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Garden Of Fantasy

Page 12

by Karen Rose Smith

  "Now, Nash. I want you inside me now." She dropped the soap and looped her arms around his neck. When her lips touched his, her tongue rimmed his lower lip. He tilted her hips up, lifting her until he entered her snugness and she wrapped her legs around him. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he pressed her back against the wall so they had a bulwark against the erotic waves threatening to drown them. They found their rhythm, their bodies meshing, enacting a mating ritual centuries old. As Nash thrust, Beth tightened around him and moaned aloud her sense of fulfillment. They flowed into each other, man to woman, lover to lover.

  Nash was deep within, probing, questing for the trigger to unleash the wonder for Beth. She shifted toward him feverishly. "That's it!"

  He stroked again and again, the driving cadence gaining speed and momentum. The universe exploded, shards of brilliant stars flashing against black velvet desire until Beth became a radiant sun, bursting into another time and dimension with an excited cry of release and awe.

  She clung to him as he shuddered again and again a few moments later. She was exhausted, replete, spent. As he lowered her carefully to the floor, water sloshed around her feet, bringing her back to reality.

  Nash held Beth's face between his hands and stared into her eyes. "I have never, ever experienced anything like that before. I want you to know how special that was for me."

  Her lower lip trembled. "Me too."

  She looked down at her toes and tried to tuck her chin down, but he wouldn't let her.


  She met his eyes. "I'm embarrassed. I've never reacted like that. I guess it scared me. I don't know that part of myself."

  Nash drew her gently into his arms. "You're a passionate woman. That's nothing to be ashamed of."

  She leaned back and saw approval in his eyes and...a question. He didn't ask it.

  Instead, he said, "We could be more traditional and try the bed."

  He wanted her again. No man had ever made her feel so special or cherished. "Think we'll be as good together on dry land?"

  "Better." His voice held no doubts.


  Nash watched Beth as she dozed on his shoulder. She was so passionate and free. Her outgoing nature was more of a turn-on than pink silk. So was the challenge that flashed in her eyes, the softness of her touch, the smile that was easy and intriguing at the same time. He'd never known a woman like her. And he'd almost pushed her away.

  Fear clutched his heart. He couldn't lose her now that he'd found her. He'd lost too many people in his lifetime. He didn't know where he and Beth were headed yet, but he knew they were headed there together if he had anything to say about it. Trust. It was such a fragile thing. They had to build it up. How long would it be until Beth trusted him enough to tell him about John Winston?

  Nash was angry with himself because it mattered. He wanted to know the whole story, what Winston had meant to her, if he meant anything to her now. Was he jealous? Hell, yes. Especially after the way she'd made love to him. He wanted to know all of her and he didn't feel he did.

  He smiled when he remembered Beth's embarrassment in the shower. It had been endearing. What did it mean? That she and Winston had had an ordinary sex life? Nothing spectacular? He couldn't imagine making love to Beth not being spectacular.

  He still couldn't picture her having an affair with a married man. Picture it? Blazes, he wouldn't do that. But the whole situation didn't sit right. Beth was an honest woman. And open. Of course people changed when they were in love. Maybe she'd been blind.

  Don't torture yourself with this. Wait for her to trust you. Then a terrible thought entered his head. What if she discovered he'd inadvertently dug into her past? What would that do to her ability to trust?

  Beth stirred next to him, opened her eyes, and smiled. "Hi."

  He tweaked her nose and searched her face for what she was feeling. "Hi, yourself."

  She tenderly traced her finger along his jaw. "You look so serious."

  He needed an answer before his heart could be as satisfied as his body. "How do you feel?"

  "Hot. I need an air conditioner."


  In her usual forthright manner, she cut straight to the chase. "What do you want to know?"

  That was a loaded question. "Do you have any regrets?"

  Her brows furrowed. "No." She squirmed as if uncomfortable with more than the heat. "Except...I wasn't protected. It's my safe time, but..."

  He'd been so caught up in his need for her, he'd never given it a thought. "That was stupid and irresponsible. I'm sorry."

  She moved away and sat up against the headboard. "It's as much my fault as yours. We both got...carried away."

  Nash pushed himself up next to her. He wasn't going to let her withdraw. "How would you feel if you became pregnant?"

  She looked him straight in the eye. "It's not in my immediate plans. Pregnancy would throw a terrific wrench into my life."

  His stomach clenched.

  Until she continued. "But seeing Shannon with her kids..." Her voice trailed off. "I would hope I could love the baby as much as Mom and Dad loved me."

  She would have the child, cherish it, and be a wonderful mother. He knew it in his soul.

  "How would you feel?" Her look was probing.

  He shifted toward her and was distracted by the dampness between her breasts. "I wouldn't leave you stranded. And I'd want to be a father in more than name." This conversation was getting much too serious, especially when he'd rather be touching her again. He dragged his finger around her breast. "I'm tempted to get carried away again. Why don't we get dressed, stop at a drugstore, and go to my place?"

  She pretended to think about it, to hide the gold flickers of desire in her eyes. "The air conditioning would be nice."

  His fingers went to her ribs. "Air conditioning?"

  "Don't tickle me," she yelped as she brought her knees to her chin to protect herself. "I hate it."

  He stopped but kept his hand on her waist. "I'd rather do something you like."

  "Then we'd better hurry to the drugstore," she quipped with a saucy smile.

  Nash laughed out loud, then kissed her thoroughly.

  He dressed while Beth took another quick shower. She'd insisted on washing her hair even though he didn't think it was necessary. But he knew how Shannon felt about looking good, so he didn't argue.

  Before he could try Beth's swing chair, he heard the clank of the mailbox. He went to the porch and fetched the cluster of letters. As he laid them on her coffee table, an embossed off-white envelope caught his eyes. He read the return address. John H. Winston. It was a Virginia address.

  They were still connected in some way. How?


  The sun was barely peeking over the horizon as the letter burned a hole in Beth's pocket. She peered out Shannon's kitchen window. Nash, Wayne, and the boys were playing football. Shannon was sitting in a chaise lounge watching. On the pretense of getting a drink of water, Beth had come into the kitchen.

  The afternoon had been wonderful. Nash's lovemaking skills rivaled his architectural ones. Ready or not, she was in love. Was he?

  He'd apologized again for his doubts about Osgood, and she realized how the situation must have looked. But if he'd jumped to those conclusions so easily would he ever believe her about John? That would really test his faith in her, and what they had was too fragile to be tested...yet.

  Slipping the envelope out of her pocket, Beth tore it open.

  Dear Katie,

  I received your final payment, hoping there would be a note. Of course there wasn't. I keep looking for a sign that someday you can forgive me. Believe it or not, I did cherish our friendship and I miss it more than you could ever know.

  Would you consider meeting with me? I've never apologized in person and I feel I owe you that. I've bought a farm in Virginia and am now making that my home and practicing general law. It's what I've wanted to do for years. Thanks to your silence, I'm now a free
man. I'd be glad to see you on neutral territory, at your parents' home if they'll allow it.

  Whatever you want, Katie. I'll be waiting for your answer. John

  Beth folded the letter, replaced it in the envelope and stuffed it in her pocket. She didn't want to see John. She never wanted to see John again. Betrayal was too hard to forgive, let alone forget.

  Suddenly Beth heard something other than the joyful squeals of play outside. A shout, a yell, chatter. When she looked out the window, she saw everyone gathered around a prone Nash. His knee. Forgetting the letter and John Winston, she ran outside.

  Shannon knelt next to Nash. Beth fell to her knees on the other side. "Is it locked again?"

  Sweat stood on his forehead; his face was drawn from the pain. "It went back into place."

  She looked at the mouth that usually brought to mind heat and excitement. Now she stared at its grim tightness and wanted to cry. "But it still hurts like hell?"

  His shoulders jerked quickly, restlessly, as if trying to shrug off the pain. "It'll be okay. Just give me a minute."

  Beth exchanged a look with Shannon. "I think you should go to the emergency room."

  "The hospital?" Roger exclaimed. "Uncle Nash, you don't want to go there."

  "Roger fell out of the tree last year and broke his arm," Wayne explained to Beth. "Needles and nurses don't impress him."

  "Me either," Nash muttered with a baleful glare. "Wayne, help me up. It'll ease up in a couple of minutes."

  Beth and Shannon stood while Wayne lifted his brother-in-law. As soon as Nash tried to put weight on the leg, he almost collapsed.

  "That does it. We're going to the emergency room." Beth's voice brooked no argument.

  Pushing Wayne away, Nash balanced on one leg. "See? I'm fine."

  "Take a step," Beth ordered, her hands on her hips, her mouth pursed.

  Shannon's brows lifted. Wayne looked amused.

  Nash tentatively put his foot down, grimaced, and shifted his weight again. "Okay. We'll go the ER. Aspirin isn't going to do it this time."

  Beth's attitude softened immediately. He must be seriously hurting to capitulate that easily. Instinct led her rather than her common sense. In this condition Nash would want as few people around as possible.

  "Do you trust me to drive your car?"

  He didn't hesitate but pulled his keys out of his pocket and tossed them to her.

  Wayne looked surprised. "I'll help you to the car. Beth, are you sure you can handle him?"

  She grinned. "No. But if he doesn't behave, I'll call you."

  Nash threw her a look that said "I'll get even with you later."

  The Corvette drove like a dream, but Beth was more concerned with the man beside her. She already knew he was a stoic in many ways. She wondered if that had cost him his marriage. If she asked him, would he tell her?

  When she pulled up in front of the emergency room, she said, "I'll help you in, then park--"

  He released the door handle. "Stay put. I'll manage."


  "Don't treat me like an invalid, Beth. I'm fine," he snapped and pushed the door open.

  Okay. She'd let him have his way. For now.

  Nash managed to climb out of the car and hop inside while Beth parked. She locked the car and hurried into the ER. Fortunately, it wasn't busy. After Nash filled out the proper forms, the nurse showed them to an examination room.

  Nash sat on the table, his legs stretched out in front of him, a frown on his face. "You don't have to stay in here. There's a TV in the waiting lounge."

  She dropped into an orange vinyl chair. This time she could be as pigheaded as he could. "I want to hear what the doctor says to make sure you follow orders."

  He dragged his hand through his hair. "I run my own life, Beth. I don't need--"

  "Someone to care about you?"

  He appeared sorry he'd said anything but muttered, "I don't like to depend on anyone."

  "Is that why your marriage didn't work?"

  Lines of anger creased his brow for a moment, then eased away. "Maybe. I felt I had to keep a lid on my feelings."

  How much could she probe without probing too far? "Your wife couldn't accept them?"

  He seemed hesitant but not closed. His eyes narrowed as he remembered. "I didn't give her the chance. Monica was...reserved. She didn't ask questions. I didn't give answers. Maybe if I hadn't spent so much energy on my career..."

  Beth waited a moment before she spoke. "It doesn't sound like you were friends."

  He shifted on the table and winced. Instead of taking her lead to talk about his marriage, he asked, "Are we friends?"

  "We're working on it." Sensing his reluctance to review the past, she moved away from the topic. "You know the real reason I came back here with you?"


  She smiled and whispered, "To see how sexy you'd look in a drafty hospital gown."

  His cheeks flushed.

  She poked him in the arm. "Are you blushing?"

  "Of course not." He chuckled wryly. "Maybe. I'm not used to a woman being so--"


  His eyes caught hers, held, caressed. "Openly complimentary."

  Hadn't he been involved with anyone since his divorce? If not, why not? He was sexier than any man she'd ever met. Even in a hospital gown. A fantasy began to take shape.

  The doctor entered the cubicle, cutting off Beth's hot thoughts.


  Beth opened the door to Nash's house and waited as he maneuvered inside on his crutches. He swore when one caught on the edge of the rug.

  "You'll get used to them." She smiled encouragingly.

  He sent her a dark look and readjusted his stance. "I don't have to get used to them. I only need them for a few days."

  She stared at his taped knee as she laid her purse on a chair. "Right now you need to get the leg up." At his scowl, she realized what she'd said and how she'd said it. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to tell you what to do."

  The scowl transformed into a sly smile. "Aren't you?"

  She felt her cheeks grow hot. "Do you want a pain pill?"

  He glanced at the bag she held in her hand. "The knee's pretty ragged. But I hate the way they make me feel."

  "Like you're depending on something artificial?"

  "Exactly. But I could be persuaded to take one if you come lie with me. We can watch television in bed."

  He looked dead on his feet. Resting beside him wouldn't be a hardship. "Go get comfortable. I'll bring the pill in with a glass of water." She knew if she offered to help, he'd refuse.

  Fifteen minutes later, Beth went in to Nash's bedroom balancing a tray holding two glasses of iced tea and a dish laden with crackers and cheese. Nash's chest was bare, the sheet pulled to his waist. Her stomach jumped as she wondered if he was naked.

  His face lost some of its tired quality as he saw the food. "Great. Supper was a long time ago." The smile dissipated. "But don't feel you have to wait on me."

  She handed him a glass and the pill, wanting to smooth his hair from his brow. She'd never realized she had such a strong nurturing streak. But she had to put it in terms he'd accept. "Remember when you painted my living room, then brought me something to drink?"

  Nash threw the pill in his mouth, took a few swallows, and nodded.

  "I'm returning the favor." Her fingers went to her blouse buttons and unfastened them.

  Nash's eyes followed her movements. "I called Shannon so she wouldn't worry. Told her I just had to take it easy for a few days."

  Beth wondered where her need for Nash came from. She'd never experienced anything like it before. It seemed bottomless, encompassing. Her heart beat faster. She shed her blouse and laid it on the Windsor rocker. "Good."

  Nash licked his lower lip as she unbuttoned her shorts and stepped out of them. Beth saw the passion come alive in his eyes and suddenly realized she was unwittingly performing a strip tease. Not a bad idea. It would take his mind off the pain until th
e medicine worked. Her movements became more seductively calculating and she decided his discomfort wasn't her only motivation. She felt powerful turning him on.

  When she reached to her back to unhook her bra, she did it slowly. Her breasts thrust forward.

  Nash groaned. "Do you know what you're doing?"

  Her thumbs went to the panties and rimmed the waistband back and forth, back and forth. "Um hm."

  His voice was husky. "You're a tease, Beth Terrell. If I could, I'd do something about it."

  She was all innocence as she slid the panties down her legs with a gentle sway of her hips. "Why can't you?"

  "Because I can't move the damn leg!" he growled.

  She lighted on the bed, one leg up, one leg down in a centerfold pose. "If you're really interested, you wouldn't have to move your leg. But I guess you'd have to sort of...depend on me."

  Nash's eyes darkened. "You're full of surprises."

  She couldn't tell if he approved or not. Maybe she'd read him wrong and she was turning him off, not on. Only one way to know. "Is that good or bad?" She held her breath and waited for his answer.


  Nash's grin split his face as his green eyes dazzled her. "Very good." He threw back the sheet and crooked his finger at her. "Come here."

  Her stomach muscles tightened at his sexy tone. But when she crawled into bed and the mattress sagged, she saw him wince. He was disguising the amount of pain he was in. It was time to show him he didn't have to perform to please her.

  Reaching to the nightstand, she picked up the remote control and switched on the TV.

  "What are you doing?"

  Slowly, she sidled up next to him. "Going back to plan A."

  His eyes became shadowed. "If you don't think I'm capable of--"

  She tenderly brushed his hair from his forehead. "I know how capable you are. Remember me? I've been in this bed with you a good portion of today. But there's something else we can do in bed too."

  He looked at her suspiciously. "What?"

  Snuggling up next to him, she laid her head on his shoulder. "We can cuddle. You don't have to prove anything to me, Nash. I just want to be with you." She tilted her head to see the expression on his face.


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