The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2)

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The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2) Page 25

by J A Fielding

  When Ken heard that they were all leaving for China the next day, he just shook his head, loaded Leslie’s packages in the car, and they headed home.

  “I couldn’t fight her on this one. She called my boss, evidently you went to school with his son, and she got him to give me the next two weeks off. We’re going to China so I can meet you family and learn about your culture.”

  “Well, I have to say it but I told you she was up to something. I didn’t expect this but I’ll take it. Are you okay with it?”

  “It’s better than her hating me, and besides, I’m going to China. I never thought I’d hear myself say that.”

  Ken dropped her off so he could go home and pack his things, promising to return shortly; this might be the last night they could spend together until they returned from China and Ken didn’t intend to waste a minute of it.

  The next morning, they met his parents at the airport and after the usual travel headaches they were on the plane and headed to China. It was a long trip and by the time they touched down, everyone was exhausted. Ken’s home was still several hours drive from the airport so they stayed in a hotel for the evening.

  The next morning, there was a driver waiting to take them on the last leg of their journey. They arrived at the family home a few hours later and were greeted by numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. Ken’s brothers and sisters were waiting inside the house.

  Leslie experienced a moment of doubt, but Ken’s mom quickly took her arm and linked it with hers and took her inside to meet everyone. Everyone was more than welcoming, and Leslie was sure that Ken’s mom had paved the way for her introduction.

  After a fantastic meal, Ken showed Leslie to her room, explaining that here they would have to sleep in separate beds. “I’ll sneak over when everyone is asleep. It’ll be like the back of the car all over again, except we’ll have to be quiet the entire time.”

  “You’re terrible, are you sure we should?”

  “Actually it’s expected. Our culture is not quite as preoccupied about sex before marriage. Of course, that assuming we’re going to get married.” Realizing what he had just said, Ken stood there for a second not knowing what to say next.

  “That was my first lesson in Chinese culture,” she said, kissing him deeply. “Until later, my love.” She had decided that the best course was to let that comment just pass by. She hadn’t even considered marriage, but she realized that Ken’s mother probably had.

  Ken snuck into her room late that night and did the same every night they were in China. He would leave just before dawn, sneaking back just as the first of the servants came in to begin the day. Ken’s mother knew very well what was going on but ignored it, muttering about love under her breath.

  Leslie immersed herself in China and all it had to offer. She accompanied Mrs. Ling to visit friends and meet more family, appropriately dressed, exactly as Mrs. Ling. Although she could understand little of the language, she behaved with grace and charm, pleasing Ken’s mother more and more each day.

  She said little, but Leslie could see that she was pleased. Dinner each night was a quiet affair and Leslie found that Ken’s father loved to have someone read to him. Her warm voice was perfect for the job and he soon had her spending time every night reading classic Chinese literature that had been translated into English.

  By the end of the week, Leslie had acclimated to her new surroundings and won Ken’s parents affection. In fact, Ken’s mother was planning a special celebration at the end of their visit. It would be a traditional Chinese celebration with food, spirits, and fireworks. Leslie had a special outfit for the occasion and was excited to experience this part of the culture.

  Everyone gathered at the house early in the afternoon, there was a great deal of ceremony as each course of the meal was served. It took hours to eat, which was fine with Leslie, since that meant that she could eat more of the wonderful dishes she was being introduced to.

  At the end of the meal, his mother and aunts took her hand and led her to a small table with one intricately beaded pillow on each side. They had her kneel on the pillow and then placed Ken in the same position opposite her.

  She could see Ken resisting a little, but when his mother hissed at him, he complied. Once they were seated a beautiful tea set was put in front of them. At his mother nod, Ken took a deep breath and poured tea for both of them. He handed her the cup, and indicated that she should drink. He drank when she did, then took the cups and set them back in their saucers.

  At that moment, the gathering erupted in cheers and laughter. There was much celebration and several of the aunts came over to kiss her shyly on the cheek. She looked to Ken for an explanation and was rewarded with a sheepish grin.

  He got up from the table, had what looked like a few angry words with him mother, then took her hand and led her out to the courtyard. It was a beautiful night and she was distracted by the smell of jasmine on the air.

  “Leslie, remember when I told you that my mother likes to meddle in my life?”

  “Yeah,” she said, beginning to get suspicious.

  “Well, she just managed to get us engaged, at least in China. That was an engagement ceremony we just performed.”

  She stopped to think about that for a moment, then began to laugh. “Well, I guess it would have been nice to have been asked, but since it’s done I guess there’s not much I can do about it. Are you mad at her?”

  “Not exactly, but it would have been nice if she’d asked or something. But I suppose she did it to make the elders happy,” he said, shaking his head. “But if you’re not mad then I guess there’s no harm done.”

  “She means well, she loves you and wants you to be happy. She tricked us into that ceremony to show everyone that she approves of our relationship and I guess it worked from their reaction.”

  “My mother gave me this just now for you.” He pulled a little velvet pouch from his pocket. “It’s been in the family for generations, custom dictates that you wear it now. You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.”

  Leslie took the little pouch from him, tipped it and watched as the most beautiful emerald necklace slid into her palm. Turning her back to him, she said, “Put it on.”

  He put the necklace on her, then led her over to a bench under one of the large trees in the courtyard where they would have some privacy. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about the future and tonight just makes me realize that I’ve made the right decision.”

  “What have you decided?” she asked, wondering what was coming now.

  “I’ve handed complete control of all the business over to my brothers, they will be running everything from now on. The thing is, only one of us is going to be able to work the way we were. I’ve had my fun; in fact, the thrill of making money is gone for me. I’ll still have Paradise Towers, but this means we’ll be able to see each other more often.”

  “Ken, that’s a big sacrifice. Are you sure?”

  “Am I sure that I love you and want to make this work more than I’ve wanted anything in my life? You bet. Leslie, this is the only way. Don’t you remember what it was like when we were both working so hard? It just didn’t work out well.”

  “I know, but your career, your business.”

  “None of that means anything to me if I don’t have you. If I get too bored, I’m sure I can find something to do with myself,” he said, kissing her, putting an end to the conversation.


  The trip to China had been wonderful, but Leslie needed to get back home and back to work. The season would be starting in just a matter of days and she was way behind. Bruce had been video chatting with her daily, keeping her updated and involved in the decision making process, but that was not the same as being there in person.

  Before they left for home, Leslie and Ken’s mother had a little talk about the ceremony and all that it might mean. Leslie found that she was really beginning to become fond of the woman and couldn’t blame her for doing all she could to
assure his happiness.

  “Thank you for everything, Mrs. Ling,” she said, kissing her on each cheek.

  “You should call me Momma Ling. I am old enough now I’m afraid. My grandkids started calling me that and now everyone in the family is as well.”

  “Okay, Momma Ling it is. I have learned so much in the last two weeks, including how a Chinese engagement ceremony works.”

  “Oh, well, that. I just thought Ken might need a little push. He’s not getting any younger you know.”

  “Did you know he was going to give up control of the business?” Leslie asked.

  “Not for sure, but he’s been wanting to for a while. Your entry into his life had given him just the excuse he needed. But I do worry that he won’t have enough to keep him busy.”

  “I’m worried about that myself, but I can always send him home to you for a visit if he starts driving me crazy. I really do love your son.”

  “I know you do and I wish you both all the best. Now enough of this mushy stuff. I’ll be crying in a minute.”

  They flew out the next morning, Leslie was sad to leave all the new friends she had made, but knew that she’d be back before too long. China was a wonderful country and she’d been able to see it not as a tourist but as a resident. She’d already decided that Ken would need to teach her to speak the language so she could communicate with more of the family.

  With only five days until the season premiere, Leslie hit the ground running, going straight from the airport to the studio. Bruce was there to meet her and they worked long into the night.

  This season would be different though, Bruce had already done some good work on the first week of shows and she only needed to make a few changes to make them perfect. She was pleased but also a little sad, things had gone fine without her here every minute.

  “Bruce, you did a fantastic job on the shows, you almost didn’t need me,” she said.

  “That’s not true, we talked every day. There’s no way I could have done it without you.”

  “Well, how about this, equal billing on the credits for this week’s show? It’s only fair, you did half the work.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” he said, but the excitement was clear on his face. This would be Bruce’s first lead billing in the credits. In the world of television production it was like getting a promotion with a big fat raise.

  “I think I do. Now let’s go home. It’s late and we’re both tired. Thanks for staying so late.”

  Ken was waiting for her at her house after she left the studio, so she headed there. Happy at the thought that there was someone waiting for her at home, instead of just an empty house. Funny, she thought, how you don’t miss something until you have it.

  She was more than exhausted and glad that Ken had sent a car for her, she’d have been too tired to drive herself. He met her at the door, took her straight to the bathroom where a bubble bath was waiting. He stripped off her clothes and helped her into the bath, the returned with a cup of herbal tea.

  “I could get used to this,” she said, relaxing back into the bubbles. She was so relaxed that within minutes she was asleep, only waking up with Ken came in to check on her.

  “You poor baby, come on, out of there. Let’s go to bed.”

  He helped her dry off, pulled a tee shirt over her head and tucked her into bed, wrapped her in his arms. She slept till morning and awoke with no memory of going to bed, but happy to find Ken snoring softly beside her.

  Not wanting to wake him, she pulled the covers back to get out of bed, when his arm shot out and grabbed her, pulling her back into bed.

  She screeched a little with surprise, then said, “How do you always do that? You’re asleep one minute then wide awake the next.”

  “I’m a very light sleeper, and don’t think you’re getting away so fast. Remember that talk we had about balance,” he said, settling her into his arms.

  “Yes, but I’ve been gone so long,” she started to protest, then thought about it and relaxed back into his arms. “But you’re right, no one will be at the studio for a few hours yet.”

  “Good, what do you want for breakfast, you know that’s the most important meal of the day,” he said.

  “Hmm, I can think of something I’ve been craving for a while,” she said, throwing the blanket over her head and sliding down his body, kissing her way down, then taking him in her mouth.

  Ken didn’t make her breakfast that morning, but she did leave for work with a big smile on her face, deciding that going in to work late wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

  Chapter 12

  Ken moved most of his things into Leslie’s house that next week and they fell into a pattern; Leslie working her long hours at the studio while Ken spent time at the towers, they met back at her house at night.

  Ken didn’t tell Leslie, but the towers were running so well that all he was really doing when he went there was hanging around and getting in the way. One part of him was proud of what he had accomplished, another part of him was disappointed that they didn’t really need him anymore.

  Leslie began to notice that Ken was getting restless, but wasn’t really concerned. He’d been working long days for so long, it would take some time for him to adjust. Meanwhile, she was enjoying his undivided attention.

  But as the weeks went by and Ken seemed to only get worse, she began to worry. She had promised his mother to send him home if he got too restless, but that wasn’t the solution to the problem. They were going to have to figure out some way to keep him occupied.

  As she sat in the living room on the couch one night, she watched as he paced the small space. He stopped every now and again to look out the window as if expecting someone.

  “Are we expecting someone?” she asked, joking.

  Ken was feeling especially restless that night and immediately snapped at her. “Since I don’t have much contact with anyone anymore, it’s doubtful that anyone will be coming to see me.”

  “Well, okay, sorry I asked. Ken, you’ve been really restless lately. I think it’s time you found something to keep you busy. Why don’t you take up golf? You said once you’d never played and always wanted to,” she suggested, waiting for him to explode again.

  “Oh, Leslie. I’m sorry. You’re right, I’m dying of boredom. They don’t need me at the towers, everything is so well under control all I’ve been doing is making a nuisance of myself. I didn’t want to tell because you have so much else going on. I’ve been working all my life and now suddenly I have nothing to do.”

  She got up from the couch and put her arms around him and pressed her ear to his chest, pausing just a second to listen to his heart beat. “We’ll figure something out. I love having you here all the time, but not if you’re unhappy. Remember that speech you gave me about balance and finding that happy medium? Well, time to take your own advice, professor.”

  “Okay, golf it is. But I’m still bored, probably won’t be able to sleep tonight. Isn’t there something that helps with that problem and don’t I remember you promising me that solution?”

  “I do seem to remember that night,” she said, unbuttoning his shirt to tease his nipple with her tongue, loving the feeling when it hardened immediately. “And I have to admit that it did work, let’s see what I can do for you.” Sinking to her knees, that was the end of the conversation that night.

  Ken was true to his word and made a golfing reservation the next day, calling a couple of old business associates to join him. He rented clubs and was at the course early to take a quick lesson with the pro. He found that he had a natural talent for the game but didn’t really enjoy himself.

  Hoping that it was the company that day, he joined another group the next day, with the same result. After the third day, his game had improved greatly, but his appreciation for the game hadn’t. Finally, he had to admit to himself and Leslie that golf wasn’t the game for him.

  Next, Leslie suggested raising race horses. Many of the celebrities she knew were into
this very expensive hobby, but Ken had the money so she arranged for him to spend some time with some of the breeders she knew.

  Ken set off early one bright fall morning, excited to see what horse breeding was all about. He liked the fact that he would get to spend time outside. California was a beautiful place and he’d had little time to enjoy it. He drove down the coast and arrived just on time for his first day at the ranch. The breeder met him at the door with a pair of rubber boots. “Don’t want to get your shoes all messed up, never know what you might step in out here. You ever ridden a horse?”

  “No, is that something I should do if I want to breed horses?” Ken asked, thinking that might not be so bad.

  “Well, it sure can be helpful when you want to evaluate a horse for.....” The man continued to talk losing Ken when he started talking about artificial versus live insemination.

  “I guess I didn’t really know what I was getting into out here,” Ken said, following the man to the barn.

  “You need to think about what it is you want to do. There’s more than one way to be involved you know. Some folks just want to purchase a share in a horse, hoping the horse will win enough to make a little profit. It’s just an upscale way of gambling. Others want a horse of their own but have someone else do all the work. Then there’s breeder like me, who invest all the money and do all the work.”

  “I don’t, hadn’t really thought....”

  “Okay, how about if we start with a ride?” the man suggested.

  Ken considered it for a minute then decided he had nothing to lose. They saddled their horses, led them out of the barn. Ken managed to get himself up in the saddle on the first try and was relieved, he was in good shape, worked out every day, but this was an entirely different set of muscles.

  The set off, headed to the rugged mountains in the distance. After a few miles, Ken knew that this was not the hobby for him. He could be one of those investors, but the truth was he didn’t really like horses. They smelled bad, pooped where ever they wanted, and were a bit scary.


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