Please. Yours.” Adam let his thighs spread.

  “That’s right, lovely. You’re mine. Top to bottom and in between.” He let his fingers slap against Adam’s perineum. Adam jerked, stiffened, pushed against his thighs. “I have you. You’re mine.”

  “Tell me again?”

  “You’re mine.” He smacked Adam’s ass again. “All mine.”

  “Master.” Adam arched, cock driving faster.

  “You wait ‘til I tell you.”


  He wondered if he could push further. “Not yet.” He slapped his fingers on that soft skin between asshole and balls again.


  Oh... How wonderful.

  “Yes, soon. After I let you come.”

  Adam groaned, one hand wrapping around his calf.

  “Yes. You’ve got me. I’m not going anywhere. You’re mine. For always.”

  “I need.” Adam’s fingers dug in.

  “I know what you need, lovely. I’m what you need.”

  Adam’s hips were sawing between his thighs, driving harder, faster.

  He wouldn’t let Adam fail. “Now, lovely. Give it to me now.”

  “Now. Master. Master...”

  He hit that fine ass again and heat sprayed between his thighs.

  “Yes! That’s my lovely.”

  Adam moaned for him, the sound wild, perfect.

  It made him moan, too. “I want you.”

  “Yours. I’m yours.”

  “You are.” He tugged Adam up. “Straddle me.”

  Adam’s cheeks were red, but those eyes were bright, alive. Focused. “Yes, Master.”

  He grabbed the lube from the table. Adam started moving before he even got the lid open.

  “Mmm. Sexy beast.”

  Adam’s chuckle warmed him. “Rowr.”

  He laughed softly, nodded. His lovely sub leaned forward, forehead resting against his.

  “Love you,” he whispered, slick fingers moving, sliding along Adam’s crack.

  “Yes. Love.” Adam moaned, eyelids heavy.

  “Lovely. So lovely.” He pushed his finger into Adam’s hole.

  “Want your cock.” The ribald request made his prick jerk.

  “You’re gonna get it, lovely.” He added a finger, stretching Adam quickly, eager to give his lover exactly what he wanted.

  “More. Please. Please, I want.”

  He knew what Adam wanted. He wasn’t going to hurry this, though, and pushed in another finger, stretching the tight ass.

  “More, damn it.” Oh. Someone was pushing. The fact that Adam trusted him that much was... huge. Simply huge.

  “You’ll get more when I’m ready to give it to you.”

  Adam shivered, asshole clenching around his fingers. He pushed his fingers deeper, hitting Adam’s gland. Adam’s lips parted on a moan, body flushing dark. He moaned and kissed Adam, letting his fingers fall away. Adam shuddered, hips following his touch.

  He slid a condom on his prick, then, reaching beneath them, he put his cock at Adam’s hole. Adam tried to bear down, take him in, but he kept his hand at Adam’s waist, controlling this.

  “You’re mine,” he reminded Adam.

  “Yours. No one else’s.”

  “That’s right. All mine.” On ‘mine,’ he thrust into Adam’ body.

  Adam grunted, head falling back. So fucking beautiful. He pressed in again.

  “Master. Master. More.”

  “I’ll give you all you need.” He wrapped his hands around Adam’s waist, pulling him down into each thrust.

  Sharp little sounds tore out of Adam’s throat, his lover’s body jerking around his cock. He kept pushing up into Adam, holding his lover’s gaze. He could be strong enough for Adam to lose control, for Adam to be wild.

  “Give me all of you.”

  “You have me!”

  “Every bit of you.” He thrust in hard.

  “Every...” Adam’s body went tight.

  “Yes. All of you. Everything.” Each word pushed out of him with a moan, Adam’s tight heat so perfect.

  “Harder. Harder. Fuck. Fuck, please.”

  “Patience, lovely.”

  Adam growled, body trying to force him to thrust harder.

  He pulled Adam down, held his lover there. “Stop. I’m in charge.”

  He felt Adam fight him, the need and electricity between them fierce. He held strong to Adam’s hips, not letting his lover control this.


  “I have you.”

  “Fuck. Fuck. Please. I need. Please.”

  “And I will give you what you need.”

  Adam whimpered, hands on his shoulders.

  “That’s right.” He held Adam’s gaze and slowly started moving again. Every time Adam started moving with him, he slowed, stopped. He kissed Adam’s lips. “I’m your Master, lovely.”

  “I know. You are. I swear.” Adam’s cheeks were pink, body sheened with sweat.

  “Good.” He flipped them, putting Adam’s back on the couch, and he started to fuck Adam hard.

  He knew the bruises ached, but he also knew Adam was with him, needing this.

  “Mine,” he began to say as he drove in.

  “Yours. Only. Only. More, please.”

  “Yes. More. Mine.” He pushed harder.

  “Yes.” Adam’s body took him in, held him close.

  “This is all that matters, lovely.”

  “Us. We’re...” Adam moaned, eyes rolling.

  “We’re so good together.”

  Adam nodded, lips opening and closing. Matt slid his hand around Adam’s prick, jacking as he thrust. Adam was wet-tipped, hard, cock burning in his hand. He pushed harder and harder, his pleasure and need growing impossibly huge.

  “Master!” Adam’s head tossed, body convulsing.

  “Yes! Come for me! Come on my cock!” He was so close himself -- almost there.

  Spunk sprayed on Adam’s belly, up along the lean chest. That sweet ass went tight around his cock, making him cry out as his own balls emptied, too. His. His lover.

  “Love you,” he whispered, kissing Adam.

  “Yes.” Adam relaxed, and Matt could see how tense his lover had been for days.

  He pressed kisses over Adam’s face as he carefully pulled out, dealing with the condom one-handed. Adam’s fingers brushed over his face, so carefully. He settled on the couch, tugging Adam in close.

  “I want to start going bareback, lovely.” There didn’t need to be any barriers between them. None.

  “Really? You’re not worried?”

  “You don’t have sex with your clients. You get tested regularly. And you’re mine.”

  “But... what if someone... takes advantage?”

  “No one is going to take advantage of you. I’m not letting anything happen to you.”

  “You swear it?”

  “I swear it, Adam. You will never face another master on your own, and no o
ne will ever hurt you again.”

  “I won’t ever disappoint you, or make you ashamed of choosing me.”

  “That has never been a concern, lovely. Not ever.”

  “It is for me.”

  “You never will disappoint me or make me ashamed. You couldn’t.” He cupped Adam’s cheeks, looked into the lovely eyes.

  Adam held his gaze, the look solid, calm. Sure. Adam was his sub. His. He felt the truth of it deep in his bones. He stroked Adam’s throat, the touch gentle. “So lovely.” And so loved.

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “I do. I think you’re the loveliest man I’ve ever seen.” He kissed the tip of Adam’s nose.

  “I think I’m hungry.”

  He beamed at Adam. “And I think they have the most amazing shrimp dish on the menu tonight.”

  “Can I try yours first? In case I don’t like it?

  “Of course. In fact, we can order a few different things and share them all.”

  “Oh, that’s a lot of trouble...”

  “No it’s not, lovely.” And even if it was, that didn’t matter.

  “I...” Adam’s fingers twined with his, held on.

  “Are mine.” He squeezed Adam’s fingers

  “Yes.” The single word sounded incredibly satisfied.

  It made him smile and rub their noses together. When he heard Adam’s stomach growl, he chuckled. “Time to go eat, lovely.”

  Time to live their lives.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Adam let himself slowly rise from his meditation, shocked to find the rest of the class was gone.

  “Did I fall asleep?”

  Dan chuckled. “Maybe a little. It’s cool, man. I was here.”

  “Still.” He sighed. “My control is shot.”

  “Hey, I’m just tickled to see you here again.” Dan helped him sit up, sat next to him on his mat. “I was scared for you.”

  “I know. I’m fine.”

  “Are you? Really?”

  He shrugged. “No. I put the house on the market. I think about going back to work, and I stiffen up.”

  Dan took his hands, squeezed. “Have you got a plan? What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, Matt’s got my back, says he’ll stand with me, but his gallery’s suffering, too.”

  “Of course he’ll stand with you -- the man loves you. Anyone with eyes can see that. To be honest, I have my doubts that he’d even let you go back to work.”

  “He wants to be there. I just... I don’t know, Dan.” It just wasn’t the same anymore. Even the Hammer wasn’t quite the same.

  “Have you thought about changing jobs?”

  He shrugged. “What else do I know how to do? I mean, this is my job.”

  Dan tilted his head, squeezed his hands again. “Have you thought about changing cities?”

  “What? You mean like San Fran?”

  “Hell, anywhere -- the world is your oyster. Matt has contacts back east, doesn’t he?”

  “He had a place in Vermont. His family was from there.”

  “We both know there are people in your lifestyle all over the country. You could start fresh together.” Dan grinned. “I’m not trying to push you away -- I’d miss you so bad.”

  “I just... This is where I’m from, you know?” He leaned over, rested against Dan.

  “I know, but maybe it would be good for you both.”

  The door of the yoga studio opened, and Adam didn’t even have to look. Matt worried when he was late.

  “Lovely!” He heard the relief in Matt’s voice, but there were no recriminations in his Master’s eyes -- just happiness. “Hey, Dan. How’s it going?”

  “Hey, man! He fell asleep during final relaxation.” Dan grinned at Matt. “Thought he might need the rest.”

  “Yeah. Though you usually bitch at me if I fall asleep when I come for class.” Matt came and sat next to him, down on the ground.

  Dan chuckled, eased him over to lean on Matt. “I figure I’m about to lose him, I can’t bitch at him.”

  One of Matt’s eyebrows went up. “Lovely?”

  “Oh, Dan is trying to convince me to move away. For us to go start businesses somewhere else.” It was ridiculous.

  Matt looked over at Dan. “Now that’s an interesting idea.”

  Dan nodded. “You could sell everything and just go. Start a life fresh. Adam’s never left California. Not once.”

  He stared at Dan. “You are trying to get rid of me.”

  “No, he isn’t, lovely. He’s trying to help you -- help us -- come up with a solution to things. We already talked about being a team, teaching together. That’d be easier in a place where they don’t know you as a solo.”

  Dan reached over, patted his head. “I’m just offering options. Sometimes you get stuck in your head, man.”

  “It’s an idea that’s got merit. We should think about it, add it to the other options we have.” Matt’s hand wrapped around his hip.

  “We’ll see.” He wanted to climb into Matt’s lap, rest.

  Matt tugged gently, the offer to do exactly that clear. “We don’t have to decide anything today, lovely. You’ve got savings, you’re selling the house. We don’t have to rush into anything.”

  Dan got up, left him there, let him crawl into Matt’s lap and lean, cheek on the strong shoulder.

  Matt’s arms circled him easily.

  “It’s all about what we want, lovely.”

  “What about your gallery? Your home?”

  “Those are just things. I can sell them. We can go anywhere, be anything we want.”

  “What a neat fantasy.”

  “Adam. Lovely.” One of Matt’s hands slid behind his head, tilted it so they were looking into each other’s eyes. “It’s not a fantasy. We can make it happen.”

  “Just like that? You and me? We’ll just go?”

  “There’ll be more details to sort out than just like that, but why not? What’s stopping us?”

  Adam shook his head. “I’ve always lived here.”

  “But that doesn’t mean you always have to. We could move somewhere, buy a little house. Convert the basement or just some of the rooms into a studio, someplace masters and subs can come and learn their craft.”

  He nodded, listened. “Like a bed and breakfast?” A little hotel. Just for people in the lifestyle.

  Matt nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, something like that. We need to refine the idea, decide exactly how it’s going to work and stuff, but that’s the general idea.”


  Dan had left the lights down, left them their privacy. The man’s office door was closed.

  “I’ll miss Dan.”

  “Of course you will. You’re not afraid of flying, though, are you? Is he? Because loved ones are only a call and a flight away.”

  “No. No, I’m not afraid.” He met Matt’s eyes. They could just leave. Just go and become whatever they needed to be.

  “Then what’s holding us back? We have each other -- everything else is just details. And those details are whatever we choose to make them.”

  “Just the fact that people don’t do things like this.”

  “We’re not ‘people,’ We’re us, and we can make this work. I know we can.”

  His fingers curled with Matt’s. “We can.”

  A flame of excitement burned in his belly.

  “We can.”


  Matt taped the box closed and looked around his house. The place was starting to look more like a storage facility and less like their home every day. Of course that was all right, because their new home was in Vermont, empty and waiting for them. They’d sold the gallery, and Adam’s place and the condo were on the market now that they had somewhere else to

  And Adam... His lovely was glowing, excited. It made Matt happy just thinking about it.

  “Master? I brought coffees.” Adam came in, coffees in one hand, a shopping bag in the other. “I found toiletries for our drive, too.”

  “Yeah? Cool.” He wrapped his arms around Adam, more interested in a kiss than the coffee and toiletries just at the moment.

  Adam kissed him back, eager, happy. Almost young. His lovely one was becoming more and more relaxed, easier in his skin. They’d traveled to Vermont a half dozen times in the last six months, but when they’d found the place -- a huge, older eight bedroom that needed work, but had amazing bones and a huge, gated garden -- Adam had begun to blossom.

  “You ready for our long drive?” They would take their time, stop when something caught their eye.

  “I am. I stopped and said goodbye to Marcus and Oliver. They gave me a lovely going away check.”

  “Wow, that was nice of them. I know the Hammer is going to miss you.”

  “I’ll miss Marcus.” It was never that Adam would miss the Hammer. Never.

  “He can come visit. Bring some of his leatherwork and give demonstrations.” They could do whatever they wanted with their new space, and Marcus was always welcome, not least because he’d taken care of the Isaac situation for them, making sure no sub in the community would ever be hurt by him again

  “I’d like that. Oliver is letting other organizations know, too, about the Briar.” Adam had decided the name upon seeing the roses surrounding the house.

  “That’s great.” The people at the Hammer had been very supportive. It had made him glad to see them wishing Adam nothing but good things.

  “Yeah. I told him it will take us six months or so, to be ready for guests.”

  “And we want to start small. Make sure we’re good with it with a couple or two before we fill all the rooms.” He took another kiss, then licked along Adam’s neck. His lovely couldn’t move, the coffees and bag binding him as effectively as any ropes.

  “Uh... uh-huh.” Adam swayed the barest bit.

  He put his hands on Adam’s ass, squeezing gently and supporting his lovely at the same time.

  “The coffees.” Adam moaned for him, stretched.

  “Don’t drop them.” He licked at the hollow at the base of Adam’s throat.


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