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Archform Beauty

Page 29

by L. E. Modesitt Jr.

  "You have done it now, have you?" Her smile was rueful.

  "I don't know. I'll let you know.”

  "I hadn't planned to go anywhere, but I'll check the screens. Do take care, dear.”

  "I will.”

  After we broke off, I got up and walked to the window. I wasn't about to leave the office until the release was everywhere. That was safest for me and for Elise. It might actually be better for the continent. Whether it was the end of my career was another question.

  But that was the beauty of politics—the big gamble. Sometimes, it paid off.

  Chapter 44


  I'd just sent the warrant for Brazelton's arrest and questioning down to Kirchner. Also requested a forensic autopsy on Les Kerras.

  Kirchner didn't complain about Kerras. Brazelton, Chiang? He's a house cat among cougars.

  Got evidence to prove he's more than that.

  You really think he'll take a plea? They'll kill him.

  He doesn't, and I've got enough to turn him permie.

  I told you before—I'm glad it's you. You want a pickup to custody, right?

  You got it. Make it quiet and quick.

  We're on the way.

  Sarao came in on the link as I broke with Kirchner.

  Lieutenant, there's a newsie here. He's the same one as before—Jude Parsfal. He says he has something urgent for you.

  Parsfal? I'll link and see what he has to say.

  Sarao was back in less than a minute. He's here in the building, down in the foyer. He says it shouldn't go on system.

  In the building? Could have been a gambit, like Kama's chess tricks. Parsfal didn't seem the type. Never know, but I couldn't just throw him out. Send him up.

  When he got to trendside, Parsfal was breathing hard. Looked worried.

  "What do you have, Parsfal?"

  "Some more information on why—"

  "This way.” I walked back into the office, tripped the privacy screens. Turned and waited.

  Parsfal handed me two sheets of copy. He went on to explain why he thought Kerras had been killed, what the sheets meant, and how Kemal was involved.

  We were close, but I needed time. Told him so. He wasn't happy. Promised me two hours, maybe three.

  Parsfal left. I looked at the sheets. The credits made the guideway contracts look like crumbs. Hard to believe what Parsfal had said about Kemal fronting for the Martian Republic. But Kemal would do it—if it meant credits. He'd gut his own sister.

  All I could figure was Nanette Iveson had discovered something. That had made McCall skittish. Maybe enough that Kemal couldn't chance McCall undermining his deal for MMSystems. Kemal got titular control. Morss had been right. With that many credits, Kemal could have gone straight. What I didn't know was what Nanette Iveson had discovered. My bet was that it was some rez effect. Laughed to myself. No proof there was such a thing. Might never be. Didn't look like it mattered. If we got Brazelton before Kemal found out.

  Kirchner's dets did. Within the hour. I'd gotten the rest of the legalities as lined up as I could. I was waiting outside the IR when they brought him in. He wasn't impressive-looking. Medium brown hair, medium size.

  Brazelton looked at me. "You're Chiang, aren't you?"

  "Lieutenant Eugene Tang Chiang to you, Mr. Brazelton.”

  "I'll invoke my right to a solicitor. I have no intention of answering any questions without him.”

  "That's your right. You will be held in maximum solitary restraint until he arrives.” I smiled. "For your own protection, you understand.”

  He didn't say a word. He did stiffen.

  "Take him down to maxsec. He gets a comm to his solicitor. No one else.”

  Kirchner smiled. "Our pleasure.”

  After they left, I linked to Cannizaro.

  Captain, we've got Brazelton. He's mute until his solicitor arrives.

  Is that a problem?

  Might be. Have a tip that info on Kemal is about to break. Securities scheme to take over the space-formulating outfit—MMSystems. As a front for the Martian Republic.

  Don't tell me you dug that up, too, Lieutenant?

  No, Captain. Rumor is that NetPrime did. Might have cost Les Kerras his life. Requested a forensic autopsy.


  Yes. Captain?

  I'll either be DPS commissioner, and you'll be a captain—or we'll both be reprimanded, demoted, and retired. That's if we survive that long.

  I'd already figured the second half of that.

  Let me know. Cannizaro broke the connection.

  Brazelton's solicitor arrived in less than a half hour. Jakob Flemmerfeld. Head man in the top firm of criminal solicitors. He was waiting by the IR when I got there. Blond, hard blue eyes, and a no-nonsense manner.

  Brazelton hadn't been brought up from maxsec yet.

  "Lieutenant, I must protest—"

  "Counselor… we are acting to preserve Mr. Brazelton's life and safety. He is being charged with several class-one felonies. He is also an accessory to even greater criminal actions. We'd like to keep him safe. Wouldn't you?"

  "Are you suggesting—"

  "Suggesting nothing.” I nodded toward the four dets escorting Brazelton. Didn't smile. Kirchner had them all in full nanite screens, overlapped to protect Brazelton.

  "Rather dramatic, Lieutenant,” Flemmerfeld observed.

  "Effective. Shall we go?" Gestured to the open IR door.

  Just the three of us in the interrogation room. Me, Flemmerfeld, and Brazelton. I activated the privacy cone.

  "Might I ask the offenses with which my client has been charged?" Flemmerfeld was most polite. That kind was dangerous.

  I handed him the hard copy.

  Flemmerfeld looked over the list. "I trust you have admissible evidence.”

  "We wouldn't be having this little meeting, Counselor. Not without hard evidence.” I turned to Brazelton.

  "Simple enough, Brazelton. We've got you. We can link you to Edward Smythers's death. We've got forensics on everything from your equipment to proprietary override codes. We've got replacement of fuel cells with defective units…”

  Brazelton didn't say a word. Neither did his solicitor.

  "We don't have to prove intent. We've got three solid cases of homicide. Nanette Iveson, Evan McCall, and Edward Smythers.”

  Neither one still spoke.

  "Just a few of the counts. We can also add unauthorized maintenance on the guideway that contributed to Coordinator Dewey's death. Both Alredd and Senator Cannon will be happy to use that. Don't forget perjury… you offered a signed deposition on the nanite system dealing with the death of Nanette Iveson. Either one, and that would make four.”

  I handed the folder to the solicitor.

  "All theory, Lieutenant.”

  "Nope. We did it thorough, Counselor. Proprietary equipment. Faulty proprietary equipment. No one else has it.” I grinned. "If it's not, then I can bring five counts of fraud.”

  Brazelton didn't say anything. Didn't turn pale. Just stiffened.

  I waited. "I'll get it one way or another, Brazelton. Once you become a permie, I'll ask you, and then, after I've got the information, we'll just release you onto the street.”

  Brazelton looked at the solicitor. "Out.”

  "You're entitled to representation…”


  I release the privacy cone. "I believe your client has asked you to leave for a moment, Counselor.” That told me who was paying for the solicitor. Also told me not to trust the legal ethics of Flemmerfeld, Hayes, and D'Aboul. Already didn't trust O'Bannon and Reyes.

  "What do you want?" Brazelton finally asked once I'd reactivated the privacy cone.

  "You know who I want.”

  "You're asking the stars.”

  I just smiled. "Then you take the fall. You lose everything. We still get Kemal. It just takes longer. You think Kemal will let you walk around?"

  "If I do… then what?"

  "I'll p
ush for two counts of negligent homicide, house restraint for one to two years, provided you agree to resign and sell all interests in the business.”

  Let him think for a while. Just stood there.

  "I have one condition of my own,” Brazelton finally said. "You lock me up until Kemal's taken care of. I'll take maxsec.”

  First time had someone who was filch or near filch wanting to be locked away. Understood why. We could do that.

  "I have a condition in return.”

  Brazelton looked up.

  "I want the name of every system repair job you've made since November, name and address, and I want it now. Your boys can link it through to the console outside.”

  Brazelton shrugged. "You can have them all. Better have your friend Kama fix one in the next day or so, though. Cornett, Luara, professor type.”

  "Why her?"

  Brazelton shrugged again. "Don't know. Orders.” He sighed.

  He didn't look like he did know.

  Wondered how much else we'd never know. That could wait. I released the privacy code and linked to Sarao.

  Have an urgent job. You take a tech team to the house, conapt, whatever of Professor Luara Cornett. Try and get her. Tell her not to enter the house. Get Kama. See if he'll make sure the system is done right. I'll pay—if I have to.

  TM professor? What does Brazelton have against her?

  He doesn't. Kemal does. We don't know what. Like to have the professor alive so we can figure that out.

  I'm on it, Lieutenant.

  Then I stepped out into the corridor, leaving Brazelton inside.

  "This is unusual,” Flemmerfeld said quietly.

  "Counselor, your client has agreed to provide certain information. In return for that information, once it is received and documented, DPS and the District Advocate's office will accept a plea of guilty to two counts of negligence leading to death, and request divestiture of the business, and a house arrest of two years.”

  Flemmerfeld didn't turn a hair. "I see. Then perhaps we should call in the District Advocate and make sure that this is established legally. I would also be remiss if I did not request what information you are required to divulge.”

  "Most of it's in the folder,” I pointed out.

  "Two of those are weak cases.”

  "They're strong enough that your client has no desire to see diem to a full trial,” I pointed out.

  "Before we proceed, might I speak with him alone?"

  Kirchner stepped forward. "You have every right to that, Counselor. We will insist on a full body scan.” He nodded, and one of the homicide dets appeared with a scanner.

  There was a muted squawk.

  "He has a penknife and two old-style pens in his pocket,” the tech announced.

  Kirchner held out his hand.

  Flemmerfeld surrendered both before he entered the IR.

  He wasn't there long. He came out with a false smile. Looked at me. "You must have been most persuasive, Lieutenant.”

  "Just let the facts speak, Counselor.”

  "You'll send the agreement to me before you present it to my client, I trust?"

  "Of course.” Could see that he hoped we'd blow the procedures. "We intend to follow the DA's requirements to the letter.”

  "Very good, Lieutenant. I'll be looking for the agreement.” He turned and walked toward the ramp down to the garage.

  Sarao… Then I realized she was gone. Turned to Kirchner. "Could I impose on you to have someone call in someone from the District Advocate's office for an immediate sealed and authenticated deposition? And for the plea agreement.”

  "I'd be happy to have Jam's request that.” He looked in the direction of the departed solicitor. "You trust him as much as I do.” He grinned. "You couldn't trust him any less.”

  "You think he's off to tell Kemal?"

  "No. He'll tell O'Bannon. That's another form of insulation.” Kirchner tilted his head. "You aren't authorized to offer a plea, you know?"

  "I know. You really think the District Advocate is going to do better?"

  Kirchner laughed. "Your ass.”

  I walked back into the IR.

  Brazelton looked up.

  "We'll have someone from the District Advocate's office here in a few minutes. Draw up the plea agreement. Means you have to make an authenticated deposition of what you did.”

  "A confession?"

  "Call it life insurance. If Flemmerfeld knows the information is authenticated, there's less incentive to try to remove you. Becomes one more offense against Kemal. Possibly against Flemmerfeld.”

  Brazelton looked doubtful.

  "Not pressing. You've got a few minutes to think about it.” Left him there, guarded by the four dets.

  Headed up to my own cubicle. Needed to get to Parsfal before that blew. See if I could keep it under control. Didn't get that far.

  Kama came in—on link relay.

  Eugene, I'm on my way to some professor's conapt. What exactly am I doing?

  Saving her life from another nanite malfunction death. Why her? I don't know. Send the bill to Brazelton's outfit. If they won't pay, I will.

  I can do this if they won't. But my price to you is that chess game.

  I laughed. I can afford that.

  Don't forget it.

  After Kama broke link, I tried Parsfal. He was in. Even on holoscreen, he looked tired. Like me.

  "Ah… this is Jude Parsfal.”

  "Lieutenant Chiang, Parsfal. Here's what we have. We have someone charged with the murders of Edward Smythers, Evan McCall, and Nanette Iveson. Can't tell you who for about an hour, maybe two, until the DA's office completes the legalities. I don't know how it will work out.”

  "Work out?" He looked puzzled.

  "There will be a conviction. I'm not sure whether it will be murder, manslaughter, or homicide through culpable negligence. We have evidence that establishes who did it in all three cases.”

  "What about Kemal?"

  "The suspected perp is linked to Kemal. You can have that on background. Don't have any problem with your using what you showed me, but we can't comment on that. You need to make that clear.”

  "I can see that, Lieutenant.” He stopped. "Ah… about the other nets?"

  "What other nets?" Shrugged. "If someone calls me, then I'll have to answer. Have no interest in doing a release until we know more.”

  Parsfal smiled. "Thank you, Lieutenant.”

  "I'll give you one other thing. Background only. Luara Cornett—professor at UDenv. She was also targeted. We don't know why, and the most we'll get there is intent to harm. Do you know why she's in this?"

  He looked blank-faced. The way I felt.

  "That's off the record. But… you follow it up your way, and we won't pay any attention. You might talk to her.” Could see some interest in his face.

  "Thank you.”

  "Have to get back to work.” Broke the connection.

  Cannizaro wouldn't be happy about NetPrime, but I could claim Parsfal already had most of the story and had done us a favor by sitting on it a week. He deserved a few hours before the others got to it. Deserved more, but a few hours was all I could give. Had to give that much or none of the nets would cooperate the next time. If I made it to a next time.

  Wondered how he'd handle the story—and the professor.

  Chapter 45


  When I got back to NetPrime, I hurried up the ramp and back to Istancya.

  "How did it go?" I asked. "Did Bimstein bitch?" She looked up from her console, and from what appeared to be something on education. "I fed it through. I haven't heard anything.”

  Parsfal? Where have you been?

  I winced and mouthed to Istancya, "Bimstein.”

  She nodded as I walked back toward my cubicle. Following a story. Didn't you get the the sanction stuff?

  It was all right. Need a follow-up.

  What sort?

  Which multilaterals are going to be hit hardest? Regional im
pacts within NorAm. Political fallout here in Denv. That sort of thing. Set it for Paula and feed it through Metesta.


  Whatever you can do in the next hour.

  Again, I was holding a dead link. I still didn't have a full story, or anything close, and I had Bimstein wanting stats that weren't easy. I compromised and sketched out a story about Kemal based on what I already had. Took almost a half hour.

  Then I really started scrambling. It was more like an hour and a half before I fed the economic stats to Metesta.

  I got maybe ten minutes back on the Kemal business before the link chimed, Incoming from DPS, Lieutenant Eugene Tang Chiang.

  Accept. I hoped Chiang had something I could use and not another request to hold off. I flipped on the holo projection. "Ah… this is Jude Parsfal.”

  "Lieutenant Chiang, Parsfal. Here's what we have…” He went on to tell me they had a suspect in three murders, including those of McCall and his wife, and that there was a link to Kemal, and that I could release most of what he'd told me.

  I couldn't quite believe I was getting a DPS go-ahead, even if informally. I couldn't help smiling. It might only be for a few hours, but we did have an exclusive. "Thank you, Lieutenant.”

  "I'll give you one other thing. Background only. Luara Cornett—professor at UDenv. She was also targeted. We don't know why, and the most we'll get there is intent to harm. Do you know why she's in this?"

  "No.” I hadn't the faintest idea. I'd talked to her, been intrigued by her, but having an argument about art with Senator Cannon didn't give a reason for Kemal to want her dead—unless Kemal thought she was the senator's lover—and he should have known better.

  "That's off the record. But… you follow it up your way, and we won't pay any attention. You might talk to her.”

  "Thank you.” I still wondered why Chiang had fed that to me. Guilt? Was he trying to give me something extra?

  "Have to get back to work.”

  With Chiang's last words, I was looking at a blank projection. I collapsed it.

  I started to work in the DPS angle.

  Incoming document from the office of Senator Cannon.

  Display, store, and print. I sat up with a jolt.


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