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Changed (The Hunters #1)

Page 23

by Rose J. Bell

  Finally, they arrived at the bar, and Rosa sat down on the stool. She ordered something to drink. She needed something to help her calm down.

  Philip and Jason sat down next to them. Philip licked his lips and watched the strippers. Then he pushed himself off the counter.

  “I’m going over to the strippers,” he said, eyes glowing. “They should do the same to me as what they’re doing with the rod.”

  Jason gave him a significant look.

  Philip shrugged. “If I don’t get what I want, I’ll take the other.” Then he disappeared.

  “What did he mean by that?” Rosa asked confused.

  Jason shook his head. “Nothing important.”

  “Rosa!” Matt shouted in her ear. “I want to dance. Do you want to come with?”

  She shook her head and smiled. Matt shrugged and disappeared in the crowd.

  Then she was alone with Jason.

  Heat flushed her right side as she felt him leaning toward her. Rosa’s heart jumped and butterflies were in her belly.

  “Don’t you want to dance?” Jason asked her as his low, rumbling voice vibrated through her body.

  She opened her mouth to answer, but the bartender shoved the drink she had ordered toward her. Rosa took it and drank it in one sip.

  Jason chuckled beside her. “Are you a little nervous, Ice Princess?”

  Rosa ordered another one. “No,” she said and had the mistake of looking at him. His warm golden eyes glittered at her under the bar lights. Quickly, she looked away.

  They fell silent. Rosa felt Jason’s gaze on her and when she finally looked at him, she realized that Jason was not looking at her. He was looking at her breast.

  Instead of being angry, Rosa was amused. “Why are you looking at my boobs, Nephilim?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Jason’s eyes slid to her face and he gave a sexy smile. “Are you naughty, Ice Princess?” he asked and his warm breath sent a shiver down her spine.

  Rosa flashed him a wicked grin, and pointed to him with her forefinger to come closer.

  Jason’s eyes lit up and he pressed his body against her right side. Her heart pounded in her chest and her skin prickled. Rosa felt the desire to touch him.

  Slowly, she placed her hand on his neck and drew him so close, that her lips almost touched his ear. Rosa sensed the heat of his body. Jason embraced her waist and pressed her against him.

  Their bodies fit perfectly together and Jason’s lips touched her neck gently. A soft groan escaped her mouth and for one moment, she forgot everything around her.

  Jason’s lips wandered to her shoulder. Gently, he shoved her leather jacket from her shoulder and placed soft kisses on her shoulders and neck.

  Her body was burning and she couldn’t believe how good Jason’s lips felt on her bare skin.

  “Sometimes,” Rosa whispered in his ear to answer his question. “Sometimes I don’t do my homework. Purposely.”

  Jason’s rich, deep laugh formed a weird unexpected fullness in her chest and she broke away from him.

  His eyes shone with heat and he licked his lips. “You’re so naughty, babe.”

  Rosa winked at him and pulled her leather jacket over her shoulders.

  “Do you want to dance?” Jason asked again.

  Rosa took her second glass with vodka and shook her head. “No.”

  Jason shrugged. “Okay.” Then he disappeared.

  Rosa watched him leave and asked herself what had happened between them. Jason was her enemy, damn it! She could not be attracted to him! She was a hunter and not one of those stupid human girls, who fell for an angel.

  Rosa turned to look at the dancing crowd.

  Many golden eyes stood out from the darkness. So many Nephilim. And now the hunter was awakened in her.

  I could kill a Nephilim and become a full member.

  It itched in her fingers to kill a Nephilim. So many were here that she could easily choose any one she wanted. Her biggest dream to become a full member could come true tonight. She would never get this kind of opportunity again. Rosa bit her lower lip.

  Her eyes scanned every Nephilim in the club. She decided to try her luck, but she needed a plan. A good plan.

  The bartender had put a new drink on the counter. Rosa took it and drank it in one sip. The familiar burning sensation in her throat felt good.

  Her gaze hung on a Nephilim who was dancing with a girl. He was gorgeous, and he noticed that Rosa was watching him. He looked in her direction.

  And that was the moment Rosa had a plan.

  She smiled at the Nephilim. He smiled back. She held eye contact with him, smiled at him, flirted with her eyes.

  Then Rosa took the initiative. With her glass in her hand, she stood up and walked through the dancing crowd.

  As Rosa walked past him, she gestured him with her eyes to follow her. Rosa moved to the door where “No trespassing” was written. She pushed the knob and turned to the Nephilim, who now broke from the crowd to follow her. She arched her forefinger and told him to follow her.

  Rosa walked through a room that was filled with old boxes. She opened the door at the end of the room; behind her, she could hear the footsteps of the Nephilim.

  Lucky for her, the door led to the outside. Rosa stepped into a dark alley. She smiled with satisfaction. This was the perfect place for a kill.

  Rosa drank the last sip of the glass and threw it on the floor. It shattered into small pieces.

  The Nephilim appeared and closed the door behind him.

  “Hi,” he said, taking a step forward.

  Rosa smiled seductively. “Hey.”

  “What’s your name?”

  “Jennifer.” The Nephilim hadn’t needed to know her real name.

  “I’m Alex. I’ve never seen you here.”

  Rosa put her hands on his chest and pushed him against the wall.

  “Why are you talking? Let’s get straight to the point,” she whispered with a sexy, low voice.

  His eyes sparkled with delight. “I’d love to.”

  He leaned forward to kiss her, but Rosa held him back.

  “Wait, close your eyes first.” He obeyed, and closed his eyes. Rosa leaned over and gently stroked his cheek with her lips. She had to kill the Nephilim without using her gift, but she would win.

  Pulling the dagger from her boot, she whispered, “Say goodbye.”

  The Nephilim opened his eyes and stared at her. “You’re a...” But he could not finish his sentence.

  Lunging toward him, Rosa punched him hard in the face. His head jerked back and he stumbled. She raised her dagger, pointing it at his heart, but the Nephilim was fast. He pushed her away with his hand and struck at her hand with her weapon.

  Rosa stumbled, but did not lose her balance. The dagger fell from her hand.

  With an angry cry, Rosa threw herself on him and they fell to the ground. She managed to hit him twice in the face before he grabbed her hands and threw her from him.

  “Why are you here?” the Nephilim hissed, his golden eyes glittering angry.

  Rosa spit blood. “To kill you.”

  She pulled out another dagger and ran toward him. His foot hit her on the chest. The air escaped from her lungs. She gasped and staggered back.

  Shit! That hurt.

  Suddenly, the Nephilim spread his wings to fly away. Rosa panicked. He could not escape her. He knew what she looked like. When he escaped, he would hunt her down until she was dead. She could not allow it.

  In the last second, Rosa grabbed hold of his feet. He was barely a few feet above the ground.

  “Let me go,” he hissed, and kicked her, but Rosa didn’t let go. Reaching out, she stabbed the dagger into his leg. The Nephilim cried out in pain. She continued to stab him until he was paralyzed with pain.

  Breathing heavily, Rosa stood over him. She knelt beside him with a triumphant smile on her face.

  Without hesitation, she thrust the dagger into his heart. The Nephilim gave a last choking
cry and then he slumped lifeless on the ground.

  Rosa took her empty vial from her belt and filled it with the blood of the Nephilim.

  She needed a proof that she had really killed a Nephilim. Satisfied, Rosa stood up and took a gray feather.

  “This is my gift,” she said to herself, and placed both things safely in her belt. Then she threw the dead Nephilim body in the dumpster. The bodies of the angels fall to ash after ten minutes. After that, nothing was left of them.

  Rosa wiped her hands on her pants and sighed. She had done it.

  I’m a full member! Oh my God!

  She could not believe it. All the years she had dreamed about it, and now her wish had been fulfilled.

  Rosa was overjoyed.

  Let’s see what Lord Constantine will say when he finds out, she thought.

  She started walking to the door, and as she went to open it, someone suddenly grabbed her arms.

  Rosa fought back immediately as her senses told her it was a Nephilim.

  “Hold her,” said a strange voice. Then to Rosa, “You can’t escape, darling.”

  Panic rose within her. She struggled, but the hands around her were as hard as iron.

  Someone stepped in front of her. Another Nephilim.

  “Well, what we have here?” he said, stepping in front of Rosa. The Nephilim were huge and strong.

  What did they want from her? Had they seen what she had done? That she had killed the Nephilim?

  “A hunter,” said the Nephilim and his eyes wandered over her body. “And a beautiful one at that.”

  Then his golden eyes flashed dangerously. “What’s a hunter doing here?”

  Rosa fought against the grip of the Nephilim.

  “Let me go!” she growled. Damn it! Why could she not free herself from the grip? She had killed a Nephilim just a few seconds ago!

  “You can tell daddy Steven everything, honey,” he said, smiling. “What are you doing here? Who sent you?”

  “I won’t tell you anything,” Rosa hissed angry.

  His smile disappeared. “Tell me!”


  The pain exploded in her face. She hadn’t seen the punch coming. Her head throbbed and she tasted blood in her mouth.

  “Maybe my powers of persuasion will make you talk. Otherwise you won’t say it to me, right?” He smiled. “I hope you’re used to pain.”

  “Where’s Rosa?” Jason asked Matt. He turned and looked at him, confused.

  “What do you mean where’s Rosa?” he asked. He seemed to be drunk. “She’s at the bar.”

  Jason shook his head. “No, she isn’t there. I’ve searched the club. She isn’t here.”

  Matt frowned. “Where can she be?”

  “I asked you that.”

  Concern was reflected in his eyes. “Do you think something has happen to her?”

  Jason shrugged. “I don’t know, but I guess not. She can protect herself.”

  “We need to find her, Jason.”

  “I know. I’ll look after her.”

  Matt took a step forward. “I’m coming, too.”

  “No, you’re drunk. And I don’t want you to collapse on the ground.”

  Matt squared his shoulders and lifted her chin. “I’m not drunk,” he replied indignantly.

  Jason sighed. “Matt, let me find her.”

  Matt’s eyes darkened. “Why do you worry about her? She is my friend and not yours. You are an angel. Angels do not worry about humans.”

  Yes, angels do not worry about humans. But Jason worried about Rosa, even though he shouldn't.

  “This isn’t about whether she’s my friend or not. It could be that something has happened to her and we need to find her.”

  Matt snorted. “Of course!” He stepped toe to toe with Jason and he tapped his forefinger at his chest.

  “You’re just interested in her safety. But I’ll tell you one thing: She’s mine and you won’t get her.”

  “Matt, I’m not interested in Rosa,” Jason lied. He was so interested in Rosa.

  “You’re lying. I can see how you look at her sometimes, and you think just because you are so handsome, she will fall for you. But you are wrong. Rosa is...”

  Matt slumped into Jason’s arms. “Thank you, bro,” Jason said, smiling at Philip. He nodded. He had knocked Matt unconscious with a blow to the back of Matt’s head.

  “I’ll bring him to the hotel while you go look for Rosa,” said Philip as he threw Matt over his shoulder.

  Jason nodded and disappeared from the club. Where should he look for Rosa? She could be anywhere. The feeling that something was wrong did not want to leave him.

  Then his phone rang.

  Rosa watched Steven through one eye and a haze of pain as he paced the room.

  They had taken her to a house, and tied her to a chair. Repeatedly, Steven asked her whom she was working with, but Rosa hadn’t said a word. A hunter was committed to protect other hunters and the hunter clan, even if it meant death.

  Steven had attacked her face every time she hadn’t answered his questions. He stood before her. His dangerous smile did not disappear from his face.

  “I’ll ask you again, huntress,” he said, giving her a slap. “Who sent you? Or are you working for a fallen angel?”

  “I’m here on my own,” she repeated, glaring at him.

  Steven growled loudly and grabbed her by the hair. Then he slammed her head hard against the wall. Black spots danced before her eyes and the pain brought her to the edge. Rosa thought she’d pass out from the pain, which would have been a welcome respite, but she stayed conscious.

  Rosa was aware they would continue to torture her, when she didn’t do what they wanted.

  “Call Jason,” she croaked out. Steven had repeatedly punched her in the ribs, so breathing was a torture. “He knows me. He knows why I’m here.”

  The smile on Stevens face disappeared. He leaned forward.

  “Do you mean the Nephilim Jason?”

  Rosa looked at him. His face had changed. He suddenly seemed to be nervous.

  “Yes,” she replied, frowning at his mood change

  “Shit!” the other Nephilim cursed. “What do we do now?”

  Steven ran a hand through his hair. “We make sure that she tells us the truth.”

  Apparently, both knew Jason and were afraid of him. Why else would they be nervous?

  She watched as Steven took his mobile phone and dialed in a number. He gave her a stern look. “Let’s see if you tell the truth, hunter.”

  “Jason,” he answered. “Yes, it’s Steven. Yes, that Steven. There is a hunter who says she knows you. She is tall, blue eyes, and dyed red hair. Aha. Yeah, okay.”

  Steven hung up and looked at her. “He’s coming.”

  Relief overcame Rosa, but at the same time, she panicked. Jason would know now that she was a hunter. How would he react? Or did he know it already? And when he knew, would he help her to get out?

  “From where do you know Jason? Are you his girlfriend?” Steven wanted to know. “Or are you just his toy and have sex with him?”

  Rosa glared at him. “None of them!” How could they just think that she was Jason’s lover?

  “Steve, imagine if he’d beaten up his lover—we’d be dead,” said the Nephilim.

  “We couldn’t have known! She killed one of us. We had to take her as a prisoner.” Steven looked at her, impatience reflected in his eyes. “So, once again. How do you know Jason? “

  Rosa stared at him silently.

  He nodded. “Do you want another spanking, huntress? Didn’t you get enough?”

  An evil grin appeared on his lips. “Obviously, pain is your drug, bitch. I’ll give it to you now.”

  He struck out for a punch. Rosa curled up in anticipation, but then something crashed to the ground. Everyone turned around.

  Jason stood in the door.

  And he looked very pissed off.

  When Jason saw Rosa’s battered face, something e
xploded in him. Enraged, he flounced to Steven.

  “Shit, Steven!” he bellowed. “What did you do to her?”

  His friend took a few steps back and raised his hands soothingly.

  “Whoa, Jason, calm down. We couldn’t have known that you knew her,” he defended himself.

  Jason turned growling to Rosa. Her face looked terrible, but she still was beautiful.

  He stepped toward her and reached out his hand.

  “Ice Princess,” he said softly, wanted to touch her, but she flinched. Whether from pain or because she was afraid of them, Jason didn’t know.

  He turned to Steven. “Where did you find her?” he asked sharply.

  “In an alley. She had killed a Nephilim. That’s when we knew that she was a huntress and we had to capture her,” Steven explained.

  “Did you really kill a Nephilim?” Jason asked Rosa. She looked at him with her uninjured eye.

  “Yes,” she answered slowly, coughing a little at the blood in her mouth.

  Something painful flashed along in his chest. It wasn’t a surprise for him to get the confirmation Rosa was a hunter. He knew hunters killed Nephilim, but he had hoped Rosa would not do it, hoping she was different from the other hunters.

  Jason was filled with hurt and disappointment as he realized she was not as different as he hoped.

  He cleared his throat. “I know the huntress, and when she dies, it will be by my hand. Do you hear me?”

  Steven and his friend nodded, and did not dare to question further. Since his father had accepted him as a son, Jason had an important role in the Nephilim world. The others knew him and respected him.

  “Now let us alone. I need to talk with the huntress,” he said. His friends nodded and disappeared from the room.

  Jason took a deep breath and looked at Rosa.

  “When were you going to tell me that you are a hunter?”

  Part 3

  The Rescue

  If Tamara had known the evening would end so terribly, she would never have consented to the date.

  Everything seemed like it would be a normal day. In California, the morning sun was already shining bright enough to drench everyone in a layer of sweat.


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