The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2)

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The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2) Page 20

by J A Fielding

  “Well, you weren’t so bad yourself. Martha was shocked to have all those people jump in and help with all the work. She said they usually have to do it all themselves and it can be both exhausting and expensive.” Ken said, trailing his fingertips up and down her arm, giving her goose bumps at the sensation.

  “This isn’t exactly the way I expected this trip to go, but in a way it’s been good. I’ve been avoiding any kind of emotional attachment for so long I forgot what it was like to care about someone. But watching you today I realized that I do care about you and it’s a nice feeling.”

  That was all Ken needed to hear. He rose to his feet, pulled Leslie to hers, and swept her up into his arms. He carried her to the bed and laid her there on the pillows and looked down at her.

  “I have been waiting for this night for a long time, but I want you to know that this means more to me than just sex. Intimacy has always been a special thing to me and not something I do with just anyone,” he said, waiting for her to answer.

  Her response was to open her arms in an invitation to join her in the bed. He covered her with his body. She could feel his body heat though her clothes and her heart rate began to increase. Desire began to build deep in her stomach, and when he captured her mouth in a searing kiss, it swept through her in a wave stronger than she had ever felt.

  Knowing that they had all the time they wanted, Ken took his time, toying with Leslie’s mouth. Exploring it with his tongue, nibbling on her lips when her breathing became rapid as desire spiraled through her body.

  Rolling them so that Leslie was on top on him, he continued to kiss her while his hands found their way to her rounded buttocks. When his hands found her cheeks and grabbed them and pulled her hard against him, she could feel his erection, hard and throbbing.

  Throwing her leg over his, she straddled him, rubbing herself against his hardness, making them both suck in their breath. Breaking the kiss, Ken pushed Leslie up and began to unbutton her shirt, his eyes never leaving hers. He pushed her shirt off her shoulders and unhooked her bra and it followed the shirt onto the floor.

  The look of raw desire on his face as his hands found her breasts was so intense Leslie felt the wetness between her legs grow. When he gently squeezed her nipples the throbbing in her core began to intensify, only to be dwarfed by the feeling of his hot mouth on her nipple when he replaced his hand with his mouth.

  Arching her back with pleasure, Leslie moaned his name, squirming against his erection. Needing to feel her under him, he rolled them over until her body was pinned under his. Wanting to feel his skin, Leslie pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor with her clothes.

  Before she knew it, the rest of their clothing had joined the pile on the floor and there were no barriers between them. Leslie loved the feel of Ken’s warm skin on her own. As he kissed her neck and her breasts, his hand gently traveled across her stomach to rest just at the juncture of her thighs, she instinctively opened her legs for him as his finger began to explore her most sensate area.

  She was wet and ready for him, but he teased her hard clit with his finger until she began to writhe under him, the waves of pleasure beginning to crest. He sucked a hard nipple into his mouth at just the moment he pushed his finger deep inside her, while still stroking her with his thumb.

  Leslie could feel her orgasm building as Ken continued to stroke her with his thumb and finger. When her orgasm came, it left her shuddering with the intense pleasure. Ken moved between her legs but instead of entering her like she wanted, he began to trail kisses down her chest to her stomach.

  “I want to know every part of you. Just relax and trust me,” he said, feeling her reluctance.

  Knowing that she could trust him, she relaxed, spreading her legs as he worked his way lower with his mouth. He kissed her belly, then moved lower, kissing the inside of each thigh sending waves of pleasure shooting through her body. She could feel the wetness between her legs again and as the anticipation built, she could barely hold her body still.

  When his mouth finally found her clit, the feeling was like noting she had ever felt before. His mouth was hot and demanding, he used his tongue to tease her, licking and rubbing. He brought her just to the brink of orgasm then stilled his tongue; in minutes she was quivering with desire, every nerve ending on fire.

  Moaning his name, she writhed on the bed, her body looking for fulfillment which Ken continued to deny as he teased her with his tongue. Just as her orgasm began to crest, he thrust his finger deep inside her throbbing core. She cried out his name as ecstasy over took her body.

  Wave after wave of pleasure rocked through her as her orgasm peaked, still her body was demanding more. Leslie knew that only Ken filling her would satisfy that need. Pulling him up from between her legs, she begged him to take finally take her.

  Positioning himself between her legs, he rubbed his the hard tip of his cock against her still sensitive clit. She was wet, allowing his helmet to slide deliciously against her, making her moan in anticipation. When she could stand it no longer, she reached between them and guided his swollen hardness into her dripping core.

  Ken, no longer able to control his desire, plunged his throbbing penis deep into Leslie, finally giving them both what they had wanted for so long. Leslie had never felt that kind of deep pleasure before; the feel of Ken moving inside her made her feel complete, as if a part of her had been restored.

  Ken whispered, “Being inside you feels so right.” Those words struck something deep inside Leslie and with a cry of his name she rode out the deepest orgasm she had ever had. The feel of Leslie’s muscle clasping around his swollen member drove Ken to his climax as well.

  Shuddering with pleasure, they lay entwined, waiting for their breathing and heart rates to return to normal. Finally able to move, Ken rolled Leslie onto her side and spooned her, wrapping her in his arms and resting his head on her neck.

  “Twenty four hours ago I wouldn’t have said this, but I’m glad we got stuck in this tiny town,” Ken said, stroking her arm.

  “The only thing that could be better is if we could just stay here the rest of the week, locked in our room,” she said. “But I guess its back on the road tomorrow.”

  “But we still have the rest of the night,” he said, rolling her over to face him and kissing her deeply.


  By noon the next day, they got the word that the bridge was open again and they were back on the road to Mississippi and Leslie’s home. They only had about four hours of the trip left, and Leslie was both relieved and nervous about finally facing her past.

  She had been steadfast in her wish that she and her mother never discuss her father. She’d lived with him long enough to know that nothing her mother told her would be the complete truth. Without realizing it, she had begun to talk about home and her father.

  “So I better warn you, if you thought that town we were just in was small, wait till you see my home town. Whitmore is nothing more than a stoplight, a few stores, a bar, and the school.”

  “Well, I’m sure it will be just a charming as the last place,” he said, knowing the less he said the better.

  “It wasn’t so much the town I didn’t like as living with my father. I always knew that the only way I could escape was to be the best in everything. I wanted an education, something no one in my family cared about, especially my father. My only hope was scholarships and the competition was fierce.”

  “Go on.”

  Leslie went on to describe a childhood of striving to make the best grades while defending herself from her father’s attempts to derail her plans. He seemed to take a malicious joy from ruining her science projects or “losing” her term papers in the trash.

  He mocked her attempts to make something of herself and constantly made fun of her looks, the way she talked, and even the clothes she wore knowing full and well that they were second hand and all she had.

  Her mother worked two jobs just so they could live in a rundown shack
that had been in the family for years. It sat on 50 acres of prime farm land, but her father was too lazy to work it, so it lay empty all the years she was growing up. Her father had only wanted to drink beer and go fishing.

  “As awful as my father was to me, I always wanted his approval and I suppose deep down I still do. I hadn’t really planned to leave right after graduation. I was going to spend the summer at home, working in town at the school as a counselor for the summer program. But at graduation, my father, drunk as usual, stood up and shouted some awful things just as my full ride scholarship was announced.”

  “Oh, Leslie. That must have been awful, I’m so sorry,” he said, taking her hand as he drove.

  “I packed my bags and left the next day. I’d been accepted for a summer program but had decided to decline, but I just couldn’t take any more. I haven’t spoken to him since. I never even said goodbye, he didn’t deserve even that small consideration,” she finished, suppressing the tears she felt brimming in her eyes.

  “If you ask me, it was his loss. It’s strange don’t you think that your father wanted you to do nothing while my father pushed me until I almost lost my health? Each in his own way shaped who we are today.

  “I suppose you’re right, but I’m ready to face him. I know he will probably berate everything I’ve done, but I’m strong enough to handle it.”

  “And don’t forget, I’ll be there by your side the whole time. Any time you want to leave, just say the word and we’ll be out of there. Besides, I have to say I wouldn’t mind a little more time stranded in a hotel room with you,” he said, stroking her thigh, leaving no doubt what they would do in that hotel room.

  Chapter 7

  They arrived in Whitmore later that evening, stopped in town at the only café, then headed west of town to her family’s home. The winding road took through the lush green vegetation of the Mississippi countryside and Ken found that in some ways it reminded him of home.

  “It’s really beautiful, so green and lush. It reminds me of home, different plants of course, but it’s green like there.”

  “I think one of the reason’s I ended up in California was that it was green like home. When things would get bad at the house, I had this tree that was covered with vines that was my hideaway. I always imagined that it was my safe zone, no one could find me there. The tree always felt like it was embracing me, giving me its strength. I know that sounds silly but it helped.”

  “I always went to the attic of our house, the piles and piles of old family stuff always made me feel safe. I get it,” Ken said.

  Just then they rounded a bend and saw a picturesque revival style cottage perched on the slight rise in the clearing. Around the cottage there was a proliferation of blooming plants and trees. Leslie sucked in her breath at the sight. She had been expecting to see the rundown shack that had been her childhood home.

  Ken parked the car in the circular drive and Leslie stepped out of the car, looking around her, sure they had taken a wrong turn somewhere. The landscape hadn’t changed that much in the last ten years so she was sure they were in the right place. But as she looked closer, she saw other changes; there was a large barn behind the house and all the land she could see had been cultivated.

  There were fields of vegetables everywhere she looked, as well as two small houses back in the trees that circled the field nearest the house. Her home looked nothing like it had when she’d been growing up. Panicked for a minute, she looked for her tree and found it standing proudly right where it had always been.

  Reassured by the sight, she took a deep breath and summoned up the courage to approach the house. The wraparound porch was welcoming, with comfortable looking wooden rockers and plush chairs just perfect for curling up in and reading a book. Plants were everywhere, and blooming ivy trailed up the sides of the porch, the blossoms releasing their faint fragrance. Just as she was about to knock at the door, it was thrown open and she was engulfed in her mother’s strong arms.

  “Oh, you’re here! I can’t believe it. How awful was the trip, getting stuck, but you’re here now. Let’s go in the house, I can’t wait to show it to you.” She was talking so fast she hadn’t seen Ken yet.

  Leslie extracted herself from her mother’s arms, took Ken’s hand and pulled him forward. “Mom, this is Ken. He’s, well...”

  “Oh, where are my manners. Ken, it’s wonderful to meet you. Come on you two, it must have been a long trip, are you hungry?” her mother continued, not giving Leslie a chance to finish introducing Ken.

  Her mother proudly showed them through the house to the back patio where they had iced tea and watched the sunset. Her mother kept the conversation light, knowing that Leslie had a lot to absorb. Finally, Leslie broke the silence.

  “Where is Dad, off fishing or something? Figures he wouldn’t be here,” she said, some of the old hurt surfacing and making her sound like a child who’s been disappointed.

  “Well, he really wanted to be here, but he had to make a delivery. Leslie, don’t think he didn’t want to be here when you arrived, but fresh fruit and vegetables won’t wait.”

  “So much has changed and I didn’t even know.”

  “You made it very clear to me that you didn’t want to know about home. Your father really has changed and what you see is the result of his hard work. It’s not my story to tell, he’ll be home late tonight, but I know he’s made time for you tomorrow.”

  Sensing that it was time to end the conversation, her mother offered to show them their rooms so they could unpack and get some sleep. It was late by then and they were both tired from little sleep the night before.

  Her mother hadn’t know from her conversations with Leslie about Ken exactly what their relationship was but gaging by the way Ken was looking at Leslie, that issue was no longer in question. She’d seen that look before and knew good and well that her daughter had finally found love.

  She wasn’t sure if Leslie was quite where Ken was, but from everything she had heard about him, he was perfect for her over achieving daughter. He was older than Leslie, but she decided that worked to his advantage. She just hoped he had the patience to deal with her demanding daughter.

  “I put you two in the rose suite, there’s a cute little sitting room as well as a private deck. There are extra towels, pillows, and blankets in the closet if you need them. Feel free to raid the kitchen if you get hungry. Goodnight, sleep well,” she said, leaving them alone.

  Leslie looked around her in amazement. Her mother had always wanted a house just like this one and she was happy to see her dreams come true. She looked happy and healthy, so different from the woman she had known growing up. The suite had only one bedroom, and Leslie blushed a little thinking about her mother knowing she was sleeping with Ken.

  When Ken came back from the car with their bags, she was standing at the window looking out at the fields behind the house. They were filled with row after row of vegetables all producing prolifically. It was well known all around the county that this piece of property was one of the most fertile around and it looked like someone was making it produce.

  Seeing her pensive look, Ken came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her from behind. Nuzzling her neck, he gave her a minute to come back from her thoughts.

  “It’s nothing like you thought it would be, is it?” he asked, testing to see how she was taking this unexpected turn of events.

  “No, it’s not. I had no idea all this had happened. Now I have way more questions than answers and no way to get them until my father gets home. I’m half tempted to wait up for him, I don’t think I can wait until morning to find out what going on.”

  “Well, I don’t know if waiting up and ambushing him is such a good idea. Obviously something pretty big has happened and you might not want to go rushing in headlong. We’re both tired, let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow will be here soon enough.”

  Leslie got ready for bed thinking it would be nice to sleep in Ken’s arms. She still didn’t know how her
mother had known to put them in the same bedroom but was glad she had taken the decision out of her hands. Sure she wouldn’t sleep a wink that night, she readied herself for a long night.

  Ken was already in bed when she emerged from the bathroom, dressed only in a long tee shirt. She hadn’t thought to pack anything else, planning to sleep alone. Ken pulled the covers back in an invitation to join him.

  “Come to bed. If I know you, thoughts of staying up are still in your mind.”

  “I just...” she started to say, but Ken interrupted her.

  “I know you won’t be able to sleep. Well, you seem to forget that I’m here to help you with that. Isn’t that part of the reason you brought me along, distraction?” he asked, getting out of bed and coming around to where she was standing by the bed.

  He was dressed only in his boxers and the sight of his hard muscular chest had her heart pounding in her chest. Pulling her to him, he threaded his fingers through her hair and brought her face close for a kiss. The feel of his tongue invading her mouth, brought a groan to her throat and a corresponding growl from Ken.

  Leslie’s was indeed distracted by Ken, and although she didn’t sleep much that night, it wasn’t because she was worrying about her coming confrontation with her father.


  The next morning, Leslie awoke to the smell of pancakes, her favorite breakfast from childhood. Her mother would sometimes make them after working one of her all night shifts at the hospital; waking up to that small always made Leslie feel good, knowing that her mother was in the house.

  Equally reassuring was the fact that she was securely wrapped in Ken’s arms. He was still sound asleep, but she knew he would be stirring soon. Taking this opportunity to study him while he was so relaxed, she realized that he was truly handsome. His long eyelashes rested against his cheek and she knew his beautiful chocolate brown eyes rested under his eye lids. His hair was thick with just a hint of grey coming in at the temples.


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