The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2)

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The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2) Page 24

by J A Fielding

  Unlike the night of the Emmy Awards, Leslie had chosen a short dress, which had ridden up on her thighs giving Ken a nice view of her shapely legs.

  “The trick to making out in the back of the car is to do it very quietly,” he said, pulling the pins from her hair to let it fall in wild curls around her face.

  Threading his fingers through her hair, he pulled her in for a gentle kiss. Life had been so crazy lately that they’d had little time together. Most nights both were so exhausted sleep was all they wanted. The lack of sex recently meant that Leslie was more than ready for anything Ken wanted to do and it was a bit of a turn on that they were only feet from the driver, who could interrupt them any time.

  Sliding his hands out of her hair, he broke the kiss and pulled her close for a few minutes, then kissed her again, but this time there was urgency to the kiss. He plunged his tongue into her mouth; she readily accepted the assault matching the thrusting of his tongue with her own.

  She groaned deep in her throat, loving the taste of him, the feeling of his tongue stroking her own. Ken continued to kiss her, nibbling on her lips, then kissing her neck causing her to arch her back. Under the silky fabric of her dress her nipples had become rock hard in anticipation of Ken taking them in his strong hands.

  She hadn’t worn a bra with her dress, so when Ken pulled it down, her breasts were completely exposed. He immediately closed his mouth over one hard nipple, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Ken pushed her further down on the car seat, allowing him to take her other breast in his hand to massage the generous globe, teasing the nipple with his thumb.

  Fighting the need to cry out, Leslie clamped her lips shut, writhing under his clever hands. She reached up to unbutton his shirt wanting to feel the hard muscles of his chest under her hands. Her dress had begun to creep up and was now bunched just at the top of her thighs.

  With his mouth still deliciously playing with her breast, his hand began to caress her exposed thigh, moving ever so slowly higher, increasing her desire the closer he got to the juncture of her thighs. Pleasure was rolling through her body, she could feel the wetness spreading, moistening her panties.

  In response to his gentle caresses, her body began to demand more. She parted her legs, pushing her dress up farther up her body. Releasing her breast, he took a moment to look at Leslie, tracing a path with his eyes, from her face, flushed with desire, to the lacy thong she had chosen for the night.

  “You’re so beautiful, I will remember how you look right now for the rest of my life,” Ken said, as his hand began to tease her. Stoking the crease where her legs met her body with his thumb, she began to become desperate to feel his fingers on her. Using one finger, he moved her thong to the side, barely grazing her lips with his finger.

  She sucked in her breath in anticipation and he covered her mouth with a kiss to keep her quiet as he spread her open and plunged his finger deep inside her. He captured her cry with his mouth, thrusting his finger into her, nearly driving her over the brink of climax.

  When his thumb found her clit and began to stroke it, she was lost. Her orgasm came in a rush of pleasure unlike anything she had ever felt, an almost violent clenching of her muscles in response to his assault on her senses. As the waves of pleasure began to fade, the car came to a stop.

  They quickly righted their clothing; Leslie still panting from her orgasm, Ken still visibly aroused. They stumbled out of the car as if drunk, holding on to one another as they quickly opened the door to her little house and fell through it. Slamming the door behind them, Ken’s mouth was on hers in seconds.

  The devoured each other with their mouths as Leslie struggled with the buckle on Ken’s belt. Finally releasing the clasp, she unbuttoned his pants pulled the zipper down and released his throbbing erection. Breaking the kiss just long enough to strip off Leslie’s dress, he stepped out of his pants and boxers, and pulled his shirt over his head.

  Backing her up against the table in the entryway, he picked her up and set her on the table and stepped between her legs, captured a plump butt cheek in each hand he pulled her forward onto his hard penis, burying himself as deep as he could go in one stroke.

  The feeling of Ken filling her so completely made Leslie cry out his name in pleasure and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he pounded himself into her with a urgency he’d never experienced before. Leaning back on her arms, she gave herself over to the delicious feeling of Ken so deep inside her.

  With her head thrown back, her breasts were exposed, enticing him as they bounced with the movement of their bodies. He released her butt and captured one globe in each hand, kneading and massaging them. He squeezed them until her nipples were hard peaks then teased them with his tongue, flicking and gently biting them.

  Leslie was frantic, wanting him deeper, closer. She unhooked her ankles where they had been clasped around his hips and spread her legs, then Ken slid them up onto his shoulders. He buried himself deeply inside her, each nearing their climax.

  He looked deeply into her eyes, seeing her pleasure was driving him closer to his climax. Never had it been so important that she derive as much pleasure as he was, using his fingers he found her hard clit and with gentle strokes send her flying over the crest, her body wracked with tremors.

  Her orgasm was so powerful, he could do nothing more than endure the pleasure of her muscles gripping his cock, deep inside her. With a roar he climaxed with several deep thrusts, collapsing on top of her, spent.

  He immediately realized where they were and scooped her up in his arms, carried her back to her bedroom and placed her on the bed. He joined her there, pulling her into his arms so her head was resting on his chest.

  “Not the most dignified way to show you how much I love you,” he said, shaking his head.

  “I don’t think I could have made it one step further anyway. How do you always manage to turn me into a quivering pile of desire?” she asked, playing with his nipple, which had hardened at her touch.

  “I think I could ask you the same thing,” he said, rolling on top of her, his penis already beginning to become stiff again.

  “Well, I suppose the only way to find out is to experiment,” she said, reaching down to take him in her hand. “Tell me, how does this affect you?”


  They slept late the next day, then had a leisurely breakfast on Leslie’s patio. Her little house was nothing fancy; she had decorated it on a string budget, but it was hers. Everything about the little house made Ken think of Leslie, from the framed movie posters to the collection of salt and pepper shakers in the kitchen.

  The place was homey and comfortable, and Ken was just as happy here as he was at his professionally decorated house. This felt more like a home, like someone actually lived here. As they were finishing their breakfast, Leslie’s mother called to see how the grand opening had gone.

  She had invited her parents, but they hadn’t been able to get away. Harvest was in full swing and they couldn’t leave for even one night. Giving Ken a questioning look, she waited to see if he minded if she took the call. He gave her a thumbs up and went into the house to call his mother as he’d promised.

  It was a short conversation, his mother had demanded that both he and Leslie join them for lunch tomorrow at the hotel. He knew that there was no arguing with her when she used that tone of voice. He tried to find out what she wanted but she was very closed mouthed.

  He knew that his mother was up to something but he couldn’t figure out what. She was constantly plotting and planning something and he hoped that she wasn’t planning to try and break them up. No matter how hard he tried she wouldn’t tell him what was so important.

  “Mother, I know you’re up to something, you better not have gotten in your head to try and interfere in my life,” Ken cautioned her.

  “I’m not interfering, Ken, I’m helping,” she said.

  “Mother,” Ken said.

  “Just be here tomorrow at noon, I promise you that nothing
bad is going to happen. But there are things that we need to discuss. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She hung up before he could say another word.

  Still convinced that his mother was up to something, he went to find Leslie and tell her about their summons. It could be described no other way. When he told Leslie about his mother’s demands, she too was curious but resigned herself to having lunch with his mother.

  She had been really nice last night after the film, hugging her and telling her how wonderful it was. Maybe just maybe, his mother was coming around. It would make everyone’s life so much easier if his mother could accept her. Leslie knew that she would never keep Ken from his family, it wasn’t the right thing to do or a good way to build a healthy relationship. If his mother liked her that would make it all so much easier.

  Determined not to dwell on what would come tomorrow, she dug out her laptop and fired it up to see what the response to the film would be today. Ken went and found his and together, snuggled up on the glider, they checked their email. Each had dozens of emails from people congratulating them on the success of both the towers and the film.

  Leslie was thrilled to find that several public television stations were offering significant amounts of money for the honor of airing it first. Some wanted to know where they could buy a copy. Her agent was thrilled beyond words at Leslie’s success and wanted to meet for lunch.

  Ken had some of the same requests and congratulations from some very important people. There were calls from numerous government officials wanting to meet with Ken to find out how to create something like the towers in their own community.

  He had been prepared for this and had a team in place to assist anyone who wanted to create something similar. He and the men and women who had been behind the project had hoped that the idea would catch on and that other donors could be found to fund projects like this all over the world.

  “It’s all a little bit overwhelming, I’m thrilled that everyone like the film so much, but I didn’t expect this kind of response.”

  “I knew that it would be a success. It has a lot of appeal to many different people, the applications are unlimited. Besides, it’s very entertaining, people like that.”

  They spent the rest of the day answering emails. Ken naturally had to check on the cleanup at the towers but did so by phone and was satisfied with the report his staff gave him. They cooked dinner together, watched a movie, and avoided the topic of lunch with his mother the next day.

  Finally as they got ready for bed, Leslie couldn’t stand it any longer, she had to know what Ken thought tomorrow was all about.

  “So what do you think your mother wants to talk to us about tomorrow? I’m kind of nervous about it,” Leslie said, sitting down on the side of the bed.

  “Well, I’m not sure. She said nothing bad was going to happen but wouldn’t say anything more. I just worried because I know how she loves to meddle in my life. I already made it clear to her that you were here to stay but that didn’t even phase her,” he said, joining her.

  “She was really nice to me after the film last night. She hugged me,” Leslie said.

  “Then it can’t be that bad. My mother doesn’t hug just anyone. She wasn’t always like this you know, before my father got sick she was the typical obedient Chinese wife. But after his stroke she had to take control and she did so magnificently.”

  “It must have been hard for her. Your brothers and sisters were still just kids, and then to have a husband that needed so much care.”

  “She learned quickly that only by speaking her mind would things get done. Till this day that is still her approach to life. It can be good and bad. I’m hoping that tomorrow will be on the good side. I have no doubt that there will be lots of mind speaking at lunch.”

  “Ugh, I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” she said, pulling her legs up and wrapping her arms around them.

  “Hey, we’ll do this together. She’s really not that bad and I’m encouraged by the fact that she hugged you.”

  “Okay, you’re probably right. Let’s go to bed, it might be a long day tomorrow,” she said, crawling into the bed. “You know I might be so worried that it will be hard to fall asleep.”

  “And I suppose you think I should do something about that potential problem?” he asked, crawling into bed beside her.

  “If it’s too much trouble, I could drink a glass of warm milk,” she said, making a face.

  “Darling, it’s never too much trouble to wear you out enough so you can sleep, besides someday you might have to return the favor,” he said, sliding his hand under the tee shirt she always wore to bed.

  “As long as it’s not too much....” Her sentence trailed off when his hand found her breast.

  Chapter 11

  The next day, Leslie and Ken both needed to go to work; Leslie to the television studio and Ken to the towers. There had been no huge emergencies but he wanted see how things were going with his own eyes. He dropped her off at the studio with plans to pick her up for lunch.

  Leslie was happy to be back at the studio and immediately threw herself into catching up with everyone. There were almost three weeks before they would be back to the live shows, but they would need to go over the first week’s schedule, film promos, and do maintenance on the equipment.

  She was waiting nervously in front of the studio when he pulled up. Jumping in the car she gave him a nervous smile. “I’m so nervous I don’t think I’ll be able to eat a thing.”

  “Don’t worry, it won’t be that bad, if it gets out of hand we’ll just leave. Give me the word and we’re out of there.”


  His mother answered the door to their suite when Ken knocked, greeted them warmly and indicated that they should go on through to the balcony. There was a table there set for four and Ken’s father was already seated, waiting for them.

  Ken held his mother’s chair for her then helped Leslie into her seat. Once seated, his mother began by saying, “I’m glad you could both come today. It will give us a chance to get to know Leslie better.”

  Her tone was warm and inviting, and Leslie breathed a sigh of relief. Ken too was relieved to see his mother begin kind to Leslie. Something had indeed changed last night, the cold woman who had greeted them yesterday was gone replaced by the mother he knew and loved so much.

  His father was silent, but he knew only too well that his mother would have her way and if she wanted to give Leslie a chance then he would as well. He might never know what had changed his mother’s mind but he was thankful that something had.

  They had a wonderful lunch, discussing Leslie’s career, her family, and her plans for her future. When his mother brought that subject up, Leslie blushed and his mother actually smiled. After lunch, his mother surprised her even more by inviting Leslie to join her on a shopping trip. Leslie readily agreed, pleased to have been asked.

  There was a car waiting for them out front, and within minutes they were shopping in the most fashionable district in the city. Leslie followed Ken’s mother as she made her way from one store to the next, a skilled shopper, she knew what she wanted before she walked into the door.

  Along the way, she had managed to sneak in several outfits for Leslie, who was pleased when she gave them to her.

  “I’ve had fun today, you’re quite the shopper. I’ve learned a few things for sure,” Leslie said, as they were seated at a very upscale restaurant.

  “You must remember our family has many interests and one of them is manufacturing, I was forced to learn a great deal about the clothing industry since it’s one of our biggest businesses.”

  “That makes sense. Ken and I don’t really talk about any of that. We talk about the towers but not really anything else. I get the impression that he’s not as involved as he used to be.”

  “He has giving over a lot of responsibility to his brother, you’re correct about that. Which is part of the reason I wanted to talk to you alone. It’s clear to me that Ken is going to make hi
s home here in America, but that doesn’t mean that his family in China will cease to exist,” his mother began.

  “I would never try to take him away from his family, I was hoping we would be able to share him,” Leslie quickly interrupted her.

  “I know dear, that why I wanted some time alone with you. I see the way you and Ken look at each other. He’s never looked at any woman that way. I realized the other night as I was watching your film that what you two have is the real thing.” She paused collecting her thoughts.

  “What I’m trying to say is that if you and my son want to make a life together, I will support you. But I do have one request.”

  “What can I do for you?”

  “I want you to come to China and meet Ken’s family, get to know them, and learn about his culture. If you are going to be a part of Ken’s life, you need to understand where he comes from. It would be beneficial for both of you, and I hope that you will visit with Ken often.”

  “Oh, Mrs. Ling, I would love to come to China and meet everyone. Maybe we can plan it during my next break. We break for three weeks at Christmas. Would that work?”

  “The trip has already been arranged, we leave tomorrow morning.”

  “But I have to work, the season will be starting up soon, you have to understand I just can’t take any time off.”

  “I called your boss earlier today. He and I have known each other for years. His son went to school with Ken, we often joined them at school functions.”

  Leslie was speechless. This was what Ken’s mother had been up to. Knowing when she was beat, she said, “What time is the plane and what should I pack?”

  Ken’s mother nodded her head in agreement then filled her in on the itinerary for the trip. “As to what you should pack, I think I will help you with that. Bring some of your American clothes, but I will also have some things for you when you arrive.”

  They finished their lunch, then found the driver who had been waiting for them. It was quiet on the way home. Leslie couldn’t decide if she was angry or excited about the trip, but decided that excitement was the way to go. Ken had warned her that his mother liked to get her own way and if this was her way then she’d go along for the ride.


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