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Page 18

by Margaret Daley

  “She is.”

  Reverend Rogers sighed. “Good. You looked so upset I was sure something had gone wrong with Cassie after the surgery.” Starting his car, he glanced at Jameson. “So what is wrong?”

  Everything. When the reverend let the silence lengthen, Jameson finally admitted part of the problem. “Cassie could have been killed last night. She took an unnecessary risk that could have led to her death.”

  “I keep hearing the word could. It didn’t happen. Cassie is going to be okay. Life is full of all kinds of possibilities, but we shouldn’t dwell on the what-ifs.” The pastor pulled out into traffic. “Where do you live?”

  After Jameson told him the address, he said what was really bothering him. “I keep surviving while the people I love get hurt, die.”

  “And you feel guilty about it?”

  Jameson nodded, then realized the reverend’s attention was on the car in front of them. “Yes.”

  “What would have happened to Cassie if you hadn’t been there with her last night?”

  Jameson pictured in his mind Will stalking her through the abandoned building and finishing the job. He shuddered. “She might have been killed.”

  “God is awesome. He gave you and Cassie just what you needed when you needed it.”

  Jameson closed his eyes. He hadn’t considered it that way. What if he hadn’t teamed up with Cassie and she had investigated Scott’s death on her own? Would she be dead right now? He didn’t have an answer to those questions. They weighed him down with even more exhaustion. All he wanted to do right now was sleep….

  Someone shook Jameson awake. He bolted upright and noticed his apartment building looming before him. He peered at Reverend Rogers. “Thanks for bringing me home.”

  “Get some rest. If you need to talk some more later, you know where to find me. But remember this, Jameson. God has forgiven you your sins through Jesus Christ. He atones for us. When you know that and deeply feel that, you will be able to move on.”

  Jameson trudged toward his building, the reverend’s last words flying through his mind. If all those years ago, he hadn’t run from God but embraced Him even more, would his life have been different?


  Jameson let himself into his apartment. He made his way into his bedroom and stared at the comfort offered to him in his bed. Suddenly wide awake, he sank to his knees and bowed his head.

  Thank You for sending Cassie and Reverend Rogers to me. I think I now understand what Jesus is all about. It’s Your forgiveness of my sins that will set me free.

  Cassie’s mother gathered her purse and walked toward the foyer. “Are you sure I can’t get you anything while I’m at the store?”

  Cassie shook her head, settling more comfortably into the recliner in the living room.

  “I’ll probably be gone about an hour.” Her mom opened the front door. “Honey, call him.”

  “I can’t,” she murmured. She could still recall the expression on his face when he had left her two days ago at the hospital. While they had talked, she’d witnessed him closing himself off from her. His absence the past few days confirmed that he didn’t want to have anything to do with her.

  The swell of emotions almost overwhelmed her. She swallowed several times and determinedly put the man from her mind. She had to get on with her life—somehow.

  When her mother left the house, Cassie stared into space, trying to make sense out of what had happened over the past weeks. Quinn Nelson had been arraigned on sports bribery and conspiracy, while Will Blake had been charged with three counts of attempted murder as well as various gambling charges. No one had yet been indicted for Scott’s murder, but as she heard the evidence of the gambling scandal unfolding, she was sure Coach Nelson had silenced Scott because of the threat to his job, especially since it had come out that the assistant coach was up for a head coaching position at another school. The man hadn’t been able to produce a reliable alibi for the time of her brother’s murder, but there wasn’t enough evidence to charge him with the crime yet.

  But in the middle of all this, she felt something was missing. Someone else was involved. Neither Nelson nor Will had the intelligence to pull the point-shaving off for years. She wished she had found Scott’s notebook. Maybe there were answers in there.

  The doorbell drew her away from her musing. She wasn’t expecting any visitors and wasn’t up to seeing anyone. But when it sounded again, she rose and strode into the foyer, intending to quickly get rid of whoever it was.

  When she opened the door, Jameson filled her vision, looking incredibly handsome in his usual preppy clothes. The smile that slowly transformed his serious expression stole her breath.

  “May I come in?”

  She stepped to the side, her heart rate speeding up.

  In the living room he turned to face her. “How do you feel?”

  “Why are you here?” Now she knew the wisdom in him staying away the past few days. She couldn’t handle seeing him and not being important in his life.

  “Can’t a friend come to—”

  “Don’t, Jameson. Don’t say another word. In the hospital you made it perfectly clear we can’t be friends.”

  “But I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to. It was written all over your face. You couldn’t wait to get away from me. So why are you really here?”

  “You aren’t going to make this easy for me, are you?”


  He sighed. “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since I last saw you. I didn’t want to come see you until I was sure of what I wanted.”

  “And just what is that?”

  “I want you in my life.”

  “I can’t be your friend. It won’t work.”

  He shook his head. “That’s not what I want.” He took the few remaining steps between them, holding up his left hand to reveal his bare ring finger. “I love you. I want much more than friendship from you.”

  For a moment all she could focus on were the words I love you. They played over and over in her mind. She hadn’t realized how long she had waited to hear him declare his love until he had. Years—years of dating and finding no one lived up to Jameson.

  Was she dreaming? Then her attention moved to his left ring finger, and she knew she wasn’t. The gold band no longer mocked her with what couldn’t be.

  He wrapped one arm around her waist and gently pulled her toward him, always conscious of her bandaged shoulder. “Will you give us a chance?”

  She tilted up her chin and became lost in the sky-blue of his eyes. Still stunned by his declaration, by the fact he’d finally taken off his wedding ring, she whispered, “You want to date?”

  A twinkle sparkled in his gaze. “Much more than that. For years I lived in a self-imposed prison, but now I’m free. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” His mouth lifted in a grin. “But I suppose we should date for a while first.” He nestled closer. “So what do you say?”

  She waited several heartbeats before saying, “I love you, Dr. Jameson King. Dating is fine, but not for too long. We aren’t getting any younger.”

  His chuckles sprinkled the air with his happiness. “Speak for yourself. I feel years younger than I have in a long time.”

  “But weren’t you the one who told me you were too old for me?”

  “What was I thinking?!” He feathered his lips across hers. “Obviously your beauty dazzled me senseless.”

  “Oh, that’s a good recovery.” She ran her fingers through his hair and brought his mouth firmly down on hers where it belonged.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-1439-6


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