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Rock God_Book 1_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

Page 5

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “So… does that mean you want to check your phone?” I asked, hesitantly.

  “No. They can sit on their dildos and spin, thinking about us. Is it alright if I spend the night? I don’t think my legs can take me to my truck after what you did to me.” She kissed my neck and let out a long sigh.

  With a compliment like that, there was only one way to answer.

  “Of course you can stay.” And with that, we slipped under the covers and slept.

  Chapter 10

  My alarm cranked out its warning at half past six. Ugh. I slapped it off and went to roll out of bed, but my left arm and the side of my chest was being held down by something. My breath caught in my throat for a second, until I remembered Kelly and what transpired last night. I looked over at her. She appeared to still be asleep, so I carefully slid my arm out from under her. I silently stepped out of bed and took a deep breath. The whole room smelled like our sex and my face smelled like her pussy. Awesome. I tip-toed out of the room and into the bathroom.

  When I got into the bathroom, I hit the lights and turned on the shower, then I flipped up the toilet seat and took a long morning piss. By the time I was done, the shower had heated up, and I jumped in. Scrubbing my hair and face with soap, I mentally ran through last night’s events. It had been a pretty amazing night, that was for sure. I felt exhausted though, and I was worried I’d perform poorly at work; I knew the date was worth being sleepy. I finished my shower and ran a comb through my hair while I brushed my teeth. Then I slapped on my deodorant and walked back into my room. Kelly wasn’t on the bed.

  “Kelly?” I called out. No lights were on in the rest of the apartment, but I found a note on the coffee table: I had a great night, you are amazing. I’ll call you later.

  Hmmm… guess that saved me from trying to wake her up and kick her out, in a nice way, before I went to class.

  Fortunately, my morning class went smoothly, and it was a kick-back day of being introduced to everyone and shadowing the cold call crew. Around four thirty, everyone was packing up and I was saying goodbyes when my phone buzzed twice, telling me I had a text message. It was Aimee.

  Jack told me about your new job. Congrats! Why didn’t you tell me? :-(

  I didn’t know how to reply, so I decided to think about it on the drive home. Also, I had a study group for my business law class around eight in the evening. Maybe I would get back to her after that. When I got off the freeway at my exit, my phone started ringing. I checked the name and flipped it open, with a smile on my face.

  “Hey Kelly.”

  “So, I know you are supposed to wait two days and all before you talk to a new lover, but I think we should make an exception because it was so amazing last night. What do you say?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Sounds like a plan to me. And I agree with you; it was amazing last night.” I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. All thoughts of Aimee vanished.

  “When can we hang out next?” she asked.

  “Oh wait. You want to hang out again? I thought I was just another notch on your bedpost, ‘the most, gorgeous guy in the whole school’ shagged rotten by Kelly Anderson and then left on the side of the road like a used condom. Did you get a diamond tiara from your sorority yet?” I hoped she realized I was just being sarcastic.

  “Actually, we get military-looking medals. And yes, I did get a gold star for carving your name into my bed post. But, their jealousy isn’t that satisfying unless I can wear you on my arm and rub their faces in it every day.” She seemed to spit it out at the end. Damn, girls were catty.

  “Well…” I started to mentally go through my schedule. “I can do lunch tomorrow, but then I am booked till later this weekend. Free for lunch tomorrow at eleven?”

  “Ahh crap, I have a solid block of classes from ten o’clock till two. We’ll have to hook up this weekend. I’ll call you Friday, so we can plan something.”

  “Okay Kelly, talk to you Friday.”

  I pulled into my parking garage and walked up to my apartment. I set my books down and popped open my phone to text Aimee back.

  Sorry, I didn’t think you would care that much.

  By the time I had arranged my study material on the coffee table, she had messaged me back.

  I do care. I was thinking about the trip this weekend. Jack is staying in a separate room. If you want to share the room with him, maybe you can come? I don’t think he would mind, and I want to see you again.

  Holy crap this girl was persistent. The thought of her, Jack, and me with her family, trapped on an almost tropical island, too far away for me to swim to the mainland, sounded like a terrible idea.

  Sorry made plans already. I am a social butterfly and need to be booked fourteen days in advance. Tell your sister I said happy B-day. :-)

  There. That should shut her up. If it was a party for her sister, it should be about her sister, not about seeing me again. I set the phone down and went back to work, but it beeped again.

  Don’t play hard to get.

  Fuck. How did I reply to that? This was getting out of hand. There are only a few ways I could take that message, and they all involved flirting with me. I shut off the phone and tried to go back to studying, but it was too late; Aimee kept darting into my thoughts.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I thought to myself, as I covered my face with my hands. I changed out of my work clothes, into my running shorts, strapped on my iPod, and ran for what felt like two hours. When I got back to my apartment, I made myself a spinach salad with some tuna fish, grabbed a shower, and headed to my study group.

  When I walked into the room for the study group, I suddenly recalled what Kelly told me about them last night. There were eight other girls in the group already in the room, and they were in a tight circle giggling to themselves as I walked in. The conversation suddenly stopped, and they all looked at me. A few started to turn red, and I guessed I was probably the topic of their conversation. I sighed to myself and set down my study materials, then we began the session. Now that I was looking for it, I could easily see what Kelly meant. Only a few of the girls were actually paying attention to the topics being discussed in the case study. The other six seemed to be totally distracted the whole night…. by me.

  As I left the group, I started to think about my four other classes and their study groups. They were all the same. Hell, some of the same girls were in them. Was I even getting anything out of the sessions? After careful thought, I realized I normally over-prepared for them and was already weeks ahead of the class material. If I stopped going, would that free me up to study more on my own? Maybe I could spend more time with Kelly? When I got back to the apartment, I checked through my class planner and started to feel like I had been taken extreme advantage of. I was meeting with these girls, twice a week, for every subject. Often times, I would prepare an hour ahead of time and wind up teaching the whole group. At least twenty hours of my week was being dumped down the study-group hole. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Then I went to my computer and sent out emails to each of my five groups:


  My new job has me really busy and I’m not going to be able to make study groups any more during the week. Can I just meet up with you all for an hour, the weekend before finals?

  -Eric Weiss

  It was half past nine. I took out my phone to see if there were any texts I may have missed, but I realized it was still off. I left it that way and headed to bed.

  Chapter 11

  “So what kind of car were you thinking about?” Kelly yelled over the radio and sound of her engine. We were on our way to the Thousand Oaks Auto Mall. It was about fifty minutes away from my apartment, but it was in Ventura County instead of Los Angeles. The sales tax was lower, and it bragged to have the most dealerships in one location. I didn’t really know if the claim was actually true, but I had driven by it a few times going to various guitar performances, and it seemed to have an amazingly large amount of cars.

“A quiet one!” I yelled over her radio and stuck my tongue out at her. She stuck hers back out at me and turned her radio off. The engine was so loud that we still had to shout.

  “What is your price range?”

  “I was thinking twenty… maybe thirty at the most. Depends on what I find.” I wasn’t really good with cars, but I knew that Kelly had four brothers, and one was a mechanic, so she may be able to call him for advice. Also, I couldn’t think of anything else we could do this weekend besides sit around my apartment and fuck each other’s brains out. Which still sounded like a good idea, but wouldn’t prevent me from being embarrassed when I parked my trusty Honda in the work parking lot. Besides, the thing had over 300,000 miles on it and needed to die already.

  She pulled off the freeway when we saw the mile of dealerships.

  “Let’s try Honda first,” I said.

  She rolled her eyes, and drove down the main drag to the end, where there were Hondas. I saw a BMW dealership and thought of Jack, which made me think of Aimee. She hadn’t texted me since last Wednesday. I hope they are having a good time in Catalina.

  We got out of the truck and walked into the dealership. I counted to eight before we were jumped by a sales dude. He was all smiles after he looked over Kelly.

  We ended up test driving about twelve different cars of various makes. Eventually, I narrowed it down to three I liked to drive, and finally settled on a Subaru. Mostly because of Kelly.

  “Subarus are good because they have all-wheel drive and are fast. Besides, Hondas and Toyotas are so boring. You are too good looking to be in a boring car.” We spent most of the night haggling with the salesman, and the finance guy, to get the price I wanted, with the interest rate below the return on my inheritance savings.

  “Damn, you didn’t give them an inch. I’m bringing you when I buy my next car.” She tried to stifle a yawn with the back of her hand. It was about nine o’clock, and the finance guy, Kelly, and I were the last to leave the dealership. But I had the keys to a black Impreza WRX hatchback. We hadn’t eaten all day, but I hadn’t noticed, then I remembered how much food Kelly ate and felt my heart swell with affection for her. She must be starving, but hadn’t complained the whole day.

  “Hey, I think there was a pizza place across the main drag that is probably open. I’ll buy you your own large pizza for being my car buddy today. I’ll even give you a ride over there in my new car. Sound good?”

  Her face lit up with the mention of food.

  “Hell yeah it sounds good. Shotgun!” she yelled to no one particular as she jumped into the passenger side of my new car.

  The restaurant was good, and Kelly did almost knock back a whole pizza by herself. It also looked like they served award-winning beer, but neither of us were twenty one.

  When we got back to my apartment, I parked the new car in the old spot. I put the Honda on Craigslist for $400; it would sell quickly. I had a small financial panic attack when I realized my old car was worth about one month’s payment on the loan for my new car. Then I calmed down and shrugged. Life goes on.

  Kelly wasted no time once we got into my apartment.

  “I am so ready to sleep in tomorrow,” she called behind her as she walked back toward the bedroom. She took off her long-sleeved shirt in one, casual motion and threw it on the floor of the hallway. I caught a glimpse of her tan and toned back as she began unbuttoning the back of her bra, then disappeared into my room.

  I walked to the kitchen and filled up two glasses of water. We were going to need them.

  “Oh Eric!” she called out from my room. “I seemed to have forgotten how to take my pants off. I’m such a dumb blonde. Can you come here and help me?” I could hear the laughter in her voice.

  I went back into the room with the glasses of water. She was laying spread eagle on my bed. Her chest was bare, and I could see her nipples were already hard. She had her thumbs stuck in her jeans front, with a huge smile on her face.

  “You see. It’s this button thing here.” Her voice became tinged with a southern drawl. “It’s just too, gosh-dang complicated for me tah do.” Her pointer finger tapped on the brass button at the front of her jeans.

  I set down the glasses of water and jumped on the bed over her. She started to giggle as I rained kisses down on her stomach and tickled her sides with my fingers.

  “No! No! No! Don’t tickle me!” she tried to yell between fits of giggles. Her body squirmed under mine, and I tried to pin her arms so I could have my way with her. She was too quick though, and after about thirty seconds of tickling her, I transitioned to licking and kissing her stomach and chest, while I rubbed her breasts with my hands.

  “Ohhhh, that is betterrrrrrr.” She moaned and then gasped as my mouth found her rock-hard nipple and bit it gently.

  I got bored of teasing her nipples after a few minutes and moved up to her face to lick, bite, and kiss her delicious neck. Her arms started to tug at my shirt, and I paused to help her pull it off me. We both moaned as our naked upper bodies made contact. This was the second time we were having sex, and we spent extra time touching and relishing the way our bodies felt against each other.

  My teasing of her neck was having the effect I wanted. Her breathing was coming in deep gasps, and each of her exhales were a forced “ohh,” “ahhh,” or “goooaaaaddd,” Her hands started to massage my cock through the front of my pants, with an urgency.

  “I want you inside of me so baddddd,” she whispered in my ear, and then bit my earlobe.

  I growled into her mouth as I kissed her. My tongue forced its way to the back of her throat and then scraped across the roof of her mouth. Her hands finally unbuttoned my pants and slid the zipper open. She reached in over my boxers and wrapped her hand around my cock. She started stroking it as she sucked on the tip of my tongue, pulling it back into her mouth. Both the sucking of my tongue and her rough stroking of my dick pushed my arousal even higher than I thought it could possibly be.

  Her pants came off easily; they were some sort of slick nylon, not jeans, and I pulled them off with her underwear in one movement. She was already pretty wet, and I could see the lips of her pink pussy glistening through the small amount of pubic hair. I really wanted to lick it again, but she pulled me back to her face for another deep kiss. Her free hand tried to pull my pants off further, but she couldn’t from the angle her other arm was pulling my head in for a kiss. I broke off the kiss and stood up, pulling my pants the rest of the way off, standing nude before her.

  Her brown eyes drank me in as she looked me up and down. Her left hand started to rub her left breast and she sucked on the fingers of her right hand. Her legs started to spread and shake in anticipation. She was so fucking turned on and I was too. I could smell the sweet wetness of her pussy, and I hadn’t even gotten my face in it yet.

  I only stood like that for a moment before I lay back down on the bed beside her. I pushed my left arm under her head and wrapped my right leg over her left, to trap it against the bed. I kissed her again while my right hand slid down her stomach and started to rub her wet pussy. Her gasps of pleasure filled my mouth as I slowly pushed the tips of my pointer and middle finger into her. Her pussy was dripping wet and felt like smooth velvet. Once the tips of my fingers became lubricated with her pussy, I started to rub around her clit in short, vertical patterns. I was rewarded by her hips bucking with the motion of my hand whenever I slowly rubbed across the sensitive nub.

  She was repeating my name like a mantra at this point, and her eyes were closed. Her left hand had a death grip on the sheets, and her right hand stroked my back gently as my mouth went back to sucking on her nipple. My fingers were now so drenched with her wetness that I was able to slide my full pointer and middle finger into her warm, wet slit. She cried out in pleasure when I did this.

  After a few minutes of my hands masturbating her, I could feel her hips start to gyrate in the patterns of the orgasm I recognized from last Tuesday. I decide I didn’t want her to come yet, so I st
opped my stroking and reached into my nightstand for the condoms. Her eyes flashed open when I stopped rubbing her clit, but she smiled and moaned again when she saw me grabbing the condom package.

  It was a bit difficult to get opened with my right hand slippery, but I was finally able to. My dick was so hard; I think I could use it to drive nails, so the condom slid on it without any problem. I looked down at her face as I positioned my cock at the entrance to her slit. She was biting her lower lip, and her eyes were hungry. I pushed my cock into her, as deep as I could, in one solid thrust. She was so wet that it went in without problem, and we both moaned in unison as I suddenly filled her.

  I withdrew almost all the way out, and then I grabbed her hips and pulled her down toward me as I pushed in again. Hard and deep. It was kind of a weird angle for my cock; it was so hard and erect that it didn’t want to point horizontal, just straight up. The angle of our bodies meant it was scraping the top of her vaginal wall as I fucked her. It wasn’t exactly comfortable for me, but she began cry out in pleasure as I increased my tempo, so I figured I didn’t need to be that comfortable as long as she got her orgasm.

  I was in no danger of climaxing at this angle, but she was practically screaming with pleasure. Her hands were grabbing on to my arms, on her hips, and I could feel her nails digging into them. I started to increase the tempo of my thrusts so I was really pounding her. She pulled down on my arms so she could keep constant penetration with my cock.

  “Oh my god! Oh fuck! Oh god! Aeeeeeeee! Eric, fuck that feels so good!” she started screaming. My neighbors definitely heard her. Oh well.

  I was breaking into a sweat and my breath was coming in gasps. I thought I was in good shape from running almost every day, but slamming my cock into her at this tempo was wearing me out fast. I figured I could only go for another minute before I ran out of gas. Luckily, as soon as I started to plan my transition to the next tactic, her hips started to buck again.


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