The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2)

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The Billionaire's Big Beautiful Pregnancy: BWWM Romance (Big And Beautiful Book 2) Page 26

by J A Fielding

  He knew he would get over the fear in time but just didn’t think this was the thing for him. When they returned to the barn, he was doubly convinced when he stepped in a big pile of horse manure as they walked the horses back in.

  He arrived home very late that night tired, smelly, and generally grumpy. He’d given the horse thing as much as he was going to give and there would be no more discussion of it. Leslie, seeing the look on his face when he came in the door, immediately took him by the hand, making a face when she smelled him, and took him straight to the bathroom.

  She turned the shower on nice and hot, then stripped his filthy clothes off him and gently pushed him into the shower. She left him to put his clothes in the washer then stripped off her clothes and got in the shower with him.

  He let her wash him from head to toe but resisted any effort on his part to do anything more. Instead, she dried him off and led him to the bed. She pushed his naked body down onto the bed, then rolled him onto his stomach.

  She straddled his back and massaged the tight muscles in his neck and back. Only then, did she turn him over and allow him to bury himself inside her.

  Later as they lay on the bed, she finally thought she could ask about the day. “So I’m assuming horses aren’t your thing.”

  “Let’s just say no and leave it at that.”

  “Okay, I think it’s time to bring in an expert. Why don’t you go to the community college and see what they have to offer? Maybe they can come up with something that will keep you occupied. I’m out of ideas.”

  “I can’t believe how hard this had been, I’ve just never had this much free time in my entire life.”


  Ken walked into the community college the next morning hopeful that they would have some suggestions for classes that might keep him entertained. He was contemplating going back to school for an entirely new degree when an intoxicating smell caught his attention.

  Following the smell down the hall, he looked into a class room to find workstations covered in food. Each island also had an oven, cook top, and a grill. He was obviously in the classroom where the cooking classes were taught.

  He remembered hearing that his school had one of the best cooking programs in the state and if what he was smelling any indication of the skill of the teacher, then what he had heard was correct. There was a woman writing a recipe on the white board in the back of the room, he cleared his throat quietly but she heard him.

  Tuning, she said, “If you’re here for class, it doesn’t start for another hour, but come on in and make yourself comfortable. There’s tea or coffee and cookies on the back table. This is a cooking class we should eat well right.”

  Ken stood there for a minute considering what he should do. He wasn’t enrolled in the class but a cookie did sound pretty good. Deciding to follow his impulse, he found the cookies and popped one into his mouth.

  It melted like butter but had a rich almond flavor that lingered on his tongue. Sighing with pleasure, he scooped up another one. “These are about the best cookies I’ve ever tasted.”

  “Thank you. It’s my own recipe. I’ll be teaching you to make them the last week of class.”

  “Oh, I’m not signed up for the class. Sorry, I just couldn’t resist the lure of the cookie,” Ken said, turning to leave.

  “Well, why don’t you sign up? I know we still have a few spots open. It’s a beginner class, but I can always make things more difficult for you if you have more skills. It’s a fun class,” she cajoled.

  Ken thought about it for a minute while he was finishing his second cookie. He did like to cook, never anything fancy but it was fun to mess around sometimes. He had nothing else to do so what the heck, it couldn’t be any worse than being spit on by a horse.

  “Okay, I will,” Ken said, feeling the first stirring of interest in something besides Leslie for a long time.

  From that day forward, Ken was hooked. His cooking teacher took him under her wing when she saw that he had some basic skills. She sent him home with instructions to make dishes that even a gourmet would love. At the end of six weeks, Ken knew that he had found his new passion.

  Leslie was more than thrilled to see him happy and occupied. Her season was in full swing and several recent Hollywood scandals had kept her and the writers hopping as they changed David’s material reflect the new gossip. With only another four weeks of shows until the holiday break, she was pushing herself and her staff to their limits, ever hopeful they could break into that coveted number two spot.

  After one especially trying day, Ken greeted her with a wonderful dinner and a cold glass of wine. After she had finished eating, he brought up a topic he had been wanting to discuss with her.

  “I want to do more with my cooking, but I don’t know what. Opening a restaurant would be fun, but it would take a lot of work and I already quit one job that took up to much of my time. What do you think?” Ken asked.

  Leslie just looked at him with a blank look for a minute, not knowing if she had the energy to talk about it now. “Well, running a restaurant is a big job.,” was about all she could manage.

  Seeing her exhaustion, he said, “Come on, let’s get you to bed, I know you’re tired.”

  There would be plenty of time once the season was over to figure out what he should do. Leslie had enough on her mind. He decided that he next day he would bring her a nice lunch, something healthy that would build up her strength.

  He arrived at the studio a little early thinking he would stop in to see Leslie’s boss; they’d been friends in school but hadn’t see each other for several years. He wanted to surprise Leslie, although he had called Bruce to make sure she could get away for a few minutes, so he carried the lunch with him up to the top floor.

  The basket he carried was leaving a trail of delicious smells in its wake, making stomachs growl and people begin to think about lunch. Once he was seated in the office with his old friend, the entire room filled with the aroma of the lunch Ken had made.

  “What do you have in that basket and where did you get it?”

  “Oh, this? I made it. My newest passion is cooking. Since I turned everything over to my brothers and the towers are running like a well-oiled machine, I found myself with time on my hands and cooking keeps me busy.”

  “Can I try some? It’s hard to believe you made that.”

  “It’s not that hard, you just have to have a few basic skills and the right equipment.” Without meaning to, Ken launched into a cooking lesson, explaining step by step how he had created the wonderful lunch.

  When the plate was empty, the man seated in the chair was no longer Ken’s friend from school; he was James Brooks, the studio executive who had made it in this business by spotting talent when he saw it.

  “What would you think about hosting a cooking show? We’ve been looking for something to fill one of our early afternoon slots, you’d be perfect.”

  “Me, host a cooking show? I don’t think so, what do I know about being on camera?”

  “You don’t have to know anything, just do what you just did and that’s all it will take.”

  “I don’t know. Let me think about it, I’ll get back to you,” Ken said, packing up the food to go have lunch with Leslie.

  He kept silent about his potential cooking show, even thinking that in his head felt strange, wanting some time to think it through. Leslie thought he seemed preoccupied during their lunch but left him to his own thoughts.

  The more he thought about it the more he thought it might be fun to have a cooking show. He was still learning, but maybe that could work into the program. Ideas swirled around in his mind the entire way home, but one thing became clear, he was going to go for it.

  He called James that very afternoon and they arranged to meet the next day. James wanted to fast track the process and have the show ready for the holiday season interlude. They could test it and see how well it would do and then think about that coveted afternoon spot.

  By the e
nd of the week, Ken had done screen tests which showed that the camera loved him. That was all the studio needed to offer him a contract and start building him a studio to film the show in.

  He was shocked at how quickly things had happened. Two weeks ago he had been wondering how he could bring his passion for cooking out into the world and now he would be hosting his own cooking show. He felt bad that he hadn’t told Leslie, but she had been so busy there hadn’t been time.

  He knew he should have had one of those talks with her about balance, but he’d been too preoccupied to make her stop for even one night. It only took a few days for the studio to be ready and Ken was excited to show it to her. He went behind her back and arranged for Bruce to step in for her that night, told James to alert the security guards that they would be in the studio, and made a dinner that was sinfully good.

  When everything was ready, he found Leslie in her studio and pulled her off to the side. “I need you to come with me, I have something to show you. I should have told you sooner but things just moved so fast.”

  Suddenly worried about what Ken was up to but also torn because it was only a few hours before show time, she stared at him for a moment.

  “Bruce is going to cover for you, it’s time you had a night off and James agrees with me. Now come on, I think you’ll like this.”

  He led her out of her studio to his small one on the back of the lot. He used his key to open the door then threw on the lights. Leslie was surprised by what greeted her eyes. “What...”

  “This is my new studio. I’m going to host a cooking show,” he said, sweeping his arm around to show her his new domain.

  “I’m speechless. When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me?” she stammered.

  “Remember when I brought you lunch that day? I went upstairs to see James for a few minutes first and he wanted to taste what I made, I think he didn’t believe I made it. Well, one thing led to another, and before I knew it we were here,” he finished, waiting for her reaction.

  “Wow, I think this is fantastic, tell me all about it,” she said, plopping down on one of the couches on the set.

  They talked for over an hour about the show and all the ideas he had for guests and other things to bring the viewers in. Leslie gave him some advice and shared a few ideas she had. Ken was beyond happy that she had embraced the project with her usual enthusiasm and knew that it would be helpful that his girlfriend was a producer.

  “Well, my prince, looks like I’m going to have to share you with America. This should keep you occupied, no more tiger pacing in my living room,” she said, climbing into his lap and straddling his hips.

  “Tiger pacing in your living room?” He gave her a questioning look.

  “There for a while that’s what you reminded me of. You’d pace back and forth, then look out the window, like a tiger in captivity.”

  “Well, don’t ever think I don’t want to be in your captivity, I just need something to keep me busy until I can do this,” he said, pulling her head down for a kiss.

  “I hope you never get too busy to do that,” she said, with a sigh.

  “I promise and I also promise to always have time for this.” This time he pulled her shirt over her head and had his mouth on her breast before she could even take a deep breath.

  “Oh, I like that one, but is there more?”

  “There might be, but first I think we need to remove this little piece of lace,” he said, reaching around behind her and unhooking her bra. It fell to the floor, releasing her breasts which were swollen with desire, the nipples hard little peaks.

  “It’s been too long since you’ve done that, it’s nice to have my old Ken back,” she said, unbuttoning his shirt and running her hands up and down his chest.

  “I was lost there for a little while, but I’m back. Now let’s see what else I need to make sure I have time to do with you.”

  He unbuttoned her pants, stood her on her feet and peeled them off, taking her panties with them. She stood naked in front of him, the soft light illuminating her from behind. He slipped out of his pants then settled back down on the couch.

  He pulled her back down onto his lap, his erection rubbing deliciously against her sex. Capturing her mouth in a kiss, he then whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine and pleasure radiating out from her loins.

  He returned to her mouth, thrusting his tongue into her mouth imitating his rhythm when inside her. She groaned in pleasure and began to rock her hips, rubbing herself against him. His hands found her breasts, massaging them until her nipples were stiff hard peaks.

  He took one into his mouth, loving the taste of her. He teased the other one with his fingers, pinching just hard enough to drive Leslie crazy. She had no idea that a little pinch could feel so wonderful. As their passion grew, Ken wanted to possess Leslie like he had never before.

  He wanted to feel himself deep inside her, deeper than he had ever been, the need was so strong he felt his erection grow stronger just thinking about it. He should feel bad about the images that were running though his head, but he wanted to make them real.

  He could feel her juices coating his hard cock, her hardened clit sliding over him, driving him crazy. With a growl that could only be described as animal like, he pushed her off his lap, turned her around, grabbed her hips, and brought her down on his throbbing penis.

  She cried out in pleasure as his entire length penetrated her to the very depths of her core. He began to move her hips in rhythm to his, each hard thrust met her equally hard down wards movement.

  Ken was moaning and groaning deep in his throat, and when Leslie looked over her shoulder at him, the look of pure ecstasy brought on a fresh wave of pleasure. Wanting to touch him, she pulled her legs apart and reached between their legs to cup his testicles with her hand.

  Ken nearly came at her touch, but managed to control himself to enjoy the sensation of her soft hand caressing his sack. Knowing that he wouldn’t last much long and that he wanted Leslie to reach her peak with him, he took her hand and covered it with his own.

  He moved their hands up to caresses her clit, his hand covering her, using her own finger to tease and stroke her hard clit. Looking down to see their hand together there at the place where they were joined, Leslie nearly wept with the intense emotion she was feeling.

  Never had anyone loved her as much as Ken did. They would spend the rest of their lives together, that she knew for sure in that moment. As if Ken could read her thoughts, he said, “I love you Leslie, and I’m never going to leave you.”

  The raw emotion in his voice, sent her over the edge of her pleasure, the orgasm rocking through her body, taking Ken with her in a spasm of hard muscle. He pulled her back against him as the pleasure washed through them.

  He pulled her onto his lap, and cradled her there until their breathing returned to normal. Ken reached under the couch where they was sitting and removed a velvet box. “This didn’t go exactly as I had planned, but somehow things with you never do. But I love you and I want us to be together forever.”

  He opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond engagement ring. He slid it onto her finger and it fit perfectly. Throwing her arms around him she simply said, “Yes, definitely yes.”

  The end.

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  Find out in this exciting yet sexy romance by J A Fielding of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sizzling hot sex scenes.


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