The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2)

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The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2) Page 21

by J A Fielding

  He must have been awake because he suddenly opened his eyes and rolled over on top of her, pinning her with his body. Their clothes had been discarded the evening before and Leslie could feel his hot skin on hers, sending delicious tingles of desire spiraling though her body.

  Amazing that he could want her again, she found her erection with her hand and said, “Good morning, I see you’re awake.”

  “That I am, and a lovely morning it is.”

  They emerged an hour later, showered and ready for the day. Each had a silly grin on their face, hardly able to hide their new found love. Seeing this look, her mother shook her head and thanked the powers that be that she had an opportunity to witness her daughter falling in love.

  She had always hoped that Leslie would come home and make peace with her father and that day had finally come. She had no doubts that Lawrence would be able to make his daughter understand how much he had changed. It might take some time, but she felt sure that someday she would have her family together again.

  Once they’d had breakfast, Leslie knew the time had come to deal with her father. “Where is Dad? It’s time someone explained what’s happened around here to me,” she said, in her best high power producer voice.

  Barely able to suppress a grin, her mother pointed to the barn behind the house. “He’s in the barn working on some new seedlings for the green house. He’ll be expecting you.” She crossed the room and kissed Leslie on the head. “Give him a chance, that all I ask. It’s never too late.”

  Gathering her courage, Leslie headed out the back door, across the backyard, and pushed the barn door open. He father was working at a long table which was covered by pots; he was filling soil in preparation of seeding them next. Letting her eyes adjust to the dim light, she let the door close softly and watched him at his work.

  He was intent on the process, concentrating on what he was doing and didn’t notice her. She had expected him to look much older, a victim of the ravages of alcohol and a sedentary life. But instead he looked younger than he had when she left; he had lost weight and was obviously in great physical shape.

  She cleared her throat to let him know that she was there. Hearing her, he glanced up from his work. His emotions were clear on his face, first joy then sadness. He stood there for a moment, clearly not sure what to do next.

  Leslie took the lead and walked toward the work table, carefully staying on the opposite side. “Father.”

  “Leslie, it’s good to see you. I’m glad you could take some time to come home and see us. I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.”

  “I wish I could say the same,” she said, her voice cold.

  “I suppose I deserve that and much more, but I want you to know that I’ve changed. Will you give me a chance to explain? That’s all I ask,” he said, a pleading look on his face.

  “I’ll listen, but don’t be surprised if this doesn’t turn out the way you planned,” she said, turning and leaving the barn, no longer wanting to be in a closed space with him.

  She had been angry for so long that it had become a habit and she wasn’t ready to let go of it yet. Her father followed her out of the barn, then led her to the front of the house and the bench that sat under a stand of trees on the far side of the yard. She noticed that the bench was very close to her tree and was disappointed to realize that her secret spot had been spoiled.

  Her father sat down on the bench and patted the spot next to him. She reluctantly sat down next to him. They sat in uncomfortable silence, Leslie unwilling to open the conversation and her father taking time to collect his thoughts.

  “You remember that tree back there, the one with all the vines growing on it?” he asked her.

  “Yeah, it’s where I would go when I needed to get away...” She had been going to say more but held her tongue.

  “I knew that, I used to watch you sneaking in there. Never went after you though, must have been about the only nice thing I ever did for you.”

  Leslie didn’t say anything, sensing he would continue if she remained quiet.

  “I was a terrible father, about the worst there could be. Looking back at some of the awful things I did to you today, I shudder with revulsion. No matter how many times I tell you I’m sorry there is no way I can make up for what I did.”

  “No, there isn’t. You tormented me the entire time I was growing up. You isolated me from the rest of the family and made it impossible to make any friends, let alone have a boyfriend. While other kids were enjoying their childhoods, I was hiding under a tree.” Leslie felt some relief at finally being able to voice her anger at him.

  “I know there was no excuse for what I did. I’m sure there have been long lasting affects but I want to make it up to you. I’ve changed, the day you packed up and left, my life changed as well,” he explained.

  Leslie listened quietly, although she wanted to scream at him. Eventually his words began to penetrate and she began to listen to him. He told her how the day she left, her mother left as well. His other children wouldn’t speak to him, as mortified by his behavior as they had ever been.

  Together with their mother, they had decided it was time to take a stand against their father. Each had at least one child of their own and didn’t want him treating them the same way. There was no denying that as the years had passed he had become worse, added to that no one had imagined what he had been putting Leslie through when her mother was at work.

  Leslie had broken down after graduation and told her mother how terrible it had been, feeling that she owed her an explanation. Her mother had packed her bags once Leslie had left and moved in with her oldest son.

  “I told myself it was just as well, I didn’t need anyone. I could drink and fish with no one bothering me with petty interruptions. The only problem was that I had finally crossed the line not only with my family but my friends as well,” he continued.

  Leslie realized with a start that she was beginning to feel sorry for this man as he continued to explain how he had become isolated from everyone and suddenly found himself a drunk old man with no one who cared about him.

  He knew then that he had hit rock bottom, alone except for a goat. The realization of what his life had become, had come crashing down on him and he had cried for an hour before rising from his chair and stumbling into the bathroom to vomit all that had been in his stomach.

  “I never drank again after that day. It took me months to convince your mother to come home and she slept in another room for months after that. One thing you may not know about your mother is that when you get on her bad side it takes a monumental effort to change her mind.”

  Leslie found herself beginning to warm to this very different man. He finished his story explaining that as his brain began to heal from the alcohol, he looked around himself and realized that he had the potential to actually make something of the farm. Starting with a kitchen garden, he had slowly began a business selling local produce to markets and restaurants around the area.

  The land had provided well and in time he had brought her brothers and sisters into the business. They had the delivery service as well as a road side stand that was located further down the road, closer to the processing plant, which had been added two years ago to clean the produce they sold.

  “I know you won’t forgive me overnight, but I would love a chance to be a real father to you. I want to be there to cheer you on when you do great, but also to hold you up when you don’t.” Getting up, he held his hand out to her. “Come with me I want to show you something.”

  Together, they walked back to the house, straight through the kitchen and into the den at the back of the house. There, Leslie saw an entire wall filled with video tapes; she walked over to the wall and saw that each had a series of dates written on it.

  “Those are tapes of all the shows you’ve produced. It was hard to get my hands on some of the documentaries, but with the internet I’ve been able to get them all.”

  “These are all my work?”
she asked, amazed. Even she didn’t have copies of everything she had done.

  “Well, I thought that should this day ever come, this might just show you that I really mean what I say. I never miss the show and I’ve watched everything else you’ve ever done. You’re really talented, must have gotten that from your mother’s side.”

  Leslie felt her anger melting away. Staying angry had taken a lot of work she suddenly realized. This man before her was nothing like the man she remembered; if the prosperity she saw was any indication, his story was true. She wanted nothing more than to give in to his pleas and forgive all the past pain and anguish, but it was too soon to do that. She needed just a bit more time.

  Her mother had planned a family barbeque for the next day, and Leslie wanted to see him with the rest of the family, especially her nieces and nephews. It was exciting to think that she would be meeting all of them for the first time, including her brother and sisters in law. She was sure that as soon as she saw her father interacting with the rest of the family she would know if he spoke the truth.

  “Well, I do have to get back to work. Take some time and think about what I said. I’m looking forward to getting to meet your young man at dinner tonight,” he said, leaving her alone in the den.

  Leslie sank down into one of the plush couches scattered across the room, trying to absorb everything that had happened. She had imagined today’s meeting so differently. She had planned to lay out all her grievances one by one and make him admit how terrible he had been. But he had done the work for her, taking responsibly for everything that had been so painful.

  Ken found her there, deep in thought. “How did it go? Do you feel better?”

  “I’m still in shock, my dad seems like a totally different person. He says that my leaving brought about a chain of events that changed his life,” she said, making room for him to sit down next to her.

  “Do you believe him?”

  “I really want to, it would be nice to have a real father instead of a bully. I guess only time will tell, but I’m willing to give him a chance.”

  “That’s about all you can do right now, keep an open mind and see what happens. But you’re strong, and if I know you, no matter the outcome, you’ll come out of this stronger.”

  “It makes a huge difference having you here. Let’s go for a walk or something. I know there’s a great swimming hole down the river a couple of miles. We could pack a picnic. It would help to get a little distance right now.”

  Chapter 8

  They charmed Leslie’s mom out of a picnic when she refused to accompany them, knowing they really didn’t want her along. Leslie needed some time away from all she had been faced with today, some time to digest how much things had changed and her new role in the family.

  They decided to take the trail that Leslie remembered from childhood and set off with food, a blanket, and sunscreen. There had been no mention of bathing suits; they would have the swimming hole to themselves as the rest of the family had gone to town for the day.

  Feeling decidedly naughty at the prospect of skinny dipping in the river, they held hands all the way to the cove. Ken spread the blanket under a tree on the ground, the moss underneath providing a cushion. Patting the blanket he gestured for her to join him.

  “Are you hungry? Mom packed a feast,” Leslie asked, suddenly shy.

  “No, but that water looks pretty good. I’ve never been skinny dipping. Lots of the other boys did, but I was always too self-conscious.”

  Finding it quite adorable that he would admit something like that to her, she said, “Well, I haven’t either. I was too much of an outcast in school to have a boyfriend or any friend for that matter, so this is new to me too. I think we can figure it out together,” she said, standing up and reaching for his hand.

  “Sounds good to me,” he said, standing up and taking her hand.

  Together they walked to the water, stopping on the mossy bank. Leslie slowly undressed Ken, removing each piece of clothing, kissing his body as she went. Only once he was completely naked did she let him remove her clothing with the same gentle kisses and caresses.

  They were both fully aroused when they slipped into the warm water; the current had created the perfect swimming hole, bringing with it sand to cover the bottom and warm currents. The water felt like velvet as Leslie slid into it, wading in until it reached her neck then throwing her legs up and floating slightly down stream with the current.

  She had swum here a lot as a child but had never felt as free as she did right now. Ken swam toward her with powerful strokes and scooped her up in his arms. When he pretended to dunk her, she clung to him, screeching in protest.

  He covered her mouth with his plunging tongue, cutting off any further protest. The feeling of his tongue and the taste of him were almost Leslie’s undoing but she broke the kiss, freed herself, and swam away again.

  Splashing Ken, she plunged under the water, loving the feel of the cool water on her heated skin. They splashed and played in the water like kids for the rest of the morning. Only emerging when their hunger got the better of them. After a feast of cold roast chicken and salads, they stretched out on the blanket and were asleep in minutes.

  The sun was beginning its slow decent to night when the cooling air woke Ken. They were still naked and the breeze had raised goosebumps on his arms. Leslie was still sleeping on her side, but he could see was beginning to get cold as well when she tucked her legs up close to her body.

  He gently rubbed her arm in light strokes, causing her to stir in her sleep. He raised himself up on one elbow and kissed her shoulder, then her neck. The sensation of his warm lips on her neck finally roused her from slumber as her body automatically responded to his attention.

  She awoke to shivers of desire as Ken trailed kisses down her arm. Then knowing she was awake, he pulled her close to him, still on their sides. Leslie could feel his erection pressing again her buttocks and wiggled her hips against it.

  Ken groaned deep in his throat and found a breast with his hand, cupped it and massaging until Leslie moaned with desire. Switching to the other breast, he nuzzled and kissed her neck, breathing softly in her ear. He murmured words in Chinese she couldn’t understand but knew were meant only for her.

  He toyed with her nipple, making the already taunt peak harden even more, then switched to the other breast. He groaned when Leslie ground her hips into his erection again. She was wet and ready for him, her body aching for penetration. She tried to roll onto her back, but he stopped her with a hand on her hip.

  He ravished her mouth with a searing kiss then rolled her back onto her side, pulled his hips back and slid his penis between her legs. She could feel the tip of his penis rubbing against her clit, wet and slippery, with each stroke she anticipated his penetration.

  She was panting, waves of pleasure rushing through her body seeking the crest she ground her hips against his. In one stroke, Ken buried himself in Leslie’s tight, wet passage, then held still, allowing her body to adjust to his size. Holding her hips still with one hand, he began a slow rhythm, in and out, not allowing Leslie to move at all.

  Leslie reached behind him and grabbed his butt, pulling him deeper inside her as she arched her back. No one had ever made love to her this way and the sensations were intoxicating, all she wanted was for Ken to fill her again and again.

  Moving his hand from her hip, across her belly and down, he rested it at the juncture of her thighs, then lifted her leg and rested it atop his own. Her spread legs gave his fingers access to her clit, and he began to massage the hard nib.

  The moment his finger found her secret spot, the world ceased to exist as wave after wave of pleasure swept through her body. He continued to stroke her with his finger as he thrust his throbbing member into her over and over.

  Wanting Ken deeper inside her, she tried to arch her back but he gently pushed her hips forward and ducked under her leg and placed it on his shoulder. Still buried deep inside her core, she was now as ope
n to him as she had ever been.

  She could feel his hard testicles against the inside of her thigh, rubbing with each thrust of his hips. He grabbed her breasts, one in each hand and tweaked her nipple until they stood at hard peaks. Still thrusting with his powerful hips, he looked into her eyes and whispered, “You’re pure heaven, hot and wet and tight.”

  His words were almost enough on their own to bring her body to climax, but when he used his finger to stroke her in rhythm with his thrusting hips, she could stand no more and crested on a wave of sensation that took her breath away.

  Grinding his hips into her, he rode out her orgasm buried deep inside her, but not giving into his own. She lay there panting, Ken’s hard erection still inside her. He allowed her only seconds to recover before sliding her leg back down and without breaking contact rolled her onto her stomach.

  He had never made love to a woman who was so open to allowing him access to her body. His other relationships, and there had only been a few of them, had been with women who only had sex with him out of a sense of duty. It had enjoyable but routine, nothing like what he and Leslie experienced together.

  Leaning down across her back he kissed the back of her neck as her breathing began to return to normal. “Come up on your knees for me, love.”

  Leslie enjoying this new experience as well, felt her sex begin to throb at the thought of him taking her from behind. Getting to her knees, she moaned with desire as Ken began to move inside her. Kneeling between her legs he grabbed her hips, increasing his pace hands on her hips to give him more leverage.

  Leslie found herself swept into another web of desire as waves of sensation assaulted her body; the feel of Ken’s hard penis, filling her over and over, had her crying out his name with pleasure. The sound of her crying out his name pushed Ken over the edge and with one final deep thrust he came with a force he had never felt before.

  Crying her name as he climaxed, Leslie could feel this throbbing penis against the walls of her vagina and her body responded by releasing her once again into a storm of sensation that went on and on. Spent, they collapsed onto the blanket on their side once again. Panting but satisfied like never before, neither said anything for several minutes.


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