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Changed (The Hunters #1)

Page 17

by Rose J. Bell

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Then the old lady closed the door. Rosa walked up the stairs to the fifth floor and then stood outside the door. She listened at the door and heard nothing. To be sure, she rang the doorbell, but no one answered the door. Rosa took her dagger from her pocket and tried opening the door.

  It took her quite a while before she could get it open. After Rosa made sure nobody had seen her, she put the dagger back into her pocket, and slipped into the apartment. She closed the door quietly behind her.

  It was quiet in the apartment; except for the hum of the refrigerator, she didn’t hear anything else. Rosa looked around the apartment. It looked very expensive. The floor throughout the apartment was tiled with black granite. The walls were painted in white, and the furniture was black. It reminded Rosa much of her own apartment.

  She remained in the living room.

  “Well, where should I look now?” she asked herself, looking around the room. She began to search through all of the drawers, but found nothing. There was just one picture on the end table. It showed a girl with black hair and golden eyes. Rosa took the picture and eyed it, frowning. The girl looked familiar and Rosa needed several minutes to realize the girl might be Jason’s sister. It was odd to learn that Jason had a sister, because she couldn’t imagine Jason as a brother. Angels were violent creatures and she couldn’t imagine angels as part of a loving and friendly family.

  Rosa put the picture back on the table, and walked into the room opposite the living room. It was very messy room. Clothes and books were everywhere. She assumed this room was Jason’s, because one of his T-Shirt's was laying on the floor that she had seen him wear to school. On the right wall stood a large bookcase that was stuffed with books. Rosa herself loved books, but she couldn’t find the time to read, which was frustrating. She was a little surprised that Jason had so many books.

  Rosa stopped in front of the bookshelf and read the backs of the books. Books by Aldous Huxley, Charles Dickens, and William Shakespeare were on the shelf beside many others.

  She wanted to turn away when a book drew her attention. It was black and had no title. Rosa bent over, and took the book off the shelf. The book was bound in black leather and looked very old. In addition, it was huge.

  With the book in her hand, Rosa sat down on the bed and opened the first page. The paper was brittle and had obtained a brownish color. The sides were crumpled and torn.

  Rosa was concerned that the paper would fall apart under her fingers into dust, if she weren’t careful.

  She turned the pages. The first four pages were empty. Then on the fifth page…

  The five elements was printed at the top of the page.

  “The five elements?” Rosa murmured, frowning. Then she remembered what it meant.

  Fire, earth, water, air, and spirit. These were the five elements, which were the ability of some humans, although there weren’t many spirit users.

  Rosa turned the page, skimming the pages in interest. The following pages told what the elements were and how to use them.

  Rosa knew there were people who had mastered these elements, but she had not met one of them. One reason for this was the hunter clan was not interested in these people. They weren’t hostile to them and didn’t present a threat to the hunters.

  Rosa browsed the book, only stopping when something caught her eye. She crinkled her brow as she bent down to read the small printed lines.

  The element users lived for years among themselves. They did not have much to do with the others. But this changed when they received an offer from the archangel.

  Rosa read the last sentence over and over. What offer could the archangels make the element user? Do they work together with the archangel?

  Was that the plan of the archangels? To convert the element user to their column and use them against the hunters? If it were so, why were Jason and Philip in Boston? Rosa knew very well that there were not many element users in Boston, because the hunter clan had tested each resident.

  All these questions revolved in her mind, but she couldn’t figure out the answers.

  Rosa got up and walked to the front door. This was important information.

  But now she needed to leave.

  The faster she would get out, the less chance Jason or Philip would discover her.

  Rosa paced the hall and opened the front door very quietly. Quickly, she looked to see if somebody was in the hall, then closed the door behind her. Her heart was racing, and she was excited to have some helpful information.

  Pressing the book against her chest, Rosa ran down the stairs and threw open the door to the outside. She ran to her car and climbed in. She threw the book on the passenger seat, taking a deep breath.

  She felt a little guilty that she had stolen something from Jason, but they were in a war, and in a war everything was allowed.

  Rosa was surprised she felt the guilt in her chest like a burning pain. She should not feel this guilt. Jason was her enemy and she should have no feelings other than hate.

  But why am I feeling this guilt?

  Sighing, she shoved the thought in the dark corner of her mind, and headed home.

  When Rosa got home, she found a letter lying on her front doorstep. Her stomach tightened. This could only mean one thing. She picked up the letter, and then walked into her apartment. Slipping off her shoes, Rosa sat on her couch, put the book on the table, and took the letter in her hand.

  Rosa Petrova was written in a curved handwriting. She knew whom the handwriting belonged. Taking a deep breath, she opened it with her index finger and pulled out the folded letter, and began reading.


  I have already told you that you would learn of your punishment. I choose something very special for you. This penalty will not be restricted to you, but also used on other traitors. I know I told you that you would find out what that punishment would be in this letter, but I have decided to wait until we were face to face. I want to see your expression when you learn it. I am personally very excited about it and I hope you will find it to be equally intriguing, though I do not think you will.

  This evening, I await you at the academy, punctually at eight o’clock. There, I will tell you what your punishment is. I also sent you the information you need for when you go to Vancouver. In addition, you need a witch on your journey. You will learn who it is in the enclosed list. I wish you a wonderful afternoon. Enjoy it while you can.

  I am looking forward to seeing you again, Rosa.

  And to your question why the whole class comes along: If the archangel sent their Nephilim into my city, then I can send my residents to their city, also. And more than two.

  Lord Constantine.

  Rosa couldn’t breathe. She began to tremble. What would be her punishment? And what did the phrase “I wish you a wonderful afternoon. Enjoy it while you can.” mean? Did this mean that she would not come out alive from the punishment, or what?

  Rosa sighed and threw the letter on the floor. Even his letters scared her. She hated Lord Constantine; hated him entirely. She could kill him with her bare hands.

  She took the envelope, took out the enclosed list, and read it, too.

  The Talisman is hidden in Beaver Lake in Stanley Park. On the second day of your trip, you will go to the lake at night and will search for the talisman. With the help of the witch, you will be able to get in to the Lake. Do not come back without having found it, Rosa. You have disappointed me before. Do not disappoint me once more.

  You will know the witch for certain, Rosa. It is Ellen Haymitch.

  The letter almost fell from her hands. She stared at the name with her mouth open. Ellen, the witch in her class? But how could that be? No one should know who the members of the hunter clan are, and why Ellen of all the other witches, and not somebody else?

  With her heart hammering, Rosa continued to read.

  Surely, you are thinking how someone can know that you are a hunter, although the memb
ers of the hunter clan should remain secret. I can reassure you, Ellen does not know that you are a hunter. But she will know it if she sees you. You then can tell her yourself that you are a hunter, Rosa. In this case, we are giving an exception that you tell a human your identity.

  Moreover, you can tell Ellen that you have killed Madison, her friend. I am looking forward to her reaction.

  And one more thing. If you do not tell Ellen, I will do it, Rosa. We should not keep secrets from other people.

  The map of Beaver Lake is in the envelope.

  With this sentence, the letter ended. Rosa could not believe what Lord Constantine demanded of her. She should tell Ellen that she killed Madison. Ellen was a good friend of Madison, so Rosa could not tell her. Ellen would hate her on the spot.

  Rosa was sure that Lord Constantine did this to her because she had committed treason. He would not be satisfied with only a penalty. He had to go further.

  Feeling the headache, she rubbed her forehead. Her life truly sucked right now. Nothing was the way she’d imagined it, but at least she’d an approach when it came to the plan of the archangel.

  Rosa felt the urge to talk with Matt. She had always talked to him and he had calmed her down. She needed him right now. Taking her mobile phone, she dialed his number, but he did not pick up.

  Rosa sighed, and dialed his home number. After a while, someone picked up.

  “Yes?” the voice said. Rosa recognized that it was Mason’s voice.

  “Hey, Mason. It’s me, Rosa. Can I talk to Matt?” she asked.

  “He’s not here,” Mason replied bored.

  “Oh. Do you know where he is?”

  “No, I don’t know.”

  “Okay. Would you please tell him that I had called?”

  “Yes, I can do.”

  “Thank you. Bye.”

  Without saying anything else, Mason hung up. Rosa threw her mobile phone on the sofa. Then she stood up and decided to paint. The urge to vent her anger, her frustration, and her despair was too huge to ignore.

  Rosa walked into her studio. It was an ordinary room, but there was no furniture. The room was filled with her pictures, colors, paints, canvases, and brushes. She had installed a large window, so room was flooded with natural light. She had a beautiful view of the forest, which was behind her apartment. Rosa sat on her crouch and picked up a paint and brush, and began to paint.

  After a long walk, Jason and Madeleine reached the creek. Madeleine had supported Jason because he couldn’t put weight on his leg, as it hurt too much.

  The creek wasn’t huge and not too deep, but amazingly clean.

  Jason dove into the creek, clothes, and all. He sat on a stone so the water reached his neck. The cool water felt good on his calf and on his hands. Sighing in relief, he closed his eyes and savored the feeling.

  Madeleine sat on the stone that stood beside the creek. She put her chin on her palm and looked over at Jason.

  “Don’t stay too long. Otherwise you’ll get sick,” she advised him.

  “I won’t get sick,” Jason answered without open his eyes.

  “You never know. I thought that I was born with brown hair, but now I’m blond.”

  “Don’t you like your hair color?” Jason asked and looked at her. The burning in his calf eased a little.

  “I don’t like my life,” she said and sighed ostentatiously.

  He frowns. “Why not?”

  She pointed in the direction from which they had come.

  “Because of that! We have to kill innocent people only because they wanted a better life.” She shook her head. “I can’t understand how angels can be so brutal. When I was little I thought they stood for peace and justice, life, and so on.”

  “Many humans think that. But the Bible says that angels are the warriors of God. We can destroy in seconds—wipe out cities and people.”

  Madeleine nodded knowingly. “Yes, I’ve noticed it. Archangel’s already use their children. Why should they be kind to humans? Sometimes I think I should rebel against them.”

  Jason raised his eyebrows. “Why not do it then?”

  She snorted. “Jason, I’m a Nephilim and they’re archangels. They can kill me in seconds, and to rebel alone wouldn’t make any sense.”

  “You shouldn’t have such thoughts like that. When the archangels hear this, you’re dead,” Jason warned her

  “I know, but I long for a free life without war, death, and commands. A life where I can control everything, but this life is still only a dream.”

  “For me, too,” Jason said.

  “We better go now,” said Madeleine. “Archangel Gabriel will be surprised when he sees that we’ve found a Fire user.”

  Jason snorted. “Surely not! He’ll say he sent us to the fire user, that he had found him,” Jason replied, rising from the creek.

  The cold water had cooled his leg a little and the pain was just a slight burning. Now Jason had to wait until his body healed itself. He took off his wet T-shirt, squeezed the water out, and put it back on.

  “You’re probably right,” Madeleine agreed, watching every movement of him.

  Jason looked at her. “How do you know about my secret?” he asked seriously.

  She pressed her lips together. “Your father told me it, while we were talking,” she said.

  His forehead creased. “My father told you about it?”

  “Yes, but accidentally.”

  Jason clenched his fists. Anger welled up in him. How Gabriel could do this, telling someone his secret?

  “I won’t, of course, tell anybody else, Jason,” said Madeleine.

  He shot her a dark look. “I hope not, Madeleine,” he replied, the dangerous undertone was not missed.

  “By the way, I have to go back to Germany,” she told Jason.


  Madeleine shrugged. “I don’t know. They have told me I should come back. There’s something I need to do.”

  “When are you leaving?”


  Jason nodded. “Then I wish you a nice flight. Will you come back?”

  “Yes, but I don’t know when.” They were silent for a moment before she suggested, “Let’s go back.”

  Together they went back to the house. Madeleine followed him in silence. The closer they got to the house, the more the burning smell increased.

  Marco and Philip were waiting outside. Philip had a wet towel wrapped around his hands and wore his grim expression.

  “How bad does it look?” said Jason, looking at the hut.

  “We’ve stopped the fire. Not too bad. Luckily, everything is of stone. Only the bars are melted. The fire didn’t reach the upper floor,” Marco explained.

  “And where’s Nick?”

  “In the car. Philip beat him unconscious. He can’t run anywhere.”

  Jason nodded. “Okay. I’ll go inside and look around.”

  “I wouldn’t do that, Jase. That’s not a pretty sight.”

  Jason knew what Marco said. “It doesn’t matter,” he said, and went into the hut.

  Jason could not see much. The house was full of smoke. He pulled his shirt up to his nose. He stopped in front of the burned stairs where the stifling smell of smoke and burnt human flesh mixed. Jason turned around and went back outside. He took a deep breath.

  “It stinks in there,” he said and grimaced.

  Marco nodded. “Told you.”

  Jason sighed. “Let’s go.”

  They started walking to their cars. “Philip, you’re coming with me,” said Jason.

  Philip nodded and climbed into Jason’s car. “We’ll meet with my father,” Jason said to Marco. He nodded and climbed into his car, followed by Madeleine.

  Jason got into his car and turned on the engine. He drove behind Marco’s car.

  “How are your hands?” Jason asked.

  “Fine,” Philip answered.

  “Gabriel has told her.”

  “What? You’re kidding me, right?” P
hilip asked incredulously.

  Jason threw a quick glance to Philip then looked at the road again

  “It’s true, Phil. Madeleine said it.”

  Philip growled. “That asshole.” Then it occurred to him that he just insulted Jason’s father.

  “I’m sorry, Jason. Didn’t mean it that way,” he said.

  “You don’t need to apologize. I know he’s an asshole.” Jason said. Philip looked at him. Concern was reflected in his eyes.

  “Jase, what should we do if Michael find’s out? We have already seen that your father cannot shut his mouth. And I do not trust that bitch. I don’t want to die.”

  Jason could hear the desperation and fear in his voice. He was scared, too. He stopped at a traffic light and sighed deeply. For a while, Jason said nothing, and then he looked at Philip.

  “Phil, I won’t let you die, or allow that to come out—but if it comes out, we’ll die together. I won’t leave you alone.” Jason would really die with Philip. They had gone through everything together. This would be no different.

  Philip smiled faintly. “Thanks, pal.”

  Jason returned his smiled. The light turned green and Jason drove off. The whole drive up to Gabriel’s house the boys did not talk. Jason was still feeling anger toward his father. He did not believe that Gabriel said it to Madeleine accidently. Gabriel surely had told it to Madeleine so she could extort Jason, too. Gabriel was one of those who used all opportunities to achieve what he wanted.

  Jason parked his car behind Marcos and Philip tried to open the door with his injured hands, but he did not succeed.

  “Wait. I’ll open the door,” Jason said, leaning over to Philip. He opened the door and leaned back.

  “Thanks,” Philip said, and got out. Jason also climbed out and walked over to Marco.

  “We should bring Nick in the basement, and then wait until he wakes up,” Jason said.

  Marco nodded. “And we should tell your father about it.”

  “And we should find something for Philip’s burned hands,” Philip interjected and looked at them.


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